In realising the global transformations and competitive business environment, a number of organisations are collaborating with their supply chain (SC) partners, to conduct seamless SC operations. The data were subjected to the normality test using the Shapiro-Wilk criterion and with the obtained results the T-Student parametric test was applied which allowed establishing statistical differences between the groups. Abstract. This helps to embrace and integrate human thinking. A detailed sensitivity test is carried out to examine the robustness of the model. The supply chain management processes are described and the case is made for the importance of standard business processes. Journal of International Trade, Logistics and Law (e-ISSN 2149-9748) is a refereed, bi-annual, periodical journal containing original papers in English. The International Journal of Logistics Management - Volume 27 Issue 3. Logistics (ISSN 2305-6290) is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal of logistics and supply chain management published quarterly online by MDPI.The first issue has been released in December 2017. It examines key practical issues from a business, risk and … / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 110 ( 2014 ) 330 – 340 Panayides, P. M. (2007). Finally, to provide direction for managerial decision-making, the study offers insights regarding integration dimension(s) that have largest breadth and depth of impact on various performance measures. As an idiosyncrasy, horizontal cooperations entail the opposing forces of competition and cooperation, also referred to as “co‐opetition” (Bengtsson and Kock 2000; Tsai 2002). In this issue, we explore the complex and unprecedented changes occurring in technology, markets, and society that are challenging companies across the transportation, logistics, and travel sectors. It is determined that using the method of expert assessments, qualification and company analysis in studying technological trends in logistics under modern conditions is ineffective, while statistical study of technological trends based on patent analysis in logistics is underestimated. Originality/value Then, the transition process from military logistics to business logistics will be analyzed and the differentiation of business logistics in the form of logistics management and supply chain management and Logistics 4.0 understanding will be discussed. In this paper, we consider logistics service providers (LSP), carriers, and courier / express / parcel (CEP) companies. 4 0 obj
The pressure of changes in environment lead to changes in guiding principles which produce solid problems viewed as problems with no feasible solutions. to each change occurred (failures, changes), based on the existing logistics capabilities and, help the company to recover from customer, logistics implications arising from the demand, Source: Adapted from Lambert et al. Third, the study points out the specific relationships between supply chain integration and performance that need to be further examined within contingency framework to discern the role of moderating factors. In this regard, the results differ fundamentally from studies on vertical buyer‐supplier relationships. Impact of Technology on Logistics and Supply Chain Management Rajiv Bhandari F-303, Arenja Complex, Sector 8, C.B.D Belapur Navi Mumbai 400614, 9819884293 Email – Abstract:- The word logistics has its origin from Greek word “logistike” which means the art of calculating. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 110 ( 2014 ) 330 – 340 Panayides, P. M Journal of Business Logistics, 20 (1), 9–32. Logistics Research is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. PDF | This conceptual paper outlines the importance of integration in supply chain management (SCM) ... International Journal of Logistics Mana gement, 21 (2), 161-179. This can provide healthcare sector professionals with programme guidelines where they can investigate their dynamic effects. Browse the list of issues and latest articles from International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. PDF | On Feb 1, 2012, Andrzej Szymonik published Logistics and Supply Chain Management | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Vol. mySAP SCM for chemicals is a comprehensive complete suite of applications for networking, planning, execution, and coordination of the entire supply chain network. Ardından lojistiğin bir disiplin olarak ortaya çıkmasına yol açan askeri lojistiğin gelişimi incelenecektir. This is followed by a description of how customer relationship management and supplier relationship management form the critical supply chain management linkages and how their impact on the financial performance of the organization can be measured. . 4 However, successful supply chain management requires cross-functional integration within the firm and across the network of firms that comprise the supply chain. Purpose Exploratory, Normative, Methodology, Literature Review and Hypothesis testing. Table 1. both in research and industry) in SCI area?” and “Q3 – What are the approaches employed/discussed to integrate supply chains?”. of logistics services offered to customers. Read the latest articles of International Journal of Transport Management at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature Adapting Strategic Niche Management for evaluating radical transport Journal description IJPDLM is a leading research journal bridging strategic areas of supply chain management, business logistics, marketing, sustainability, global trade and development in a way that builds knowledge on solving Indeed, better collaboration and coordination of members within the, alone (van Heck & Vervest, 2007; Tatarynowicz et al, 2015). Findings , 3rd ed., Chapter 1, Supply Chain Management Institute, Öz: Küreselleşen dünyada mal, hizmet ve bilginin yer değiştirmesi lojistik kavramı ile açıklanabilir. Abstract: In a globalizing world, the movement of goods, services and information can only be explained by the concept of logistics. Lojistiğin Tarihsel Gelişimi: Askeri Gereksinimden İşletme Lojistiğine ve Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimine Evrilme Süreci, A Statistical Study of Technological Trends in Logistics: Patent Analysis, Application of Cyberphysical Systems Through Logistics as a Mediating Component in Learning Processes, Assessment of Supply Chain Integration and Performance Relationships: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Literature, Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance, Chapter 1 Supply Chain Management, Analysing supply chain integration through a systematic literature review: a normative perspective, Analyzing the Barriers of Health Care Supply Chain in India: The Contribution and Interaction of Factors, Supply Chain Management: Literature Review and Some Issues, Nurturing Internal Supply Chain Integration, Logistics activities in supply chain business process: A conceptual framework to guide their implementation, The eight essential supply chain management processes, Strategic Logistics Capabilities For Competitive Advantage and Firm Success, Operational Governance in Horizontal Cooperations of Logistics Service Providers: Performance Effects and the Moderating Role of Cooperation Complexity, Halal Compliance Critical Point Asssessment Using Analytic Hierarchy Parameters, Safety and security needs among rail commuters, Project & Operational Stakeholders' Perspectives of An Airport Terminal Project Outcome, Information Technology and Its Roles in Supply Chain Macro Processes: A Literature Based Study, Managing global chemical operations: Achieve enterprise and extended enterprise SCM visibility, Dynamic analysis of a global supply chain using system dynamics approach. <>
Third party logistics has many definitions and interpretations. The challenge is to determine how to successfully accomplish this integration. Therefore, the research gap to be filled with this manuscript is: “How does the involvement of the logistics area in the key business processes of the GSCF model occur?” The research question of the present study is: “Which activities are performed by the logistics area in the key business processes of the GSCF model and how to implement them?”. – The analysis presented in this paper has identified relevant SCI research studies that have contributed to the development and accumulation of intellectual wealth to the SCI and SCM area. Introduction Some researchers say that forecasting simply refers to a ‘process’ of predicting the future (Polat, 2007). This constellation facilitates the development of opportunism and conflicts, which raise the risk of relationship failure. The International Journal of Logistics Management A Review and Evaluation of Logistics Metrics Chris Caplice, Yossi Sheffi, Article information: To cite this document: Chris Caplice, Yossi Sheffi, (1994) "A Review and Evaluation of Logistics Metrics", The International Journal of Logistics All articles published in the journal during its time with Springer will remain fully searchable through our websites. & Ramirez, M. (2010). Journal of Logistics Management, 2020 9(2), pp. A large number of research papers have been published in various journals in last two decades. It involves passing on logistics-related activities in part or whole to an external party to execute. (2008), development and commercialization and returns, Correspondingly, logistics activities can be p. collaborator in other processes of business. Reinforcing supply chain security through organizational and cultural tools within the intermodal rail and road industry PDF | This conceptual paper outlines the importance of integration in supply chain management (SCM) by linking the functions of logistics as it applies... | … The interpretative system modelling (ISM) approach is utilized for interaction of variables affecting healthcare supply chain. ISM methodology has been successfully used to observe the boundaries between the different stratums of various systems and visualise the different echelons of the interacting variables of Healthcare supply chain operations. The concept of integration has received considerable attention in operations and supply chain management literature in a time spanning over a decade. Alignment of Logistics activities with, the logistics capabilities (Morash et al, 1996, 2.3 Supply Chain Orientation and Business Pro, 2.4 Customer Value and Logistics Implication, availability, improve time for ordering process as, out in the Product and Service Agreements (PS, meeting logistics needs of customers, logistics management directl, establish the relevance of integration in SCM within t, 2010; Flynn, et al., 2010; Basnet & Wisner, 201, strategic processes leading to effective performance in s, Balcik, B., Beamon, B.M., Krejci, C.C., Muramatsu, K.M. 2 0 obj
Open Access —free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. Kavram, insanlığın var oluşundan bu yana süregelmekle beraber, son yüzyılda bilimsel olarak irdelenebilmiştir. Lojistik temel olarak askeri gereksinimlerin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Often, business processes are developed at the strategic level but are never identified precisely in logistics or in SCM. Logistics, defined as “the integrated analysis and active management of an enterprise’s overall supply chain, from sources of inputs to delivery of finished products” has had an enormous impact on goods transport services (Willoughby, 2000, Pg.12). The Systematic Review Approach proposed by Tranfield et al . Subjects include, but are not limited to: Transport economics including cost and production functions, endobj
Faculty of Business & Management, Univers, Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School, Univers, Center for Transportation Research, Faculty o, Corresponding author. Through above we can know the relation that complements each other between interface management and enterprise's, The problems that are often encountered in supply chain management (SCM) are discussed. LogForum is a scientific journal created to be a global forum for an exchange of scientific achivements and implementations in the field of logistics. Relationship quality and performance outcomes: achieving a, structure technological dynamism and interorganizational network forms, 1. examining walkability determinants on pedestrians of rail- based TOD Ancillary activities are be- yond the basic activities, and extend the basic activities, such as It is likely to form the basis and motivation for profiling other database resources and specific operations and SCM-type journals in this area. Developing a logistics service quality scale. Ekonomi ve ticaretin gelişmesi, teknolojik buluşlar ve işletme düzeyinde etkinliklerin gelişimine bağlı olarak, askeri nitelikli lojistik, işletme lojistiğine dönüşmüş ve 1950’li yıllardan sonra hızlı bir gelişme göstermiştir. Tel. 1 The time report when passing the waypoints. %����
Thus, to trace the implementation of SCI practices, a profiling approach is used to analyse 293 articles (published in English-speaking peer-reviewed journals between 2000 and 2013) extracted from the Scopus database. The proposed methodology involves the use of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which allows determining the logistics related technological topics behind patents. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit manuscripts that advance theory and practice of logistics and supply chain management. The EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics offers a forum for the presentation of original mathematical models, methodologies and computational results, focusing on advanced applications in transportation and logistics. Coordination in, Nyaga, G.N. To establish statistically significant differences P-Value less than 0,05 for production and transport skills, while for the case of the organization no significant differences were found. stream
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review publishes informative and high quality articles drawn from across the spectrum of logistics and transportation research. manufacturing and delivery. the supplier and its performance indicators. Healthcare supply chain has been a subject of interest for many years. components of a company’s network structure are: of goals. The concept of logistics has emerged mainly because of military requirements. 2.2. Design/methodology/approach Journal description IJLM provides a platform for development and examination of management theory and practice relating to logistics and the supply chain. While some of the papers provided information on all of these categories, most of them failed to provide all the information, especially for Q2 and Q3 that resulted in 23 and 21 papers, respectively. The most two important roles played by IT are collaboration and information sharing among supply chain macro processes that are Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). With respect to the specific setup of the cooperation, a differentiated view is provided. Interested in research on Business Processes? Journal of Mechanical Systems for Transportation and Logistics Vol.1, No.1, 2008 Fig. Globalisation of markets and logistics services is closely related to the success of a company. <>>>
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This is an advantage over hard quantitative approaches where expert knowledge is pushed to give a number to their opinion usually in form of weights to variables such as structured equation modelling or goal programming using historical data. 2.2 Expected risk of collision A collision between two Although the concept has continued since the existence of humanity, it has been scientifically examined in the last century. 2020 - Volume 41, Journal of Business Logistics. First, the findings empirically show that internal integration, supplier integration, and customer integration have significant impact on a firm's financial performance. Technological advances make it possible to improve the industrial sector, particularly in the management of production, one of the cases happens in companies that use robots with decision-making capacity. IJPDLM is a leading research journal bridging strategic areas of supply chain management, business logistics, marketing, sustainability, global trade and development in a way that builds knowledge on solving critical production and consumption problems. Practical implications To advance theory development, it is important to critically examine the empirical findings in various integration studies. endobj
Rashid1, Noor Raihan Ab Hamid1 1Asia Graduate School of Business, UNITAR International University, Malaysia – This study would have benefited from the analysis of further journals; however, the analysis of 293 articles from leading journals in the field of operations and SCM was deemed sufficient in scope. – This paper aims to focus on systematically analysing and synthesising the extant research published on supply chain integration (SCI) area, given the significance of SCI research area. Depending on the development of economic and trade, technological inventions and the progresses at the business level, military logistics has shifted to a business logistics and started to develop rapidly after 1950s. The continuous flow of information, funds, and materials works as the bloodstream for the finest supply chain processes functioning all over the world. From this point, the historical development of logistics will be examined. 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