BIOL 333. Independent study of advanced topics in biology under the supervision of a biology faculty member. Human Learning and the Brain. Basic probability theory, random variables, and distribution functions. 216.368.4672 (FAX) This course satisfies the Organismal breadth requirement of the B.A. We will read key papers spanning the development of modern biology, from the most basic working-out of the Central Dogma to recent advances. Offered as BIOL 377, EMAE 377, BIOL 467, and EMAE 477. Counts as SAGES Departmental Seminar. The Plan B Master of Science degree in biology is a non-thesis graduate degree program. Main topics included in the Physiology portion consist of: homeostasis, the function of neurons and nervous systems; the major organ systems and processes involved in circulation, excretion, osmoregulation, gas exchange, feeding, digestion, temperature regulation, endocrine function and the immunologic response. Our intent is to expand the course from the current 3 hours per week (1.5 hour on Monday and Wednesday) to 4 hours per week (1.5 hours on Monday and Wednesday plus 1 hour on Friday). Principles of Ecology. Prereq: BIOL 214 and BIOL 215. Examples will be drawn from ecology, epidemiology, and potentially other areas of biology. A written report must be submitted to the chairman's office and approved before credit is granted. To that end, computer labs are the central component of the course. While some BIOL courses serve as SAGES Departmental Seminars or SAGES Capstones, none of these are required courses for biology degree candidates, with the specific exceptions of BIOL 388S Undergraduate Research - SAGES Capstone for the Biology BS degree, and either BIOL 388S Undergraduate Research - SAGES Capstone or NEUR 388S Undergraduate Research SAGES Capstone for the Neuroscience BS degree. The SYBB survey series is composed of the following course sequence: (1) Technologies in Bioinformatics, (2) Data Integration in Bioinformatics, (3) Translational Bioinformatics, and (4) Programming for Bioinformatics. BIOL 599 requires completion of a Course Proposal Form (available in the Biology Departmental Office) and approval by the advisor. The mission of the Department of Biology at Case Western Reserve University is to promote research programs of national and international prominence and to provide strong undergraduate and graduate educational programs that emphasize integrative approaches to biological problems. Continuation of BIOL 491 with an emphasis on current and prospective opportunities for Biotechnology Entrepreneurship. Principles of Developmental Biology. Biologists have long been fascinated by the diversity of life. BIOL 478. Coreq: BIOL 311B and BIOL 311C. There will be many field trips and networking with the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, and local, state, and federal government agencies. Team members are chosen from appropriate majors through interviews with the faculty. In this course, students will learn how to access and use genomics data to address questions in cell biology, development and evolution. Students taking the graduate level course will prepare a grant proposal in which hypotheses will be based on a select number of lab investigations. BIOL 549. BIOL 114 introduces students to the molecules of life, cell structure and function, respiration and photosynthesis, molecular genetics, heredity and human genetics, evolution, diversity of life, and ecology. BIOL 374. 3 Units. Topics will include molecular dynamics of biological molecules, kinetics of cell metabolism and the cell cycle, biophysics of excitability, scaling laws for biological systems, biomechanics, and population dynamics. The course is designed to explore as well as test a variety of ecological paradigms. According to rules of the School of Graduate Studies, once a candidate registers for BIOL 651, the registration must continue for a minimum of 1 credit per semester until completion of the degree program. First we will look at the developmental genetic mechanisms that can cause variation and medical pathologies. The EB program includes four required courses, an internship, and electives to make up the 30 semester hours. The evaluation of the students will continue to be based upon the students' participation in class (60% of the grade) complemented by a mid-term and a final exam (each one accounting for 20% of the final grade). How has evolution shaped ecological interactions, such as disease-host dynamics? Prereq: Graduate Standing. 3 Units. At the end of each section, you will synthesize your ideas into a review article. Prereq: (Undergraduate Student and BIOL 216) or Requisites Not Met permission. BIOL 599. This course satisfies a laboratory or quantitative laboratory requirement of the B.S. BIOL 311C. This course will fulfill an additional laboratory requirement of the B.S. Biotechnology Laboratory: Genes and Genetic Engineering. The research may be done at the university or at any of its affiliated institutions, but the biology department does not formally place students into laboratories. The students will be required to make a small but comprehensive insect collection. BIOL 311B. 3 Units. Further, at least 15 credit hours must be in courses offered by the Biology Department. One three hour lab plus one lecture per week. May be taken only one semester during the student's academic career. We will cover introductory neurobiology and principles of sensory system organization before delving more deeply into vision, olfaction, audition, mechanosensation, and multi-modal sensory integration. Students will first analyze basic concepts of stem cell biology, including stem cell niche, cell quiescence, asymmetric cell division, cell proliferation and differentiation, and signaling pathways involved in these processes. May be carried out within the biology department or in associated departments. They allow us to determine fundamental biological mechanisms and cellular and molecular causes of disease. BIOL 316. This course fulfills the Population and Ecology breadth requirement of the B.A. Physiology of Organ Systems. Discussions will focus on the methods used, the experimental results, and the interpretations of significance. This course is not open to students with credit for BIOL 214 or BIOL 250. Students will improve skills on searching and reading primary research papers, gain presentation skills, and further their knowledge in related subjects in the fields of cell biology, genetics and developmental biology. Prereq: (Undergraduate Student and BIOL 214. Five mandatory 90 minute group problem sets per semester will be administered outside of lecture and recitation meeting times. We will conclude with two writing assignments. Students will have the opportunity to design and conduct individual projects. Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases. We will explore cell activities by answering the questions: What are the critical components of specific cellular processes and how are they regulated? Yet clean experimental design and careful analysis let them ask and answer fundamental biological questions and enabled the development of better tools to use the next time around. Students who are interested in carrying out research projects in any lab setting are encouraged to take this course and use the skills acquired to better organize and analyze their experiments. Currently, concentrations have been developed in the following areas: biotechnology and genetic engineering; computational biology; developmental biology; genetics; cell and molecular biology; neurobiology and animal behavior; population biology, ecology and environmental science. Graduate students will be expected to write a report and give an oral presentation at the end of the course. Offered as SYBB 311B, BIOL 311B, and SYBB 411B. Cleveland, OH 44106. Offered as BIOL 352 and BIOL 452. Offered as BIOL 398 and BIOL 498. 216.368.2000 (legal notice), Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106 The BS in Neuroscience provides both breadth and depth of understanding of these topics, and equips students to pursue multiple career paths. Core concepts to be covered include the principles of genetics including the inheritance of traits determined by single genes and by multiple genes, the assignment of risk to particular genetic constitutions, and the nature and use of stem cells. The course has one lecture and one lab per week. The undergraduate programs in biology provide excellent preparation for graduate or professional school programs and for careers in industry and governmental agencies. The impact of the enormous amounts of data generated by these methods and their storage and analysis (bioinformatics) is also considered. Students will improve skills on searching and reading primary research papers, gain presentation skills, and further their knowledge in related subjects in the fields of cell biology, genetics and developmental biology. The process of evolution explains not only how the present diversity of life on earth has formed, but also provides insights into current pressing issues today, including the spread of antibiotic resistance, the causes of geographic variation in genetic diseases, and explanations for modern patterns of extinction risk. Many exciting research opportunities cross disciplinary lines. Applications of probability and stochastic processes to biological systems. Offered as PHOL 456 and BIOL 457. Prereq: Graduate Standing. in biology. Students in Research Methods in Evolutionary Biology will be introduced to several of the major research approaches of evolutionary biology, including methods of measuring natural selection on the phenotypic and genotypic levels, quantifying the rate of evolution, reconstructing evolutionary relationships, and assessing the factors that affect rates of speciation and extinction. Topics include: `omic drug discovery, pharmacogenomics, microbiome analysis, and genomic medicine. The duration must be at least one year, with one semester reserved for full-time work outside of the classroom (usually the fourth and final semester). This course does not count toward any Biology degree. BIOL 116 covers homeostasis, cell structure and function, membrane transport, tissue types and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. BIOL 362. © 2020-21 Case Western Reserve University Counts as SAGES Senior Capstone. 3 Units. 4 Units. | Mammal Diversity and Evolution. How do sensory systems convert information from the environment into neural information in an animal's brain? The objectives of this course are to provide students with an introduction to human biological variation and to understand the variation within an evolutionary framework through lecture, readings, discussion, and labs. and B.S. BIOL 357. Students isolate and characterize DNA, construct recombinant DNA molecules, and reintroduce them into eukaryotic cells (yeast, plant, animal) to assess their viability and function. For example, issues of public health can be more deeply addressed using these tools. Ordinarily, all students begin their biology programs in the freshman year. We will cover introductory neurobiology and principles of sensory system organization before delving more deeply into vision, olfaction, audition, mechanosensation, and multi-modal sensory integration. Principles of Neural Science. Introductory immunology providing an overview of the immune system, including activation, effector mechanisms, and regulation. This course satisfies a laboratory requirement for biology majors. Prereq: BIOL 214, and BIOL 215, and BIOL 216. In this field-based course, students will conduct a variety of experimental and observational field studies aimed at addressing key concepts in Evolutionary Ecology. Prereq: Undergraduate Student and BIOL 215 or Requisites Not Met permission. Offered as BIOL 351L and BIOL 451L. Various vertebrate and invertebrate systems will be considered. Offered as BIOL 336 and BIOL 436. This course is not open to students with credit for BIOL 216, BIOL 340, or BIOL 346. This course will be an integrative approach emphasizing experimental studies of animal behavior. 3 Units. in Biology. 3 Units. Topics covered will include identification and classification, field research techniques, experimental design and statistical analysis, safe handling of live individuals and working with museum specimens. Basic Biology of Blood and Blood Diseases. BIOL 473. Counts as SAGES Departmental Seminar. In addition to the core curriculum, students are required to complete a minimum of sixteen additional credit hours of advanced course work, including Introduction to Virology and Virus-Host Interactions. Offered as BIOL 365 and BIOL 465. The ability to locate and capture food, avoid being food, acquiring and defending territory, and successfully passing your genes to the next generation, are all dependent on complex interactions between an animal's design, environment and behavior. You will be introduced to state-of-the-art approaches to the study of animal behavior, including neural and hormonal mechanisms, genetic and developmental mechanisms and ecological and evolutionary approaches. 3 Units. The course is structured into different modules. The goal of this course is to discover that, for the most part, insects are not aliens from another planet. Offered as BIOL 388S and SYBB 388S. This course will fulfill a laboratory requirement of the B.A. 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-7080 (216) 368-3556. in Biology, and a Quantitative Laboratory requirements for the B.S. Consequently, the Systems Biology BS program includes a specialized four-course core curriculum (different from the three-course core used in the Biology BA and BS programs), as well as foundation courses from computer science and advanced mathematics. in Biology, or the laboratory requirement of the B.A. Graduate students will work independently and have an extra assignment. 3 Units. This course satisfies the Organismal breadth requirement of the B.A. Prereq: Graduate standing. Computer simulations and mathematical analysis of neurons and neural circuits, and the computational properties of nervous systems. BIOL 364. in biology. Deliverables will include a technology feasibility analysis on a possible application in the student's scientific area. Laboratory training in recombinant DNA techniques. Applications of probability and stochastic processes to biological systems. Offered as BIOL 328 and BIOL 428. Counts as SAGES Departmental Seminar. Counts as SAGES Departmental Seminar. The Entrepreneurial Biotechnology (EB) students study state-of-the-art biotechnology, practical business, and technology innovation while working on a real-world entrepreneurial project with an existing company or their own startup. This course satisfies a laboratory requirement of the B.A. This course fulfills the Cell & Molecular Breadth Requirement of the BA and BS in Biology. These assignments are designed to give each student experience in writing biologically-relevant documents. Computational Neuroscience. Counts as SAGES Senior Capstone. Topics include the genetic basis of micro- and macro-evolutionary change, the concept of adaptation, natural selection, population dynamics, theories of species formation, principles of phylogenetic inference, biogeography, evolutionary rates, evolutionary convergence, homology, Darwinian medicine, and conceptual and philosophic issues in evolutionary theory. DeGrace Hall. Modern Human Biological Variation. Elective sequences of courses in areas of biotechnology within the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in biology are an excellent preparation for such careers. 2 Units. Quantitative Biology Laboratory. Offered as BIOL 342 and BIOL 442. Topics in Evolutionary Biology. Animal models are extremely important in the study of biology and in modern medicine. Biology degrees. and B.S. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Students must take any two of the three biology core lectures with their associated laboratories, plus electives. Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II. BIOL 495. Counts for CAS Quantitative Reasoning Requirement. 10900 Euclid Avenue Functional morphology, physiology, behavior and ecology as they relate to the groups' relationships with their environment. 3 Units. Offered as BIOL 378, COGS 378, MATH 378, BIOL 478, CSDS 478, EBME 478, ECSE 478, MATH 478 and NEUR 478. In addition to a general background in biology (the same as provided by the Biology BA program), the Biology BS program requires two semesters of undergraduate research, plus additional courses in quantitative methods (computer programming, statistics, data analysis) and physical chemistry. Offered as BIOL 351 and BIOL 451. Classroom discussions will help students understand the content and format of each type document. Topics covered will include: (1) Plant structure, function and development from the cellular level to the whole plant (2) plant diversity, evolution of the bacteria, fungi, algae, bryophytes and vascular plants; (3) adaptations to their environment, plant-animal interactions, and human uses of plants. All students must complete the SAGES seminar and General Education Requirements (GER) of the College of Arts and Sciences. Prereq: (Undergraduate Student and BIOL 346 and BIOL 215 and BIOL 216) or Requisites Not Met permission. Case Western Reserve University; Genetics Research Programs. Unit 1 focuses on the fundamentals to understanding biological variation, we will cover basic population genetics, evolution, and the human fossil record. Group discussion and selected reading will facilitate further integrative learning and appreciation for parasite biology. As a teenager, he worked at a farm in sweltering heat and, when that work ended, cleaned bathrooms and bussed tables at a local truck stop. An underlying theme of the course will be neo-Darwinian evolution through natural selection with an emphasis on organismal adaptations to abiotic and biotic environments. Students in this laboratory course will conduct a variety of ecological investigations that are designed to examine relationships involving organisms and the environment at individual, population, and community levels. Finally, students will have the opportunity to discuss about ethical controversies in the field. We need not go into a laboratory to observe it, but laboratory tools can help to understand the behaviors that we encounter every day. Undergraduate Research in Evolutionary Biology. 4 Units. Course may be repeated for credit up to two times if traveling to a new destination. Sometimes we will meet at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, or in the field to collect and observe insects. Graduate students have the option of enrolling in all four courses or choosing the individual modules most relevant to their background and goals with the exception of SYBB 411D, which must be taken with SYBB 411A. Transmission genetics, nature of mutation, microbial genetics, somatic cell genetics, recombinant DNA techniques and their application to genetics, human genome mapping, plant breeding, transgenic plants and animals, uniparental inheritance, evolution, and quantitative genetics. BIOL 498. Prereq: BIOL 214. 1 - 3 Units. The course has one lecture and one lab per week. Graduate students will be graded separately from undergraduates, and 22 percent of the grade will be based on a critical analysis of a recently published, landmark scientific article. Counts as a SAGES Departmental Seminar. Course examines the function, expression, gene organization, structure, receptors, and intracellular signaling of cytokines. Theoretical, mathematical, and computational approaches to these fields are emphasized in the Systems Biology BS program. Site Feedback A major component of the class will be the discussion of the social and health implications of these patterns of biological variation, particularly in the construction and application of the concept of race and its use in medicine. In this course, we will study that underlying logic, and what it lets us do. Counts as SAGES Departmental Seminar. This course may be used as a cell/molecular subject area elective for the B.A. BIOL 117. Offered as BIOL 379 and BIOL 479. Prereq: (Undergraduate Student and BIOL 215) or Requisites Not Met permission. and B.S. In the lecture mode students attend class for their instruction. Topics covered include logistics, biodiversity, and current ecological, environmental, and social issues surrounding the specific ecosystem being studied. In this laboratory course, students will learn how to use a computer programming language (MATLAB) to design, execute, and analyze biological experiments. Mathematical topics will include: introduction to discrete and continuous probability spaces (including numerical generation of pseudo random samples from specified probability distributions), Markov processes in discrete and continuous time with discrete and continuous sample spaces, point processes including homogeneous and inhomogeneous Poisson processes and Markov chains on graphs, and diffusion processes including Brownian motion and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. BIOL 117 covers the endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, lymphatic, urinary systems including acid-base regulation, and reproductive systems. The graduate version requires students to plan, conduct, and present an independent research project. Term paper required for graduate students. How nervous systems control behavior. The Core supports standardized and custom pipelines for data processing and analysis of next-generation sequencing data. Building upon the basic principles covered in BIOL 216 and BIOL 346, the physiology of organs and organ systems of humans, including the musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, excretory, reproductive, and endocrine systems, will be studied at an advanced level. The undergraduate version requires students to plan and conduct a group research project and present results independently. Feasibility and Technology Analysis. Prereq: Graduate standing. This class will fulfill a laboratory requirement of the B.A. Marine Science electives may need to be taken during the summer or winter terms when taken off campus (i.e., at a Marine Science Field Station). The total student effort and course content is identical for both instructional modes. Students will develop fundamental understanding of the evolutionary history and systematics of fishes to provide a context within which they can address aspects of biology including anatomy, physiology (e.g., in species that change sex; osmoregulation in freshwater vs. saltwater), and behavior (e.g., visual, auditory, chemical, electric communication; social structures), ecology, and evolution (e.g., speciation). Transformative Animal Models in Modern Biology. in Biology. This course satisfies either the Organismal breadth requirement of the B.A. BIOL 389. Counts as SAGES Departmental Seminar. in Biology. Topics include antigen-antibody reactions, immunologically important cell surface receptors, cell-cell interactions, cell-mediated immunity, innate versus adaptive immunity, cytokines, and basic molecular biology and signal transduction in B and T lymphocytes, and immunopathology. Design of experiments, power of tests, and adequacy of models. To that end, computer labs are the central component of the course. Prereq: (Undergraduate Student and BIOL 214 and BIOL 216) or Requisites Not Met Permission. This course is offered as a SAGES departmental seminar and fulfills the Cell and Molecular breadth requirement of the B.A. BIOL 457. Descriptive and hypothesis-driven investigations will take place at Case Western Reserve University's Squire Valleevue Farm, in both field and greenhouse settings. You will be introduced to state-of-the-art approaches to the study of animal behavior, including neural and hormonal mechanisms, genetic and developmental mechanisms and ecological and evolutionary approaches. Rapid changes in climate, land use, and prevalence of non-native species generate novel conditions outside the range of typical conditions under which organisms evolved. Graduate students will be graded separately from undergraduates, and 22 percent of the grade will be based on a critical analysis of a recently published, landmark scientific article. Location of the field site may vary with each course offering, and may be either domestic or international. BIOL 492. Our emphasis will be on understanding and applying quantitative models for studying disease spread and informing policy in public health and conservation. The emergence of private companies as resources for the performance of the tests, and how the general public will be able to interpret their own data (with or without the access to genetic counselors), will also be covered. This course satisfies either the Organismal breadth requirement of the B.A. This course satisfies the Population Biology/Ecology breadth requirement of the B.A. Although each student will cooperate on the team, they each have a specific role, and must develop a final paper that describes the research generated on their aspect of the project. Offered as BIOL 353 and BIOL 453. There are three units to the course. We will use computer models to study how infectious diseases enter and spread through populations, and how factors like physiological and behavioral differences among host individuals, host and pathogen evolution, and the environment affect this spread. This is the final class in the series of three courses required of the Biology major. Why are there so many species? These methods also can be used to address a broad suite of questions in biology, including biomedical, ecological, evolutionary, developmental, and neuromechanical questions. Evolution of organ systems. This course takes advantage of the rich behavior that exists around us to provide a capstone experience for students who have an interest in animal behavior. Credit earned for Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, A-levels and similar programs offered in high schools or by proficiency exams may be used to satisfy up to one-half of this requiremen… Students will manipulate and analyze simulations of biological processes, and learn to formulate and analyze their own models. 3 Units. May be carried out within the biology department or in associated departments. BIOL 467. The research will be sponsored and supervised by a member of the CASE faculty or other qualified professional. Counts as SAGES Senior Capstone. The course will consist of a combination of interactive lectures, in-class problem solving and data analysis, and the discussion of peer-reviewed scientific papers. Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation II. The course will be open to 10 senior Biology majors who have emphasized the animal behavior and neurobiology courses offered by the Biology department. In particular, we will focus on mass spectrometer-based proteomics, DNA and RNA sequencing, genotyping, protein microarrays, and mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. 3 Units. The knowledge structures that we will cover include: biomedical ontologies, signaling pathways, and interaction networks. Grades are based on participation in class, discussions and written summaries of published papers, in-class presentations, and two writing assignments. Conversations on Protein Structure and Function. BIOL314 fulfills the requirements for an undergraduate capstone in biology. in Biology, or the laboratory requirement of the B.A. Coreq: BIOL 311A and BIOL 311C. in Biology. 3 Units. The course is structured into different modules. There is logic to how each animal model has found its place in the menagerie of accepted animal models. BIOL 341. Offered as BIOL 309 and BIOL 409. Application in the biology major approval by the biology department, the experimental evidence supports! Math 201 or MATH 307 or consent of department life: Phylogenetic Comparative Methods-from Concept to practical application mechanisms! And stochastic processes to biological and health sciences Squire Valleevue Farm, in both and. To Cleveland Metroparks Zoo ; additional individual and group visits to the Population and ecology breadth requirement of the offers. Interaction networks topics, and will write two papers during the semester curricular practical training CPT. 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