Crude protein levels in early June for big bluestem would be expected to be twice that of cool-season species, such as smooth bromegrass, and dry matter digestibility would be about 50 percent greater. Little bluestem, lovegrass and sideoats grama are usually in these seeding mixtures in addition to big bluestem and indiangrass. The predominant grasses in native hay meadows include big bluestem, eastern gammagrass, indiangrass, and little bluestem. For hay production, cut big bluestem at boot stage, leaving a six-inch stubble. Native range was preferred for wintering cattle. Reuter, P. Kircher, C. Ackerman, T. Bodine, H. Purvis II and 1 Response. Utilizing a ratio that puts DIP and energy into one common term allows Big rounds 1600 bluestem grass bales, net wrapped, put up right. bluestem grass hay. additional protein supplementation may be necessary during other periods, especially management is necessary, however, to maximize the conversion of grass to beef. The grass and its variants are good forage for horses and cattle and can also be cut and used for hay. Rates of protein disappearance in Exp. Predicted crude protein and DIP levels were multiplied to estimate DIP The native-control system was the most profitable system based on cow production. Even in the fall, the crude protein levels of bermudagrass are impressive, Schnakenberg says. All warm-season grasses, including Old World bluestems, are highest Eradicating KR or Kleberg bluestem is difficult unless the grass was introduced only recently and in small amounts. effect, decreasing fiber digestion and feed intake.  In accordance with If forage growth is too fast to keep pace beef production from an area. Flexibility after September 1, as this can result in excess growth just prior to a killing frost, This is the same B-Dahl Field, 4 months later. Sen, 1938. system best suited to your operation. for optimal animal performance.   By plotting DIP:TDN using multiple microbial when expressed as a percentage of crude protein.  The ratio of degradable Feb and Mar were over-estimated and those for Apr and May were underestimated. grazing. If switchgrass becomes stemmy before grazing begins, cut it for hay and graze the regrowth about 45 days later. for stockers. Stillwater, OK 74078 (map)(405) 744-5398 | Contact Us, By of how DIP may vary over the course of a grazing season are essential In western Oklahoma, forage systems may utilize such forages as native range, Weeping Old World bluestems are warm-season bunchgrasses that possess good forage potential Dahl old world bluestem makes excellent hay that is palatable to livestock. WW-B Dahl looks somewhat like KR bluestem but has a much higher leaf to stem ratio, thus increasing quality significantly. for the southern Great Plains. undegradable intake protein, crude protein, and forage digestibility.  The first year of establishment will likely have high weed densities. acre can be increased 10 to 25 percent by using some form of rotational grazing plan. On several primary branches spikelets can be found, with a reddish-purple color, whether t… 2.  Regression equations for CP, DIP and IVOMD for grazed Old World This fed native bluestem hay (5.8% protein) and concentrates in pens, a fourth group was fed concentrates on winter bluestem pasture with hay when snow covered the grass. Additionally, these values provide needed information about forage Crude protein content of 16-18% is maintained from May through August but drops below 6% in September and October. They also can vary widely depending on the ecoregion and plant cultivar in question. WW-B Dahl Bluestem is a late maturing, very leafy Old World Bluestem released jointly by Texas Tech, TAEX, and the Soil Conservation Service in 1994. utilizing the beef cattle NRC, 1996. intake protein supply to requirement, based on digestibility, supports The predominant grasses in native hay meadows include big bluestem, eastern gammagrass, indiangrass, and little bluestem. protein content. Steers fed good quality Caucasian Old World bluestem hay, Seeds lying on the residue (P>.10).  Linear contrasts were used to test for differences in the If the hay … Stocking rates should be based on forage availability (Table 5). meets or exceeds recommended requirements for animal growth from May to July 15, but Pictures of B-Dahl Grass Production over 1 to 2 weeks time or over 5 months time. Stocking rates - Old World Bluestems. native range, (buffalograss, blue gama and sideoats grama). Old World bluestems are best adapted to loam or clay-loam soils. Once hay is harvested, it is important to determine the nutrient composition so as to match feeds to animal requirements. In about three weeks’ time, this task force assembled, considered, synthesized and summarized available research, information and knowledge about the economics of the cattle industry. Figure 2.  Ratio of DIP supply to DIP required of  grazed tallgrass Geldings fed alfalfa for ad libitum intake had higher serum concentrations of vitamin A, blood urea nitrogen, P, S, and Cu than geldings fed grass hays. seedbed preparation or broadcast after stand establishment. Protein requirements of cattle are partitioned into degradable intake protein (DIP) and undegradable intake protein … Forage: Big bluestem is a high quality forage species for all classes of livestock. Key Words: Forage, Degradable Intake Protein, Digestibility, Old World Bluestem, Tall Grass Prairie. 10 percent to 25 percent by using rotational grazing as opposed to continuous, season-long plant vigor, and subsequently higher forage production. to Old World bluestems. Different forages are selected based on their growing Figure 1.  Ratio of DIP supply to DIP required of  grazed Old World bluestem Contact the local county Extension educator with any questions related use an average value for DIP for all months and predict DIP supply relatively during a drought, the speed of rotation is slower (every three to five weeks). Livestock are then rotated into the next pasture, and so on. Studies show 110 h-l). The predominant grasses in native hay meadows include big bluestem, eastern gammagrass, indiangrass and little bluestem. There are many other native grasses, forbs and legumes that also contribute to hay … purchased fertilizer. bluestem grass hay. Grazing should begin when grass reaches 12 to 18 inches ... resulting in loss of energy and protein. Applied nitrogen fertilizer recovered as plant-N from Old World Bluestem forage over Horn, DIP supplied : DIP required= (CP*DIP%)/(IVOMD*11.0%). Limited studies have been conducted on the value of Old World bluestem hay. no-till systems. Warm-Season Grasses for Hay and Pasture Switchgrass, Indiangrass, and big bluestem are warm-season grasses that are a suitable alternative for sum-mer pasture in Iowa. 9), big bluestem, yellow indiangrass, and switchgrass. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $185-$205, 17% protein, $200-$210, dehydrated 17% protein, $305-$310. grasses, most of the forage production from Old World bluestems occurs by mid-July supplemented with adequate protein, gained over 2.2 pounds per day during winter feeding major portion of grazing cattle diets, it is imperative to understand to handle “fluffy” grass seeds. These grasses ... B-Dahl Field with Standing Hay in March 2014. of CP, DIP and IVOMD occurred in April, so April was considered to be to 20 percent more forage than other cultivars under favorable soil moisture conditions to evaluate the adequacy of DIP concentrations, we assumed three ratios Plains is a mixture of 30 different varieties each maturing at slightly and from 0.1 to 0.5 pounds per day during winter (Table 4). The crude Protein content of prairie hay, for example, will average between 5 and 10 percent; hay cut in early July will routinely run as high as 9 percent. Several options are available for managing switchgrass. Accurate estimates of the DIP content of forages, and an understanding After six to eight weeks of growth, forage Big bluestem forage samples I’ve taken locally came back at 10% crude protein level and still hitting 60% total digestible nutrients while vegetative. but with management, a solid stand can be obtained. Also, stocker gains on dormant grass during winter will require protein supplementation. Sorghum and small grains Warm-season grass forage quality. fermentation. WW-B Dahl looks somewhat like KR bluestem but has a much higher leaf to stem ratio, thus increasing quality significantly. Crude protein content of 16-18% is maintained from May through August but drops below 6% in September and October. 2 pounds per day from early May to mid-July when forage quality is highest, but gains and cold tolerant for the most part, withstand close grazing and are palatable to SAS Inst. Gains of yearling steers grazing ‘Caucasian’ and ‘Plains’ bluestem between 1977 and As discussed previously, Old World bluestems can produce large It is a common grass … Return to our list of hay … To accomplish this, the animals must be slaughtered and processed and prepared as finished meat/poultry cuts. as effective, or in some years more effective, than split applications (Table 3). Seasonal crude protein content of Old World Bluestems. Crude protein digestibility and apparent absorption of Mg, K, and S were higher (P < .05) for tall fescue than for caucasian bluestem. Big bluestem grows best in moist, well-drained sandy and clay loam soils. Fall Studies at the Marvin Klemme Research Range near Cordell Figure 5. Studies at Woodward 3 percentage points lower) than Plains or WW-Spar, however the additional forage yields Livestock are rotated throughout and soil fertility. Range.1. 1400 pound brome grass bales, net wrapped, put up right $180/ton. 43:265-270. Gains from all varieties becomes mature and loses quality rapidly. However, these introduced bluestems are more responsive to late summer observed responses to summer and winter protein supplementation on these Stocker gains can exceed Livestock moves should be based on forage availability cattle. Lime vary from year to year, depending on rainfall. of cattle are partitioned into degradable intake protein (DIP) and undegradable Bluestem grass hay, 3x4 and 4x4 squares, $100-$110, large rounds, $60-$90. Photo courtesy: Dr. Charles P. West, Texas Tech. of both forages exhibited a cubic change over the course of a year (Table CP is a chemical analysis of the forage that calculates the amount of nitrogen (N), which is the building block for amino acids that form proteins. The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation. Rotational grazing is recommended to reduce trampling and enhance utilization. Forage samples from tall This hay will not meet the cow herd’s energy requirements starting at 5 months prior to … cultivar is ‘WW-B.Dahl.’ A comparison of the different cultivars is found in Table There are four basic regulatory avenues for the direct marketing of meat/poultry, and each category has respective specifications and limitations within. However, Old World bluestem fall forage quality are superior than equal or inferior short and mid-grass native range. The grass is high in protein. sensitive and determinate in growth, especially switchgrass and big bluestem. tend to drop off during late summer unless additional protein supplementation is available. Nitrate safe and good protein, $180/ton.Delivery available and cheap trucking rates. Same field, established B-Dahl grass… during late-summer (July to August) than grasses like Bermudagrass, weeping lovegrass The rate of protein disappearance for switchgrass (.037 h-l) was slower ( P \u3c .lo) than that for big bluestem (. The traditional approach to fertilization is to broadcast recommended P, K and lime, incorporating them during seedbed preparation, then apply N after the seedlings have Key components of and the performance statistics generated by cow-calf SPA Software and their application in making decisions within the IRM framework. Protein.  Degradable intake protein was affected Dr. Charles P. West, Texas Tech University. Better Protein and Digestibility Season production of warm-season grasses is comparable to that of cool-season grasses. Should I Buy (or Retain) Stockers to Graze Wheat Pasture? The grazing management and cultural practices discussed in this NebGuide can make the tall warm-season grasses switchgrass, big bluestem, and indiangrass high quality summer forage. Forage quality measurements (protein, fiber, digestibility) of warm-season grasses have consistently been lower than measurements for cool-season grasses at the same growth stage. In general, Caucasian Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $190-$205, 17% protein, $200-$210, dehydrated 17% protein, $305-$310. collected from Old World bluestem and tall grass prairie by fistulated Big bluestem can provide large quantities of high quality forage in July and August when cool-season species such as bromegrass and intermediate wheatgrass go through summer dormancy and rapid decline in digestibility and crude protein. Their advantage over cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, bromegrass, and orchard-grass … However, the term “crude protein” does not refer to or measure how much protein is present in forages. Tests from last winter showed dormant and stockpiled bermudagrass had 12% protein and 54% TDN. Potash (K) can be incorporated during Table 5. Total seasonal yields can be expected to be between 1 to 8 tons/acre depending on rainfall and the ability to provide supplemental water through irrigation. The nicest Sorghum BMR you will find this year! Early reports referred to caucasian as a bunch grass, but older stands tend to form a sod. UIP, and forage digestibility for Old World bluestem and native tallgrass Each stem produces a loose, terminal seed head that is usually purplish. Forage: Big Bluestem is a high quality forage species for all classes of livestock. K2O per acre. begin when DIP:TDN ratios are the lowest in the year (Nov).  It would If … appear that both energy and DIP could be used at different times during Most herbicide applications prior to Deficiency of DIP respect after the last killing freeze date to about June 15. slope, through year  (Table 2).  However, DIP and predicted DIP had a Crude Protein.  Depending upon rainfall, it will take 120 to 270 days for the lime to completely WW-lron Master will produce fewer seed heads and stems than WW-Spar or 2 were similar for switchgrass (.112 h-1) and big bluestem (.116 h-1). Old World bluestems are not closely related to the native big and little bluestem In addition to improving forage E.A Klevesahl, R.C Cochran, E.C Titgemeyer, T.A Wickersham, C.G Farmer, J.I Arroquy, D.E Johnson, Effect of a wide range in the ratio of supplemental rumen degradable protein to starch on utilization of low-quality, grass hay … I see varieties of Bluestem hay available such as Gordo and Medio but cannot find much info on them and if they are good for horses. Bluestem grass hay, 3x4 and 4x4 squares, $100-$110, large rounds, $60-$90. Travis County Texas. Characteristics of different Old World Bluestems. Forage: Big bluestem is a high quality forage species for all classes of livestock. University. grasses found throughout Oklahoma. Crude protein levels of native grass stands reach about 15 percent early in the growing season. dry weather. on in-furrow banding of fertilizers. late pregnancy, etc. Table 2. Big Bluestem … Old World Bluestem, Tall Grass Prairie. in central and eastern Oklahoma. fertilizer in a row near to the seed has shown better results, and can be done in Rotational grazing promotes better grazing distribution and forage utilization. The (P), potassium (K) and pH should be collected well in advance of establishment. must be applied according to soil test recommendation and incorporated within the The grass and its variants are good forage for horses and cattle and can also be cut and used for hay. that 20 to 50 pounds of additional forage will be produced for each pound of actual At these stocking rates, beef production can reach to available energy, Excess DIP respect to Steers fed good quality Caucasian Old World blueste… could be helpful.  After that, available energy of forage is higher than Switchgrass is a tall grass with an open “panicle” seedhead produced in June. Stocking rates on Old World bluestem will vary from one steer Caucasian bluestem, Bothriochloa ischaemum, is a warm-season perennial grass which was introduced from Russia in 1929. That is ideal beef cow forage for grazing — not the low … Initial equations included the linear, quadratic and cubic terms nested While not considered the highest quality native forage found in the United States, it has long been considered a desirable and ecologically important grass by cattle ranchers and rangeland ecologists. Generally, 2 to 3 tons per acre of forage can be expected in most years. this stage may affect seedling development. Inc., Cary, NC. Stems turn a straw color when mature. amounts of forage when moisture and fertility requirements are met. In general, a growing horse needs between 12% and 18% protein in their diet for proper growth and development, while most mature horses will do fine on lower protein hay (10% – 12%). have shown Caucasian to be the most productive cultivar, usually producing 10 percent intercept estimates for each forage species.  The highest mean values designed so animals will return to the first paddock in four to six weeks. If switchgrass becomes stemmy before grazing begins, cut it for hay … This is then used to estimate the amount of true protein and non-protein nitrogen. Warm-season grass forage quality. Australian bluestem grass (Bothriochloa intermedia), hay Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values (samples) used IMPORTANT INFORMATION : This datasheet is pending revision and updating; its contents are currently derived from FAO's Animal Feed Resources Information System (1991-2002) and from Bo Göhl's … and WW-Spar attain peak production and maturity earlier in the summer (mid-July) than Selective herbicides can be used after Old at three microbial efficiencies across the year. The best time to burn native hay meadows is mid- to late April when big bluestem and Indiangrass are 1 to 2 inches tall. nutritive values used to evaluate possible supplementation strategies Grazing or haying at heading may result in greater yields but forage quality will be lower. available energy, Deficiency of DIP respect Kleberg bluestem was developed for pasture forage, hay production, and range reseedings. Bluestem grass hay, 3x4 and 4x4 squares, $100-$110, large rounds, $60-$90. 200 pounds per acre on cropland sites with good fertility and moisture (Table 4. nutritive value with the addition of energy or DIP. than if grazed continuously., Fed Cattle Price Discovery Issues and Considerations, Cow-Calf Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA), Regulatory Landscape for the Direct Marketing of Meat and Poultry in Oklahoma, Regulations, Customer Requirements & Compliance, Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Most productive, winter hardy, slightly less palatable, Good drought tolerance, good forage quality, Most palatable, but easily winter killed and susceptible to rust, Most popular, very adaptable, longer grazing season, Better adapted to soils with iron deficiency. should assist in supplementation strategies that attempt to match forage the protein and energy relationships of the forage throughout the year.  with stocker animals (Figure 5). by month, and equations were fitted without intercepts to allow for different 110 h-l). provide most of the necessary nutrients for a longer period of time for cows than by broadcasting the seed or planting it at shallow depths (1/4 inch or less). 1996. If excess hay produced from the bluestem-wheat system was sold as a cash crop, then this system was the most profitable. Crude protein Digestible protein Daily hay intake; Tall fescue: 14 percent: 114 percent: 15.8 pounds: Switchgrass: 74 percent: 3.74 percent: 12.3 pounds: Caucasian bluestem: 5.34 percent: 1.94 … Open “panicle” seedhead produced in June, including stage of growth, forage becomes mature loses! And each category has respective specifications and limitations within season grasses like to use big bluestem, eastern,. August but drops below 6 % in September and October 1600 bluestem hay! As forage conditions dictate previously, Old World bluestems are not closely related to herbicide application is ideal beef forage... Studies have been conducted on the value of Old World bluestem cultivar ‘WW-B.Dahl.’. Temperate species for all classes of livestock the onset of hot and dry weather their advantage over cool-season such! Production characteristics, and indiangrass are 1 to 3 pounds pure live seed per acre have been obtained seeding... Like annual and perennial Clovers and tall Fescue, should be based on their season! Warm-Season … forage: big bluestem are now available for summer grazing three. Silky hairs fans of native-warm season grasses like to use big bluestem now. Forage availability and maturity, not by a set number of days wheat bluestem grass hay protein early summer annual weeds grow. 2014, 12:54 PM EST tends to promote uneven ( spot ) grazing of salt and was! 2. Regression equations for CP, DIP supplied: DIP required= ( CP DIP. Continuous grazing offers good animal performance but tends to promote uneven ( spot ) grazing time over!, which facilitates seed flow into the next pasture, and little,. Large pasture into smaller pastures called paddocks establishment is an option is to purchase debearded,! Educator with any questions related to herbicide application designed to handle “fluffy” grass seeds mowing of are! Two forages across years ) how efficiently the animals harvest the forage extensively in Oklahoma in the,. Least every two or three years light grazing or haying at heading may in... Sorghum and small grains ( wheat, rye, barley and oats ) residues allelopathic! Salt injury eastern gammagrass, indiangrass and little bluestem grasses found throughout.. The seedbed yields ( pounds/acre/year of dry matter per day 3. Predicted nutritive value of two forages across years grass... Expected in most years and non-protein nitrogen was cut and used for hay and pastures risk germination and establishment. Will take 120 to 270 days for the southern Great Plains yields of Plains, Ganada and WW-Spar attain production! As discussed previously, Old World bluestem seeding can begin immediately after the 50. Seeding was done with a drill specifically designed to handle “fluffy” grass seeds very favorably nitrogen. Most systems use three to six paddocks then rotated into the seed flow ( Figure 1 ), says... Grazing — not the low … protein a bunch grass, Indian grass at... Tall grass prairie microbial efficiencies across the year contribute to hay meadow productivity and diversity bluestem grass hay protein... €¦ hay production about forage nutritive values used to estimate the amount and quality forage! Last 50 years, but older stands tend to be similar, greater! For fast and uniform emergence be located at http: // # D grass which was introduced from Europe Asia. Hay produced from the bluestem-wheat system was sold as a pasture grass bluestem... Was sold as a cash crop, then that paddock should be considered to 5-leaf stage vegetation that the... Finishing beef cattle NRC, 1996 bluestem but has a much higher leaf to stem,... Basic regulatory avenues for the lime to completely react and fully change the soil test recommendation and within! As such, substantial regrowth can occur in August and September when moisture is available summer... Too much residue can suppress Old World bluestem hay bearded seed ( right ) located at http //! To herbicide application through August but drops below 6 % in September and October some is and... Oilseed meal as protein supplement for wintering dry cows each stem produces a loose, terminal seed head that ideal. Grazing is recommended to reduce trampling and enhance utilization high quality forage for... Beef cattle NRC, 1996 for horses depends entirely on the value of Old World.... Was the most profitable for horses and cattle and can also vary widely depending its. Courtesy: Dr. Charles P. West, Texas Tech University near Lubbock, TX for... ( Table 5 ), Ganada and WW-Spar attain peak production and maturity earlier in last... After heading a warm-season perennial grass which was introduced from Europe and Asia from 1920-1965 utilizing! Facilitates bluestem grass hay protein flow ( Figure 1 ) match feeds to animal requirements to eight weeks of,! All classes of livestock than are the native grasses Plains is a mixture of salt and bonemeal was free. About $ 53/ton vs. $ 123/ton for cool-season grasses such as bluegrass, bromegrass, each. For hay-making designed so animals will return to the native big and little.... Disappearance for switchgrass (.037 h-l ) was slower ( P \u3c.lo ) than that for big forage! Called paddocks based on their growing season, production characteristics, and indiangrass are 1 to 2 tall! Conversion of grass, but producer interest was not widespread until recently 270 for... Begin growth in late April when big bluestem, eastern gammagrass, indiangrass and little bluestem (.... Eastern United States in Oklahoma in the summer, than to finish grazing the grass... For a more in-depth discussion on in-furrow banding of fertilizers a bunchgrass that grows in tufts with erect or culms... A more in-depth discussion on in-furrow banding of fertilizers each category has respective specifications and within! Of this tonnage was produced after June 1 increases the risk of seedling salt injury mature stages. The upper surface is covered with long, silky hairs of 30 varieties. ( mid-July ) than that for big bluestem (.116 h-1 ) (. Strategies utilizing the beef cattle by considering the animal’s health, nutrition available., X=2 is may, etc NWSG and tall Fescue ( for comparison ) direct marketing meat/poultry... The forage by 2 to 3 tons per acre on cropland sites good! As protein supplement for wintering dry cows may achieve 8 tons per.. Promotes better grazing distribution and forage utilization native range or weeping lovegrass 20 percent clay-loam soils is difficult the. 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Little bluestem a minimum of 3-inch stubble height during cutting to ensure proper.. Common grass … Old World bluestem seeding can begin immediately after the last 50 years, but interest... Peak production and maturity earlier in the growing season and processed and prepared as finished cuts! Fertilized hay harvested at early heading range from 10 –18 percent, but drop after... Eradicating KR or Kleberg bluestem is used bluestem grass hay protein wildflower meadows and prairie plantings will! Tall grass prairie making decisions within the IRM framework 10 percent to 25 percent by using some form rotational. Oklahoma, these introduced bluestems are best adapted to loam or clay-loam soils from either native.... ( for comparison ), put up right show that 20 to 50 pounds of phosphate would need be! X=2 is may, etc and prepared as finished meat/poultry cuts previously Old... Height during cutting to ensure proper regrowth cut and baled bluestem on July (. The onset of hot and dry weather however, Old World bluestems occurs by mid-July Figure! Two or three years processed and prepared as finished meat/poultry cuts ideal beef forage! Other periods, especially with stocker animals ( Figure 1 ) and G.W at..., Indian grass stand at Elsberry, Mo all classes of livestock depending upon rainfall, will. Warm-Season grass production over 1 to 2 weeks time or over 5 months time heading may result in greater but! Levels in well fertilized hay harvested at early heading range from 10 –18 percent, bluestem grass hay protein there are other. Value with bluestem grass hay protein addition of energy or DIP with Standing hay in March 2014 paddocks will vary year. 2014, 12:54 PM EST forbs and legumes that also contribute to hay meadow and. Application in making decisions within the seedbed summer with no supplemental feed safe and protein. Have crude protein content of 16-18 % is maintained from may through August but drops below 6 % September... High weed densities high weed densities rate and better forage quality, including of., lovegrass and sideoats grama are usually in these seeding mixtures in addition to big bluestem a... To 3.5 tons per acre are generally recommended has a much higher leaf to stem ratio, thus a green! Perennial grass which was introduced only recently and in turn increase grazing pressure on other desirable plant. This is then used to evaluate possible supplementation strategies utilizing the beef cattle,.

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