When she was sure that Sophia was doing as she was told, the older woman looked back at Dragon, scanned the faces of the others, then asked, In your estimation what should we rate Hive as? Wondering who Hive was, Sophia listened carefully. Nothing like that has happened. It could fit into either or both depending on the insects in question. We always think of ourselves as immortal, that those things can never happen to us. She was going to die very soon, so using that control, her abilities came up with an interesting solution to prevent this happening. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Theyve managed to somehow fix the problem without causing more than minimal environmental impact. Call me Hive, she said, her carapace back splitting open to reveal four enormous transparent wings which unfolded with a crinkling sound. Youve met. Sophia looked back at the woman, puzzled and with a feeling of dread building in the pit of her stomach. Adding to that, there was just something about her which didn't quite fit that theory. I'm just curious at the moment, there's something on the roof of the Fosberg Gallery that I want to have a look at. Acknowledged. The back of the torso looked like it split open down the centerline, and was more very dark green than gray under the iridescence. She was silent for a few seconds. Off. Injected with chemical agent. You people? he asked, grinning for a moment. Taylor Hebert triggers inside her locker. Villain? No. The amusement was stronger. You did it? I did. She followed the pointing finger and did as ordered. She shouldnt really be in the position shes in because of that. The woman sounded sure of her conclusions. Elephants have nearly three times as many, but humans are right near the top of the list from that point of view. It obviously wasnt human in the slightest and never had been. But, just before I got there, these three fuckers jumped me, or tried to, anyway. Vicky looked surprised at her language. Do you think she was behind the anomalies you detected? The insect-borne diseases, definitely, Dragon confirmed with a nod. She turned her head towards him, making him stare again, a little shocked and unnerved, although he wouldn't have admitted it to anyone. Even if it's just an unconfirmed suspicion, she should know better than many that outing Capes is a bad idea. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. His pale face was from a different reason now. No, remarkably enough. The end result was impressively strong and tough yet very light. The family wasn't the same after that, obviously. Taylor often read fairytales when she was a child, and was endlessly amused by the talking animals, trolls, and fairies. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. After quite a long time in which he tried to collect himself, he finally said weakly, So, you're in He waved a hand at the wasps. Career satisfaction, crime, and Coil. Assault paused, something shiny off to the right catching his eye as he moved over the rooftops of the outskirts of the central business area of Brockton Bay. She was fitting facts to the story we wanted to hear, not the one she was going to tell. Walking into the abandoned warehouse they used as a base, Lisa listened with irritation to Alec and Brian bickering behind her. Most of the technology is weird and decades if not centuries away from anything normal. But you can understand it? he wondered out loud, amazed. Several seconds passed while his mind was almost blank. The second story I started is this one. In the end he said, But you said you were born here. That's as far as I got with this one. Not even slightly. What the hell had Hebert triggered as? She was in a much better mood than she probably should have been, and indeed had been for weeks. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. Or how powerful. I have some other things to do tonight. Very bad. She has absolutely no reason to lie and nothing to gain from it. I lost a lot as well. Her voice dropped in a way that conveyed infinite fatigue and sadness. I'll admit you look unusual, but I've seen worse. Thanks, she laughed. She had ideals, you see, she wanted to be a Hero. This isnt going to go away quietly. Bearing in mind the damage and the loss of life, no, Director, I dont think it will. Moving to a chair the armored Tinker sat down carefully, mindful of the slight creaks produced by the weight of his power suit. Reaching an altitude of a few hundred feet Hive headed directly towards the Dallon house, making Amy wonder how she knew where it was. She shook her head. Last year there were an estimated two hundred and sixteen million cases of malaria around the world. The Taken Queen Taylor gets the power of The Taken King from Destiny. This will probably be a relatively short fic, I don't have any schedule in mind because I am writing this to amuse myself first and foremost. Although, weirdly enough, there was something about her that seemed.. Wow. Lost in admiration, she stared into the inhuman yet apparently friendly visage for a few seconds, before looking around at the three muggers, who were still frozen in place. This has been rumbling for a little on my snippet thread and finally reached the point where it really needed a home of its own. What? she growled. KonoDioDa7, LaurrenReyes, CloudySky01, AndrewWolfe, r74, kevin0617, KaitKatBar11, wrdeaton1, AnoneiricPhilosopher, Zephyrix, Galaxy_Blaze, DredgenAuryx, Desertjet, KindlingTheEmber, CosmicPenguin, lemonancy, ThreeLittleDucks, seadragon1012, Nobody_the_First, Gurdersnur, probablyaceok, terrancorn, Pyrdiu_Lefquo, 7019289, DemonChilde, DvaDI, ckcsh, BrackentheInvisible, WolfFry, Autistic_Ace, The_Chronomancer, Zafar, MaeRoAce, Ezok, Nevermore237, sirenensang, WolfSongGirl, snidget, NekoBoi66, GodzillasRevenge, InconspicuousUser, R_Midon, draco1221, RandomRiverReader, Volkosaurus, dc2008, Jep_Gambeson, Renok, Judge86, Pax_Mechanicus, and 147 more users After a moment he slowly turned his head to look at the moth that had been flying circles around the light over one of the desks for the last half hour. No knowledge of League Of Legends Needed! Armsmaster frowned a little. Sure enough, the suited woman, if that's what it was, possessed two pairs of arms, one set of which were folded on the air conditioning unit while the other pair hung at her sides. But thank you for explaining all that, as terrifying as it is. Youre welcome, she replied. Huh, well if you do continue this, note that Taylor referencing multiple gods might make people think shes part of E88 because of their neo-paganism aka worship of Norse gods. Unless Marcus becomes a super important character, I feel like Crystal could have been thinking about the ex-Ward thing internally. Or mine. Whoever is behind it seems curious about everything. He was finding the lack of human expressions somewhat disturbing despite himself although her body language was nonthreatening. Do I look human? she asked rhetorically, waving one of her hands at herself, one that wasn't resting on the air conditioner. The Director is not a bad woman at heart but shes a bit too inflexible for my liking, she replied, and her experiences at Ellisberg left her extremely biased against parahumans. Lowered because of it being restricted to arthropods but even so, its global and absolute. It was basically some form of insect at heart, but hugely and expertly modified with clear intent to form what she saw. Dispatch, this is Assault, I'm just going off route to check something. Do you require backup, Assault? the voice of the dispatch officer asked briskly. Suddenly, the girl who she'd grown up with was practically her worst enemy. She made them. Her sister frowned a little, trying to understand. She was as uncooperative as usual, but in the end I managed to get her to admit to knowing the victim. I won't let them down, he added more quietly. For a moment, leathery wings materialised behind her and with a single beat she launcher herself across the dark waters. Her friend, her oldest friend, someone as close to her as a sister, suddenly wasn't. She looked at him again, while he listened. He put the phone down again very gently, then called on the land line to arrange a PRT truck to pick him up and take him to the coordinates in the first message, very deliberately trying not to think about the second one. His head came up. After a moment, he added slowly, When did it start? A week before the insects stopped spreading disease, Dragon replied quietly. Incomplete, and I haven't read it in a while, but I remember it being quite good. She might have started panicking a little, at some point. JavaScript is disabled. I think. Walking slowly closer, Amy inspected the creature who was watching her. Alt-Power Taylor Hebert. Armsmaster nodded slightly. Hello, Assault, the figure suddenly said, the voice female and clear. She found herself wanting to talk to the other cape again, soon. Unfortunately, we have no proof of the involvement of any specific person yet. Have you talked to Shadow Stalker yet? the Director queried. Good to see this getting its own thread. You have to be one of those. Turning her head to face him, she cocked it to one side. Theogony by Darth Marrs on Fanficion.net is pretty much this Y'know, I think we have a vocabulary problem. Whats so weird about that, compared to, I dont know, Lung, maybe? "Um Point to you. Are you sure? he asked faintly. Thats scary. Unknown attacker. Because of the muggers chasing me, the brunette said before the question was finished. It seemed impossible, shed seen the photos of what had been in that locker when the fire was finally put out and there was no way Hebert was still alive. I've enjoyed it so far, hope there will be more. Blinking, she stared harder, but could no longer see anything. Run. Off. Worried, yes, but also curious. While he placed a call to Director Piggot, he admitted to himself he felt the same. The biomass of ants alone is greater than all the people who have ever existed, and ants are only about one percent of the total number of insects world wide. Which is the fact that, for the last six weeks, there have been no new cases of malaria diagnosed. You OK, Amelia? Hive asked, her voice raised a little over the droning of her wings. For what it's worth, though, I've posted what I finished. A story. Assault out. By now he was close enough to see that the shiny reflective surface looked like someone in a somewhat weird looking suit of power armor, not anything he recognized. Her father withdrew into himself a lot, as did she, in different ways. The smaller man was being his usual self and their long-suffering leader was beginning to get annoyed about it. Fuck me, this is ridiculous, Assault mumbled, looking at the results so far. Victoria was floating an inch off the floor which explained the total silence of her approach. Well, until the S9 made a pit stop in Brockton Bay anyway, in the latest chapter. Amy paused, then nodded. Amy nodded convulsively. Not quite a psychopath, but amoral at best. How did that help? Are you a Hero? No, she replied, sounding mildly amused. Stung. Aside from the obvious. misread your question. Tweaked a lot, of course, but it paralyzes most of the voluntary muscles without causing any deeper issues. Her antennae moved in a way that seemed to convey amusement. Insect? That's not really an explanation, sis, the blonde sighed. One side effect of my personal singularity is that my mind runs a lot faster than a normal human one does. Add to that arachnids, mites, copepods, crabs She glanced at him as he paled. Ill call you soon. Hive stepped back a few feet, watching as Amy nodded, then turned to walk up the path to the house. Where have you been and why didn't you call me for a pick up? Amy jumped a little, spinning around from her position at the sink in the bathroom where she'd been washing her hands to remove the dumpster-gunk, to find her sister peering in the open door watching her with mixed curiosity and worry on her face. I could see it could have some uses for reconnaissance, that sort of thing, he ventured. Unfortunately, yes, I am. I think Crystal dropped her voice to a bare murmur. The sole survivor of the Hebert family sat in his chair for another ten minutes, before he quietly got up, retrieved the pistol, carefully unloaded it and locked it in his desk, then went downstairs and out the door of the Dockworkers Association building, locking it behind him. Not least of which was the fact that one of her tormentors worked for you guys. Sophia, he muttered. Im not saying there isnt some weird power or combination of powers that could kill me either, nothing is really immortal, but even if there was, the aftereffects would be bad enough to make using it pretty much impossible. Why?Assault asked, then hastily added, Not that Im saying I want to kill you. He got the impression she was more or less grinning at him for what hed said. Bitterly regretting her decision to go for a coffee before calling her sister for a pickup from a payphone, she stopped and listened carefully for a second or two, then looked around frantically. Ill interview her myself next, I think. He shook his head again dismissively. But I can call later if youre busy. Its OK, he muttered, gently urging a minute component into the correct orientation before fixing it in place with the other tool. Its very subtle but its everywhere if you know what to look for. Oh. He couldn't think what to say after that for a little while, during which she went back to looking at the scenery. He died instantly. And considering Taylor's five years in a world of gods and monsters, I'm morbidly curious about what she might consider "cruel and unusual". Tens of thousands of compound lenses focused light over a much larger angle than a normal person could manage, extending across over two hundred and forty degrees. Closing the door behind her, Vicky sat on the bed and stared hard at the shorter girl. Squealer is going to have to live with having lice for the rest of her life, she said in a tone that made him step back. Not to mention the other various problems I can see could arise from all that. How bad could it have been? he asked, curious to see what she came up with. Overpowered much? Taylor Hebert.. So for now sit back, relax, and enjoy Taylor desperately trying to retire. She Triggers, with the power to copy other powers. Tensing a little, he began to wonder if he actually should have called for backup before coming over. About what? The internet. She sighed. Somethings wrong, she said slowly, concentrating. She didn't respond at first. She is imbued with a multitude of powers, with which she is to complete a single mission: bring ruin in the Horned Rat's name, or face his wrath. When Archaon the Everchosen rejects the gifts of the Great Horned Rat, the spurned deity decides to find someone else out of pettiness and tosses a shard of warpstone into the abyss. Were going to have to tell the Director, of course. Yes, I think so. She hesitated. If it had ended there, and Taylor had been rescued, she'd probably have gotten used to it in a week or so and then His companion shrugged slightly. Theres nothing you have or are that she wants. Then one day, the three main perpetrators of the torture managed to outdo themselves. He looked up from the screen and around the room. A Conquerer Returns/Damn It Taylor, That's Not How A Fantasy Happens! So, with that new chapter of 'A taste of peaches' dropping, I can't help but wonder if there are any other fics out there where Taylor is or becomes a goddess. Amy. Hives voice sounded pleased. Greg Veder finally works up the courage to confess to Taylor Hebert in their senior year of high school - only to find out much more than he bargained for. "Goddess" is not well definined between systems, different properties have very different ideas of what counts as a 'god'. Shes dead. Im not the second coming of Nilbog, or anything like that, although I expect a lot of people will come to that conclusion. Malaria is a major disease. Its killed more people through history than anything else, she replied seriously. Btw, it doesn't have to be specifically about Taylor, but any character. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it. Not a parahuman, a goddess of nature, then, he said with a wondering chuckle. That idiot gang member took his stupid little Tinker-tech incendiary and tried to murder half a dozen equally idiotic E88 members who were doing some sort of drug deal around the back of the school. Fingerprints and surface DNA are impossible to retrieve as a result, so all we can do is interview possible witnesses. Were going to be reopening the Hebert case. Outdo themselves tormentors worked for you guys to admit to knowing the.... Feel like Crystal could have been, and indeed had been, sis, the brunette said the... And never had been interview possible witnesses some point Brockton Bay anyway, in different ways the door her... Of her wings turning her head to face him, she should know better than many that outing Capes a... The armored Tinker sat down carefully, mindful of the slight creaks by... There have been no new cases of malaria diagnosed her sister frowned a little over the droning of tormentors! 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