When the treatment failed, Hayley decided to end her life on her terms, which she did on 20th January 2014, passing away with Roy at her side. Who was the father of Heather Trotts baby? They decide to go camping in a bid to mend their issues. Hayley remained there longer than Roy, returning on 9th January 2013. "I know. The Croppers fled from the wedding with Patience, but faced immediate pressure from the Barlows to give Tracy back the baby. Fiz tried her usual tricks to skive off school, only to be caught in the Corner Shop by Hayley when she was supposed to be ill. After setting the cooker on fire, Fiz was berated by Roy and retaliated by reporting him for hitting her. The following day, Christian visits again and is stunned when Christian says she can see the children. Who drove the Ford Escort in fast and furious? A baby girl was born on 9th February 2004, with Tracy stalling the Croppers for a few days before handing the baby over. Hesmondhalgh agreed that killing Hayley off was the only believable option: "In a way, she has to die because it would be much more of a betrayal of everything if she just left Roy. (Final line, to husband Roy). [15] The official LGBT History Month website includes Hayley as one of the important famous LGBT people in their history, even though she is a fictional character.[16]. The Croppers were relieved when they were informed that Fiz had done similarly before, and there would be no action taken. Hayley got in touch with Christian and he turned up at the cafe to see her, having stood her up at their arranged meeting in Bury two days prior due to his uncertainty about seeing her again. Realising that Hayley had no other friends, Alma searched for a way to free herself of her without hurting her feelings, succeeding when Hayley was introduced to Roy Cropper at dinner at Alma and Mike's flat. She briefly left him and went to stay with Alma, before deciding to forgive him. Following the death of her aunt Monica in September 2007, Hayley discovers that she has a son, Christian Gatley (Andrew Turner). Norris Cole (Malcolm Hebden) notices that Roy is even more unhappy than usual, and asks if he is alright, but he claims to be fine. Then awaiting the results of her CT scan, Hayley couldn't concentrate at the factory and explained her situation to Carla. In 2010, following a discussion of the ramifications of their not being legally married, Roy and Hayley decided to make it official. Hayley was determined to prove herself capable and challenged Gwen Loveday about her shoddy work. In 2009, the Croppers employed Fiz's husband John Stape at the cafe, despite his kidnap of Rosie Webster which had resulted in his imprisonment. Hayley insists that they attend a cancer support group, where they meet Jane Rayner (Heather Bleasdale) and her husband Jeff (Jim Millea). All the pain they had gone through was forgotten as Hayley and Roy began a new life with their daughter, whom they named Patience Cropper. Hayley gave Becky her job back at the cafe and from then on there was more trust in their relationship. After one last moment together, she drinks the cocktail. As a teenager, she became friends with a girl called Cath who was similarly outcast amongst their peers. As the day arrived, the wedding party was just about to arrive when the press turned up at the church. A few months later, Fiz returned to the area, older and wiser, and apologised to the Croppers for being rotten to them. Corrie fans were devastated when Hayley was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in July 2013, following a CT scan. Interrupting Angela typing the words you're next on the factory computer, Hayley was asked by Angela to go to Sheffield and post a letter containing the threat. Most criticism came from the LGBT community, who slated the portrayal of Hayley as cliched and ill-informed. Enjoying making a difference to people's lives, Hayley decided to do voluntary work at the church, although restrictions were placed on her due to her being a transsexual and she was only allowed to work with ex-offenders. When she comes home, she is stunned to find Roy, Owen Armstrong (Ian Puleston-Davies) and Gary Windass (Mikey North) re-decorating their bedroom. Christian brings Sam and Maisie to the caf and Maisie is intrigued by Roy's train collection, while Hayley and Christian talk upstairs. But a particularly interesting one that's caught hold on social media is eating an orange in the shower. [2] Her final scenes were filmed on 18 November 2013 [3] and aired on 22 January 2014. Hayley tries to comfort Henry as he is not coping. Roy breaks the news to Anna, Fiz, Tyrone, Peter, Carla, Rita Tanner (Barbara Knox) and Dennis Tanner (Philip Lowrie). After Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie) accidentally interrupts and raises the alarm, Roy rushes to Underworld but can not help her, while Carla pleads with Tony to let Hayley go Tony eventually relents and throws Hayley out. Hayley and Becky did have the occasional cross word. In 2013, Carla was one of the first people to find out about Hayley's cancer treatment. The Croppers struck up an instant bond with Wayne, but although the quiet lad hadn't said why he ran away from home, as Alex left with Wayne, Roy saw him hit the boy through the cafe window. Although devoted to Hayley, Roy could sometimes be insensitive. In 2001, Roy and Hayley decide to become foster parents. When Hayley finds him later, Christian is still angry and punches her when she refuses to leave him alone. Though she asked only for his friendship, Roy took the news badly and asked her to leave him alone. The decision to hang up Hayley's red anorak was a tough one, but doing the play at the Royal Exchange last year made me realise that there's life in the old dog yet (!) And of course we had to plaster on tons of make-up." In May 2010, Roy suggested to Hayley that they have a civil partnership, to improve their pension benefits. (The Guardian, 17th January 1998) To widen the field of available talent, the decision was taken to have an actress play the part instead of a transgendered woman. 27-year-old Julie Hesmondhalgh was born in Accrington, Lancashire. Feeling sorry for Hayley, Alma offered her the hand of friendship, although she was slightly disturbed when Hayley, having no other friends, latched on to her and started following her around. Driven by his determination to fulfill his promise to Hayley, Roy found (via Emily Bishop) a minister who agreed to perform a ceremony at St. Paul's Church. Roy suggested fostering instead, as they would be able to help more children, and Hayley agreed. So I immediately imagined myself as a Bet Lynch-type character and I did literally pitch up for the audition with red lipstick and a leopard-skin coat. Becky grew very attached to Royston and Hayles. In February 1999, Hayley became suspicious of Roy's movements when he put on his best clothes to go for a walk. According to Roy, he had got drunk at Peter and Shelley Barlow's wedding reception and woke up the next morning in bed with Tracy. It was revealed that Hayley had applied for, and received, her new birth certificate, and so, after some disagreements about the cost and motives for marriage, the plans were made for the wedding. She returned in Episode 6950 on 17th November 2008. Press for Change, the transgender campaign and information group, were particularly concerned with the direction of the storyline, but after the first two months a trans advisor connected to Press for Change, Annie Wallace, was regularly consulted for eighteen months by scriptwriters and the actor, and trans groups appeared happier with the stories and scripts that resulted from this liaison. As Hayley had yet to update her passport, they took their honeymoon in York. The news quickly spread throughout Coronation Street, stunning the residents. Heather phones the father to tell him he has a son, and it is revealed to be the much younger Darren Miller (Charlie G. Hawkins). Before auditioning, the actress was given sketchy details about the character, with one glaring omission: All I knew at first was there's a part going in Coronation Street, she's called Hayley, she's going to work in the factory and she's fun. During their last conversation, Hayley thanked Carla for giving her three extra years of life. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Maisie, however, tells her that she hopes she gets better soon and that she would love to come again. Daunted by the prospect of telling Christian the truth, Hayley immediately broke her promise to Roy by telling Christian that she was his aunt and that his dad Harold was dead. While Wayne was staying with them, Roy and Hayley pretended to the neighbours that they were fostering him. In July 2003, Hayley went to visit her ill Aunty Monica. Later that week, Roy and Hayley go to a hospital appointment following her scan and learn that the cancer is a lot more aggressive than anticipated, meaning Hayley only has weeks left to live. After explaining the situation fully to the police, the Croppers were granted bail on the condition that they didn't have any contact with Wayne. She decides not to return to Underworld and wants to become a social worker but her police record (for the abduction of Wayne in 2001), rules her ineligible to work with children. Hayley and Roy enjoy their last Christmas together. She agrees and they marry. Whatever happens next I'll always be proudest of lovely Mrs Cropper. But I was really conscious that I didn't want it to be making fun of her, and as it happened it was beautifully written and David [Neilson] and I played it, and continue to play it, as a delicate love story. (Fifty Years) On their relationship, David Neilson: "Everything just clicked and the two characters just seem to sparkle together," (Inside Soap). On the value of the couple: "I've said this before, but they are, despite how unusual they are as people, they are the most conservative couple on the Street really. He says she could live up to about six months to a year. Mike eventually caved in and re-hired Hayley. In September, having recently become closer to thirteen-year-old Sarah Platt and become godmother of her daughter Bethany, Hayley's thoughts turned to children and she suggested to Roy that they adopt. A year later, they let homeless Craig Harris move into the flat after finding him living in squalor in the empty bakery next door. Hesmondhalgh quit the programme to pursue other work, having enjoyed her return to the stage the year before: "The decision to hang up Hayley's red anorak was a tough one. Following this, in October 2007, Hayley leaves the Street to go on volunteer work in Mozambique for a year. Angela Harris was one of Hayley's colleagues from the factory. In 2013, Hayley battled pancreatic cancer. On 20 January 2014, Hayley died in Roy's arms after drinking a lethal cocktail. It has been said that the character of Hayley deserves partial credit for bringing the issues faced by trans people to public attention in a sympathetic manner, rather than the sensationalist coverage that had previously existed[citation needed]. This prevents Roy and Hayley fostering, or working with, any more young people. Roy and Hayley get married (Image: ITV) Calling out, Anna and Carla go to the bedroom and, to their shock, find a deceased Hayley on the bed, with Roy's arm around her. After a few more dates, Hayley decided to reveal her secret to him. In 2007, she enjoyed playing scenes of Hayley meeting her son Christian Gatley, although his existence went against known Street history which had established Hayley as a virgin. She names him George Michael, after the singer. After affirming their mutual attraction, Hayley goes to Amsterdam for private gender reassignment surgery. Angela apologised to Hayley and asked her to tell everyone the truth. Hayley is inspired by Jane's strength and confidence, despite dying from pancreatic cancer, but Roy tells Hayley that he found her highly inappropriate and inconsiderate. No. The couple visit and Hayley is shocked to see how dazed Jane is after taking morphine. Well, I was gobsmacked, of course, but I thought it was a fantastic idea. However, she made an exception for Tracy Barlow, giving her a slap when Tracy made cracks about her sexuality during a heated argument. For me it's a love story with a beginning, middle, and an end and this is the end.". In April 2011, Roy's mother Sylvia Goodwin turned up at the cafe demanding an explanation for Roy's no-show at her husband Roger's funeral, in the process meeting Hayley for the first time. Mary Taylor (Patti Clare) intervenes in the wedding preparations and, after weeks of muscling in, Hayley and Roy tell her they do not want her to be a part of the wedding, despite Hayley wearing her vintage wedding dress. In an interview with Hesmondhalgh in August 2015, it was revealed that in tribute to Wallace, the writers gave Hayley's middle name as Anne, and gave her the same birthday, as well as a mutual love for rock music, especially Queen. Shared exclusively by Hypebae, the visual is . Comforted by Roy, she softened and told him that loving him had made her life worthwhile. Hayley's hen night, planned by Becky, saw her blindfolded and led to the cafe, which had been transformed into a salsa bar, where Sean Tully had hired a friend to pose as a Latin lothario and salsa dance with Hayley. I know the transsexual community have experienced terrible prejudice because of fear and ignorance, but this storyline has actually got people talking about a subject they might otherwise not have known about. In 2006, he ignored Hayley in favour of his friend Clifford Ford, who loved trains almost as much as Roy did. Their reunion was cemented when Hayley was taken hostage at the factory by a maniacal Tony Gordon, escaping after her fellow hostage Carla Connor appealed to Tony's better side and persuaded him to let Hayley go. As well as being nominated for the "Best Actress" award, Hesmondhalgh's final appearance, entitled "Hayley's Death", was nominated for the "Best Single Episode" award, as well. However, their first experience with a foster child wasn't an official one - on Christmas Day, they caught Wayne Hayes stealing food from the cafe, having run away from home. Alex then stunned them by offering to sell Wayne to them for 10,000, which he lowered to 5,000, eager for them to accept. Roy cannot cope and initially rejects her but realises that their friendship is more important than Hayley's secret. However, some abused their kindly nature. Eventually Hayley decided she'd had enough and told the girls herself. There is no answer, so Anna eventually unlocks the door with her spare key and they enter the flat together. I can't remember whose idea that was. Carla gives Hayley have the time off and Mary lends them her motor home. Hayley was therefore sceptical when Becky tried to befriend her when Hayley was doing voluntary work with ex-offenders later in the year, but she decided to give Becky a chance, feeling that everyone could be rehabilitated. We didn't want people to be fearful of her and dislike her for the wrong reasons. Over the following days, Hayley became more frail and lost her appetite. They saw through his scheme but even their regular attentive method of parenting were beyond what Chesney was used to at home. In December, Roy and Hayley go to a hospital appointment where she tells the nurse that her pain is getting worse and she is prescribed with stronger painkillers. What do you expect to happen for her to wake up 1 day and decide she wants to be a man? A police search for the couple ensued, with the papers reporting them as kidnappers and painting Alex as a concerned stepfather. Hayley caught up with Roy at the airport and returned to Weatherfield with him. Hayley was alarmed at her friend's rapid deterioration and revealed to a stunned Roy that she wanted to end her own life when the cancer spread, before her morphine dosage was high enough to make her delirious. However, when interviewed the Hayes family and Alex denied any abuse was taking place, and the Croppers were suspended from fostering for good measure. In 2009, Hayley was tempted back to the factory when Tony Gordon offered her the position of manager in his absence, although with the return of co-owner Carla Connor, Hayley returned to her old machinist/supervisor role. Roy decides not to tell Hayley his true feelings and they listen to music together after a stressful day. Taking pity on Hayley when Curly Watts picked on her for being too unassertive in her job at Firman's Freezers, Alma befriended her in order to boost her confidence. When she saw Anna wash a glass from the bedroom, Carla realised that Hayley had taken her own life before the cancer reached its final stage, but she respected Hayley's choice not to share her plans with her and didn't pursue the matter further. The woman that inspired Coronation Street's Hayley Cropper has spoken publicly about being transgender for the first time. In 2012, she took three months off to appear in Black Roses: The Killing Of Sophie Lancaster at the Royal Exchange Theatre. Anne Malone froze to death when she was accidentally locked in a freezer at Freshcos while gaining revenge on Curly Watts for rejecting her. Prepared to drink the cocktail, Hayley is interrupted by Tyrone who is looking for Ruby's toy. They eventually worked out their differences. They buy each other gifts and want to be alone, but the day is interrupted by visits from friends and neighbours. She is told she needs an operation and chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer. Briefly, upon her return, there was a difficult situation where she had developed a crush on one of her co-workers in Africa (further reading below). While teaching a literacy class, Hayley came into contact with Becky Granger, with whom she had previously worked at Underworld. When Jane passed away a short time later, Hayley struggled to cope and became tough on Roy for not supporting her. They watch the CCTV footage and it proves that Roy is behind all of the rearranged furniture. While waiting for him to call back, she focuses on throwing a birthday party for Roy in The Rovers. Roy makes sure that she is comfortable and selects a piece of music that they both like. Roy was especially closed, but as he left to go back the UK, he gave her an engraved gold watch. Hayley had a difficult time in prison, as the women in her block knew she was a transsexual and picked on her, but after a few weeks Sheila reported Alex to the police for beating her and Hayley was released, the charges against her and Roy dropped and Alex arrested. Hayley credited Carla for being the reason she was still alive, and the two became close, if unlikely, friends. In March 2000, Hayley attracted the attentions of Stuart Leigh, a builder working on the Medical Centre development. In 2010, Becky confided in them her mother's death, which she had kept even from Steve McDonald. In 2004, Roy bought Hayley an old globe and suggested they travel the world, starting with Kent, although they were tired out by one day's travelling and sold their camper van to Harry Flagg. (First line, to Curly Watts). Hesmondhalgh: "Since the scene was broadcast when Hayley told Roy I have personally found that people have been very positive. With Hayley behind him, Roy bought a new unit in Victoria Street, No.16, and the flat above, and moved the cafe there. She shares a very ordinary family life in Derbyshire with her husband, screenwriter and actor Ian Kershaw (they met on the soap, when he played a reporter on the Weatherfield Gazette) and their two daughters, aged 13 and 10. Hayley and Roy then foster a young boy, Wayne Hayes (Gary Damer), but go on the run with him, wanting to protect him from his abusive stepfather. ", As the storyline played out, Hesmondhalgh feared a backlash from fans over the storyline but was surprised by the reaction: "I've had so many messages and it's been overwhelming. During Ben's adolescence and childhood, he was. Roy gets suspicious when Tracy goes on holiday for 3 weeks and realizing how easy it would be for Tracy to disappear with the cash and the baby, Roy insists she marry him (giving him parental responsibility of the baby) or the deal is off. In June 2010, Tony escaped from prison and took Carla and Hayley hostage at the factory, intending to kill Hayley along with Carla so that Roy would feel the same loss he felt when Maria Connor turned her back on him. Hayley says she would love to meet them but Christian wants to wait until they are 16 years of age, upsetting Hayley. Decided to reveal her secret to him. `` foster parents s adolescence and childhood, he gave her engraved. To death when she was accidentally locked in a freezer at Freshcos while gaining revenge on Watts. Cope and became tough on Roy for not supporting her and it proves that is... Is looking for Ruby 's toy thought it was a fantastic idea giving her three years... Hayley came into contact with Becky Granger, with whom she had even. Friends with a beginning, middle, and an end and this is the end..! A builder working on the Medical Centre development 2013, Carla was one of Hayley 's.! 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