A number of Western, and especially U.S. scholars, view the SCO as a challenge to U.S. interests. Since Afghanistan has an observer status at SCO and she is struggling to get full membership, it is best chance for Pakistan to solve her all issues such border dispute, terrorists sanctuaries across the border and backing TTP terrorists to carry terrorist activities in the region especially in Pakistan. For more details about us please visit About US page. Pakistan presently faces an existentialist threat from terrorism and religious extremism and the member states of the SCO are also victims of this menace in varying degrees. Zardari held that Pakistan was a natural member of the SCO and its entry would further boost the people-to-people contacts, bring more stability and enhance trade and economic ties in the region. FOREIGN Minister of Pakistan Shah Mahmood Qureshi who represented the Prime Minister at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting in Dushanbe while addressing the assemblage rightly pointed out that Pakistan had played an important role in combating terrorism and religious extremism and the organisation could benefit from its experience in combating terrorism. In June 2001 the SCO member states came up with a pioneering initiative to establish regional anti-terrorist entity. Pakistans emphasis will also be to promote its role and lobby to gather support for not allowing the forum to be used against the country. The writer is Professor of Politics and IR at International Islamic University, Islamabad. The Presence of the giants like Russia and China in the SCO along with Central Asian states, rich in natural resources promise infinitesimal opportunities for peace and economic prosperity of the region. Also, Analyze Its Impacts, Why did Pakistan join Western defense pacts? In doing so Pakistan has paid a heavy price as tens of thousands of civilians and soldiers had embraced martyrdom besides injuries to others. Discuss The Role Of Regional And Nationalist Political Parties In Pakistani Politics How Far These Parties Are Necessary For The Political System by Miss Irum Arif. Critically evaluate the foundations of Allama Iqbals concept of Muslim separatism in the context of Indo-Pak Subcontinent. The SCO forum will give Pakistan a seat at the table with Eurasian powers like China and Russia, with whom Pakistan has cultivated closer relations in recent years The economic linkages evolved through the SCO forum will also strengthen prospects of regional security. Pakistan can also share its developmental experience under CPEC to assist the further construction of OBOR in the SCO region. Quite recently SCO has organised first regional anti-terrorist structure legal experts meeting hosted by Pakistan, for the first time. On the side-lines of the summit Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif met with key heads of the member states; China, Russia, Iran, Turkey and host country. It has caused death of over 1400 people, wounded over 10,000 people and destroyed the population centres, vast agricultural area and crops amounting to over $50 billion. The priorities outlined for the forum for next year one include: a) raising the potential and authority of SCO, b) making efforts for peace and stability in the region, c) reducing poverty by ensuring food security and availability of basic necessities of life. How far these parties are necessary for the political system?" For this, the organization focuses on interstate trade and transactions. The writer is Director, Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies and Founder Secretary General, Pakistan Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Friendship Forum The war against terror is only one element of Pakistan's foreign policy but undue emphasis on it has made us oblivious of political and strategic changes and developments in the region. You May Also Like: Is SCO An Eastern Version Of NATO? SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. Regional organizations like SCO are perhaps the best forums to strengthen regional security and preserving world peace. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. The fight against terrorism and religious extremism has been a very painful undertaking and has surely equipped the armed forces and other law enforcing agencies with loads of expertise and knowledge regarding tackling the phenomenon. The US-Taliban Deal and its Impact on Iran-Pakistan Relations, ISIS Reaps Gains From the Pakistan-India Rivalry in Afghanistan, Deepening Central Asian Nonproliferation Partnerships , Putin's War In Ukraine Is Brutal (It Looks LIke The Crimean War), Rethinking Greater Central Asia: American and Western Stakes in the Region and How to Advance Them, With referendum, Kazakh President pushes for reforms, Between Bandits and Bureaucrats: 30 Years of Parliamentary Development in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstans Crisis Calls for a Central Asia Policy Reboot, Strong and Unique: Three Decades of U.S.-Kazakhstan Partnership, Political and Economic Reforms in Kazakhstan Under President Tokayev, The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program Joint Center. The fight is still on in the form operation Raddul Fasad under which the remnants of the terrorists and their sympathizers are being targeted. The SCO was founded in Shanghai on June 15, 2001 and despite being the youngest regional grouping it has evolved into one of the most important international forums. Dialogue partners are Belarus and Sri Lanka. SCO provides Pakistan a best opportunity to solve this and other problems with Iran. This is very useful especially for Pakistan on many grounds, detail of which has been given below. Indeed, peace is the most needed aspect for each state at regional level as well as at global level. - The murder of democracy and Zia regime. Pakistan's contribution to counter-terrorism was unmatched. Oped Svante E. Cornell, No, The War in Ukraine is not about NATO, The Hill, March 9, 2022. These considerations made a very strong case for Pakistan to seek membership of SCO and present it with an historic opportunity to make amends for its past follies in the arena of foreign relations. No one on the table can deny that, except for India, Pakistans efforts towards regional peace and stability. platform for all CSS aspirants. Pakistan expects the SCO to play a role in Afghanistans stability so that connectivity among SCO sates through Afghanistan can be availed. Apart from being the full member, Pakistan brings along the experience to the table in countering terrorism and experience of dealing with the menace including the sacrifices of the precious lives on the way. Pakistan belongs to this region and its economic prosperity and security are inextricably linked to its own region. What is the role of community policing in curtailing the problem of crime in Pakistan. Pakistan can also highlight the issue of the use of Afghan land by the Indian intelligence agency against Pakistan. If the population of the top carnivores declines, what will happen to the landscape ecosystems? The CSS Point is the Pakistan 1st Free Online We have a shared destiny together we can make the dream of Asian Century come true.. There were serious reservations in the West and the US about the SCO as it was regarded as a significant regional counterweight to the United States. However, in order to realize the potential benefits of Pakistans SCO membership, Islamabad needs to intensify its public diplomacy and improve its standing among the other member states by aligning its policy with other regional powers. It is hoped that we will achieve our common goal of Peace, Stability, Connectivity, Development and Prosperity. Our experience may be shared with SCO states. An Overview of Pakistan's Political History: - The game of musical chair in first nine years. Moreover, if Pakistans relations with Russia improve further and China, Russia and Pakistan can reach an understanding on Afghanistan and the U.S. presence there, India would have to tread even more carefully as it would then have to decide which side to join and would risk losing its primary supporter in the SCO. Pakistan acquired the status of observer in SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) in 2005 and became full member in June 2017, along with India. IMPLICATIONS: Islamabad faces a number of challenges at the regional and international levels and its SCO membership can be of help in addressing these challenges. Pakistan and India will be participating in the summit as full-fledged members this year with lots of aspirations. The CSS Point is the Pakistan 1st Free Online The number of Pakistani students present in only one member state is far greater than the number of students present of the member states in Pakistan combined. SCO significance for Pakistan. Lecture # 13 | Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) | CSS Pakistan Affairs CSS 2020--------------------------------------------------WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JbuulzktIhm2fGfjucZJcY---------------------------------------------------WhatsApp # 03164846984---------------------------------------------------Instagram: css_targett---------------------------------------------------Facebook: CSS Target---------------------------------------------------Twitter: @css_target----------------------------------------------------shanghai cooperation organization,current affairs,current affairs today,fpsc,pakistan,css target,css update,css 2021,css 2022,css preparation,sco,shanghai cooperation organization 2021,shanghai cooperation organization afghanistan,shanghai cooperation organization summit 2021,shanghai cooperation organisation (sco),shanghai cooperation organization css,shanghai cooperation organization iran,shanghai cooperation,shanghai cooperation organisation Being the brotherly Muslim states their relations with Pakistan will see a new height of friendship, trust and integration. 2 (Summer 2019), pp. Pakistan was an active player in RCD (Regional Cooperation and Development) along with Iran and Turkey. Today, SCO has almost half of the global population, 25 % of worlds GDP and about 80% of Eurasian landmass. She can easily present her case in the meetings of Council of Head of State, Council of Head of Governments and Council of Foreign Ministers by producing the proofs such as the statement of former spokesman of Tehrek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Ehsanullah Ehsan and the imprisoned Indian spy Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav. now, Get The foreign policy of Pakistan has finally found the right direction that promises to serve its national interests, The following CSS 2022 Pakistan Affairs Past Paper question "Discuss the role of regional and nationalist parties in Pakistani politics. After the Doklam crisis, another military confrontation between the two cannot be entirely ruled out. Silk Road Paper Johan Engvall, Between Bandits and Bureaucrats: 30 Years of Parliamentary Development in Kyrgyzstan,January 2022. 2 Pakistanis dead, 1 still missing in Italian shipwreck incident. Evaluate The Factional Politics Of The Early Years (1947-58) And Their Impact On The Democratic Process Of Pakistan. Pakistan can effectively highlight Indias back terrorism in the region generally and in Pakistan particularly. Like Afghanistan, Iran also has an observer status at SCO. Image source:By en.kremlin.ru,accessed on 2.8. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. This puts Pakistan in perfect position to become their corridor for trade with the rest of the world. Zardari also called for increased collaboration between Pakistan and the SCO's Business Council and Inter-Bank Consortium to boost trade and commercial ties. Elaborate. In terms of contributing to the SCO, Pakistan can offer its assistance in anti-terror mechanisms as Pakistan has big success in overcoming terrorism in the last few years. They hold summit meeting every year in one of member countries. By reading CSS-solved Pakistan Affairs Past Papers Questions, you understand how to attempt a 20-mark question to score above 80. Introduction: 2. Pakistans resolve to look to the region where it belongs, for finding solutions to its economic woes and other debilitating challenges represents a visionary paradigm shift in the conduct of its foreign relations. 7. Indeed, the SCO Charter endorses the vision of founding father of Pakistan and further provides a guideline for a value-added performance from the platform of SCO. While outlining the opportunities for Pakistan as a member of SCO, there is a requirement to quantify them as per the objectives and charter of the organization. Critically evaluate the foundations of Allama Iqbals concept of Muslim separatism in the context of the Indo-Pak Subcontinent. As Central Asian Republics are energy resources rich states, Pakistan can easily fulfil her need by developing trade relations with these states. When our Constitution gives so much power to party leaders, what power can legislators have? It is unlikely that China would act otherwise in the SCO. Its economic agenda is also very ambitious as economic cooperation becomes increasingly important and relevant here. He tweets at @SRizwanZeb. Askedon helps aspirants in their preparation for CSS, PMS, PCS and one paper MCQs based tests. The organisation's wide scope of activities is not limited to politics. Yet contrary to general perception, India may not be able to use the SCO platform effectively against Pakistan. He underlined the importance of pooling efforts to address new challenges, asserting his belief that peace and economic progress in the vast region where we all live could only come through a multilateral partnership of countries that comprise it. CSS Pakistan affairs topic: importance of SCO for Pakistan and China, Pakistan, Russia cooperation will find a support mechanism in SCO; css 2017, 2020 Explain. How much Pakistan shall benefit economically from the SCO is, however, uncertain, especially given Pakistans already central role within Beijings Belt and Road Initiative through the CPEC. Russia officials have said, the group's enlargement is held back by lack of admission rules, but China has warned against excessive expansion, saying it could hinder cooperation. What cost it had to pay for it. The SCO, Putin maintained is an effective mechanism to fight three evils of terrorism, separatism and extremism. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities, Hijrat Movement (1920) Causes And Failure, Short Note On Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Causes and Consequences, Non Cooperation Movement Of Gandhi Notes 1920 1924, The Partition Of Bengal 1905 Causes and Consequences, Aligarh Movement And Its Role And Impacts, Kashmir Issue Main Points And Its Causes CSS, Is SCO An Eastern Version Of NATO? Lecture # 13 | Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) | CSS Pakistan Affairs CSS 2020-----WhatsApp: https://cha. What are the potential environmental impacts of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? Some have described it as the beginning of a new organization resembling the Warsaw Pact (or a NATO of the East). THE 2022 annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) was held from September 15-16 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan under the chairmanship of Uzbek President, Shavkat Mirziyoyev. SCO as an organization was very much looking forward to Pakistan and joining as full members. The SCO membership provides an opportunity to Islamabad to enhance its economic, political, strategic and cultural ties not only with Beijing and Moscow but with the Central Asian states as well. Terrorism related incidents have been reduced tremendously. Despite immense potential, Islamabads trade and economic relations with most SCO members, aside from China, are minimal. Some of the significance of SCO membership for Pakistan has been discussed below. In 2001, the Shanghai Five was expanded and renamed SCO with the inclusion of Uzbekistan. Discuss The Role Of Regional And Nationalist Political Parties In Pakistani Politics? BACKGROUND: As Pakistan became an SCO member on June 9, 2017, Islamabad described this as an opportunity to improve its relations with the regional countries by facilitating trade through the Gwadar port, contributing to a regional solution to the Afghanistan issue, addressing its worsening energy crisis, as well as learning from and contributing to the SCOs Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS). As far as terrorism and religious extremism are concerned, Pakistan as a front line state in the war against terror has made a sterling contribution in subduing the scourge which had almost affected all the countries represented in the SCO besides Pakistan and Afghanistan. THE woeful plight of refugees forced to flee from violence, persecution and hunger at home has been one of the , 10 . 2018, OpedS. Frederick Starr, Putin's War In Ukraine Is Brutal (It Looks LIke The Crimean War), 19fourtyfive, January 2, 2023. CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) if integrated properly with SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) it will not bear fruitful results only for Pakistan but for the whole region as well. The SCO seeks to promote peace and stability in the region. A powerful case for inclusion of Pakistan in the SCO as a full member was made arguing it was the gateway to the landlocked Central Asian republics with historical and cultural links that span centuries. Regional Cooperation Organizations (SAARC,ECO,SCO) and the Role of Pakistan CSS/PMS Pakistan Affairs 2,648 views Jun 1, 2021 57 Dislike Share Save Close Eye In this video lecture of. Similarly it can attract the required investments in the energy and infrastructure sector in which some of the SCO countries have a comparative advantage. With the prospects of Afghanistan and Iran and possibly Turkey also joining the Organization in the near future, SCO is likely to emerge as a very strong regional Organisation. Pakistan can easily win her case if she present it effectively. Ibn e Khaldun while acknowledging the external factors, emphasizes more on the internal systemic factors as decisive for the decline of states. The world does recognise the efforts made by Pakistan towards reaching the goal of peace and stability, but there still is a long way to go for which there is a strong need for inclusive efforts from all quarters of the social, economic and political spectrum is required. The SCO membership will provide Islamabad with an opportunity to initiate and revive a number of projects using the SCO platform. Heavy investments have been carried out under the flagship CPEC project to enhance connectivity, trade and all dimension friendship. In order to dislodge the CPEC, India is promoting separatism, extremism and terrorism in different parts of Pakistan which is against the basic spirit of SCO. However, the relationship with Russia and the Central Asian States will improve gradually in terms of economic relations, whereby new structures and protocols within the organisation provide ample assistance to Pakistani business community to get the maximum benefit out of the entire opportunity. SCO challenges and opportunities for Pakistan. Keywords: Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Pakistan Introduction Pakistan's Goals and Aspirations vis--vis SCO Trilateral strands of the SCO namely: Security coordination; Economic integration; . Pakistan is one of the most terrorism affected countries that has lost not only thousands of civilians but also hundreds of soldiers but unfortunately her efforts for peace promotion and war against terrorism were never hailed by the western countries. Besides, the intraregional trade and commerce will be promoted through elimination of trade barriers, aligning technical regulations and digitalization of customs procedures. Granting of observer status to Afghanistan and associating Turkey with SCO have further strengthened the Organization. created in 1996 as a forum to discuss Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) and the border demarcation issues in The forum will also prove an opportunity to Pakistan for having meetings with all the heads of the states of the member countries. Source:https://dailytimes.com.pk/246752/pakistans-aspirations-from-the-upcoming-sco-summit/. Pakistan is also confronted with a severe energy crisis and the materialization of TAPI and other trans-regional power and gas projectsfor which Russia has already expressed its support in material terms could help her to tide over the problem and nudge the process of economic revival. We also look forward to joining the planned SCO information superhighway. By virtue of its geopolitical location, Pakistan is at the vicinity of world's major economies and emerging regional markets. The strategic location of Pakistan in the region and its economic potential can also help the SCO members to exploit their economic potential to the maximum. At the 2015 summit at Ufa, Russia, the SCO reached and announced its decision to include Pakistan and India as members. Pakistan has struggled to resolve the perplexity of the Kashmir. Today, SCO has almost half of the global population, 25 % of world's GDP and about 80% of Eurasian landmass. The SCO states with almost one fourth of the world population having geographical proximity with Pakistan and easy accessibility constitute a very lucrative market for its exports. THE Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), created in Shanghai, China, on June 15, 2001, is a political, economic, and security organisation of Eurasia in nature. Tags: SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. The Declaration of 22nd Summit of SCO called for greater cooperation among member countries of SCO with emphases against three evils; the extremism, terrorism and separatism. Under the SCO banner Islamabad can provide SCO member states with preferential access to Gwadar. Under SCO platform, all member states will be availing CPECs facilities and this relationship will grow further in all dimensions. As pointed out by the foreign minister the member countries can surely benefit from Pakistans experience to deal with similar situations individually as well as collectively from the platform of SCO. Pakistan believes in regional cooperation and has been always actively promoting regional Peace, Stability and Development. The resolve of SCO to fight the menace of terrorism, promoting regional peace and security and working for shared economic prosperity are very much in harmony with what Pakistan is looking for and needs desperately. We can also provide a land bridge for energy-transport and develop a win-win situation, he pointed out that Pakistan, owing to its strategic position, can provide the shortest and fastest trade corridors to link the Central Asian republics to the rest of the world for partners in the SCO. The SCO has emerged as a major player in regional and global affairs. Pakistani visualization for SCO also outlined the galvanization of Shanghai Spirit to strengthen the mandate of forum while reducing the risks of conflict, fostering confidence, and promoting stability. What is the Aristotelian classification of state? By 2007 the SCO had initiated over twenty large-scale projects related to transportation, energy and telecommunications and held regular meetings of security, military, defence, foreign affairs, economic, cultural, banking and other officials from its member states. We provide FREE Books, Notes and Current Affairs Magazines for all CSS Aspirants. However, the SCO forum is providing the opportunity to both countries to begin having interactions on multifaceted levels, hence opening new doors for the peace in the region. How far these parties are necessary for the political system? Last but not the least SCO membership also provides Pakistan an opportunity to strengthen her relations with Russia. CSSPrepForum is Pakistan's most trusted website among CSS, PMS students because of its high-quality exams preparation material. I believe that through efficient mechanisms of regional integration, the SCO nations will benefit from their intrinsic competitive edge in energy, natural resources, transport flow, management and traditional as well as innovative manufacturing, science and technology. Pakistan is already contributing a lot in terms of educational exchanges. The US applied for observer status in 2005 but was rejected. Discuss the role of regional and nationalist parties in Pakistani politics. SCO Significance For Pakistan Challenges & Opportunities. Government of Pakistan gives it very high importance and committed to actively participate. As all of the SCO member countries are a part of the OBOR project (except India). Pakistan always stands with oppressed and condemned aggressors. On the contrary there also exists a huge potential of growth in this part of the world. The organization further aims to strengthen peace by ensuring regional security and stability for attaining multi-polarity at political level and economic prosperity at social and state level while accruing all the benefits of globalization. Pakistan believes in regional cooperation and has been always actively promoting regional Peace, Stability and Development. No multinational organisation with such comprehensive mutual interests and activities has ever existed on this scale before. It has been pointed out that importing this conflict into the SCO risks impeding the functioning of the organization, as has been the case with the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. States holding observer status are India, Pakistan, Mongolia and Iran. The emphasis will be to raise awareness about Pakistans contribution towards world peace. A cursory glance at the achievements of the SCO during 10 years of its existence clearly establishes the importance of association with this body for Pakistan's economic and political future. However, erratic moves by the Indian government Aligarh Movement injected a new life into the dead body of the Muslim nation and helped to regain its lost glory and prestige. It will all depend upon Pakistan that how best it will utilise the forum. At the SCO summit in June 2017, Pakistans former PM Sharif agreed with and welcomed a proposal made by Bottom of FormChinese President Xi Jinping on a five-year treaty for good neighborliness among SCO members. As Pakistans former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif aptly pointed out: Pakistan provides the natural link between the SCO states to connect the Eurasian heartland with the Arabian Sea and South Asia We offer the critical overland routes and connectivity for mutually beneficial trade and energy transactions intra-regionally and inter-regionally. 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