pleaded duress and House of Lords convicted him of Murder. Convicted of 10Sale3Sale4Purchase3,Sept.30Sale5Units110575380225680270290230240PurchasePrice(perunit)$$12.0012.0012.0012.5012.50. Dennis, chapter 11 \end{array} These two appeals have been consolidated. PretaxaccountingincomeDepreciationontheincomestatementDepreciationonthetaxreturnTaxableincome2021$33020(0)(80)$2702022$35020(0)(0)$3702023$36520$420(0)$3852024$40020. There is no defence of entrapment in English law. defendant seeks to rely on one of these defences, then, unless sufficient evidence to put the R v Bowen (1996) D was convicted of obtaining property by deception, claimed risk of being compelled to participate in criminal activity, duress will not succeed. A car drove at him in the street and he fired 3 shots at the windscreen. Crandall Distributors uses a perpetual inventory system and has the following data available for PRINCIPLE Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States. \text{Purchase 3, Sept. 30}&230&~~7.70\\ Briefly, his thesis was that certain rulings in that case have now in effect been reversed by the provisions in section 78. Compare the ending inventory and cost of goods sold computed under all four methods. -consequently D no longer has to join an organisation/gang but should be involved in criminal enterprise Munday, chapter 2 Duress is unavailable for murder but is available for Section 18 GBH, yet the mens rea of murder includes the intention to cause serious bodily harm which is the mens rea requirement for a Section 18 conviction. (See also R v Governor of Pentonville Prison ex parte Chinoy [1992] 1 All ER 317 at page 331332 to the same effect) "Fairness of the proceedings" involves a consideration not only of fairness to the accused but also, as has been said before, of fairness to the public (see e.g. We cant assume that Parliaments inaction means an intention not to change the law. (objective), (1) Was D forced to act as he did because as a result of what he reasona bly believed he feared The defence of duress is not available to persons who commit crimes as a consequence of threats from members of violent gangs which they have voluntarily joined. prosecution) bears an evidential burden. Keane, chapter 4 Duress was denied. Courts didnt consider his low IQ and held that low IQ is not a relevant A defendant is expected to take advantage of any reasonable opportunity to avoid committing the crime and if they do not it is unlikely the defence will be available. Lord Jauncy stated: The reason why duress has for so long been stated not to be available as a defence to a murder charge is that the law regards the sanctity of human life and the protection thereof as of paramount importance. The trial judge ruled that the facts did not give rise to the defence as the threats had not been directed at the commission of a particular offence, but to the repayment of the debt. \text{Sale 2}&225&&~~12.00\\ Evaluation of duress and police protection? It was submitted that since section 82(3) preserves the Judge's common law discretion to exclude evidence so as to ensure a fair trial, "including the circumstances in which the evidence was obtained. On the other hand, it is argued that the sober person of reasonable firmness is not someone with a low I.Q but an average level. You are of the view, on the advice of medical experts, that What are the relevant characteristics of the accused to which the jury should have regard in considering the second objective test? The basis for the defence was that he had owed money to money-lenders who had threatened him, his girlfriend, and their child with violence if the money was not repaid. or serious injury (subjective), (2) Would a sober person of reasonable firmness, sharing Ds characteristics, have acted in the same 302 words (1 pages) Case Summary. Similar dicta are to be found in the speech of Lord Salmon at page 445 E F, in the speech of Lord Fraser at page 450 B C, and in the speech of Lord Scarman at page 452 F, 454 E H and 456 D. Section 78 of the 1984 Act, provides as follows: "(1)In any proceedings the Court may refuse to allow evidence on which the prosecution proposes to rely, to be given if it appears to the Court that, having regard to all the circumstances, including the circumstances in which the evidence was obtained, the admission of the evidence would have such an adverse effect on the fairness of the proceedings that the Court ought not to admit it. He was threatened by his supplier to look after some drugs for him. happened. categories of speechin this case true threatsare properly proscribed because of the harm they cause. The court said that he had voluntarily exposed himself to the risk of threats of violence. 5th Jul 2019 Case Summary Reference this In-house law team . In exercising his discretion whether to admit the evidence of an undercover officer, some, but not an exhaustive list, of the factors that the judge may take into account are as follows: Was the officer acting as an agent provocateur in the sense that he was enticing the defendant to commit an offence he would not otherwise have committed? Do you think this is a good development? These events were repeated on a second occasion but this time it was Howe and Bannister who themselves strangled the victim to death. What six points must apply for the defendant to be allowed to use the defence of duress? Andrea Marshall is paid $10\$10$10 per hour for a 40-hour work week, and time-and a-half for hours over 40 per week. The two cases were heard together since they had a number of features in common. \text{Sale 1}&380&&\$12.00\\ 4. must have been an active member of the gang when pressure was put on him, -D = driver and minder for a prostitute Duress is considered to be a general defence in criminal law, but there are a number of offences in relation to which duress cannot be raised as a defence: In R v Howe, two appellants, Howe and Bannister, participated with others in torturing a man who was then strangled to death by one of the others. Is there an unassailable record of what occurred, or is it strongly corroborated? He claims damages in negligence. Where there are multiple threats the cumulative nature of threats may be considered but there must still be a threat of death or serious injury. In a 2005 consultation paper the Law Commission recommended that duress should be a partial defence to murder, reducing the liability to manslaughter. self-defence, under duress, or in a state of non-insane automatism then falls on the The trial judge excluded her boyfriend as not being sufficiently proximate saying that the defence was only available if directed towards a member of immediate family. -to get away from them he drove on the pavement and then reported the incident to the police D must voluntarily join a criminal organisation or gang If someone voluntarily puts themselves in a position that they risk being threatened with violence to commit a crime they will not be able to use duress as a defence. On April 13, 1961, the plaintiff was arrested by the Meriden police on a warrant charging him with the crime of concealing property sold under a conditional bill of sale or chattel mortgage, in violation of 53-129. d) Not self-induced -he was charged and convicted of theft Does that reason apply to attempted murder as well as to murder? immediate family, or any person for whose safety D would regard himself as * To do so would positively encourage terrorist acts, in that the actual perpetrators could escape liability on the ground of duress, and further. 5- Pommell effectively made it a general defence - same as duress of threats, applicable to all offences apart from murder/manslaughter, -the circumstances the defendant is in forces them to act in order to prevent a greater evil In allowing the appeal, the Court of Appeal held that the question should have been left to the jury to decide whether he could be said to have taken the risk of violence from a member of the gang, simply by joining its activities. Whilst at some stages of his argument he accepted that there is still no substantive defence of entrapment or agent provocateur, at others he contended that, in effect, section 78 afforded such a defence. Viewed in that way, the phrase emphasised by Mr Worsley clearly permits the Court to have regard to "the circumstances in which the evidence was obtained" and to exclude it, but only if it "would have such an adverse effect on the fairness of the proceedings that the Court ought not to admit it". Advise Fred on the burden and standard of proof. These events were repeated on a second occasion but this time it was Howe and Bannister who themselves strangled the victim to death. legal burden of proof in relation to that issue. In Smythe v. The King, 1940 CanLII 384 (SCC), [1941] S.C.R. The defence is only available if the defendant commits an offence of a type that was nominated by the person making the threat. A purely evidential provision in a statute, which does not even mention entrapment or agent provocateur, cannot, in our view, have altered a substantive rule of law enunciated so recently by the House of Lords. A threat to damage or destroy property is insufficient for the defence in Lynch V DPP 1975 Lord Simon said the law must draw a line somewhere and the law draws it between threats to property and threats to the person. But even where a person had the opportunity to tell the police of the coercion they might be so afraid of the consequences that they dont go to the police. -it is usually accepted that there is no general defence of necessity, -this case is a civil decision - forms persuasive precedent for criminal courts, not binding precedent If he was unaware of any propensity to violence, the defence may be available. He had done so by applying for a number of 'instant . -no general defence of necessity In each case, the person solicited was an undercover police officer posing as a contract killer. Similarly, Viscount Dilhorne, at page 441 G, said: "Evidence may be obtained unfairly, though not illegally, but it is not the manner in which it has been obtained but its use at the trial if accompanied by prejudicial effects outweighing its probative value and so rendering the trial unfair to the accused which will justify the exercise of judicial discretion to exclude it.". 'I was interviewed by an Immigration Officer who asked me about my first visit to the country. CoA confirmed duress can be used for Class A drug offences and other threats can be considered as long as there is a threat to death or serious injury. The threats must be directed at the commission of a particular offence: In R v Coles [1994] Crim LR 582, the defendant was charged with committing a number of robberies at building societies. -COA upheld convictions stating that if the following were satisfied then the defence would be denied: Duress was allowed. 2- use learned texts (Smith and Hogan) A The defendant was disqualified from driving and his wife threatened to commit suicide unless he drove her son to work, his conviction was quashed due to duress of circumstance. -case listed accepted characteristics of a reasonable man: Subscribers are able to see the list of results connected to your document through the topics and citations Vincent found. There is only one switchboard operator at the current time. The Court is not concerned with how it was obtained. She worked the following hours last week: Monday 9 hours, Tuesday 7 hours, Wednesday 8128\frac{1}{2}821 hours, Thursday 6 hours, Friday 9 hours, Saturday 3 hours. The court said that the jury should be allowed to consider duress and ordered a retrial. Theres civil exceptions to the rule like in criminal. This could happen where a person voluntarily joins a criminal gang and commits some offences but is then forced to commit other crimes they did not want to. -D committed an armed burglary and at trial pleaded duress - he was convicted -the traditional view is that there is no defence of necessity, -during a storm, D and S were left hopelessly drifting in an open boat over 1000 miles from land along with another and the ship's cabin boy aged 17 years -defence = threatened with having head blown off if he did not cooperate As well as threats to the defendant, threats to other people are also accepted. Provided he 'passes the judge' by doing this, the prosecution will acquire a fresh legal burden to prove beyond . The trial judge having heard an application to have the interview excluded at an early point and only gave his reasons much later, after all the evidence was heard, and he sought to justify his decision upon the basis of evidence arising in the trial which could not have influenced the decision he had taken earlier. & \mathbf{2 0 2 1} & \mathbf{2 0 2 2} & \mathbf{2 0 2 3} & \mathbf{2 0 2 4} \\ \hline \text { Pretax accounting income } & \$ 330 & \$ 350 & \$ 365 & \$ 400 \\ As Lord Griffiths pointed out [in Howe] an intent to kill must be proved in the case of attempted murder but not necessarily in the case of murder. That is simply to examine the language of the relevant provision in its natural meaning and not to strain for an interpretation which either reasserts or alters the pre-existing law. The defendant was convicted of manslaughter and appealed. -problem with this case is that the ratio is confused and could be that: He was convicted of burglary and appealed against conviction. Immigration - False statement- Statement to person lawfully acting in execution of statute - Investigation of allegation that accused an illegal immigrant - Statement made by accused to constable investigating allegation - Whether constable 'acting in the execution of' statute - Immigration Act 1971, s 26(1)(c) . The prosecution could deal with difficult cases by deciding not to prosecute but it is not satisfactory to rely on the prosecution discretion to prosecute or not, this leads to unfairness and uncertainty. Issue of Promissory Estoppel in the Doctrine of Consideration. D must take advantage of any escape opportunities. - Duress is being forced to commit a crime be available for attempted murder. However, they also made it clear that a judge does have an overall discretion to exclude evidence in order to secure a fair trial. In this case, the House of Lords overruled R v Lynch (1975), which previously allowed secondary offenders the defence of duress. He also emphasises the Law Commissions recent proposal in 2006 to extend the law of duress to other crimes. This confirms its earlier recommendation in 1997 that duress should be a general defence to all crimes including murder. A manager of the satellite division has asked you to authorize a capital expenditure in the amount of $10,000\$ 10,000$10,000. ', '(a) if, contrary to this Act, he knowingly enters the United Kingdom in breach of a deportation order or without leave; or (b) if, having only a limited leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom, he knowingly either -- (i) remains beyond the time limited by the leave; or (ii) fails to observe a condition of the leave', 'A constable or immigration officer may arrest without warrant anyone who has, or whom he, with reasonable cause, suspects to have, committed or attempted to commit an offence under this section other than an offence under subsection (1)(d) [which is not applicable here]. This is the position with respect to the common law defences of self-defence [ R v Lobell 1957], duress [ R v Gill 1963] and non-insane automatism [ Bratty v AG for NI 1963]. \text{Beginning inventory}&110&\$7.10\\ evidence to satisfy the trial judge that the defence in question should be left to the jury for its Flower; Graeme Henderson), seminar questions and answers about burden of proof for evidence law, Right to silence questions and answers exam preparation evidence law, Bad character evidence questions and answers exam preparation evidence law, Confessions questions and answers exam preparation evidence law, Seminar questions and answers for evidence law seminar 1, Coursework evidence law legal burden of proof 58%, questions and Answers children and the law, Coursework children and the law medical treatment of children 80%, Unit 8: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Registered Nurse, Introduction to childhood studies and child psychology (E102), Learning and teaching in the primary years (E103), Foundations of Occupational Therapy (160OT), Product Design BSc Final Project Work (301PD), Introduction to English Language (EN1023). In this case, the House of Lords - It is a complete defence, I. Duress by Threats Parliament chose not to allow duress as a defence for murder when recommended to by the Law Commission in a 1977 report. - R v Gotts (1992), D was threatened to kill his mother but failed to do so. The driver of a prostitute was threatened by the prostitutes violent boyfriend to carry out a burglary and he was not allowed the defence. The defence was available where a threat was made to the defendants boyfriend. (2)Save with regard to admissions and confessions and generally with regard to evidence obtained from the accused after commission of the offence, he has no discretion to refuse to admit relevant admissible evidence on the grounds that it was obtained by improper or unfair means. (2)Nothing in this section shall prejudice any rule of law requiring a Court to exclude evidence. Stuart-Smith LJ stated that age and sex were, and physical health might be relevant characteristics. He stabbed his mother and Gotts was convicted of attempted murder and duress was not allowed as a defence, however, the defendant was only placed under a probation order. However, they also made it clear that a judge does have an overall discretion to exclude evidence in order to secure a fair trial. The harshness of the Howe principle is seen in R V Wilson 2007 where the defendant aged 13 who participated in the killing with his father was refused the defence of duress by the Court of Appeal. \text { Depreciation on the income statement } & 20 & 20 & 20 & 20 \\ threatened by his lover to help him kill Ds wife. R V Martin 1989? How must threats be made to the defendant or to others? In each, the appellant was convicted of soliciting to murder; Smurthwaite to murder his wife, Gill to murder her husband. 841, it was recognised in the Court of Criminal Appeal that duress could be a defence where there were charges of conspiracy to steal and larceny. Thus, Lord Diplock at page 436 G, said: "The function of the judge at a criminal trial as respects the admission of evidence is to ensure that the accused has a fair trial according to law. Regina v Sang: HL 25 Jul 1979 The defendant appealed against an unsuccessful application to exclude evidence where it was claimed there had been incitement by an agent provocateur. Microeconomics - Lecture notes First year. -parents had refused operation - very strict Roman Catholic, believed God had done this for a reason Essays, case summaries, problem questions and dissertations here are relevant to law students from the United Kingdom and Great Britain, as well as students wishing to learn more about the UK legal system from overseas. consideration. The Immigration Officer didn't believe my story and I was sent back to Pakistan. -however this decision was criticised in Hasan (2005), -D will be denied the defence of duress if they have voluntarily placed themselves in a situation where they risk being threatened with violence in order to commit a crime, -D's had attempted armed robbery of a post office, resulted in death of sub-postmaster This presumption can be rebutted if "the contrary is proved". This would in practice abolish the principles from Howe and Gotts. Seminar answers and questions evidence law burden of proof, SEMINAR 2: BURDEN AND STANDARD OF PROOF (MC). However, it is unrealistic to expect such a degree of heroism and in any case the defence is only available on the basis of what the reasonable person would do. His aim was to argue that this characteristic of vulnerability should be attributed to the reasonable man when the objective test (see above) was applied. The Poisson and negative exponential distributions appear to be relevant in this situation. In Christou and Wright 95 Cr App R 264, this Court held that discussions between suspects and undercover officers, not overtly acting as police officers, were not within the ambit of the Codes under the 1984 Act. R v Gill (1963) D stole his employers lorry because he was threatened with Evaluation of duress and the issue of low I.Q? He claimed that he had committed the offence following threats that had been made to him by other IRA members if he did not take part. XYZ Ltd. Mr Worsley's principal aim was to establish the breadth of the judge's powers, under section 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, to exclude prosecution evidence where that evidence has one or more of three features: (a) it includes an element of entrapment, (b) it comes from an agent provocateur, or (c) it is obtained by a trick. 8 Q R V Pommell 1995? * If the appeal (and consequently the defence) were allowed the House would also have to say that R v Dudley and Stephens was bad law (which it was not prepared to do). Looking for a flexible role? In the course of the robbery, the robber killed a person. 6. A purely evidential provision in a statute, which does not even mention entrapment or agent provocateur, cannot, in our view, have altered a substantive rule of law enunciated so recently by the House of Lords. What can you conclude about the effects of the inventory \text { Depreciation on the tax return } & \frac{(80)}{(0)} & \frac{(0)}{(0)} & \frac{(0)}{\$ 420} \\ The court so held in: R v Shepherd (1987) 86 Cr App R 47. This is the position with respect to the common law defences of self-defence [ R v Lobell The trial judge ruled that such evidence was inadmissible since duress was not a defence to such a charge. offence to commit. In R V Hudson and Taylor 1971 the Court of Appeal accepted that police protection could not guarantee a defendant would not be harmed. He only did it because he had no effective choice, being faced with threats of death or serious injury. 28th Oct 2021 R V Hasan 2005 confirmed that the threat must be very serious. One night after G and K had been drinking heavily, K put a flex round the wifes neck, pulled it tight and then told G to take hold of the other end of the flex and pull on it. goods. . It is pure chance that the attempted murderer is not a murderer.. Is there an unassailable record of what occurred, or is it strongly corroborated? . Inaction may be due to a lack of parliamentary time. TQ1 Appel Ltd - Part B - Tutorial 1 - Quesiton, Lesson plan and evaluation - observation 1, Audit and Assurance Question and Solution Pack, Acoples-storz - info de acoples storz usados en la industria agropecuaria. What is the objective part of the Graham test? Duress is only PRINCIPLE It penalises anyone who associates with a criminal even though they thought that there was no risk that they might be threatened in the future to commit a crime by that association. The defendant and his father murdered their neighbour using several weapons. The New York Times reported (Feb. 17,199617, 199617,1996) that subway ridership declined after a fare increase: "There were nearly four million fewer riders in December 199519951995, the first full month after the price of a token increased 252525 cents to $1.50\$ 1.50$1.50, than in the previous December, a percent decline.". It was submitted that since section 82(3) preserves the Judge's common law discretion to exclude evidence so as to ensure a fair trial, section 78 must introduce a wider power. PRINCIPLE Sang at page 456 E, per Lord Scarman). prosecution. What was the nature of any entrapment? Ayers deducted 100% of the assets cost for income tax reporting in 2021. D, believing V to be hostile to him, braked so that V fell off and ran over him, causing GBH. However, officers should not use their undercover pose to question suspects so as to circumvent the Code. self-defence, under duress, or in a state of non-insane automatism then falls on the 4. If the The defendant drove on the pavement to escape. -sex, -generally duress can be used for all crimes but it cannot be used for murder, -would depart from decision in DPP for Northern Ireland v Lynch - can find no fair and certain basis to differentiate between participants to a murder and firmly convinced that law should not be directed to the killer, so defence is not available as a defence to a charge of murder or attempted murder, -case followed obiter dicta statement in Howe and stated that duress cannot be used for attempted murder The threat must be of death or serious injury as in R V Hudson and Taylor 1971 where the defendants were told they would be cut up later if they didnt lie. Had Parliament intended to alter the substantive law, it would have done so in clear terms. The defendants appeal against conviction was dismissed. On June 2, 1961, after a trial to the court, he was found not guilty. The right approach to the 1984 Act, a codifying Act, is that stated in Fulling 85 Cr App R 136, following the principles laid down in Bank of England v Vagliano (1891) AC 107 at page 144. -sharp convicted of manslaughter and robbery What the judge at the trial is concerned with is not how the evidence sought to be adduced by the prosecution has been obtained, but with how it is used by the prosecution at the trial.". Arising from that situation, there was argument on each appeal as to the admission of the undercover officer's evidence of what was said by each appellant. The principle from R V Hasan 2005 was applied here. \text{Sale 3}&270&&~~12.00\\ -had been threatened by her boyfriend (a violent gangster/drug dealer) to carry out a burglary - (Attorney-General v Whelan [1934] IR 518, per Murnaghan J (IrishCCA). As Lord Morris said in Lynch [1975] AC 653: "The question is whether] a person the subject of duress could reasonably, have extricated himself or could have sought protection or had what has been. However we think that Pacey does not particularly assist on the present issue. Case Summary * In the present case, the overriding objects of the criminal law must be to protect innocent lives and to set a standard of conduct which ordinary men and women are expected to observe if they are to avoid criminal responsibility. (iii) the evil inflicted must not be disproportionate to the evil avoided True threats are beyond the First Amendment's boundary to "protect[] individuals from the fear of violence, from the disruption that fear engenders, and from the possibility that the threatened violence will occur." R.A.V., 505 U.S . other numbers to the nearest dollar.). D used the defence of duress of circumstances. serious violence, but he had been left alone in the employers yard therefore His lover was jealous of his wife and he tied a chord around his wifes neck told the defendant to pull which he did and his wife died. EE1620 Op Amps online - practice questions, Pre End of year Y assessment Module 3 and 4, Unit 8: The Roles and Responsibilities of the Registered Nurse, Introduction to childhood studies and child psychology (E102), Learning and teaching in the primary years (E103), Foundations of Occupational Therapy (160OT), Product Design BSc Final Project Work (301PD), Introduction to English Language (EN1023). The defendant was convicted with possessing an unlicensed firearm during a night time raid. threatened as they owed money to someone. 30 units from Purchase 1, 80 units from Purchase 2, and 40 units from Purchase 3. The principles enunciated in Sang are to be found in the final paragraph of Lord Diplock's speech with which all of their Lordships agreed as follows: "(1)A trial judge in a criminal trial has always a discretion to refuse to admit evidence if in his opinion its prejudicial effect outweighs its probative value. ', Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 15:25 GMT, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, United Kingdom: Court of Appeal (England and Wales), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Illegal immigrants / Undocumented migrants. D cannot The defendant robbed a building society to repay debt as he and his family were being threatened. 1957 ], duress [ R v Gill 1963 ] and non-insane automatism [ Bratty v AG for NI 1963 ]. a person is expected to sacrifice their own life rather than take anothers. -trial judge had withdrawn defence of duress from jury A two-part test to succeed in Duress by Threats was established in R v Graham (1982), where D was Subscribers are able to see a list of all the documents that have cited the case. The defence covers a situation where a defendant is forced or feels compelled to commit a criminal offence because of threats by a person or by the circumstances the defendant finds themselves in. In such a case a man cannot claim that he is choosing the lesser of two evils. EmployeeRoseHourlyRate$9.75. There is a mandatory life sentence for murder and a judge cannot consider issues of duress in sentencing. Evaluation of duress and the issue of criminal association? The defendants were convicted of perjury following the trial judges direction to the jury that the defence of duress was not available because the threat was not sufficiently immediate. First, an accused who raises insanity or insane automatism as a defence (or who argues The legal burden of proving to the jury that the defendant was not acting in \end{array} will be seen, the Criminal Code specifically excludes it in regard to several offences. Any rule of law requiring a court to exclude evidence he was convicted of 10Sale3Sale4Purchase3, Sept.30Sale5Units110575380225680270290230240PurchasePrice ( perunit $! There an unassailable record of what occurred, or in a 2005 consultation paper the law duress. Ratio is confused and could be that: he was found not guilty it would have done by. Be available for attempted murder he is choosing the lesser of two evils proof in relation to that issue he! Of a prostitute was threatened by his supplier to look after some drugs him. 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By the prostitutes violent boyfriend to carry out a burglary and he fired shots. With threats of violence sent back to Pakistan rule of law requiring a court to evidence., [ 1941 ] S.C.R particularly assist on the burden and standard of proof in relation to that issue he! 1971 the court said that the threat Bannister who themselves strangled the victim to death 1957,. Of a prostitute was threatened by his supplier to look after some drugs him.
Armed Police In Middlesbrough Today, Articles R