Wright puts it. In 1982 I was at YWAM Honolulu ,Hawaii USA and as YWAM taught I went to a leader Larry and Debee Nicholson ( Americans) and told them I was struggling with Same Sex attraction thoughts only towards Larry Morris another staff member, these were just thoughts nothing had been said to the person and no improper contact had happened. Your words are a balm and a bright light to me. There is so much more I have learned I wouldnt know where to start. You might take a look at Craig Keeners 2-volume Miracles. Maybe I should have had that abortion after all, she told him. Pray that we may find a way forward for all of us together. Several times the Epistles urge us to bring God pleasure. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. Like you, part of my journey involves working through a very legalistic upbringing in the church; while there have been so many subsequent encouraging steps forward to learn about, as you say, a faith that makes its followers larger and not smaller, one recurring setback in my life is a sense of anger against that upbringing (and the people involved with it) at times, this anger is a stumbling block that prevents me from continued growth. After one such an incident, Paul went to BC to see them. I am returning to Jesus ministry at points of confusion. Hi Philip, Can you recommend reading that will help with right relationships with others? Thatll teach you. Thats something to believe in. Being able to verbalize a description of my experience is a bit of a relief, frankly. Two of his books have won the ECPA's Christian Book of the Year Award: The Jesus I Never Knew in 1996, and What's So Amazing About Grace? I can tell you within nanoseconds when that very asteroid will pass us again 1,000 years from now. We have read some To me, what you mention is more a personality issue than a spiritual issue. CBN.com - ALAMOSA, COLORADO (ANS) -- Author and Christianity Today writer Philip Yancey was injured in an automobile accident Feb. 25, but has written about his experience in order to quell rumors that are circulating about what happened. Things all came to a head a few weeks ago. I offered to meet at a local coffee shop and return it. His books have sold more than fifteen million copies in English and have been translated into forty languages, making him one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors. I feel pretty lonely at times as a Christian ( and I realise that my erratic church attendance hasnt helped). Please let me know if there is anything specific that I can pray for you. One of them spends his life looking after the needs of homeless people, the elderly, undocumented immigrants, and people living (and dying) with AIDS. Nothing else was done. I spoke to all four wardens at the Institution about it, as well as CSC Commissioner Don Head. Upon completion of your books, I have always thought that I must write and tell you what a great encouragement they have been to me personally. There are some sensitive and controversial aspects to this book that I need help navigating, and Whats So Amazing is just that. Looking for answers. You said you understood that our church was going through a rough patch, but that God was not finished, that you were excited to see what God was going to do in the next chapter of Southeast. Lots of miracles. And I need to review the book to see what you mean about my comments on prayers of other religions. For the 6 months I have been wrestling a great deal with nihilism. You well describe the writing life as one of solitude in many ways, of being misunderstood, and seen as rather odd, and all of that has served to affirm that as a writer, I am normal! We confessed our grief and our fears. My husband and I have been trying for years to get pregnant. We hear all the talk center around homosexuals being the most evil. I have searched for your book in my city at all bookstrore. Then he is malevolent. Ive stood in front of the ovens in Auschwitz. And your daughter! Philip Yancey . I have a copy that is always in my carry-on and I read it and re-read it over and over, always moved to tears as I zoom my way through. And then fear of electing a Catholic president and John Kennedy and fear of the Left Behind series, fear of homosexuals, fear of secular humanism, fear of communism. You warm my heart. Similar to your relationship with Dr. Paul Brand, I am significantly younger than Bob. Bless you, and the millions like you facing similar challenges during this crisis. Thomas & Joyce. However, by this time both Monty and Frank had died untimely deaths and their two daughters had taken over for their fathers. I was reading through some of your Q&As and noticed the following from you: The lawyer said that, if anything, an SOR should have been filed by me and the Institution and put in my file as a warning. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Philip Yancey. Some of my children are far from the faith, some former colleagues have pointed out I am disqualified from ministry, yet today I can still smile. I now understand that when I am weak, I am strong (in Him, not in myself, my possessions, what people think of or admire about me, etc.) I wanted to take this moment and tell you the impact this book as made upon me. Signed Stuck, Dear Stuck, I am hesitant to answer because the Internet has changed the rules and the game. Im sure many people can relate to some of your anecdotes. I also said nothing when I saw Paul and Ramazan later breaching security on numerous other occasions. The fact that just from the distance of the Moon you can put your thumb up and you can hide the Earth behind your thumb. He is asking the questions Im asking inside and- hallelujah! Acting as a Chosen one Pontificating his religious spirits secularism views! You have helped me understand how to breathe. what truth is? I am 62 years old, and I am saying enough is enough! However, seeing you again speaking of your toxic church in Bible Study, I decided to resend it. I recently looked up the theory and equations of radioactive dating. I guess I tilt in their favor because that is my background, and also my callingto reach those wounded by the church. Recently a friend of mine deconstructed his faith, and then decided to leave entirely. You asked at the end Why doesnt God do what we want Him to? and Why dont we act the way God wants us to? My biggest one is visual. Some others, both living and dead: Jurgen Moltmann, a contemporary German theologian; Millard Fuller, who founded Habitat for Humanity; John Perkins, who pioneers racial reconciliation; Ron Nikkel, who took Prison Fellowship to more than 100 countries; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia. He is the son of Mildred and Marshall Yancey. I wrote you a letter once before and you sent me a signed book about faith surviving the church. If so please let me know where to send you a copy. Hey watch out for those peaceful protestors! For years Luther thought he could bring reform to the church from within; in many ways, the reforms he felt strongly about did occur. Your book, Whats so Amazing About Grace is my seventh book in my quest to immerse myself in the topic of grace. Ive only been to Phoenix once, for some golf, but I have some good friends there, so dont be surprised if you can check that one off someday. Then write it down. I agree with much of what you say about the role of artists and the disappearing nature of most art. As a Croat generation and proud of my ancestors who have left me in the legacy of love for homeland and faith I must correct you. You introduced me to a couple of people I had not known before. I know for a fact that the first 11 chapters of Genesis did not take place 6000 years ago because of radiogenic dating. Of course, I was present and took notes! And I have continued thank the Lord! You can imagine how difficult it was for a nineteen-year-old and a seventy-year-old to write together in a unified voice. ' At the time you wondered, Could they seriously believe that?. I told the V and C guard I would come back later and talk when there was not all this shouting going on, but the dog handler kept shouting and would not let it or me go. I had been sexually abused by older men when I was a teenager, so I began to feel targeted. Having grown up in a pentecostal environment, I never felt anywhere near good enough to be in church much less a minister, but I stepped out in faith and I ended up resigning about 18 months later over my personal faith crisis surrounding the subject of grace. He compassionately vetted refugees and bravely fought terrorists overseas, worked as Policy head for the Republicans in Congress, and has business experience. I had all but given up on Christianity when I first encountered your books. Paul told me that his hatred for Barry was so strong that he had to take sick days because of it. Dickson and also the Harbinsons of YWAM Canada . In this raw memoir, Philip Yancey shares about his life experiences growing up in an abusive home and a legalistic church environment. I cannot feel its right to leave her on her own regularly, even though she would never stop me. And how fortunate I am to read your writing & share it to help with that. Just surrender onto Him and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and you will see. He asked me who had told me all the lies about me not being wanted and capable in my position. This incident confirmed what Paul, Pastor Oliver Johnson and a number of prisoners had told me about Graham Spilsbys violent nature. I dont know what to make of him myself. C.S. I decided not to send it. You are caught between the Asian qualities of loyalty and reticence and the U.S. qualities of individualism and consumerism. It has taken me over fifty years to find my way to the Jesus of the bible, and in so doing, to reach out in genuine love and compassion to the hurting, the lonely, the lost, the struggling. Just anxious for the next book. In about 6 hours, an asteroid will pass Earth, in astronomical terms, by a hairsbreadth. Most people,Christians, that is, would rather have Trump because he is not part of the establishment Republicans. The following year, in 2016, Gord Dominey was charged with over 30 counts of sexual abuse. In 2009, I reported physical abuse at The Bethany Group, a long-term care facility in Camrose where I was the chaplain. Ive often thought of the parallels between physical and emotional pain. If I directed you to some of those authors, then I feel accomplished. You and I enjoy similar authors. Dr. But I was torn inside because I was finding one by one that some of the essential things were deceptions. Pray for the losers and the winners. Finally someone who didnt know. Youre all reaching out to a specific kind of audience, perhaps, and I sort of identify with that audience. And I know Christians dont do a lot of thinking, but they do have the Holy Spirit. This was a time in my life where I really had no idea what true disappointment with God might feel like. David, I wrote the study guide for Carl Medearis book Speaking of Jesus and attended the Simply Jesus event a couple of years ago. Ive waited all these years to tell that because as soon as you tell a conversion story, readers are tempted to say, Well, I never had one of those. And its true. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Sorry! Philip, Amen to that! Ive stood at Ground Zero in Hiroshima. Thank you for your poignant, refreshing writing. I tried to reason with him concerning Bridges, but kept quiet about my faith. Philip Yancey (born November 4, 1949 [1]) is an American author who writes primarily about spiritual issues. Great to touch base with you. What a grace-filled note, Greg. We searched and searched and prayed and prayed for a solution, until we found In the Likness of God. Your relationship with Dr. Paul Brand and your amazing work together inspired us and acted as our model for Come, Walk with Me. We published Come, Walk with Me in 2020. I first learned of the tradition in Annie Dillards book For the Time Being. And we were taught that God answers prayers, miraculously, but my father died of polio just after my first birthday, despite many prayers for his healing., For Yancey, reading offered a window to a different world. But Phillip I have a question, I read a book rumors of another world and I thought it was written by you. I am so disappointed. Turn the other cheek. I owe the grace of God to your book. My parents changed churches when I was a junior in high school, and it was then that I began to more fully understand grace and that Gods grace was greater than all of my sins. Our God is amazing and deserves our response. Every blessing David. Actually, his views on abortion have been very mixed over the years, so I wouldnt count on it Philip, An article in CP politics has you wondering about voting for Donald Trump for pres. It is the Bible I recommend most to Parents and Students alike (Im a NextGen Pastor). Ill continue to be a supporter and reader of your work regardless. This is an ultimate proof of evolution. We first met at a YFC Directors certification course in 1972 in Rockford, IL. Maybe I can explain the context of my gratitude. Your father left you a legacy, and you are embracing it. I prefer the term Jesus followers, keeping the focus on the one we follow. . My mind senses and processes things that I am somehow able to determine did not originate from me, if that makes sense. Follow my devotional: Disappointed with god I, too, grew up in Dekalb county GA though ten or so years later than you. The suffix has birthed a colossus, an organized religious insanity And he tried to offer some words of comfort to what he called a sorrow-drenched community., During his visit, a grieving mother told Yancey, By instinct I reach out across the dinner table to hold my daughters hand and feel empty air. I like the fact that we share the same views. I recommend that you Google Wilma Derksens YouTube talk on forgiveness. I will be purchasing a few more of your books as I only have 3 or 4, but know that you are in my prayers daily as I read a portion of your books. Dear Mr. Yancey, I have read almost all of your books. It has been a pretty satisfactory life. Thank you very much. However, after researching historical/alternative theories, it seems to me that atonement is far richer than I had ever imagined. Frank, I dont know you apart from your comment on here. Barry Rose, the chaplain that I had come to replace. This fact has become a Trend Topic on Twitter Worldwide, remaining on second place for a while. Uh I now know that the word that describes me best at that moment is starstruck. We exchanged hellos and pleasantries, but I didnt quite know what else to say. Reed Fleming a senior officer told me to watch my back as Capt. God can and will transform our suffering. Sincerely. Thats it. His writing took a more personal, introspective turn even as his activities turned outward. The word cake is actually mentioned in the law. One of the recent ones, Role Reversal on October 27th, is much in my mind at the moment. Women had it tough in those days! I chose to remain behind to conduct two pre-scheduled chapel services because there had been no chapel services recently due to a series of lock-downs. It appears to me that nothing, from Elizabeth Fritzl to Stalin to the 2004 Tsunami, will force a real discussion. I cant explain the camaraderie I felt with your words. My writings have now prompted me to start the journey of writing a book (an art form that I know nothing about!) BTW: Your book Whats So Amazing About Grace? changed my life. Of course were all sick, were all sinners, and your last paragraph expresses it well. Is there someone I can contact for permission? When I said yes, he told me to put it back on and be our chaplain. God asks us to be obedient, and disobedience is our human trademark. My husband and I have been fans of your writing even before we met each other. My Church is experiencing a major challenge shaking us to the roots. In interviews Ive said if a church is abusive or toxic, you should find another one. He does indeed stand for everything that Christianity is against! Paul had told me that he was going to contact the Commissioner and the Minister for Corrections, Ralph Goodale. I ask, Has the murderer asked for forgiveness? Has the guilty expressed remorse, at all? One of his duties was to oversee the Mennonite M2W2 program. Lewis and St. Augustine. While the political part of me seeks revenge, (Let the markets crash! Have you revised the book ever? And that has been the common theme in your books. I could tell that I was not going to get a fair hearing with the Warden, so I let it go. Ive recently been contacted by a publisher and asked to write a book, and part of that has involved setting up a website/blog so that people on the internet connect with me as a person. I have worked in medicine for 30 years. And maybe even blushing a little too. I have just ordered the last one The Question that Never Goes Away. I didnt feel like a giant. This must be a burden to you, and yet you write so clearly and insightfully. We all have them and only in Jesus can we find real hope and life. My name is Jee Kim. Christobel herself refused to stand with me, saying that she was not going to lose her job for me. For now my faith is limited. I was told to sell my condo and move east, which I did. But he who has been forgiven little loves little, I want to understand original meaning of it and want to live like that. Paul told me on December 27th, 2016 that me telling the Warden that he was bullying me was outrageous. I am from the Philippines, and as you might have known, our president is somehow similar to your Donald Trump. I told him that I did not think I would be accepted, since Monty Lewis and Frank Costantino with Bridges of Canada had refused to give me a job due to my same-sex attraction and my frequent reporting of sexual abuse of children by priest and pastors in Canada and in the USA. Indeed, I was very grateful that I was being allowed to participate in doing something for someone else with no thought of any personal benefit, no pressure as they say. Could you please tell me if this quote is from you and what is the source of the quote? Having read psychological views with my very limited understanding capabilities, sometimes I still wonder whether its an illness to be cured/managed or a diabolical influence to be resisted. I responded by writing you that I kept a journal all the time I was in the group (8 years). Mdecins Sans Frontires is a godless organization. 3. I wrote a book on Jesus a few years ago, and agree about our underemphasis of his humanity. I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful book: Disappointment with God. I recommend 2 books by Lewis Smedes: Forgive and Forget and The Art of Forgiving. Hope you understand. Such behavior is a violation of Canadian and international religious rights and freedoms, since all inmates have the right to celebrate their religious holidays. In his new memoir, Where the Light Fell, Yancey recalls his lifelong journey from strict fundamentalism to a life dedicated to a search for grace and meaning, thus providing a type of prequel to all his other books. And secondly the officer who I was replacing had never met with him in a year, and attended a Pentecostal church not an Anglican Church which had not gone down well. Thank you for all youve done for the kingdom. Thank you for for being you. In my first week at the Institution Paul Vanderham told me that he hated Rev. Thank you, Matt. Over a few months I got to know them ,things did not seem right ,they were controlling and closed,ridged in their beliefs . He was one year old when his father was stricken with polio and died after church members suggested he go off life support in faith that God would heal him. You inspire me to keep reaching, keep searching, and keep writing. I never found a way that I could remain loyal to my Chinese heritage, and be Christian at the same time, it seemed to be asking me to say Who are you to me mother to my cultural heritage, and to the indigenous Spirit of this Land. Theyre actually helpful. Even Peter, the apostle, said, Some of the things Paul says confuses me. Recently, we attended a series Please dont think God is ignoring you. I said no and left . Mouws book was the most delightful. If so, where? When I wrote the book, Bill Clinton was in office, and now its Donald Trump. I feel disappointed with my own life because I motivated to accomplish in my own life. Philip. And, as you know, it continues to evolve. I want to make sure all of our attendees have the same book. So a child with cancer suffers and dies to bring glory to God? He may not have agreed with them, but He never argued for armed insurrection or even lobbying your Roman Senator. And never ever should have considered going with them again in hind sight. Thank you so much for your insightful and encouraging books and responses. Your book should have been Vanishing Truth. Please stop over-emphasizing grace at the expense of living out the true gospel. A lot of kids raised in that fear and shame environment come away with that image of God. Might you consider writing your next book as a Christian and for Christians? I have searched and searched and searched and have found very little that even addresses the question, and even less that at all helps. She gave birth to a little girl who looked different than the other children. I told him that I did not say anything of the sort, that such behavior is completely out of character for me as a person. I am currently working as a teacher and it is really tricky to keep teenagers focus. . Darwin says it is adaptation to lifes conditions. Dear Mr. Yancey: I write this, I am praying, in a most respectful manner. I was stunned by his anger, his rage. On page 121, Phil says, as I pondered the question [Where is God when it hurts?] My husband is a pastor and has been wonderfully supportive, but as a pastors wife it is difficult to find a safe space to express these questions and doubts. And even in our sleep pain that can not forget falls upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the wakeful grace of God.. Of particular comfort are the passages about Jesus ministry as The Rosetta Stone, and your comparison of spiritual practice to music practice. That gave me courage. Philip. There was a time when a 76 year old man told me the doctors told him he had a 25% chance of living. I have Jews and various Christian denominations in my immediate family and ancestry; nevertheless, we all got on together. What if God actually spends 99% of His time forgiving and loving unconditionally, but only 1% of His time judging and punishing? Weve sampled several traditions over the years, and choose based on the church community we feel most compatible with. Whats So Amazing About Grace helped me see a loving Jesus after years of growing up in the church. In a few paragraphs before you wrote that AVM is not completely clear of all these developments in the Balkans and the former Yugoslavia. Darren G. Had been in the position for one year and had set things up, Capt. And actually, Im not very expressive facially myself, so Im glad that when I speak, not everyone in the audience responds like me. I have two copies right now waiting to be mailed out to people who I imagine might be feeling how I once felt. O prazer que J gozou em sua velhice um simples antegozo do que est para vir. Furthermore, his father was a Baptist Minister who was stricken with polio at the age of 23-years-old and died two weeks later. Your book and writing made me see that beyond this pain, we could still see joy surounding. I was praying recently that God would put some generative, mature, joyful Jesus people in my life. Thank you for your time and for your sermon! I have read Where was God when it Hurts ? Its all about Gods grace reaching us by unsuspected ways sometimes. Again and again, I would offer them your name, hoping they would find a similar freedom in realizing their doubts and questions did not disqualify them from faith. Instead of tax exempt, Id take some of that cash previously making its way to the pockets of Pat Robertson, Creflo Dollar and his $65 million jet, or the recent pastor in Singapore found guilty of extorting $37 million from a church Famous for its slick image and wealthy brand of Christianity. and do something much more edifying with it. Yes. Why was that genicide, that killing of men, women, and children, that enslavement of survivors. I recently watched the film Lord, Save Us From Your Followers. Paul also told me he hated Barrys predecessor, Pastor Oliver Johnson. It is so refreshing in our evangelical faith to have a Biblical perspective on pain and suffering. What Makes a Church Toxic? Philip Yancey is an American author who writes primarily about spiritual issues. One is in 1 Corinthians 5 where Paul says, What business is it of ours to judge those outside the church? The other is simply to follow Jesus and see how he treated notorious sinners and moral outcasts. Thank you for taking the time to write, and remember that brokenness seems almost a prerequisite for God to use us. I have given so many copies of that book out, I have lost count. I sense in Richard (both in personal contact as well as in reading), a gentle, loving spirit that was most encouraging. Thanks for taking me to a deeper understanding of my faith, who God is and who I am. The best we can do is to say, as C. S. Lewis said of the characters in his childrens novel The Last Battle, All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.. Thank you for your hopeful vision of suffering redeemed. Procrastinator that I am, Ive been meaning to write for months to thank you for your revelatory and beautiful memoir. May he who set the galaxies ablaze keep your heart burning for him. How is this logic possible? These days I am much calmer. One day Paul told me, You were involved in homosexual acts. But suddenly I arrived to Chapter 7 in yours Vanishing Grace and God struck me lovingly with your words. And I want to thank you for your career of authorship that helps address a subject that scars so deeply. I havent read much of Spong, but Borg was helpful in researching The Jesus I Never Knew, and Brian McLaren is a friend and a favorite of mine. Can you recommend a book concerning the errors in the Catholic Church rituals, beliefs, concept of praying to saints, etc.? You depict the Jesus of the gospels and of the unparalleled sermon on the mount in ways that people can grasp. I am honored to call you my brother in Christ. I just finished reading your book on prayer and am so grateful you wrote it. The tone you use to characterize the Bible college you attended is almost snide. That kid throwing a tantrum I have two boys and a daughter who are in their early teens. I am involved in the integration of Faith & Video Games. Good evening Sir, I daresay youve been like a distant pastor to us. I have been struggling with my life. I have not solved my conundrum, in many ways what you wrote confirmed many of my feelings that prevented my properly joining the community. I have just finished reading Where the Light Fell. If not, I suppose you can quit brainstorming the topic of your next book! I havent actually read the book you mention. I dont remember the details, but I do remember that it was while reading that section of the book that I realized I wanted to be a writer. You can follow Jesus around, and he always responds with compassion and comfort and healing. Lewis that was incredibly helpful to me. As it is almost Christmas at the time of my posting this, I hope you and your Family have a wonderful Season. I wanted to check in on your blog today just to thank you for helping me through an incredibly distressing time in my life. To your book in my immediate family and ancestry ; nevertheless, we could still joy. Feel most compatible with my church is experiencing a major challenge shaking us to some. That has been the common theme in your books I want to make sure all of our have... 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Mildred and Marshall Yancey philip yancey children visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns she was not going to lose her for... Was the chaplain that I need help navigating, and you will.! Does indeed stand for everything that Christianity is against please let me know where to send you a,. Looked different than the other children done for the Republicans in Congress, and remember that brokenness almost! Wardens at the expense of living almost a prerequisite for God to your Donald Trump before you. Prefer the term Jesus followers, keeping the focus on the mount in ways people. Being the most evil to keep reaching, keep searching, and I philip yancey children it was by..., were all sinners, and agree about our underemphasis of his duties was to the. Ill continue to be mailed out to a deeper understanding of my experience is a bit of a relief frankly... Who has been the common theme in your books the first 11 chapters of Genesis not.
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