It has become obvious from my meetings with church leaders that they are only interested in blind obedience at the expense of - President Gordon B. Hinckley, "I have been very grateful that the freedom, dignity, and integrity of the individual are basic in church doctrine. Any one that advocates or is involved in polygamy. I will walk into this court on Sunday with my head held high, with a clear conscience, and a complete conviction that I have done nothing wrong. Sam Young, once a bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has been excommunicated for criticizing the Mormon practice of sexually explicit "worthiness" interviews with young . See attached Jeremy Runnells' Temple Recommend Interview PDF to see my answers to each After reviewing your website and your statements, there are 97. r/Catholicism. The LDS church announced that Elder James Hamula had been released from his role in the church's leadership "following church disciplinary action." "okay" and the phone call was over. The phone call lasted under 2 minutes. I believe that individuals, investigators, and members of the church need all of the information on the table to make a fully informed decision as to whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, lives, and money to Mormonism. I am resigning because I absolutely resent and am disgusted by the LDS Church's and President Ivins' treatment toward me and their attempts to spiritually church" by simply publishing and discussing the very same information and facts verified today publicly by the church's own essays. I was floored when you called me on January 25, 2016 not to give me answers - as I was expecting - The main response is in the attached PDF, which can be read below after email content: See attached PDF for my detailed response to your April 7, 2016 disciplinary court letter. Believing and claiming that homosexuals are as loved by God as heterosexuals, for example, will get you excommunicated. translations of the CES Letter in their own languages. It was not Christlike in any way. If you should have any other questions or need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask me. Are there certain things that are no longer approved to do like prayers, sacrament, talks etc? My was telling you were "anti-Mormon lies.". Yesterday's historians and members with questions have been disciplined and excommunicated on accusations that they were "acting in opposition to the LDS Church members have reached out to Runnells after reading the CES Letter. the disciplinary council for March 20, 2016. I believe President Hinckley's dichotomy that this work is either the restored gospel of Jesus Christ or it's a great fraud. - Book of Abraham. Indeed, today's church essays facts. My 1.5 years of waiting for answers/corrections from Stake President Mark Ivins only to be met with silence, threats, and ultimately an excommunication along with corrections were included in the document. In fact, truth, The free flow of information and a healthy, balanced marketplace of information are, Free agency - supposedly the church's most cherished and foundational principle (after all, Heavenly Father lost 1/3, Runnells responds to Ivins' censorship demands, Runnells updates the public on latest with communications with Stake President Mark Ivins, Ivins ignores Runnells' clarification questions and tries to corner Runnells, Runnells tells Ivins that his understanding is incorrect as he is asking clarification questions about Ivins' demands, Ivins continues to ignore Runnells' clarification questions and sends Runnells another disciplinary council letter, Disciplinary council is set for April 17, 2016 @ 6pm. The following is a leaked video/audio recording of the disciplinary council. The only reason why I'm offering translations is because volunteers have given me communicate with you in writing would have made that clear. My goal is the truth, which is why I have asked you and the church repeatedly to correct me and show me errors and mistakes for CES Letter Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission it is to liberate and empower doubting LDS individuals and mixed-faith marriages. Dehlin's press release Tuesday insisting that they were factors. will not take place on Valentine's Day. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. church will ever reverse those excommunications and apologize to those historians and individuals for being ahead of their time by speaking and writing the on the issues troubling so many Latter-day Saints - a conversation, by the way, these Mormon apologists started and initiated first with their attacks It does not store any personal data. distributing your materials about the Church to others" is to censor sincere questions as well as hard facts and truths (and its open discussion in the Earlier today before the Press Conference, Runnells received a job proposal from the LDS Church. Swears.). I am a product of Mormonism. Even with cochlear implants, Jeremy is legally deaf. Brigham Young was wrong about Blood Atonement. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Why is the exmo community up in arms over something they believe to be meaningless to begin with (since being excommunicated from a fraudulent church doesn't mean anything)? It has been replaced by an Orwellian system that values unquestioning The only power that the church has is the power you give them. I'm a firm believer in free agency and individual freedom. It was a Mormonism where you were expected to search for and embrace all truth regardless of where it may be found. - President J. Reuben Clark, "Some struggle with unanswered questions about things that have been done or said in the past." Washington City resident Bill Reel, who . So will questioning any of the claims of the church, such as the very standard egyptian burial diagrams at the end . An Eagle Scout, Returned Missionary, BYU alumnus, Jeremy was married in the San Diego Temple with expectations and plans of living Mormonism for the rest of his life. The following are suggestions for writing a letter to the LDS . but to threaten my membership instead. defend myself vigorously. Take notice that several of the above quotes invite and encourage investigation. I still do not know what exactly I'm being charged with or why I'm being taken to a disciplinary council. The very next morning after the press conference, Ivins sends Runnells the following 5:14am email to postpone the Valentine's Day disciplinary council - George Albert Smith. As a direct result of FairMormon's personal attacks and dishonest claims, I found it necessary to create my current website to host my direct rebuttals and Below that lies the seven-man Presidency of the Seventy, which presides over the General Authority Seventies, who are referred to collectively as the Brethren and have church-wide jurisdiction. to repentance. truth. "As the letter shared by Ms. Helfer indicates, the decision of the local leaders was based on her public, repeated opposition to the church, church leaders and the doctrine of the church, including our doctrine on the nature of the family and on moral issues," Hawkins said in a statement. "[4], When his grandfather heard of the doubts Runnells had, he put him in contact with a CES institute director, who suggested Runnells write a letter with a list of his concerns. This directly contradicts the Book of Moses itself: "there was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people" -Moses 7:8. the church. days later stating that a court was being held against me because of "conduct unbecoming a member." LDS Church: No. be more open." this day as I am only interested in correct facts and information. additional information which facilitates holding a Stake Disciplinary Council in your behalf. Runnells received a physical April 7, 2016 letter delivered by the Stake Clerk from President Ivins announcing a Disciplinary Court against Runnells to be Lee claimed that he was thrown out due to an argument about the role of Native Americans in the church, but in 1994, he was convicted of attempted sexual abuse of a child, which reportedly took place in 1989. I have also recently had ear surgery that I am still I believe President J. Reuben Clark when he said: "If we have the truth, no harm can come from investigation. [4], The CES Letter outlines a large list of issues Runnells has with LDS Church beliefs and its historical narrative. "[21], A Spider-Man comic book was published in 2018 that had a patch drawn on the protagonist that read, "CES Letter". disciplinary council taken against me. lessons. facts. I was extremely alarmed and disturbed by your actions on the week of February 8th with your claim that newly "additional information" demanded a half. Ivins responded with There will still be work to be done in clearing out the cobwebs of control from your mind but that theme is the most empowering one upon which to do so. (Toto, Helfer isnt in Kansas anymore. TonightI took back my own power. fairness. Parking is available in surrounding lots. Members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing during the biannual general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Salt Lake City, Utah, on April 5, 2014. allegiance from the beginning has been to truth, accuracy and transparency. Fortunately, Elder M. Russell Ballard gave a recent talk to the Church Educational System this - adultery, rape, spousal abuse, child abuse, child molestation, or whatever other despicable evils left to the the CES Letter go as viral online as it has. FairMormon, Mormon Interpreter and other Mormon organizations understand and get this, which is exactly why they also accept donations as If someone decides to resign membership and the church excommunicates them it looks like the church kicked them out when in reality they voluntarily left. Although it may seem like a punishment, IMO it is an act of compassion. fragments as parts of standard funerary texts that were deposited with mummified bodies." As an LDS church seminary teacher, Nelson experienced his LDS faith crisis. appropriate notice of it. Excommunication is the most severe penalty that can be imposed by church leaders and effectively means that the exiled person is no longer a Mormon. I honestly don't think they care, though some of the others in the ward might. I am exercising my constitutional right to extract myself from this religion Then help me. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. at (801) 240-3500 and ask them to check on it. Excommunicated persons can, however, rejoin the fold by being rebaptized. Please disregard the notice you received by mail today regarding the disciplinary council scheduled for February 14, 2016. You took out your handbook and read the My wife committed adultry and she had a bishops court but the decision was to put her on formal probation. disciplinary court be held against me that week on Valentine's Day. Who's Performing at Trump's Inauguration. I want to add that I trust that you will be fair to me and will follow [20] In March 2021, FairMormon changed its name to FAIR, and removed the YouTube videos directed at Runnells and the CES Letter. Upon its public release, CES Letter went viral and immediately became a Mormon internet phenomenon, providing validation and support to tens of whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, time, talents, income, and lives to Mormonism.". But all of it is secondary to my unyielding love of the church. 11. This is Runnells' and Ivins' second meeting. circulating on the Internet. interested media, along with supporters of Runnells, are invited to attend and show support. Most Chapel Mormons would be disturbed and shocked at the new Mormonism that these unofficial apologists mingle and preach with attack me. In the event, if any, that a third disciplinary council is set up against me, I will be sure to let everyone know. It is 100% man-made from beginning to end. "The Church has a strong desire to protect children and, as you know, issued updated guidelines for interviewing youth earlier this year.". Later that day @ 2:45pm, CES Letter Foundation issues another press release announcing the postponement: The LDS gospel topics series: A scholarly engagement. many who might suggest that you are openly and publicly acting in opposition to the Church. Many wonder if the Despite the CES Director and Stake President, Mark Ivins, You either have it, or you do not. "Today, the Church disavows the theories advanced in the past that black skin is a sign of divine disfavor or curse" - Race and the Priesthood essay. Rather than answering the questions, you went ahead and followed your year and a half pattern of consistently refusing to answer my sincere questions while [16] This is inconsistent with a non-random, unscientific survey conducted by Podcaster John Dehlin indicating that, among self-recruited survey respondents, historical reasons were a factor in 70% of former members' decisions to leave. Instead of calling Ivins back, Runnells emails Ivins the following message @ 1:39pm (screenshot): I received your voice mail asking me to call you. 1. I just wanted the truth. Mark Hofmann Salamander Letter; David Whitmer's Second Seer Stone . Internet Mormon organizations such as FairMormon, Mormon Interpreter, SHIELDS, etc., the CES Letter Foundation accepts donations. Why am I being punished for pointing to church essay verified facts and admissions? Church leaders became aware that Lyman was having an affair with a woman he had been given to counsel and excommunicated him for unlawful cohabitation. Hindsight is 20/20. the disciplinary council scheduled for February 14th. Date. This was the catalyst and beginning of the CES Letter ", "Mormon history is discrediting the church. You have stated in the past that you had no desire to hurt the Church or its members. Jeremy Runnells, author of the renowned Letter to a CES Director faces excommunication from the LDS Church on charges of apostasy on Sunday, April 17, 2016 @ 6:00 pm MST. Excommunication is a disciplinary per the Church's definition. I also attend some of the I trust that you will not ambush me with a disciplinary council on March 15th. The only reason why the CES Letter exists is because of one reason and one reason only: the CES Director requested it. Ivins attempts to take their conversation away from light of transparency to dark of secrecy, Ivins attempts to censor Runnells and CES Letter by demanding censorship and removal from Mormon Marketplace of Information, "If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. disturbing. Jody England Hansen writes the names of more than 700 people who could not attend in person to express their support for Helfer but wanted to communicate their solidarity. The following is the November 2, 2014 letter Runnells handed to Ivins in the beginning of this meeting (can be read in PDF here) or read below: I am writing this letter to you to make sure that there are no misunderstandings or confusion regarding my response to several of your questions that you I will begin by adding in some quotes from past LDS leaders and prophets to help drive home these fundamental points. process of translation of the Book of Mormon. My wife will not be attending but I will be bringing an ASL interpreter to ensure that I understand 100% of everything that is said in our meeting. Valentine's Day without talking to me. But on Tuesday, the church was thrown into the limelight after it announced that it had excommunicated one of its high-ranking officials in the first such disciplinary incident in almost three decades. Here&39;s a LDS Youtuber and author I enjoy. I resign morally clean, honest with myself and my fellowmen, and with a clear conscience knowing in my heart that I have done what is right and I'd do it the blessings of the Temple because of what the Race and the Priesthood "discuss my membership in the church." "Your Name. I had no idea what you were talking about or accusing Ivins responds to Runnells' March 12, 2016 @ 3:47pm email with the following 5:05am email (screenshot): After reading your latest email to me, I thought I should be certain that I understand your position. The letter, dated February 9, confirms that Dehlin has been excommunicated on the charge of apostasy -- specifically for refusing to renounce teachings disputing the divinity of God and Jesus Christ, the credibility of the Book of Mormon, and the idea that the LDS church is the "true Church." To this day, I have not been called to repentance and asked to correct any errors or mistakes in the CES Letter or on my website by you or any other temple blessings." The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve have made some extraordinarily eye-brow raising admissions in these essays. It mostly deals with historical issues surrounding the time of the founding of the LDS Church in the 1820s and 1830s, although it does talk about more modern issues as well. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. It has validated and confirmed to me that this organization has no divine power or divine mantle behind it. The chair struck her five-year-old daughter Indy, leaving her with a 'goose egg' bump on . answers to try to help me. truth claims problems. sincere concern and a teacher bore his or her testimony as a response intended to avoid the issue.". This is not and never has been my intention. be more open." It has nothing to do with the character, the story or Marvel. I have repeatedly asked you for correction so that I can publicly correct as I am only interested in accurate facts and information. His SP forgave him of them (has he that authority) and installed him in that position. My friend later became a bishop. rebuttals and defenses against their attacks on my personal name and integrity as well as their false claims. Laura Pitkin, post-script to a letter from Vilate Kimball to Heber C. Kimball, July 18, 1840, cited in Susan Easton Black and Larry C. Porter, Martin Harris: Uncompromising Witness of the Book of Mormon (Provo, UT: BYU Studies, 2018), 315. along with not including the church's essays. Photo by Jody England Hansen. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. work is a fraud. When I sent the CES Letter to the CES Director in April 2013, the church had No answersjust threats of excommunication. In a normal month they usually process 500-1000 over the course of that entire period. The Mormon church accused Oliver Cowdery of Adultery and claimed he had joined . nowit's a "privilege to work with [me]"? The general consensus and reaction was outrage, disbelief, and shock. Again, it is not me or the CES Letter itself that causes people to leave, if they do, but rather the facts and information verified by the church's own Please let me know if there is anything I or other members of the stake can do to assist you and your family during this challenging time. CES Letter Foundation releases the following Press Release announcing the LDS Church's disciplinary council against Runnells to be held on April 17, 2016 @ 6:00pm. 7:15pm at the Stake Center. I have asked questions over and over for the last three years and a year and a half with the stake president and they have not answered one question. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed." Will you appeal this? [6], In 2016, due to the letter's content and public criticisms of the church, his local LDS Church leaders conducted a disciplinary council to determine the membership status of Runnells, but towards the end of the council before a determination had been made, Runnells resigned his membership, exited the church building where the council was being held and stated to a crowd of supporters outside the church, "I have excommunicated the LDS Church from my life. He was made General Authority in 2008meaning he had to give up his practice as a lawyer and serve the church full timeand spent time in New Zealand before returning to the church's Utah headquarters in 2014. No response ever came. I will then forward your statement to the First Presidency. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.". I still do not know what the charges are or why any disciplinary Prior to sending my 80 page letter to the CES Director, I shared the letter with folks on Facebook and Reddit for editing and feedback purposes in my excommunication when I have done nothing wrong and have sought official answers to my questions and concerns about church essay verified problems through attempted to mislead the people, then he should be exposed; his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false" - President Joseph Fielding Smith, "That is the way I feel about it. 28K subscribers in the mormon community. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You tried again by announcing the now cancelled March 20th court on me without talking to me. that all of the claims made above by its leaders along with Ballard's "master the essays" are ultimately just empty words. Or even holding a council? "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My While excommunication is rare and in the LDS tradition is different from what you might expect an article by Elder M. Russell Ballard has helped some reporters and others better understand the reasons for it. Either it means something or it doesn't. Ms. Kelly's stake president had warned her in a letter in May that if she did not shut down the website, dissociate herself from it and repent, she faced excommunication for "openly, repeatedly. The main response is in the attached PDF, which can be read below after email content: Please see attached "Runnells Response to Stake President 3.11.16 Email" PDF. the free agency of members of the church. I have sat in on both disfellowship and probation courts, but our Bishop also worked with some youth by himself and placed them on probation. assumption has always been that the 15th meeting is still on but wanted to make double sure. response. held on April 17, 2016 @ 6:00pm. publicly making the corrections.". You cannot paste images directly. The venue is open for dinner prior to the press conference at 6:00pm. Your well-meaning Mother is correct your sister can be excommunicated, its not definite and may not happen until she wants to come back to church, at that point as she isn't endowed or married But it is amatter that will be decided by priesthood authority. You did not have to retrospectively create a false story about angelic visitors to possess that power it was there all along, but the church blinded you to it. and Mormon Interpreter is to demonstrate that the church does not value balance, free flow of facts and any real honest intellectual discussion in just means you may spend a lot of time in court working out visitation, no actual marriage or divorce has to take place. You have already demonstrated your that the church does not have answers. Cherish your doubts. Truth is often found in the most unexpected places. In other words, yesterday's prophets are today's heretics. Runnells was not If there is anything we can do to Quite frankly, President, I am extremely disturbed by your behavior and actions against me. last generation - with the access to information on the internet, we can't continue that pattern; I think we need to continue to free agency and the free agency of others, and to take our conversation away from the light of transparency and openness into the dark of secrecy and Truth has no fear of the light. remember telling you about the polyandry - how Joseph married other living men's wives - as well as how Joseph lied to Emma, the Saints and the world about that is very black and white. I have done nothing wrong. . Take notice of the wording that Ivins used against me Regardless, Runnells told Ivins that he has a family member in hospice, that now was not a good time for him, and that March 15th was the date The real question here is if the church really believes in and is confident in its foundational truth claims to welcome hard investigation and scrutiny. Something I've always wondered. A vigil for Jeremy Runnells is being organized on Sunday, April 17, 2016 @ 5:30 pm Mountain Time at the American Fork Utah East Stake Center. You never pointed out errors or mistakes in the CES Letter or for me to publicly correct, despite my multiple requests to you. You state: "After reviewing your website and your statements, there are many who might suggest that you are openly and publicly acting in opposition to But the world has changed in the history. Introduction I received a letter informing me that on Sunday a "membership council" (formerly, "disciplinary council") will be held "on my behalf". In fact, few things infuriate me more on this planet [15], Writer Jana Riess has argued that the impact of the CES Letter has been overstated, yet important. Natasha Helfer received the news of her excommunication from her Salt Lake City-based church on Wednesday in a letter written by Stephen Daley, a regional church official in Derby, Kansas. Church foundational truth claims. We were five docile women standing there in our Sunday dress. So the church doesn't believe in free agency. 3. Natasha Helfer has become a prominent Mormon sex therapist because many people find her common-sense positions on issues like masturbation helpful and compassionate. My [1][2] Runnells grew up as a seventh-generation member of the LDS Church with pioneer ancestry. goal has been to get official answers from the church as promised me by its CES Director three years ago. Runnells - Just checking to see if anything has changed in your schedule that we could meet sometime this week. If you allow yourself to be excommunicated, then the Church forever will claim that narrative in your life. She dares to say out loud what thousands of other people are only thinking to themselves hence the stake presidents admonition that she is strident, public and negative. (The excommunication letter also notes that she has used disparaging and vulgar language to state those opinions, and if we know anything, its that Mormon ladies must be nice and never, ever demean themselves and others with All. at 7:30pm; please confirm your attendance. The fact that you are still using this against me demonstrates Out of curiosity, do they make those numbers public or do you have a source? Lives are at stake. The recordings and emails speak for themselves. "[3][13][14] Utah news station KUTV pointed to a survey that 57% of LDS Church members were troubled by high profile excommunications like Runnells, including 43% of temple recommend holders. allegiance from the beginning has been to truth, accuracy and transparency. Here is my resignation letter. I am glad to hear that, although you need to understand that some of Additionally, its purpose is to have an open discussion I don't want you to go to the trouble or expense of obtaining an ASL interpreter. loved ones on a day set aside for commemorating love. In no way [do they] reflect Christian discipleship." Instead of a meeting between us on what you have said and done has done just that. by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on charges of apostasy. So cute, Sixpactr. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Third Hour Forum Rules - Please be familiar with these rules before posting. It takes considerable time, effort, man hours, money and resources to contribute to the conversation in the Mormon marketplace of information. Middle row: Jennifer White, Jana Spangler, Natasha Helfer and Kattie Niu Mount. But the decision is made after the court meets. I never heard back from him again. I'm sure that your anger and cynicism is very justified
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