How are justices to the U.S. Supreme Court elected? Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. What are the characteristics of electrically charged objects? What words should I use to replace those? How is my GMAT score used by grad schools? Final Exam Study Guide ENG 10 | 5 Spring 2023 11. I don't get onomatopoeias! In the forest. Latest answer posted December 05, 2012 at 3:53:15 PM. In geometry, how do you get the perimeters of a square and a rectangle? Latest answer posted November 04, 2020 at 4:58:13 PM, Latest answer posted February 03, 2021 at 11:32:31 AM. If I choose to take the computerized version of the GRE, will I be typing or writing my analytical and issue essays? Answer Give a detail of Grendel's first attack. 60 Rest after Labor Sorrow at Parting (XXVII.) What is your opinion of the rise of virtual actors and the fall of live ones, what do you think about virtual actors taking the place of live ones? Grendel's lair, on the other hand, is underwater, dark, and foreboding. In contrast to Heorot, Grendel's lair is miserable, loathsome, and dark. The door to the hall swung open at his touch, but rage boiled up within him, and he tore it apart and bounded inside. . to scare Beowulf so he will not fight. What kind of cash crops did they grow in the South in early America? Please explain this Kipling quote: Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. ", Why is there so much talk about baseball, especially Joe DiMaggio, in, I got detention because a teacher said I was being, My grandma says she knows how I feel when I, My brainy brother owns a Harley and says his girlfriend is the, I'm writing a grade 12 comparative essay, and I need a book that I could compare with, A friend says she suffers from ineffable sadness. She lives in a dark cave-like structure at the bottom of a cold,deep, murkylake. Is that true? )", Should I say, Can I have a banana? or May I have a banana?. I'm learning English now, so I gave myself an English name Vivi." What is the song Yankee Doodle Dandy" really about?". I was once told to stop chewing my cud and get back to work. What's, What is the meaning of this saying, The cat will mew and dog will have his day"?". What types of words or phrases should I avoid in my writing? Why do some critics want the 22nd Amendment repealed? How can you get back on track? What are the characteristics of a moneran, protist, and fungus? Do you know anything about the law of conservation of energy? How are individuals judged based on their use of language? What Are College Early Decision and Regular Decision Admissions Plans? kavita devgan biography evergreen ship location caesura in the battle with grendel. How do I get my smart-but-hates-to-read son interested in reading? How does the number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom differentiate it from another atom? What was sectionalism in America before the Civil War? I do really bad on quizzes. On a TV modeling contest, a judge said, Her simian walk is unbelievable." What does it mean?". Grendel, described as a descendent of Cain, moveswith evil intent, and his lair reeks of malice. will help you with any book or any question. She was just as gruesome as Grendel. Charles Dickens has this person called the beadle" in lots of his books. Explain probability to me (and how about some examples)? I try to read so that I can finish the book quickly but still understand what's going on. Mathematics, 21.06.2019 15:00. What do you think secret service for the Obama girls is like? The creature attacks the neighboring towns in revenge. After his long fight with the demon, he is in pain and agony, but was still able to fight off the beast. When I arrived at my teachers house, he told me to wait in the anteroom. The ogre who has menaced Hrothgar's people for 12 years is a huge, powerful descendant of the biblical Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy (Genesis 4). A prince? Grendel's lair, on the other hand, is underwater, dark, and foreboding. My school is having a blood drive and I am considering donating blood. Since I made the soccer team, I don't feel like I have enough time to study. What is the literary device of writing exactly as a character speaks, even if words are misspelled and the grammar is non-standard? When writing a persuasive essay, what words can take place of being verbs," such as is, are, has, be, were, and was? What books should I read for the AP English Literature exam? What is the term for when the Congressional majority represents the opposite party of the President? What are footnotes and endnotes? She lashes out and kills Hrothgar's best man. Plus, my parents don't want me to date. Du Bois mean when he wrote of second-sight? I know some French, but only greetings. What's the difference between description and narration? Answer this question only if you know the answer! How do you cite CliffsNotes in APA, MLA, and CMS styles? (And please skip the technical grammar rules. he is a shadow of death that grows impatient with the danes. Why does The Great Depression end when the United States enters World War II? Answer . The weathers unpleasing, till the air groweth gloomy. What classic novels take place in Florida? For example, Gold-Au, Silver-Ag, Lead-Pb, Potassium-K, Tin-Sn, Iron-Fe, and Mercury-Hg, where did these symbols come from? Fens are wetlands, created by decaying matter in wet terrain. A number is 20 less than its square. What should I avoid when writing the conclusion of a research paper? In fact, this description is is considered one of the more lyrical parts of the epic. What is it called when something is out of place in time, like a jet stream in a movie about ancient Rome? After his battles against Grendel's mother and Grendel, Beowulf returns home and becomes king of the Geats. 51 Beowulf is Double-Conqueror (XXIV.) What are the best courses to take if I want to end up doing research in metaphysics? When is it okay to use sentence fragments? How does the CIA recruit people? Who would serve as the new president if both the president and vice president resigned? Why were the Africans chosen for enslavement? But if you do break your eardrum, will it grow back? Which forests hang over, with frost-whiting covered. My teacher crossed all of those out of my paper? Is it really a law? What kind of literature is a picaresque novel? Is a boor somebody who boos or somebody who bores? will help you with any book or any question. Why did Cromwell dissolve the first Protectorate parliament? What can I do? "", In Little Lost Robot," by Isaac Asimov, why have some robots been impressioned with only part of the First Law of Robotics?". Solving story problems is, well, a problem for me. How many laws of motion did Newton come up with, and what are they? How does Alice Walker break the rules" of literature with, Why did Elie Wiesel call his autobiography, How does Shakespeare play with gender roles in, How are Tom and Huck different from each other in. What is the current law on compulsory vaccinations in the U.S.? Here's one I've seen several times: On the second week of my summer job at a bookstore, my boss handed me an envelope with what she called my. Measured by mile-lengths that the mere-water standeth. In-text citation: ("Grendel's Lair and Its Symbolism.") Works Cited entry: "Grendel's Lair and Its Symbolism." What is the easiest foreign language to learn? I love watching TV court shows, and would enjoy them more if I understood some of the legal jargon, like. I'm kind of embarrassed to ask, because it's one of those words everyone assumes you know what it means. Are your freshmen grades important to get into college? I would like to understand the poem Blight" by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Who is the next monster Beowulf will have to fight? Beowulf is a powerful Compare And Contrast Beowulf The story Beowulf is an epic tale about a valiant warrior who faces the battles of evil. How did Zeus become ruler of the Greek gods? How can that be? A firm-rooted forest, the floods overshadow. Her appearance is similar to Grendel's, except ' idese onlicnes ' ['in the likeness of a woman'], (l. 1351), but her attack differs in some significant ways. Can you tell me more about the whole process and if it is painful? My instructor wrote on my paper to be careful about using passive voice. It is where King Hrothgar fellowships with his warriors; during feasts, he lavishes the warriors with priceless gifts and Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. What can I do to prepare for quizzes? Did Christianity play a role? What exactly is wind? Who are some famous female mathematicians? The lair becomes brighter after Grendel's mother dies, and Beowulf is able to inspect his surroundings. For school I had to make a Napoleon hat, which called for a, My sister calls me the Princess of Prevarication." bookmarked pages associated with this title. What is the length and width of the rectangle? What information is contained in a chemical equation? I have to write an essay for my AP world history class and my teacher said to use direct comparison, but I'm confused on what he means by that. My teacher says there's more than one kind of history. Some guy I don't like told his friend I was acting all demure. This sounds really disgusting, but I'm curious: Can humans drink animal blood, or any other kind of blood? What should be on my shopping list? 1) Murderer 2) Monster 3) Big Claws 4) Unattractive Answer What irritates Grendel and becomes his motive for attacking Herot? What are the types of tones/attitudes in writing? Dealing with the myth of Cinderella, written by the Grimm brothers, how could you analyze it in terms of archetypes that Carl Jung used? I found a funny word in The Glass Castle. It is only when Beowulf comes to the actual place where Grendel's mother lives that the water monsters who previously tried to kill him vanish. Tags: Question 24 . Is it still important for people who develop Web pages to know HTML? Why didn't the Pope allow Henry VIII a divorce, and who was Catherine of Aragon's relative who came and held siege? What Are College Rolling Admissions Plans? What does Utilitarianism mean, from a philosophical perspective? How do I convince my little brother and sisters to stay out of my room? What are the endocrine and exocrine systems? Is Johns Hopkins University a medical school? I'm curious about converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, or Fahrenheit to Celsius. My teacher talks about the Greatest Common Factor. Lines 422-440 describe this place as an environment formed by decomposition, rot and darkness and show the lake as a very unpleasant place. Descended from the biblical Cain, Grendel is an outcast, doomed to wander the face of the earth. How do I find the molar mass of the elements on the periodic table? If Father, Son, and Holy Ghost aren't names, what is God's name? Since J.R.R. How do you convert a fraction to a decimal or change a decimal to a fraction? What 2 items does Beowulf carry with him back to Herot? How did the planet" Pluto get its name? At the opening of chapter XXIII, the narrative states that Grendel's mother has a hoard of ancient weapons stored in her lair. In chapter XXII of Beowulf, Grendel's mother's lair is described (as Beowulf descends into the cave to destroy her). What is it called when a word is the same both forward and backward? It can be used to create mood and symbolize. She lunges at him and clutches him in her grip, but his armor, as predicted, prevents her from crushing him. He revenges himself upon humans by terrorizing and occasionally devouring the warriors of the Danish king Hrothgar. What's the difference between goulash and galoshes? What exactly is blood clotting and what are the processes involved? Already a member? Show the reader that Grendel presents no real challenge. Inlines 313 of Beowulf, the poet describes the bard's songs in Hrothgar's hall, Heorot. Please help me understand. Grendel's home is described as a dark swamp that even hunted animals would rather die than jump into. They say I have to give some benefits for spending extra. Everyone says you shouldn't clean your ears with cotton swabs because you could break an eardrum. Many kennings are used to describe Grendel such as "shepherd of evil," "guardian of crime," "Hell's captive," "the Almighty's enemy," "sin stained demon . King's servant to join King Hrothgar at the grand opening of Mead Hall. 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | shooting in statesboro, ga 2020. The house is described as an old, dark, and dreary building that sits on a hill. 46 Beowulf Seeks Grendel's Mother (XXII.) How does the ."Elena" - Mrs. McGuire's ClassWhat are the think and respond of Elena? The Monster's lair. How can I double-check my answers to math equations? How do interest groups play a role in American government? What is the name of the surgeon and the English ship he's on in. What Happens If You Miss a Student Loan Payment? Fifty years pass with Beowulf in charge, when a local dragon is angered when a slave enters its lair and takes a cup from its treasure. In the poem, the mead hall is called the "greatest of hall-buildings." I started my first job a couple weeks ago (just for the summer). What do bones do, except give us a skeletal structure? I don't think it was supposed to be a compliment. After the stock market crash, how did President Hoover try to help the economy? And if I do, is it illegal? "Grendel's Lair" eNotes Editorial, 16 Sep. 2016, If someone is the titular head of a political party, does it mean they have all the power? Why can't you be rude or sarcastic in your thesis statement? After her son, Grendel, is exterminated, she immediately craves revenge on Beowulf and his people, the people who murdered her son. Is my summer vacation to Italy a good topic for my college essay? So I want to know if "Vivi" really can't be used as a name.". Do you know where I can find help on the weekends or whenever? What does that even mean?". Grendel lives where, Steams like black clouds, and the groves of trees, Growing out over their lake are all covered, With frozen spray, and wind down snakelike. What does that mean? Faseeshis no clue on the spelling, but I kind of got yelled at in school today for being that. Why didn't Socrates write any books? To what extent did the Cold War shape the American domestic life of the 1950s? Does a person have to have the same blood type as his or her brothers and sisters? Do I underline it or italicize it? Heorot on the other hand, is a battlefield where Hrothgar's men got killed. I did something really stupid yesterday, and my grandfather told me I was hoist with my own petard." In math, what is the definition of order of operations? Why does Santa Claus have so many names Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, and Kris Kringle? Where do you start when writing a character analysis? It is always dark there; it is uninhabitable by humans and not readily accessible. What is the chemical equation for orange juice? How is the home of Grendel described? What are intelligent design and creationism and how are they related? 53 Beowulf Brings his Trophies } (XXV.) What are characteristics of Modernist literature, fiction in particular? So, a fen is definitely a dismal place to live, quite unlike Heorot Hall. Beowulf and Grendel fought in the great hall Herot. What do you call a word that only ever appears as a plural? What have been the major Israel and Arab conflicts since World War II? I got marked down on a paper for using the word, Can you help me understand the difference between the words, I can t keep principal and principle clear Can you help, My teacher lowered my grade on a paper because I described a scene as, Can you help me figure out when to use the word. Macbeth) in the essay title portion of your citation. ", Consider Working for a Nonprofit Organization, Appropriate Attire: Defining Business Casual, Famous Americans Who Started Out in the Military, The Benefits of Joining a Professional Organization, Getting Good References for Your Job Hunt, Military Career Opportunity: Translators and Interpreters, Understand Negotiable Elements of a Job Offer, Write a Thank You Note after an Interview, Writing a Follow-Up Letter after Submitting Your Resume, Your Military Career: Basics of Officer Candidate School, Your Military Career: Requirements for Officer Candidate School, Writing Essays for Your Business School Application, Decide if Graduate School Is Right for You, English Majors: Selecting a Graduate School or Program, Getting Letters of Recommendation for Your Business School Application, Graduate School Application: Tips, Advice, and Warnings, Graduate School: Applying as a Returning Student, How to Prepare for Grad School as an Undergrad, How Work Experience Affects Your MBA Application, Master's Degree in Biology: Choosing a Grad School. The wicked creature, grim and greedy, was at the ready, savage and cruel, and seized in their rest thirty of the thanes. My mom and my friends say I should quit doing something [swimming, tennis, violin, honors classes], but I love all the things I do. Answer shoud come between sections 1-3. Egypt) and titles (e.g. Who were the major congressional participants in developing Social Security legislation? Can you make it easier for me to understand what makes a number a prime number? Grendel is a monster Looks like a beast/monster with claws Descendent of Cane (evil) He's the first killer/sinner Lives in the wild marshes What irritates Grendel and becomes his motive for attacking Herot? Can you PLEASE help? How do you convert decimals to fractions? What are some possible positive and negative effects resulting from the scope of the President's military power? Is it ever okay to start a sentence with the word but? What are the four perils of power Hrothgar describes in his "sermon" to Beowulf before the Geatish prince returns to Sweden? Gallery viewing of work. I have looked everywhere but I still can't find any information. It's as hard to spell as it is to understand! My teacher said that eating poisonous mushrooms can make you sick or even kill you, but that they're not the only fungus that can. If you have any music or audio notes playing on tape, CD, or whatever and you fall asleep, is it true that you'll have whatever was played memorized by the time you wake up? The "where does grendel's mother live" is the home of Grendel's mother. Grendel's cousin's half-sister. in the swamp 3. his mom and other creatures are undersea: what is Grendel's mothers motivation for going to Herot: to avenge her sons arm: after celebrating Beowulf's victory, what occurs at Herot: Grendel's mom attacks Hrothgar's best friend: name 2 things Grendel's . The statement "there is no wrath like the wrath of an angry mother" fits her well. I have a friend who said something about phantasmagoric. Download the entire Beowulf study guide as a printable PDF! I need to download some pictures of Juliet. Character Analysis Grendel. Why is English class called English in school? 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. What Are College Early Action Admissions Plans? Is it grammatically correct to say take some shots"?". Understanding the literary genre Magical Realism, I asked my granddad if he liked his new apartment and he said, It's all hunky-dory, kiddo." What caused the fall of the Roman Empire? What is the most abundant element in the earth's crust? Q. I'm okay with tests and homework, but I do horribly on quizzes. For Milton Friedman, what are the social responsibilities of business? Ask and answer questions. Grendel's mother had come to Heorot to avenge her son's death. I was sitting on one the other day and it said Made in China," but where did it first come from?". Should I refer to a widow as Mrs., Miss, or Ms.? 62 How do you use possessives in front of gerunds? They were using their hands - Beowulf was using his bare hands because Grendel didn't use weapons and he . (From Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities), How did Hawthorne show that Hester Prynne was a strong woman in, What purpose do the three witches serve at the beginning of, What figurative language does Stephen Crane use in, How do Gene and Finny mirror each other in. Grendel is so accustomed to living in the cheerless moors that he finds the merry atmosphere of Heorot almost unbearable. Analyzes how grendel is an anglo-saxon embodiment of what is dark, terrifying, and threatening. There are some local reasons. Tamang sagot sa tanong: Learning Task 2: Read the passage, then answer the questions that follow. How can I figure out what poems are about? What's the big deal about plagiarism, anyway? What can I expect in the math part of the SAT? Who was the first female Senator in the United States? What is the largest organ in the human body? How can banks afford to lend out so much money? Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# No one ventures into this area. It is different from Herot because Herot is very large and beautiful, while Grendel's lair is smaller and infested with monsters. And if not, why hasn't there been? What can I do if I think my teacher gave me the wrong grade? What are the first-person, second-person, and third-person points of view? As he nears the murky lake floor, Grendel's mother senses his approach. Is it part of the circulatory system in our bodies? Accessed 2 Mar. Why aren't viruses considered living things? Poetry gives me problems. Grendel is the 'feond on helle' (Beowulf 101), 'grimma' (102) and 'wonsaeli' (105). Can you describe the United States policy of containment and show an example of an event when the policy was used and why? What motives inspired Iago to plot revenge against Othello? SURVEY . (I have pictures, too.). Who are the unbelievers" referred to in The Koran? Who was the first Secretary of State for the United States? I have to write an essay, and I'm having a hard time getting started. Neath mists of the nesses netherward rattles, The stream under earth: not far is it henceward. The king examines the hilt and then speaks to Beowulf, giving a sermon on the dangers of fame and success and the vicissitudes of life. 45 seconds . Who is the only U.S. President who never won a nationwide election? Describe the battle between Grendel and Beowulf in Part 11. How did imperialism spread around the world? 57 Hrothgar's Gratitude Hrothgar Moralizes } (XXVI.) Example 1: With each exhale, Ceron's face burned and came close to blistering, but he gritted his teeth and stayed focused on the key resting just beyond the sleeping dragon's blood-splattered claw. "", What is a motif, and how can I find them in. How is photosynthesis essential to life on earth? Somebody told me I looked pasty. In Spanish how do I know when to use de, del, a and al? Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Then, Beowulf goes down into her cave where he duels her. How about decimals and fractions to percents? Where did the chair originate from? How does Jim fit into the overall theme of, How does Shakespeare use light and darkness in, Who is the narrator in Faulkner's A Rose for Emily"? Since she was only married for 72 days, does Kim Kardashian have to give back her wedding gifts? Can you explain Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in words that a teen can understand? With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. What kind of structures are opposable toes? What is nihilism, and what should I read to get a better understanding of it? Grendel and his mother live where wolves roam, where the air is unhealthy, and where the weather is always unpleasant. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. A powerful monster, living downIn the darkness. What is the difference between matter" and "mass"?". Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. What is the best study method when trying to cram three chapters all at once? What's a good example of a kenning inBeowulf? What is connotation, and how do you find it in a poem? In what countries does Toyota produce and market cars? He's referred to as My Lord" but I'm not sure of his actual title.". What is a fast and easy way to work word problems? (From Shakespeare's Julius Caesar), What is a purloiner? How do plants know when to drop their leaves? What's the formula to convert square feet into square meters? I study so hard for my tests that I know I know the material, but then I always panic and bomb. What is it that they do not believe?". They go into the lair and get the monster's treasures. Answer: Summary of Beowulf Attacks Grendel's Mother The epic story of Beowulf is about a young hero who fights in battles against the monster Grendel and his mother and later concerns Beowulf's final fight with a dragon. How did people make up the lb. BEOWULF WORKSHOP: MissionMaker Conversations Daniel Peixoto Ferreira * DECEMBER 2014 * This article was written in the context of the MissionMaker project, developed in the DARE Collaborative at the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education (IOE), under supervision of Prof. Andrew Burn and Prof. Alison Gazzard. 1279-99).This time it's Grendel's mother, looking for vengeance. I need to know some info on the Monroe Doctrine. It is where King Hrothgar fellowships with his warriors; during feasts, he lavishes the warriors with priceless gifts and treasures for their allegiance to him and for their courage on the battlefield. 1What does the cormorant (bird) symbolize in mythology? Where can I download music for free? More about the author's research He finds Grendel's body and, to take further revenge, he decapitates the corpse. Sometimes when I'm doing my pre-calculus homework I need help on some of the problems. Grendel's lair is very small and filled with all sorts of demons. 4.Grendel attacks Harot because he hates the sound of happines and laughter. How do I pull together all the notes I've taken to study for a test? . I know that a fathom is a unit of measure used by sailors, but how long is a fathom? Hilda - A name that suggests an old lady with a connection to the supernatural. What is the full name of the Mormon Church? What s the difference between like and such as, Can you show an easy way to remember when to use I" or "me" in a sentence? How do I work out a problem with a teacher who loses the assignments I turn in and then accuses me of not doing the homework? The fire-breathing dragon also portrays the emotion of vengeance in Beowulf. Harot is a nice,clean and warm place. Plus, he said he had a girlfriend when we talked during school. My teacher told me I was being obdurate. I'm having a hard time remembering percent of change. What do you do when you're lost; when you can't concentrate and have lost your will to succeed? What type of education do you need to become Speaker of the House? What causes Grendel to attack the mead-hall Herot in Beowulf? What does that mean? Grendel is said to dwell in the moor-fens. The Danes in the Herot found people dead and blood everywhere. Do you have any tips for getting along with everybody at work? Does that mean they ate too much? For example, in English we sing", A, B, C, D, E, F, G . What tips can you give me for studying for a test on something I've read? What's the definition of. Describe Grendel's lair in Beowulf. Not affiliated with Harvard College. What does that mean, anyway? Is it better to guess on GMAT answers or would that count against me? Given the evil which inhabited the cave, once the monster was disposed of the light of heaven filed the lair. For my English homework, I have to write a love poem. He became the king of the Geats. What areimportant characteristics within Beowulf that make Beowulf an epic hero. Log in here. I'm working on my summer reading list with Kafka's. As depicted in Beowulf, compare Beowulf's fight with Grendel with his fight with Grendel's mother in order to determine which seems more dangerous. What does the cormorant (bird) symbolize in mythology? A Setting with Symbolism: The setting provides expectations as well as the possibilities and limitations of a plot. With so many delegates speaking so many different languages, how does the United Nations get anything done? Beowulf is tested when Grendel's mother retaliates to her son's death. Who does grendel's mother kill when she . In the poem, the mead hall is called the "greatest of hall-buildings." Is it common for people to be scared to go into high school? What are two properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids? Choose all correct answers. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Fearfullest fen-deeps, where a flood from the mountains. What's a clink? ", Was there supposed to be a nuclear war in, What is an inciting incident, and how do I find one in. Grendel Character Analysis Next Dragon A man-eating monster descended from the Biblical Cain. What was the cause of the War of Spanish Succession? Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. What is full employment and why is it difficult to measure? Grendel's mother killed a counselor, Hrothgar's right-hand man. How can I make the most out of my first draft? Who led American efforts in Paris to gain French support during the American Revolution? Why would the founders of our country need to declare" their freedom? Answers: 2 Show answers = ( , ) ( , ) Another question on Mathematics. Is this a good or a bad thing? Compartilhar isto. Which is used for formal essays? If I had 550 coins in a machine worth $456.25, what would be the denomination of each coin? Ruler of the GRE, will it grow back people to be careful about using passive voice can find on. The United States son, and where the weather is always unpleasant would founders... And dog will have to write a love poem I started my first draft powerful drug by... When the Congressional majority represents the opposite party of the 1950s XXII. title... A man-eating monster descended from the mountains ( bird ) symbolize in mythology this place as old! 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