The track opened in June 1960 with a 600-mile race, the longest ever in NASCARs history. Charlotte Murray Russell THE MESSAGE OF THE MUTE DOG Crime Club 1942 / 1st / DJ. such are the miseries to which ye give birth,Ye statesmen! )But in beholding the unhappy lotOf the lorn Exiles; who, amid the stormsOf wild disastrous Anarchy, are thrown,Like shipwreck'd sufferers, on England's coast,To see, perhaps, no more their native land,Where Desolation riots: They, like me,From fairer hopes and happier prospects driven,Shrink from the future, and regret the past.But on this Upland scene, while April comes,With fragrant airs, to fan my throbbing breast,Fain would I snatch an interval from Care,That weighs my wearied spirit down to earth;Courting, once more, the influence of Hope(For "Hope" still waits upon the flowery prime)As here I mark Spring's humid hand unfoldThe early leaves that fear capricious winds,While, even on shelter'd banks, the timid flowersGive, half reluctantly, their warmer huesTo mingle with the primroses' pale stars.No shade the leafless copses yet afford,Nor hide the mossy labours of the Thrush,That, startled, darts across the narrow path;But quickly re-assur'd, resumes his talk,Or adds his louder notes to those that riseFrom yonder tufted brake; where the white budsOf the first thorn are mingled with the leavesOf that which blossoms on the brow of May.Ah! With swimming eye,Back on the past they throw their mournful looks,And see the Temple, which they fondly hop'dReason would raise to Liberty, destroy'dBy ruffian hands; while, on the ruin'd mass,Flush'd with hot blood, the Fiend of Discord sitsIn savage triumph; mocking every pleaOf policy and justice, as she shewsThe headless corse of one, whose only crimeWas being born a Monarch--Mercy turns,From spectacle so dire, her swol'n eyes;And Liberty, with calm, unruffled browMagnanimous, as conscious of her strengthIn Reason's panoply, scorns to distainHer righteous cause with carnage, and resignsTo Fraud and Anarchy the infuriate crowd.----What is the promise of the infant yearTo those, who (while the poor but peaceful hindPens, unmolested, the encreasing flockOf his rich master in this sea-fenc'd isle)Survey, in neighbouring countries, scenes that makeThe sick heart shudder; and the Man, who thinks,Blush for his species? He was 95. Only her father-in-law, Richard, appreciated her writing abilities, although he wanted her to use them to further his business interests. Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Charlotte, North Carolina on facebook. yes, my friendsPeace will at last be mine; for in the GraveIs Peace--and pass a few short years, perchanceA few short months, and all the various painI now endure shall be forgotten there,And no memorial shall remain of me,Save in your bosoms; while even your regretShall lose its poignancy, as ye reflectWhat complicated woes that grave conceals!But, if the little praise, that may awaitThe Mother's efforts, should provoke the spleenOf Priest or Levite; and they then arraignThe dust that cannot hear them; be it yoursTo vindicate my humble fame; to say,That, not in selfish sufferings absorb'd,"I gave to misery all I had, my tears 8 . Then swept away by the resistless torrent,Not only all your pomp may disappear,But, in the tempest lost, fair Order sinkHer decent head, and lawless AnarchyO'erturn celestial Freedom's radiant throne; - As now in Gallia; where Confusion, bornOf party rage and selfish love of rule,Sully the noblest cause that ever warm'dThe heart of Patriot Virtue 8 - There ariseThe infernal passions; Vengeance, seeking blood,And Avarice; and Envy's harpy fangsPollute the immortal shrine of Liberty,Dismay her votaries, and disgrace her name.Respect is due to principle; and they,Who suffer for their conscience, have a claim,Whate'er that principle may be, to praise.These ill-starr'd Exiles then, who, bound by ties,To them the bonds of honour; who resign'dTheir country to preserve them, and now seekIn England an asylum- well deserveTo find that (every prejudice forgot,Which pride and ignorance teaches) , we for themFeel as our brethren; and that English hearts,Of just compassion ever own the sway,As truly as our element, the deep,Obeys the mild dominion of the Moon- This they have found; and may they find it still! On Wednesday, Smith died at the age of 95, marking the end of a NASCAR Hall of Fame career during which he became one of motorsports ' most successful and influential race promoters and track owners. [7] Although they have yet to receive any "critical attention" today, Smith was famous for children's books she wrote in her writing period. hear me then; if thus we have been blest, 'If on these wings it was your joy to rest, 'Love must from habit still new strength be gaining' 'From habit ? 2 Mar. that sweet form of thine!While each sad month, as slow it pass'd,Brought some new sorrow to deplore;Some grief more poignant than the last,But thou canst calm those griefs no more.No more thy friendship soothes to restThis wearied spirit tempest-toss'd;The cares that weigh upon my breastAre doubly felt since thou art lost.Bright visions of ideal graceThat the young poet's dreams inflame,Were not more lovely than thy face;Were not more perfect than thy frame.Wit, that no sufferings could impair,Was thine, and thine those mental powersOf force to chase the fiends that tearFrom Fancy's hands her budding flowers.O'er what, my angel friend, thou wert,Dejected Memory loves to mourn;Regretting still that tender heart,Now withering in a distant urn.But ere that wood of shadowy pineTwelve times shall yon full orb behold,This sickening heart, that bleeds for thine,My Harriet!may like thine be cold! February 25, 2023 Smiths husband fled to France to escape his creditors. Barbauld claimed that Smith was the first to include sustained natural description in novels. The story of Frozen Charlotte is a folk tale from the 19th century about a vain young woman who froze to death while traveling to a New Year's ball in an open sleigh. "So strangely coveted by feeble ManTo lift him o'er his fellows;--Toy, for whichSuch showers of blood have drench'd th' affrighted earth--Unfortunate his lot, whose luckless headThy jewel'd circlet, lin'd with thorns, has bound;And who, by custom's laws, obtains from theeHereditary right to rule, uncheck'd,Submissive myriads: for untemper'd power,Like steel ill form'd, injures the handIt promis'd to protect--Unhappy France!If e'er thy lilies, trampled now in dust,And blood-bespotted, shall again reviveIn silver splendour, may the wreath be wov'nBy voluntary hands; and Freemen, suchAs England's self might boast, unite to placeThe guarded diadem on his fair brow,Where Loyalty may join with LibertyTo fix it firmly.--In the rugged schoolOf stern Adversity so early train'd,His future life, perchance, may emulateThat of the brave Bernois 4 , so justly call'dThe darling of his people; who rever'dThe Warrior less, than they ador'd the Man!But ne'er may Party Rage, perverse and blind,And base Venality, prevail to raiseTo public trust, a wretch, whose private viceMakes even the wildest profligate recoil;And who, with hireling ruffians leagu'd, has burstThe laws of Nature and Humanity!Wading, beneath the Patriot's specious mask,And in Equality's illusive name,To empire thro' a stream of kindred blood--Innocent prisoner!--most unhappy heirOf fatal greatness, who art suffering nowFor all the crimes and follies of thy race;Better for thee, if o'er thy baby browThe regal mischief never had been held:Then, in an humble sphere, perhaps content,Thou hadst been free and joyous on the heightsOf Pyrennean mountains, shagg'd with woodsOf chesnut, pine, and oak: as on these hillsIs yonder little thoughtless shepherd lad,Who, on the slope abrupt of downy turfReclin'd in playful indolence, sends offThe chalky ball, quick bounding far below;While, half forgetful of his simple task,Hardly his length'ning shadow, or the bells'Slow tinkling of his flock, that supping tendTo the brown fallows in the vale beneath,Where nightly it is folded, from his sportRecal the happy idler.--While I gazeOn his gay vacant countenance, my thoughtsCompare with his obscure, laborious lot,Thine, most unfortunate, imperial Boy!Who round thy sullen prison daily hear'stThe savage howl of Murder, as it seeksThy unoffending life: while sad withinThy wretched Mother, petrified with grief,Views thee with stony eyes, and cannot weep!-- Ah! roving,Thy thymy downs with sportive steps I sought,And Nature's charms, with artless transport loving,Sung, like the birds, unheeded and untaught.But now the springtide's pleasant hours returning,Serve to awaken me to sharper pain;Recalling scenes of agony and mourning,Of baffled hope and prayers preferr'd in vain.Thus shone the sun, his vernal rays displaying,Thus did the woods in early verdure wave,While dire disease on all I loved was preying,And flowers seem'd rising but to strew her grave.Now, 'mid reviving blooms, I coldly languish,Spring seems devoid of joy to me alone;Each sound of pleasure aggravates my anguish,And speaks of beauty, youth, and sweetness gone.Yet, as stern duty bids, with faint endeavourI drag on life, contending with my woe,Though conscious misery still repeats, that neverMy soul one pleasurable hour shall know.Lost in the tomb, when Hope no more appeasesThe fester'd wounds that prompt the eternal sigh,Grief, the most fatal of the heart's diseases,Soon teaches, whom it fastens on, to die.The wretch undone, for pain alone existing,The abject dread of death shall sure subdue,And far from his decisive hand resisting,Rejoice to bid a world like this, adieu. Versailles appears- its painted galleries,And rooms of regal splendour, rich with gold,Where, by long mirrors multiply'd, the crowdPaid willing homage- and, united there,Beauty gave charms to empire- Ah! She was known as "the Pierogi Lady" to some. wherefore should the eye Toward the end of her life, she turned to writing instructive books for children, the best being Conversations Introducing Poetry for the Use of Children (1804). '- If even here,If in this land of highly vaunted Freedom,Even Britons controvert the unwelcome truth,Can it be relish'd by the sons of France? "And if, where regulated sanctityPours her long orisons to Heaven, my voiceWas seldom heard, that yet my prayer was madeTo him who hears even silence; not in domesOf human architecture, fill'd with crowds,But on these hills, where boundless, yet distinct,Even as a map, beneath are spread the fieldsHis bounty cloaths; divided here by woods,And there by commons rude, or winding brooks,While I might breathe the air perfum'd with flowers,Or the fresh odours of the mountain turf;And gaze on clouds above me, as they sail'dMajestic: or remark the reddening north,When bickering arrows of electric fireFlash on the evening sky--I made my prayerIn unison with murmuring waves that nowSwell with dark tempests, now are mild and blue,As the bright arch above; for all to meDeclare omniscient goodness; nor need IDeclamatory essays to inciteMy wonder or my praise, when every leafThat Spring unfolds, and every simple bud,More forcibly impresses on my heartHis power and wisdom--Ah!, Academia - Charlotte Smith and enclosure: 1789-1794. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. with mercy viewThis suffering globe, and cause thy creatures cease,With savage fangs, to tear her bleeding breast:Refrain that rage for power, that bids a Man,Himself a worm, desire unbounded ruleO'er beings like himself: Teach the hard heartsOf rulers, that the poorest hind, who diesFor their unrighteous quarrels, in thy sightIs equal to the imperious Lord, that leadsHis disciplin'd destroyers to the field.----May lovely Freedom, in her genuine charms,Aided by stern but equal Justice, driveFrom the ensanguin'd earth the hell-born fiendsOf Pride, Oppression, Avarice, and Revenge,That ruin what thy mercy made so fair!Then shall these ill-starr'd wanderers, whose sad fateThese desultory lines lament, regainTheir native country; private vengeance thenTo public virtue yield; and the fierce feuds,That long have torn their desolated land,May (even as storms, that agitate the air,Drive noxious vapours from the blighted earth)Serve, all tremendous as they are, to fixThe reign of Reason, Liberty, and Peace! Charlotte grew up as the middle child of three girls. [3], The Smith marriage was unhappy. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. would that I had died, 'E'er you so chang'd ! 'Your son is a soldier,' abruptly cried he,'And a place in our corps has obtain'd,Nay, be not cast down; you perhaps may soon seeYour William a captain, he now sends by meThe purse he already has gain'd. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. As little recks the herdsman of the hill, Who on some turfy knoll, idly reclined, Watches his wether flock; that deep beneath Rest the remains of men, of whom is left No traces in the records of mankind, Save what these half obliterated mounds And half fill'd trenches doubtfully impart To some lone antiquary; who on times remote, Since which two thousand years have roll'd away, Loves to contemplate. An elm, uprooted by the storm, The trunk with mosses gray and green, Shall make for us a rustic form, Where lighter grows the forest scene; And far among the bowery shades, Are ferny lawns and grassy glades. Scenes of fond day dreams, I behold ye yet ! There was a long-going argument about whether Smiths speedway in Texas deserved a second date on the NASCAR schedule (it eventually got one). 'Twas morn; and the wind with a hoarse sullen moanNow seem'd dying away in the wood,When the poor wretched mother still drooping, alone,Beheld on the threshold a figure unknown,In gorgeous apparel who stood. Having become famous for marrying into a great Irish home, Henrietta O'Neill, like Austen, provided Smith "with a poetic, sympathetic friendship and with literary connections,"[7] helping her gain an "entry into a fashionable, literary world to which she otherwise had little access; here she almost certainly met Dr. Moore (author of A View of Society and Manners in Italy and Zeluco) and Lady Londonderry. in rural life, where youthful dreamsSee the Arcadia that Romance describes,Not even Content resides!--In yon low hutOf clay and thatch, where rises the grey smokeOf smold'ring turf, cut from the adjoining moor,The labourer, its inhabitant, who toilsFrom the first dawn of twilight, till the SunSinks in the rosy waters of the West,Finds that with poverty it cannot dwell; For bread, and scanty bread, is all he earnsFor him and for his household--Should Disease,Born of chill wintry rains, arrest his arm,Then, thro' his patch'd and straw-stuff'd casement, peepsThe squalid figure of extremest Want;And from the Parish the reluctant dole,Dealt by th' unfeeling farmer, hardly savesThe ling'ring spark of life from cold extinction:Then the bright Sun of Spring, that smiling bidsAll other animals rejoice, beholds,Crept from his pallet, the emaciate wretchAttempt, with feeble effort, to resumeSome heavy task, above his wasted strength,Turning his wistful looks (how much in vain! 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