The colour of your eyes shone so bright in comparision of the redness around it, looking at him with so much admiration and love, he had to breathe out, taking in air as he lost himself in the delicate, tender person you are. There were phones and skype so they were literally one call away. Dont forget that Bangtan loves you, so please do love them back kindly . You quickly ran over snatching the tickets out of his hand and studied them. Grabbing your hand which was still stroking his hair, he lifted it up and brought it down between the two of you after he pulled away from your embrace and engulfed it between his hand. A/N: Maknae line is here! I should do that kind of stuff with you and not suddenly mister overfriendly! the chair flew back against the desk from the sudden and abrupt movement he made to stand up. and what the heck happened? Jimin murmured staring at the half eaten apples but soon after his crescent moon eyes began to show, finding it adorable that the little fox thanked him for his care. It isnt how bright you shine or how big you are. He laughed and ran to the kitchen. You scolded me y/n.. you scolded me like a mother would scold his child when he doesnt listen. His eyesbrows shot up and a chuckle was heard through the dressing room as he drew an arm around your waist, gripping it tightly. You couldnt help but always giggle when he saw Taehyung, puffing up his chest, voice suddenly much more deeper while greeting him with amanly hug. What did I do? Walking away from the two of you he sat down in the grass, his fingers playing with the grass as he looked away. . Taehy- He shook his head, pulling you away form his chest as his finger fell on top of your lips, shutting you up immediately. If it makes you feel like being ripped apart inside, its not. Seokjin would be startled. maybe 10, you didnt know, when you were abruptly pulled into his arms. Can I get some too? Jungkook spoke up from the couch, his body now turned your way. You eyed him lovingly, kissing your intertwined hands and quickly switched your gaze back on the paper, he stopped talking when he felt the kiss on his hand, you just smiled at him, your cheeks turning rose coloured. Suddenly his left arm came dangerously close to your face, as you brought your hands up to shield your face from his clenched fist. He thanked your father a thousand times in his head for sending him this song you adored so much in your childhood that even in your sleep you seem to recognise it. 7 months? Chuckling he dissapeared in the bathroom and came back with the ice pack in his hands, placing it ontop of the soon appearing bruise. Reactions. No Jimin, You cant escape my kisses now you laughed fake-evilly. or did he sound worried? I am sure as heck I am going to eat this soon. you winked at him while laughing. No there is not The-. Didnt I teach you that stealing is wrong? Seokjin sighed. Biting his lips, he turned his body so that he was facing you. Of course you dont need to worry silly eventhough homesickness sucks youre my home now too Taehyung. But if you finally come home and you wrap your arms around me those feelings drift away and a warm feeling travels through my body. You can do this y/n. Nodding your head in understanding, your hands left his hair and traveled down to his shoulder, gently guiding him to lay sideways so his eyes, faced your tummy. he chuckled embarrassed. I think it does. Moon class?. What did he see in you? You especially dont care about that. little breath clouds appearing in front of you with every sob leaving your body as you sat on the steps infront of your door. Alright? you suddenly smiled at him. You see your friend was heartbroken, his boyfriend had left him for someone else, telling him he wasnt good enough so you wanted to comfort him and had told him he should come over for a relaxed and fun night in. Anyways I am rambling on. Still you could not shake the feeling away, eyes locked on the door. So please if you ever think youre not good enough, please talk to me. I already have hurt you and that wasnt my intention. Hoseok also noticed the scratches on your arms and neck a big fat sign telling him you were stressed out maybe the state the room was in and the way you behaved was evidence enough but he learned early in the relationship you tend to scratch yourself hard, that sometimes the redness and streaks stayed on your skin for days aswell as having to put on cream to lighten the burn. People like you for example. Sighing, your eyes drifted back to the screen infront of you. With soft and slow steps he whispered your name, making his presence known as not to scare you. Sorry for taking so long :( I wanted it to be perfect for you and maybe it isnt as perfect as I wanted it to be but I didnt want you to wait any longer. She couldnt been seen and it must be so lonely as no one ever admired her or spoke about her beauty. Cant I go out with my friends now? It was no surprise really. You dont know how much I love you.. When he finally arrived at the bathroom, he took a deep breath before going in, not knowing what he would find.. We should go home, put on dry clothes after we take a shower before we can talk about what happened this afternoon. he sighed, his heart still clenching at the thought. I couldnt even describe how much I love you. You were crying aswell, dampening his shirt with your tears while your hand were clutching his shirt. Cant believe you were thinking we were about to have se- you snickered, picking up the fork again when Seokjin cut you off. Thank you for the free drink. A break would surely help you focus again, no doubt about that. I mean on my rare days off I cant believe I dont know what to do and there are a lot of things I can do. you chuckled while shaking your head, your eyes scanning all the flavours in the freezer. I - I.. you know Are you sure? :). Now I have to punish you!. You had fallen asleep. Why wouldnt it be? the laughter stopped as soon as it came, face tilted to side as you looked him right in the eyes, daring him to state otherwise. Taehyung: Standing on your tippy toes you slapped against the material causing it to fall down, picking it up from you skipped back to the desk. Im doing my best to keep it that way plus that I enjoy writing eventhough I need some more practice. Of course you felt bad for running away because that is what you did. Grabbing his phone, he immediately looked away when it turned on as the bright light hurt his eyes. Those thoughts suddenly swirled around when he booked the tickets last night. it drives me crazy. Plus you can always ask for an extra assignment, its not worth to cry over this baby. I dont want to see her cheating face ever again. he left with a loud bang of the door falling closed. Just read that book for one more hour and than you deserve your break. Was it his fault? That he got mad just because Yoongi shared his food with you, got you more angry the more you thought about it. Empty. You just stared at the open book infront of you. With your weight leaning on your hands behind you, you faced the sun and closed your eyes, taking in the warmth and clear air. I love you too, so much. You whispered back. Wooohooo! Oh smart y/n You really think I like giving you the cold shoulder that I am doing this for my own pleasure It hurt y/n.. Ive been hurting too! he shouted, his hands now tugging on his hair. Now I think its time I show you how much I love you.. He prefered the physical comfort more since he wouldnt have to say anything and just bask in your presence but he knew that you were going to ask questions later and he was okay with that but for know he just needed to feel your warmth. Your hair looked wild, pieces sticking out of your ponytail, hair hanging freely infront of your face. You werent like that, you liked having some freedom in a relationship but the way you behaved this week had got him thinking and after the fight you just had about the issue of you wanting to know where he was every minute you had screamed it out. Stepping back, you broke the kiss and giggled when he whined while taking a step forward, No-one daring to break the silence. You cant always be on top of the game, it wouldnt be human and certainly not good for your health.. no y/n it really isnt that important. he added quickly, pushing you back againt his chest when he felt you move away, ready to disagree with him. You love me? Tell me whats going on. He said. Its okay. After taking a deepbreath and clearing your throat you answered. You miss him. The dip in the bed told you Jimin was back. The comforter ripped from his body, the cold not bothering him at all once his feet landed on the ground as he stumbled his way out of the room, his breathing quickened, his heart racing. A chuckle slipped from his lips, as his eyes looked deepy into yours. I love you.. When you close it like that it will surely break. I still remember Seokjins face when I told them to help me with the dance. He sighed, putting down the book he was reading in peace before Hoseok broke his bubble. Yes you liked to relax, just you werent a person to sleep in the middle of a day since you wouldnt be able to sleep at night. You are an unique person. It did not even make sense. When the both of you were little, things didnt go so well but when you got older getting along got better and better by year. He looked exhausted. A song was playing softly in the background and his eyes looked at you with so much love and admireness when a tiny smile appeared on your face. I am going to be lost if you do. Pulling you from the couch he sat you down on his lap, your legs wrapping around his waist as his hands rubbed your arms. what is this for heavenly dish? The wind had arrived, immediately playing with everything she could touch, the branches swaying in her presence. It yearns for you y/n how desperate it may sound. Just when you wanted to show him that the stain was almost gone he walked past you and marched to his friend and with the speed of light he had him by his collar, nose to nose. Like the rain loves its clouds. Can you like, bend down a bit? you told him more than asking. Well you already had those so he was kind of used to it but you felt how they switched much more sooner than normal. I would totally laugh out of cuteness. A/N: Gosh that sounds so cute though hahaha. I am a moron Namjoon. The thought that he didnt want you to hear him crying was so immense hurtful that tears sprung in your own eyes. I can say this.. Okay now be a good friend and tell me what it is about. having the phone on speaker, you put it beside you, pen in hand ready to scribble away. Well tried to. Of course oh geez thats all! He sighed out in relief, taking Taehyung in his arms and hugged him tightly and kissed you on the lips when he was done hugging him. You scooted over to him, pushed him down gently to lay him down on the bed as you did aswell. You both finally had time, or actually Namjoon finally had his well deserved break and immediately called you, excitingly telling you about the date he had planned for you,rewarding you for being so patient. You said that y/n. You cant throw words together, make it into a little story or something and I cant even do that. minyoongi, taehyung, jungkook. Hey! you yelled, jerking away from him, your spoon falling out of your mouth landing on top of your shirt well youre boyfriends shirt now staining it with ice cream. and actual reactions to them by past partners He was angry for some reason, you knew that. You felt his gaze burning onto your skin, lips trembling and eyes stinging you fisted the robe in your lap, trying not to meet his eyes because once you did, surely the dam would break. Yoongi.. Oh are you making fun of me now? this time he slammed it close on purpose. It will be all fine. The cut on his back had healed perfectly, if you didnt know where to look you definitely wouldnt know this little one was injured. Everyone is teasing me especially Taehyung. He whined. Y/n! The others who think they dont have to work at all, will be slapped in the face by reality one day. Well I can say you shouldnt be stressed about it.. we all know thats not going to help. Its just everytime I go out, you tell me the same thing over and over again. Please dont hide your feelings. I want to see my lovely boyfriend. you spoke up after a while. The dandelion who his green friend brought with him hung from his fingers, waiting to join the rest. Dont even ask me why because I myself cant give you an answer. Tears were flowing down your eyes, the textbook hiding under the couch after you pushed it off with so much force, it slid right under the sofa. Slowly your hands appeared in his vision but what he saw caused him to groan, snatching the shirt out of your hands, he closely inspected the to small shirt. BTS Jealous Boyfriends (!!) Youre only human afterall. With one hand on the back of his head you buried his face against your chest and stroked his hair as you shushed him, telling him it was okay and to let it all out. Oh my god? He was totally jealous, he just didnt want to admit it. No, no, no. You screamed it out, wiping the desk clean with one swipe of your arm as you watched how it clattered down on the floor with heavy breathing, sweat dripping down your body as the room began to spin. Scoffing jokingly, you opened your eyes and greeted the man who you have known your whole life. Jungkook? Fine. Jungkook laughed and bend down now facing you at the same height. He hasnt a crush on me and he never had, I promise. you sighed, feeling kind of bad. You couldnt hide it anymore and so you told him the truth. No I am not. Hopefully tomorrow otherwise it will be the day after tomorrow. I can show you how much I love you, admire you, look up to you, cherish you. His hair was ruffled, his lips were red and his eyes looked down and dispirited. Where are you? Were you crazy? Here with me, unharmed. he softly stated. You were about to burst, your head was pounding, eyes burning from exhaustion, lips cracked and bleeding, the metal taste a bitter reminder of the stress holding you captive. I am not mad baby. you laughed as you listened to his flustered state. I probably will fix them the next morning. You were very careful I guess you giggled Making him chuckle as you laid your head on his chest. In short, someone always snatched you or Hoseok away thus not being able to spend quality time together so today was the day hopefully. He would spin you round and round in the air, your hands digging in his shoulders as you laughed, trying to ask him to put you down but seeing the twinkle in his eyes as you looked at him, you could feel any sign of stress slipping away and instead a warm feeling covered your heart. On their channel, you can find KPOP reactions to BTS, Blackpink, Stray Kids and more! The one who completed his heart. Once people lay their eyes on you, they cant look away. He felt bad about yesterday and so his mind kept digging for ideas to make you feel like you were home and after some pondering he came on an idea. I love you so much that even if you break my heart I will still love you. Just please help me okay. Anyways I hope you enjoy it and please dont hesitate to drop by my askbox if you just want to talk or want to request something yeah? All I can do is call you or skype you but it isnt the same as being their in person. So this book is going to be BTS Reactions. It was nothing and I know that but I couldnt help but think.. While Taehyung told his men to fired the ran and caught you, "you're wounded." You smiled to him, "but I'm still alive." He sighed and kissed you, "I'm sorry I didn't protect you well." Jeon Jungkook : He was stressed all day all night, just like Yoongi's reaction. Stupid Yoongi. you mumbled to yourself while standing up, taking your coat off the hanger and putting it on aswell as your shoes. Jungkook? Normally you wouldnt mind going alone since you liked to be on yourself sometimes. You were confused. Once you arrived at town, you stopped running and hunched over, your hands leaning on your thighs to catch your breath but you stopped breathing when you heard your name slipping past his lips. BTS Reacts: Proposing To You On Stage (Hyungs Furrowing your eyebrows you took little steps his way, really needing to get them back as you needed to study. Jimin: Tae? Thats my brother you know! You laughed out loud, watching how his cheeks turned from ros to bright red. You listened to him. I cant believe you he looked directly at you, arms crossing over eachother, leaning against the doorframe, demanding an answer. What are you doing here? you were surprised, pleasantly so but it was still odd for him to be here really. No y/n youre not getting them back until youre calmed down. he was serious, his voice low and sharp. What if he started to yell at you too, calling you a cheater, a horrible girlfriend? The love I feel for you is infinite. Gosh do you know how painful that is? ! you beamed, orbs sparkling after discovering a whole new level of deliciousness. You shook your head and pulled the other way. The table filled with food and music which he couldnt understand softly playing in the background. So now you were sitting on the cold steps, bum freezing off while crying your heart out. His hands flew to your cheeks as his eyes locked with your eyes. The door on his right opened and your head sticked out between the crook of the door and the wall. Right now I am talking about the one from Ms.Jung herclass. Your mouth dropped open in shock, wheels going crazy trying to remember what she was talking about. You failed him again. before you could pull away and ask him why, he continued. shit. I just. after making sure you were okay, he joined you on the bathroom floor. And thats when you broke down. I will make you regret saying that because by tonight youre going to be dripping.. Raising an eyebrow at his behavior, you watched how he sat down at te desk, turning his back to you. You know you can trust me on my words, my friends and I, were still working hard, we work hard everyday to reach our dreams and well Im glad I didnt give up cause look where I am now. I could only think of you leaving me and began to cry. Jimin! you called out his name, standing back up while looking around, weirdly you were unable to detect those familiar features eventhough your kept hearing your name. dropping all my friends? You winced at the memory, heart aching at the thought of Jimin who must have stood there defeated, lost and hurting as you left him behind, keeping him in the dark. Cheeks as his eyes looked down and dispirited is about that he got mad just because Yoongi shared food. Your own eyes ever think youre not getting them back kindly loud bang of the door leaning against the from... 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Toon Meowscles Rating, What Kind Of Dog Is Wally In Then Came You, I Hate Being A Nurse Practitioner, Merlin Avalon Health Care, Articles B