b. Score .9498. ", All of the following are true statements regarding both Treasury Bills and Treasury Receipts EXCEPT: A. interest is paid at maturityB. d. What statements reflect values, and which are statements of fact? All of the following statements regarding flood insurance are true, except: Which is an example of an interstate compact? 1.) A customer will buy at the ask price, which is 101 and 8/32nds = 101.25% of $5,000 par = $5,062.50. unrelated to the rate on an equivalent maturity Treasury Bond. The best answer is B. Since semi-annual interest payments are not received, there is no reinvestment risk. parties were primarily an elite phenomenon. A customer who wishes to sell 1 Treasury Bill will receive:A.a dollar price quoted to a 4.90 basisB.a dollar price quoted to a 5.00 basisC.$4,900D.$5,000. $5,056.25B. Treasury Bills, Bonds, and Notes Date Rate Bid Ask YieldJan 21 3 5/8 98-27 98-31 3.67Feb 21 3 1/2 94-14 95 3.68Feb 25 3 7/8 95-01 95-06 4.07Feb 27 4 3/4 119 -07 119-13 3.98A customer who sells 5M of the Jan 21 3 5/8% bonds will receive (excluding commissions): A. b. b. e. the voters became less important in the nomination process. Covers only one (1) growing season C. The national government relies on taxes collected by state governments. The best answer is D. Corporate and municipal bond trades settle in clearing house funds. The collateral backing private CMOs consists of: A. private placements offered under Regulation DB. Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC) issue mortgage-backed pass through certificates. Conversely, when interest rates fall (prepayment risk) the principal is being paid back at an earlier than expected date, so less interest is being received and the price falls (if interest rates fall drastically, the holder might get less interest back than what was originally invested). All of the following statements are true about Treasury Receipts EXCEPT the: A. investor "locks in" a rate of return that is free from reinvestment risk if the Receipt is held to maturityB. All of the following statements are TRUE regarding riverboat gambling EXCEPT: From a city's perspective, what would be the best kind of charter to hold? that they have been used for education, pollution control, recreation, and highway construction. Treasury "TIPS" are Treasury Inflation Protection Securities - the principal amount of these securities is adjusted upwards with the rate of inflation. Which statement is false ? Which of the following trade "and interest" ?ITreasury BillsIITreasury NotesIIITreasury BondsIVMunicipal BondsU.S. C. The national government relies on taxes collected by state governments. The Federal Reserve designates a dealer as a "primary" dealer - meaning one entitled to trade with the Federal Reserve trading desk. Interest on Treasury notes, as well as all direct U.S. government debt obligations, is subject to federal taxes but is exempt from state taxes. Some flood policies are written in the voluntary property market as a result of a program called ___________. It provides coverage for catastrophic liability losses. Freddie Mac is a corporation that is publicly tradedD. Treasury Receipts pay interest: A. monthlyB. Which U.S. Government security gives an assured stream of interest payments for several years? Plain vanilla CMO tranches are subject to both risks, while zero-tranches are like "wild cards" - whatever is left over is what you get! a. the national debt in the United States continues to grow at record levels. Government Agency securities are:IQuoted in 1/8thsIIQuoted in 1/32ndsIIITraded with accrued interest computed on an actual day month / actual day year basisIVTraded with accrued interest computed on a 30 day month / 360 day year basisU.S. Series EE BondsD. Weve got your back. When this interest is received by the certificate holder, both the federal and state government want to recapture this interest income and tax it. Financial filed a suit to recover the amount. Treasury NoteD. Governments, on which accrued interest is computed on an actual day month/actual day year basis, Agency securities' accrued interest is computed on a 30 day month/360 day year basis. a majority of states do not limit campaign contributions. II and IV. I and IVC. The Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement--The PAF and the Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement to the Homeowners Policy are nearly identical. c. American party organizations are decentralized. Only interest paying obligations are subject to reinvestment risk - the risk that as interest payments are received, the monies can only be reinvested at lower rates if interest rates have dropped. conservatives. c. B = 2 1/4. A customer who wishes to sell 1 Treasury Bill will receive: At what rate percent on simple interest will a sum of money doubles itself in 25years? All debt obligations are susceptible to purchasing power risk - the risk that inflation raises interest rates, devaluing existing obligations. I, II, IIID. The increase in value of the Strip as it gets closer to maturity is the "interest" earned. This "prepayment speed assumption" is used to "guesstimate" the expected life of a mortgage backed pass-through certificate. U.S. Treasury securities are generally considered to be immune to all of the following risks EXCEPT: A. default riskB. Georgia uses lottery funds as a substitution for educational funds. New CMOs have special classes of tranches called PAC (Planned Amortization Class) and TAC (Targeted Amortization Class) tranches. D ), Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Assn. If interest rates fall, then the average maturity will shorten, due to a higher prepayment rate than expected. c. They were characterized by central control by a party leader or "boss." II and IIID. B Government agency securities are quoted in 32nds, similar to U.S. Government securities. The best answer is C. "5M" means that 5-$1,000 bonds are being purchased (M is Latin for $1,000). Wahab was one of three Dealers typically quote agency securities, including Ginnie Maes, on a basis point differential to equivalent maturing U.S. C If interest rates fall, then the average maturity will shorten, due to a higher prepayment rate than expected. FHLMCC. CMOs have a lower level of market risk (risk of price volatility due to movements in market interest rates) than do mortgage backed pass-through certificates. {x+3y=73xy=1, It usually has a deductible of $10,000 or higher,This policy does NOT contain a coinsurance clause,There is no standard policy form. Which of the following questions is NOT one that needs to be asked by a critical reader of party platforms? Explain. Certificates are issued in minimum $25,000 denominations. Can this binomial distribution be approximated with a normal distribution? A CMO divides the cash flows from underlying mortgage backed pass-through certificates into "tranches" ("slices" in French). The "difference" between the two is the current market expectation for the inflation rate (1.25% in this example). 2 business days in clearing house funds. Series EE bonds have no price volatility since they are non-negotiable. But you must select the "best" of the choices offered! It covers direct loss from mudslides caused by the accumulation of water and Jul. d. Control accounts are also referred to as cost accountsC. Treasury BondsD. D. payment of interest and principal on the underlying security is guaranteed by the U.S. Government. Interest payments are still made pro-rata to all tranches, but principal repayments that are made earlier than the PAC maturity are made to the Companion classes before being applied to the PAC (this would occur if interest rates drop); while principal repayments made later than anticipated are applied to the PAC maturity before payments are made to the Companion class (this would occur if interest rates rise). Between Mateo and Sophia, who has the comparative advantage in car washing, and who has the comparative advantage in lawn mowing? II and IV. It is administered by FEMA A TAC bond is designed to pay a "target" amount of principal each month. a. Treasury bondB. Freddie Mac debt issues are directly guaranteed by the U.S. Government. Agency bonds have little marketability risk; the trading market for U.S. Government and Agency Bonds is the most active in the world. e. The changes from one era to another are marked by a shift in party dominance called a realignment. C Personal Property Coverage--Other coverages include watercraft liability coverage, uninsured boaters, and even towing is usually available. I wrote the following script using asyncio and httpx however, I keep getting the following errors: httpcore.RemoteProtocolError: Server disconnected without sending a response. The best answer is B. Duration is a measure of bond price volatility. b. American parties have recently increased their party discipline. usually result in a change in policy direction. Because CMO issues are divided into tranches, each specific tranche has a more certain repayment date, as compared to owning a mortgage backed pass-through certificate. Treasury Bonds accrue interest on an actual day month/actual day year basis. According to the Constitution, if a state or local law conflicts with a national law. organizing and mobilizing voters; providing services to candidates, Southern Democrats, Catholic immigrants, blue-collar workers, and farmers made up. The minimum denomination on a mortgage backed pass through certificate is: A. III and IVD. C Planned amortization class. Cooperative federalism has been practiced in the US since 1860. All of the following statements regarding policy loans are true except: A. the policy owner may never borrow more than the policy cash value. B 10 year Double Barreled BondsB. B. Non-renewable energy can be replenished in a relatively short amount of time. All of the following are true of the Fine Arts Floater, except: a. The bonds are put into a trust, and "units" of the trust are sold to investors. A 15 year 3 1/2% Treasury Bond is quoted at 98-4 - 98-9. authorized signers on the account. = 45/20 c. The United States does not allocate its legislative seats proportionally. If interest rates fall rapidly after the mortgage is issued, prepayment rates speed up; if they rise rapidly after issuance, prepayment rates fall. dual federalism. Each receipt is, essentially, a zero-coupon obligation, that is purchased at a discount, and which is redeemable at par at a pre-set date. It has a 60-day automatic coverage for newly acquired items Prepare a schedule of the company's current assets and current liabilities. New CMOs have special classes of tranches called PAC (Planned Amortization Class) and TAC (Targeted Amortization Class) tranches. 8/32nds = 1/4th = .25% of $1,000 par = $2.50. II and IV. It was called "an expression of the American mind." B. continental federalism. Ginnie Mae is a government (not a private) company and cannot be spun off because of the guarantee of the U.S. Government. Since interest is paid semi-annually, each payment will be for $87.50. This increase in value is the interest income earned on the obligation. It includes the perils of fire and extended coverage A.LIFO is an inventory cost flow whereby the last goods purchased are assumed to be the first goods sold so that the ending inventory consists of the first goods purchased B.cost of goods sold is determined from the most recent purchase cost C.cost of ending stock is determined from the earliest costs paid for the . Budgeting is a bookkeeping taskd. Added 2 hours 56 minutes ago|3/2/2023 12:18:02 AM. a. providing the bulk of the money candidates use to run for office. How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. I and IVC. Answer: A. D The accrued interest due is:February: 28 daysMarch: 31 daysApril: 30 daysMay: 17 days 106 days Total Accrued Interest Due, All of the following trade "and interest" EXCEPT: A. Is not subject to any deductible Personal Injury Coverage--In addition to providing property and liability coverage, a yacht policy also offers protection and indemnity coverage for the insured's legal liability for bodily injury and damage to property of others, personal property coverage for property on the yacht, and coverage for fuel spills, commercial towing, and dinghies. Newer CMOs divide the tranches into PAC tranches and Companion tranches. In 1918, the Supreme Court ruled that an earlier national law banning child labor was unconstitutional, because Since each maturity is different, each tranche has a different level of interest rate risk (the risk that a rise in interest rates causes the tranche to be worth less). mortgage real estate investment trust. Thus, the certificate was priced as a 12 year maturity. C Claims are settled on a replacement cost basis--Losses are settled on an Actual Cash Value or Valued basis. The party activity of governing involves _______ and _______, Controlling government; enacting the party's policy agenda, Since party activists tend to be more extreme in their ideologies, they pull party policy agendas, According to the textbook, the relationship between citizens and parties today is best reflected by, citizens' growing dissatisfaction with parties because moderates find themselves poorly represented and frustrated at the emergence of hyperpartianism. ANSWER: 24. Treasury Bond. Question 6 2 All of the following statements are true of the government regulation of sole proprietorships EXCEPT O many government regulations apply only to businesses that have a certain number of employees. II and IV. a. 14%C. it gave too much discretion to states. A. c. The logic behind this tax treatment is that the mortgage interest paid by the homeowners was fully deductible from both federal, state, and local taxes. It covers losses on an open peril basis A PAC offers protection against both prepayment risk (prepayments go to the Companion class first) and extension risk (later than expected payments are applied to the PAC before payments are made to the Companion class). B All of the following statements about the Articles of Confederation are true EXCEPT: A. 2012)]. Treasury STRIPC. confederalism. All of the following are true of negotiable commercial paper except A) the issuers typically have strong credit ratings . as mortgages are prepaid, payments are applied to earlier tranches first. It is used to insure individual personal property a. The implicit rate of return is locked-in when the security is purchased, and the customer will earn that rate of return if the security is held to maturity.Like all original issue discount obligations, the Internal Revenue Code requires that the discount be accreted over the life of the receipt. marketability riskC. Agency CMOs are traded in the public markets while Private Label CMOs can only be sold in private placements and cannot be traded. d. Treasury NoteC. Wahab was the only authorized signer on Thus, the certificate was priced as a 12 year maturity. B. All of the following statements about the national government are TRUE except: C. The national government relies on taxes collected by state governments. It covers direct loss from overflow of inland or tidal waters The reason why the TIPS sells at a lower coupon rate is that, every year, the principal amount is adjusted upwards by that year's inflation rate. have previously assembled a winning coalition in their district. All of the following are responsibilities of members of the community EXCEPT: A(n) __________ is money given to an individual or an organization for a specific purpose. All of the following, except one, are fundamental principles of a sound taxation system: a. \text {Accounts payable} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & 105,000\\ The revolt of 1857 forms one of the most important events in the history of the struggle of the Indian people for liberation from British rule that shook the fo Coverage is on a named peril basis--Coverage under a DIC policy is open peril with exclusions, not named peril. each tranche has a different credit ratingD. \text {Notes payable (due in 120 days)} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots &85,000\\ a. Democrats want "more services" over "cutting government spending." c. All of the following are true of the Personal Jewelry Floater, except: II and IIID. Which of the following is NOT a sound argument for a federalist system of government? The loan to value ratio is a mortgage risk measure. If 30 year T-Bonds have a nominal yield of 4%; and the inflation rate is expected to be 1.25%; then the "real" interest rate is 2.75%. 1.) c. federalism leads to decentralization. A Targeted Amortization Class (TAC) is a variant of a PAC. I and IVC. Throughout American history the balance of parties has usually resulted in different parties controlling the executive and legislative branches of the federal government, Realignments are significant because they. They are sold in $100 minimums at a discount to par value, just like Treasury Bills. judicial elections are always non-partisan. I, II, III, IV, The best answer is B. b. 8 Q It provides unlimited coverage for qualified property owners All of the following are true of an Umbrella Liability Policy, except: A After underlying coverage is exhausted, coverage is excess B Property in the care and custody of the insured is covered C Specific minimum limits for underlying coverage are required D Certain losses excluded by the primary policy are covered d. They have become an impediment to the operation of modern democracy. The nominal interest rate on a TIPS is: A. the same as the rate on an equivalent maturity Treasury BondB. When market interest rates rise, the rate of prepayments falls (extension risk) and the maturity lengthens. I and IVC. I, II, IIID. See more. 4.50%C. II and IV. All of the following statements about the national government are TRUE except: A. The broker reoffers these "slightly used" Receipts to its customers, at competitive market yields. II and IV. Which CMO tranche will be offered at the lowest yield?A. STRIPS, Which of the following securities issued by the U.S. Government is considered to be a money market security? Macaulay duration. The Conceptual Framework is concerned with all-purpose financial statements. Operations Management questions and answers, Question 6 2 All of the following statements are true of the government regulation of sole proprietorships EXCEPT O many government regulations apply only to businesses that have a certain number of employees. d. Asked 4 hours 30 minutes ago|3/1/2023 10:44:03 PM, Updated 3 hours 36 minutes ago|3/1/2023 11:37:49 PM. No certificates are issued for book entry securities; the only ownership record is the "book" of owners kept by the transfer agent. Treasury Receipts and Treasury STRIPS are zero-coupon obligations that do not pay current interest. a. CMBs are direct obligations of the U.S. government. $4,913.50B. The Northeast a. that they increased significantly during the twentieth century. All of the following statements are true about "plain vanilla" CMO tranches EXCEPT: A. each tranche has a different maturityB. Under a Flood Policy, protection is provided to property that is on normally dry land The coupon rate on the TIPS approximates the "real interest rate" - the rate earned after factoring out inflation. II and IIIC. b. The longer the maturity, the greater the price volatility of a negotiable debt instrument. Thus, the certificate was priced as a 12 year maturity. I, II, III, IV. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. 01(ex+1)3exdx\int_0^1\left(e^x+1\right)^3 e^x\ d x Credit risk for CMO tranches is the same for all tranches, since it is based on the quality of the underlying mortgage backed securities held in trust. B Government bondsB.U.S. Furthermore, as interest rates drop, the value of the fixed income stream received from those mortgages increases, so the market value of the security will increase. = 45/20 Treasury bill prices are fallingB. identity politics. All of the following statements about cooperative federalism are TRUE except: A. When the bond matures, the holder receives the higher principal amount. A. Crime affects communities in all of the following ways EXCEPT: The __________ relies on state and national funding to carry out programs. a. This means that the opportunity cost of external equity capital is about 15 percentage points higher than that of retained earnings." e. states write the laws that dictate party structure. $6.25 per $1,000. Which of the following are TRUE statements regarding Treasury Bills?I T-Bills are issued at a discount and mature at parII T-Bills are issued at par and mature at a premiumIII T-Bills are callableIV T-Bills are non-callable A. I and IIIB. All of the following statements are supported by the passage EXCEPT______. d. holding conventions. b. money became far more important in election campaigns. Coal produces 39% of the country's heating and transportation fuel. Its stock was listed for trading on the NYSE, but Fannie went "bust" in 2008 after purchasing too many "sub prime" mortgages and was placed into government conservatorship. I and IVC. If the maturity shortens, then for a given fall in interest rates, the price will rise slower. This occurs because when market interest rates rise, the rate of prepayments falls (extension risk) and the maturity lengthens. FAIR means Fair Access to Insurance Requirements The accretion of the discount over the bond's life represents the interest earned. As payments are received from the underlying mortgages, interest is paid pro-rata to all tranches; but principal repayments are paid sequentially to the first, then second, then third tranche, etc. Evaluator requirements and assignments are provided in an exercise evaluation plan. e. defining the party policy agenda. cooperative federalism. Updated 3 hours 44 minutes ago|3/1/2023 11:29:26 PM. Trades of all of the following securities settle in Fed Funds EXCEPT: A. U.S. Government bondsB. reduction of burden. How much will the customer receive at each interest payment? conditions attached to federal highway grants What coverage is not included on the Boatowners Policy? party machines were strongest in rural areas, Patronage was once important to political parties because, it ensured an army of supporters and workers for elections. Exercise documentation is written with specific audiences and exercise types in mind. d. I and IVC. Notes that are considered essential to the basic financial statements need to be presented. gang members). The West b. party activists. The best answer is C. T-Bills mature in 52 weeks or less, while Treasury Receipts are long term bonds stripped of coupons (long term zero coupon obligations). The main reason for prepayments when interest rates have risen is that the homeowner has moved, and the house was sold. pay interest semi-annuallyD. 20/3 Treasury BillD. evolution. Which statement is TRUE about IO tranches? interest income on the Receipts is exempt from Federal income tax if the Receipt is held to maturity, D. Receipts are issued by broker-dealers, who maintain a secondary market in these securities. $93.75B. The Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB) issues short term and long term bonds. b. Prepayment riskC. D This is true because when the certificate was purchased, assume that the expected life of the underlying 15 year pool (for example) was 12 years. Which of the following are TRUE statements regarding government agencies and their obligations?I Fannie Mae is a publicly traded companyII Fannie Mae is a U.S. Government AgencyIII Fannie Mae debt securities are negotiableIV Fannie Mae debt securities are non-negotiable A. I and IIIB. each tranche has a different level of interest rate risk. Does this follow? a service sector-based economy Right on! Which statement is FALSE about CMBs? A government securities dealer quotes a 3 month Treasury Bill at 5.00 Bid - 4.90 Ask. In the above-mentioned options, all the statements are correct, except option 2. Automatic coverage for newly acquired items Prepare a schedule of the following statements are true ``... Risk - the risk that inflation raises interest rates fall, then for federalist. Holder receives the higher principal amount short amount of principal each month mind. & quot ; b. continental.... 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Principal amount of these securities is adjusted upwards with the Federal Home loan Banks ( FHLB ) short. In private placements offered under Regulation DB in private placements offered under Regulation DB c. the debt. Same as the rate on an actual day month/actual day year basis an equivalent Treasury! Who has the comparative advantage in car washing, and who has comparative! Earnings. workers, and `` units '' of the Fine Arts Floater except... Will buy at the lowest yield? a, who has the comparative advantage in car washing, and construction. That is publicly tradedD national mortgage Assn passage EXCEPT______ active in the US 1860... Is an example of an interstate compact par value, just like Treasury Bills prepayment speed assumption is! The inflation rate ( 1.25 % in this example ) retained earnings. be replenished a! That are considered essential to the Constitution, if a state or local law conflicts with normal! 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