stfc warp range officers
Romulan officers are primarily focused on health and a combination of defense and offense. Mind Games - At the start of combat, Charvanek increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Health of the crew on the ship. Klingon Pursue - L'Nar increases the Damage against Klingon ships by 25% of the crew's Attack. Hurry Home As long as the Cargo of the ship is full, Domitia increases its Warp Speed. Click For an Officer Guide. A Garbage Scow!! See also the Shipyard, Scrapyard & Ship Hangar pages. Goes up to 10% with maximum Synergy bonus. Base Chance: 20% Maximum Chance: 90%, Seven of Ten increases the Health of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value: 60% Rank 5 Value: 100%, (Azetbur) Eight of Ten increases the chances of firing a Critical Hit against Borg targets Base Value: 10% Maximum Value: 50%, Eight of Ten increases the Attack of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value:45% Rank 5 value: 85%, (Gonzalez) Nine of Ten decreases the chances of firing a Critical Hit of Borg targets Base Value: 10% Maximum Value: 30%, Nine of Ten increases the Defense of all Officers on the ship Rank 1 Value: 45% Rank 5 value: 85%, Multiplicative Extraction - Ten of Ten increases the speed of Parsteel, Tritanium, and Dilithium mining by 50%, Ten of Ten Ten of Ten increases the Mining Speed of the ship by 80%, Efficient Crystal Theory: Increases Crystal mining speed by X, Advanced Warp Theory: Increases Warp Speed by X, We are the Borg: For every hit, decrease opponents Shield Health by X% of Officer defense, Defenses are Irrelevant: Armada Target, for every hit, increase Accuracy, Armor/Shield Piercing by X% of officer Attack, Storage Optimization: Increases cargo size of the ship by X%, Extraction Protocol: Increase rate of Crystal, Gas, and Ore by X%, Efficient Gas Acquisition: Increase Gas mining speed by X%, Resources Protection Protocols: Increase Protected Cargo by X, Efficient Ore Acquisition: Increase Ore mining speed by X%, Cargo Optimization: Increase Cargo size by X%, The Ultimate Con: Reduce opponents damage for 1 round every time youre hit (Armadas only), Down But Never Out: Increase all damage (significantly) when your shields are depleted, Drastic Measures: Increases crit damage by% if Hull Breach on self, Guardian Angel: Increases mitigation stats by% if Hull Breach on self, Getting Up To Speed: Increase Impulse speed by X%, Mistakes Were Made:% chance to apply Hull Breach to self, Youll Pay For That: Increase damage by% if Hull Breach on self, Systems Critical: Increase crit chance by% if Hull Breach on self, Chance of having 98% shield mitigation on first two Rounds (Synergy Bonus increases the chance), Chances of double shots for the first round, Opportunist: When taking shield damage, increase damage, Delta Quadrant Technology: Chance to regen 5% of shields when theyre deplete, Endless Ambition: Increase the Captains stats, Fatal Charm: Chance of damage bonus from attack, Chirurgical Precision: Crit chance bonus against Eclipse hostiles for the first three rounds, Shield Remodulation: Chance to reduce mitigation on Eclips, Grizzled Veteran: First Round crit chance bonus vs hostiles, Always on Guard: Chance of Reducing Eclipse Opponents Crit Chance by 15% (armadas included), Intimidation: First 3 rounds increase Crit Damage against Eclipse hostiles (Armadas included, Security Breach: First 3 Rounds Reduce Shield MItigation of Eclipse hostiles (armadas included), Mirani Technology: Chance of raising mitigation against Eclipse hostile, The Ultimate Con: Taking damage from an Armada Target, decrease armada weapon damage by X%, Down But Not Out: when shields depleted, increase weapon damage by X%, Intuitive: when getting hit, reduce opponents shields by X% of attack in PvP, Precautions: Reduce opponents Critical Hit Chance by X% on every crit taken in PvP, Avoid Danger: Reduce opponents Damage by x% in PvP. Science Command Engineer), Captain has two officers of the same type next to them that do not match their own type (e.g. Merciless Pursue - After Killing a ship, Kuron increases the Impulse Speed by 25% for 30 seconds. This STFC officer guide will help you better understand the characters and various ways to use them. War of Endurance - After winning a combat, D'jaoki increases the Health of all officers on the ship by 10% for 1 minute. Goes up to 100% with maximum Synergy bonus. Click For an Officer Guide Information Also check the Battle Tips page for information on PvP / Player vs Player Levels Know Your Enemy Decreases the Attack, Defense, and Health of all the Officers on the Bridge of the opponents ship 20%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. Warp Engines MK1. Romulan Tact increases the ships Armor by200%, 500%, 800%, 1100%, 1400%of total Crew Attack. Honor Guard - Every time the ship gets hit, Decius increases its Weapon Damage by 6%. Wife of a Dahar - As long as the opponent ship has a Hull Breach, Mara decreases its Dodge by 20% at the end of each round. Interceptor Overseer - Koth decreases the time needed to repair the ship by 20% if it is an Interceptor. Increase Mycelium Cost Efficiency for Jump and Towingby 20%. Reinforcements - If the ship is a Battleship, Javaid increases its Armor by 15%. (PvE), Battleship Specialist When inside a Battleship, Komal increases Weapon Damage against players by 20%. (PvE), Problem Solver - If the opponent is a Hostile, Gonzales increases the damage of Critical Hits by 5%. Disrupting Field Yuki Sulu decreases the Shield Health of the opponents ship by 10% for each round. Smash the Defenses At the start of each round, if the target of the ship is a Defense Platform, Otto increases the damage of the ship by 20% for that round. Synergy is a bonus that can occur amongst the bridge officers when they are from the same group. Increases the Cost Efficiency of Jumping and Summoning with the Discovery by 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%. Station Expert - When defending the Station, Zahra increases the ship's Hull Health by 10%. Shell launch on time +(10% 20% 30% 40% 50%) to repair cost efficiency. Since officer level and research upgrades play a factor. Shady Methods - At the star of the battle, Alexander Marcus increases the Shield Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Defense of the crew on the ship. Goes up to 10% with a maximum Synergy bonus. Defenses are irrelevant When attacking an Armada Target, every time the ship hits the opponent with a weapon attack, Six of Ten increases the Accuracy, Armor Piercing, and Shield Piercing of the ship by 5% of the total Attack of all officers on the ship. Contribution Every time the ship hits with a weapon, Azetbur increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 10%. It gets better as you tier up the ship, but it's never great, and since there is no dedicated officer who gives you a bonus for mining Latinum, you'll want to use some of your crew members to increase the protected cargo. Fine Tuning As long as the ship is in the Station, Keenser increases its Shield Health by 20%. Ruthless Mind When attacking a station, 50% chance of drastically reducing the mitigation of all opponents ships and defense platforms for 2 rounds. Plasma Backlash - Every time the opponent is hit by an energy weapon, Arix has a 10% chance of Burning it. Bodyguard The Protected Cargo is increased by 30% with One of Ten. Neutral faction officers are generally made up of miners and former Borg captures that have been unassimilated. Savage Tenacity - Everytime the ship is hit by a Defense Platform, Khan increases the Critical Hit chance by 1%. Way of the Klingon After winning a battle, Linkasa increases the Defense of all the Officers on the ship by 10%. for the new officers 2. an Item to upgrade your warp drive of the discovery that'll reduce Mycelium cost AND increase warp range 3. 3 Explorer Parts 49,421. Bodyguard - The Protected Cargo is increased by 30% with One of Ten. Goes up to 40% with maximum Synergy bonus. Acid Bitterness Mirek increases the Damage against Federation ships by 25% of the crews Defense. Burning Vengeance Every time the ship gets hit, Mirek has a 20% chance of Burning the opponents ship for 1 round. Powered Armor - As long as the ship's Hull Health is under 70% of its value at the start of combat, Arix increases its Armor by 15%. Hidden Stash - T'Pring increases the protection of The Cargo by 50%. Base value: 200%. No Negotiations - Kuron has a 50% chance to automatically reload the first Kinetic Shot. Ruthlessness: When attacking a capture node, If your opponent has a hull breach Captain Tilly increases piercing by 50% of your attack stats on a cumulative basis. Station Knowledge - 0718 Increases the Critical Hit Chances by 4% when defending the Station. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, Scopely, CBS Interactive, or any Star Trek franchise. Murder! On the Hunt MRal increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 20%. Click For an Officer Guide Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. At the start of each round, if the opponent is Burning, Ash Tyler increases the damage of the ship by 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 100% of the total Attack of all officers on the ship (cumulative.). Gold Rush - As long as the Cargo of the ship is empty, Helvia increases its Warp Speed by 50%. Critical Strike increases the Critical Hit Damage of the ship by 8%. There is one officer who can increase the cargo size in a ship and that is Officer Stonn. This means there are many crews across the expanding stars, and hundreds of officers working, battling, and exploring within them. FortisSTFC. When defending against a player, reduce the enemys Armor Piercing by (40%, 80%, 120%, 160%, 200%.). When placing officers on a ship, in most cases they tend to complement ships where the primary offensive or defensive focus are aligned. Target That Signal Uhura increases the Accuracy of the ship shes in by 40%. (PvP), Explorer Specialist - When inside an Explorer, Rukor increases the Weapon Damage against players by 20%. This STFC ship guide will help you better understand the characteristics, ship traits, and how to use them. Increases to 90% at Rank 5. (PvE), Modifications - Chen increases the Dodge, Shields Deflection and Armor of the ship by 20% against Hostiles. Ranking Fire When the ship has Morale, Sulu increases the total damage made by Energy Weapons by 15%. Goes up to 50% with maximum Synergy Bonus. : Every time the ship is hit by an opponents weapon attack, gives a 35% chance to decrease the opponents officers attack by 15%, cumulatively, Network Navigator: Reduce Mycelium Costs for Jump and Summoning. Maximum value: 1000%, Five of Ten increases the Loot received from Hostiles by a percentage rank 1 Value: 20% Rank 5 Value: 100%. Ill Protect You! Disrupting Field - Yuki Sulu decreases the Shield Health of the opponent's ship by 10% for each round. Break Through - When defending the Station, M'Benga increases the Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy of the ship by 10%. Icy Analyst When fighting Interceptors, Mara increases the Weapon damage of the ship by 20%. Dilithium Miner - Domitia increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Dilithium. Mind Games At the start of combat, Charvanek increases the Armor Piercing of the ship by 100% of the Health of the crew on the ship. But of course, especially as a new player, it's more likely not to have Epic or even Rare officers. Im a Doctor, not a McCoy gives a bonus of 20% to all the Officer Abilities of the Officers on the bridge during combat. Crystal Miner Barot increases the rate of Crystal Mining by 20%. History Repeats Itself - Marla increases the Repair Speed of the ship by 20%. Cry Havoc As long as the opponents ship Hull Health is under 60%, Chang increases the Damage of the weapons by 10%. Fear is Power When attacking other players, decreases the opponents Weapon Damage by 25%, 30%, 40%, 55%, 70%. Parsteel Miner Helvia increases the Mining Rate of the ship by 20% when mining Parsteel. Romulan Tenacity - If the ship survives an attack that depletes its shields and is destroyed in one of the following attacks during the same battle, the battle is lost but Vemet heals 5% of the Hull Health and the ship survives. Tritanium 299M. Rage of Khitomer For the first 8 rounds of combat against other players, Honorguard Worf increases the Critical Hit Chance of the ship by45%, 50%, 60%, 75%, 100%. Increases to 100% Chances with maximum Synergy Bonus. Cadet Uhura and Cadet McCoy, with Chen or . Inspirational - At the beginning of each round, Kirk has a 50% chance of inspiring Morale to the ship for 2 rounds. YOU CAN NOW OBTAIN . (PvP). Patient Tactician When attacking a Station, Joachim has a 50% chance of greatly increasing the mitigation of the ship for one round. Survey Trainer - Hadley increases Ship Experience gained on Survey ships by 40%. At the beginning of each round, Lorca has a (50% 60% 70% 75% 80%) chance of dealing a Hull Breach to the opponents ship for two rounds. Overmatch - If the opponent's ship is an Explorer, Vella increases the damage of weapons by 10%. Snarky Genius: When defending, reduce the enemys Armor Piercing by X%. Ruthless Mind - When attacking a station, 50% chance of drastically reducing the mitigation of all opponent's ships and defense platforms for 2 rounds. Pike and Moreau are the core, but the 3rd member of your crew can be either Chen or T'Laan depending on the enemies you are facing. Increases to 100% Chances with maximum Synergy Bonus. See the Flaws Every time the ship strikes the opponent, Nero has a 25% chance of Burning it for two rounds. Fresh Perspectives - Paul Zhou increases the Defense of all Officers on the bridge of the ship by 15%. But it is definitely something you need to understand and take into consideration. Accuracy of the ship gets hit, Mirek has a 50 % ships where the primary offensive or focus. Fresh Perspectives - Paul Zhou increases the Damage of Weapons by 10 % - L'Nar increases Accuracy... 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