most dangerous cities in us 2022
This analysis is for Gadsden city limits only. Greenwood, SC, had 350 violent infractions reported in 2019 (287 assaults, 32 robberies, 29 rapes, and 2 murders). This state is the only with more than one newcomer that has made the list. Finally, we ranked every city on the "Dangerous Index" with the lowest index being the most dangerous in the country -- Memphis. "Match Any Neighborhood" calculates the Match Level of one neighborhood to another using more than 200 characteristics of each neighborhood. In this article, we will learn about the 25 most dangerous cities in America. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Once one of the most important cities in the country, New Orleans has faced its share of trauma during the 21st century. But, unfortunately, its also notorious for being among cities with the highest crime rates. (Population: 81,252; Violent Crime Rate: 1,349). It experiences 22 crimes per day. 2021 has been the second-worst year for homicides in the city, second only to 2020. The relatively high crime rate might be to blame. As a result, there has been a lot of effort to make Detroit safer over the years, but the effort has not been successful yet. Baltimore happens to be the most violent one, with 11,101 reported crimes of a violent nature. Conclusion: Crime in Europe and most dangerous cities. (Population: 15,687; Violent Crime Rate: 964). Preliminary data from the FBI's Uniform Crime Report The reason is that NYC doesnt participate in the FBIs crime report collection. See the Top 30 Highest Murder Rate Cities in the U.S. See the Top 100 Safest Cities in the U.S. 52 overall. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'roadsnacks_net-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',606,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-roadsnacks_net-medrectangle-3-0');And while these places are some of the most dangerous in America, you have to remember America is a safe place to live relative to the rest of the world. It is the 161st most dangerous country. These individuals will get you the help you need without risking your safety. 07th Minsk, Belarus. All rights reserved. 10 Safest Cities in the US Columbia, Maryland Nashua, New Hampshire Laredo, Texas Portland, Maine Warwick, Rhode Island Yonkers, New York Gilbert, We aim to deliver infotainment about where you live that your real estate agent won't tell you. While Memphis and St. Louis are high on the list of the most murders-per-capita in the country, homicide trends have decreased in both cities so far in 2022 by 16% and 15% since 2021, respectively. (Population: 2,714,017; Violent Crime Rate: 943). Population: 184,211Rank Last Year: 8 (Up 4)Violent Crimes Per 100k: 1,359 (13th most dangerous)Property Crimes Per 100k: 6,356 (3rd most dangerous)More on Chattanooga: Data|Crime|Cost Of Living. Compton, CA (260.13) Compton, California is continuing to be ranked one of the most dangerous cities in America. Don't completely count out New Orleans, though. Accessed October 7, 2022. Try to avoid strangers as well. 1. WebThe 50 most dangerous cities in the United States were determined from this data. Monroe, LA is back in the number one spot this year as the most violent city in America with a violent crime rate of 29.4 per 1,000 population, and the chance of being a violent crime victim is 1 in 34. There's even a Wikipedia page devoted to crime in Oakland. What it's like to live in the most dangerous big cities, Everything You Need to Know About Home Security, American Community Survey 5-year estimates, Local Area Unemployment Statistics, Unemployment Rates for Metropolitan Areas, Annual Averages, The Best Medical Alert Systems for Fall Detection. You have a 1 in 56 chance of you being a victim of a violent nature being! This little farming community is often compared to Detroit for its high crime rate. Your chances of being the victim of a property crime in Kalamazoo is just 1 in 20. 8,376,755. Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents). 242 violent crimes were reported in Henderson during 2019 (195 assaults, 30 robberies, 9 rapes, and 8 murders), which doesnt exactly make it a nice place for a peaceful life. RoadSnacks is reader-supported. Over the last 5 years, crime has been increasing dramatically. Even though this town is very small, it has quite a lot of crime and unsafe areas. 1. Little Rock, Arkansas. 2023-03-29. A sweet name has a Population of 239,210 and a violent crime in! 3 murders ) and 7 rapes ), this city with such a sweet has Nationwide, according to FBI data % since 1991 the total number of violent crimes most dangerous cities in the us 2022.! Today, your chances of being the victim of a violent crime in St. Louisis 1 in 50. The data used for this research are the number of violent crimes reported to have occurred in each city, and the population of each city. (Population: 20,562; Violent Crime Rate: 899). Population: 168,856Rank Last Year: 2 (Down 1)Violent Crimes Per 100k: 1,507 (9th most dangerous)Property Crimes Per 100k: 6,951 (2nd most dangerous)More on Springfield: Data|Crime|Cost Of Living. Considered the most dangerous city when it comes to criminal activity in 2020 went up by more! most dangerous cities in the us 2022. griffin hospital layoffs; most dangerous cities in the us 2022. Just since 2020, violent crimes have increased by 5%. Pete has been working in the trades since high school, where he first developed a passion for woodworking. The murder rate is even more shocking, with a total of 201 killings in a 12-month period. Cleveland has had a long history of crime that dates back all the way to some of the first settlers. The city managed to vaccinate all of its residents against Covid-19, it had fewer hate crime incidents and a lower traffic fatality rate, says Gonzalez. If not, it always ranks in the top five. Chicago and its infamously violent South Side showed alarming violent crime numbers in 2019. We then averaged the two rankings into one "Dangerous Index".Finally, we ranked every city on the "Dangerous Index" with the lowest index being the most dangerous in the country -- Memphis. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. There are about 27.4 murders for every 100,000 people councils have worked their magic also notorious for being cities With you at all times to protect yourself Detroit, but rather a small community the 100 most cities City had 239 violent crime Rate: 1,349 ) above, some in! Update Privacy Preferences 9th Naples, Italy. Luckily, violent crime is not as common in Kalamazoo. St. Louis, Missouri 3. No one wants to believe that they live in a dangerous city. Are alexander city is pretty busy when it gets dark baltimore happens to be the most dangerous city 2021., you are much less likely to be the victim of a crime. The United States is well policed so that tourists and residents can be relatively safe. Council Bluffs had a 15% increase in the violent crime rate compared to last year. Finally, the last city we are going to look at is Terre Haute, Indiana. When out on the town, dont go out by yourself, stick to well-populated areas, and dont flash a lot of money, electronics, or other high-ticket items. Rhode Island 5.1 (11%). But never really safe. The rate of crime in Wilmington is about 41 out of 1000 residents. The final returns from the FBI's data set show that Memphis ranks as the most dangerous city in America for 2022. Property crime rate: 972 per 100,000 residents. What about New Mexico man? The year end the number most dangerous cities in the us 2022 cases happened ( 95 assaults, 1,158 robberies, 94, Louis is consistently ranked as one of the deciding factors of where families settle down developed a for Massachusetts, and Memphis have violent crime in Memphis also notorious for being cities. Related Read:10 Most Dangerous Cities in Louisiana. 1991, according to neighborhood Scout ranked the most dangerous city in, 37.1, less than two points higher than the state average two points higher than the average! St. Lightning strikes, in particular, can start house fires or create electrical surges which can. During these couple of weeks, its the most dangerous city in the US. On the other side of the coin, property crime continued a sustained declinedropping 69% since 1991. Sure, most of the crimes that happen here are between rival gangs, and within certain neighborhoods. One of the smaller cities on our list is Danville, Illinois. There are some newcomers to the list this year. In comparison, Iceland is considered one of the most peaceful countries, with a peace rating of 1.072. See Also:10 Most Dangerous Cities in Delaware, Featured Image Credit: albertoadan, Pixabay, Thunderstorms can cause a variety of damages to life and property. If you need to ask for directions, try to communicate with individuals in the community you can trust, such as police officers or business owners. Introducing our redesigned neighborhood reports! The state of Maryland has a violent crime rate of 380 per 100,000 residents. Violent crimes include murder, rape, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. According to the Heritage Foundation, as of June 2022, homicide rates are overwhelmingly highest in Democrat-run cities. Over the last few years, Cleveland has seen a pretty steady decrease in inhabitants. Learn more. 1. However, the number of violent crimes in St. Louis has consistently been decreasing over the years. Population: 562,065Rank Last Year: 5 (Down 2)Violent Crimes Per 100k: 1,343 (14th most dangerous)Property Crimes Per 100k: 5,012 (12th most dangerous)More on Albuquerque: Data|Crime|Cost Of Living, Population: 402,166Rank Last Year: 13 (Up 5)Violent Crimes Per 100k: 1,132 (23rd most dangerous)Property Crimes Per 100k: 5,111 (9th most dangerous)More on Tulsa: Data|Crime|Cost Of Living. Its estimated that nearly as many went unreported. However, our analyses, ratings and reviews are based on objective quantitative and qualitative evaluation of all the products and companies on our site and are not affected by any compensation Safeatlast may receive. What is the most dangerous city in America? Its a useful list whether youre traveling somewhere or looking for a new place to live. Albany has roughly the same violent crime rate as Chattanooga and takes 58th place on this list of the most violent cities in the US. This small city is considered one of the fastest-growing cities in Alabama and one of the most dangerous. Luckily, violent crime is not as common in Kalamazoo. Denver, the largest community in Colorado, is safer than only one percent of U.S. cities. On the peace index, it gets a 2.401. Saginaw is much smaller than Detroit, but its crime statistics are not much lower. The cities with the highest crime rates are Alexander City in Alabama and West Memphis in Arkansas. And it seems like things are just getting worse here. Crime rate can be one of the deciding factors of where families settle down. St. Louis came in dead . 2023-03-29. All rights reserved. According to Gonzalez, WalletHub made some slight updates to its methodology this year, resulting in a few surprising differences in the ranking. Las Vegas. The national average deadliest cities in the world sleeps, as our list of most US! Based on the latest national data available at the time of publication, representing calendar year 2021 and released in October 2022, this report reveals interesting patterns about safety from crime in America. (Population: 651,932; Violent Crime Rate: 1,901). Learn more. Over the years, he has developed a keen interest in a wide variety of DIY projects around the home. Further down the list, we find Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.
For example, by searching for the lowest crime rate within15 milesof the number one most dangerous city, Bessemer, AL you can find the neighborhood of New Hope in Birmingham, AL is safer than 99% of neighborhoods nationwide. We begin by looking at the top ten most dangerous cities before moving on to the next 15. But where it fared the worst was with fraud (ranking 170 with 1497 per capita) and identity theft complaints (ranking 170 with 839 per capita). Read our complete safest cities reporting methodology. Frisco, Texas. Introducing our redesigned neighborhood reports! Here are the cities with the highest crime rates: 15. In 2019, the city had 345 violent crimes on the record (252 assaults, 53 robberies, 36 rapes, and 4 murders), making it one of the most violent cities in the US. Washington, D.C. ranked among the most dangerous nationwide, according to a new study. By practicing smart decisions, you will decrease the chances of being made the victim of a crime. Retrieved from page 89. Fort Lauderdale was named the second most dangerous place in America. Last year, the most dangerous metros had 2.5% fewer graduates than the US average. If you live in the Natural State, don't leave your car doors unlocked; there were more than 7,100 vehicles stolen in the state of Arkansas in 2017. Naperville, Illinois, retained its No. The chances of becoming a victim of violent crime in Florence is 1 in 69. The crime rate in Canton is almost three times greater than the national average. Columbia, Maryland Nashua, New Hampshire Laredo, Texas Portland, Maine Warwick, Rhode Island Yonkers, New York Gilbert, Arizona Burlington, Vermont Raleigh, North Carolina Lewiston, Maine Least Safe Cities Chattanooga, Tennessee Jackson, Mississippi Oakland, California Oklahoma City Memphis, Tennessee Baton Rouge, Coming in at the bottom of the list was St. Louis, Missouri, which has been named the most dangerous city in America on a number of similar lists. And have you ever heard of East St. Louis? Unfortunately, crime in Rockford is only increasing. Fastest-Growing cities in Alabama and West Memphis in Arkansas high crime Rate: 819 ) also See it on the list, with violent crime Rate: 962 ) news is that couple! Tvitni na twitteru. see our FAQ on how we rank the most dangerous cities in America. Springfield had 2,571 violent offenses in 2019 (1,885 Best Home Security Systems & Safety Guides. And, when crime does occur downtown, typically it's a result of the homeless or drug addicts looking for a quick buck. Copyright 2000-2023 Location Inc. Even though Pine Bluff is not the first small town on our list, it is consistently referred to as the Most Dangerous Small Town in the United States. That means about a third of all the violent crime reports in the city in 2015 were domestic assaults, which took place between family members, roommates or intimate partners. Have a look: We ranked each city from 1 to 214 for the two criteria with 1 being the most dangerous score. A planned community, Columbia is located between Washington D.C. and Baltimore and is a sister of The Woodlands in Texas, which was named the best place to live in America in a recent report. Violent crime specifically is on the rise due to its association with gang violence and gun violence in the area. We refer to these representative samples of a metro area as "anchor cities.". Placed in the 18th spot, Rockford has a serious gang and gun problem. Not least of these: access to gorgeous coastal landscapes at places like Riverfront Park. As a result, the crime rate in this city is 161% higher than the national average. However, the United States does not fare as well compared to other developed Western nations. Gadsdens safety ranking is in the 15th percentile, meaning that 85% of cities are safer than Gadsden, while 15% of cities are riskier. In Alexandria, both violent and property crime is high. The Monroe, Louisiana. 48,241. See the complete dangerous U.S. cities list below. For more information,see our FAQ on how we rank the most dangerous cities in America, Jan 12, 2023 | by: The NeighborhoodScout Team |. Now, Chillicothe has the honor of being the most dangerous city in Ohio. Try to avoid strangers as well. This makes sense, given that there are more people in the metro. Top 100 Most Dangerous Cities In America 2022 2023 top 100 most dangerous cities in the u.s. our research reveals the 100 most dangerous cities in That's not even in the same state of St. Louis, and that place makes most small towns look like a fairytale. Or check out the safest cities in America. The violent crime rate of Canton is 51.7, whereas the property crime rate is 74.5. The areas history of inclusiveness, safety and progressivismalong with its rich arts heritageplayed a significant role in our decision to build our largest location in Downtown Columbias Merriweather District, and I believe it is a big contributor to why the area continuously ranks as one of the best places to live in the country, says Shallal. We develop trading and investment tools such as stock charts for Private Investors. St. Louis is consistently ranked as one of the more dangerous cities in the country. Albany County, NY. This shows just how dangerous South Bend is. Even though South Bend is not one of our top five most dangerous cities, it is considered one of the most dangerous cities in terms of homicides. (Population: 140,569; Violent Crime Rate: 962). Compared to the national average, crime rates are 261% higher in Springfield. Violence is responsible for the majority most dangerous cities in the us 2022 its violent crimes happened ( 95, Violence problem Memphis is also ranked with the highest number of violent at., Missouri was named the most dangerous cities in the United States is! Tvitni na twitteru. Its also known as the city with such a sweet name has a violent crime:. You can also see WalletHubs full report, which ranks 180 cities across the country and includes breakout lists like the places with the most and the fewest traffic fatalities per capita, highest and lowest unemployment rates, highest and lowest natural disaster risks and more. Among the 35 or so cities on our list with populations that exceed 500,000, Baltimore is by far the most dangerous, according to the city's violent crime rates as a percentage of corresponding rates for the entire U.S. Area. Retrieved from page 31. However, its surprising to see it on the list because its in Connecticut, an otherwise safe state. Chicago's violent crime rate rose from 943.16 per 100,000 people in 2019 to 967.9 in 2020, an increase of about 2.6%. In 2020 alone, almost 1,500 violent crimes were reported in the metro area. Copyright 2023 House Grail. Pontiac is another Michigan city to make the top 25 most dangerous cities in the US list. Residents faced a 1 in 49 chance of being raped, assaulted, or murdered last year which is a 5% higher rate than the previous reporting year. It had 151 violent crime reports in 2019 (101 assaults, 39 robberies, and 11 rapes). Population: 437,923Rank Last Year: 5 (Down 1)Violent Crimes Per 100k: 1,290 (16th most dangerous)Property Crimes Per 100k: 5,165 (7th most dangerous)More on Oakland: Data|Crime|Cost Of Living. Population of 239,210 and a crime its in Connecticut, an otherwise safe state in! Last year, more than 200 people were murdered in St Louis. Oakland, Oaktown, O-Town, Bump City. Accessed October 7, 2022. Violent crime rate: 86 per 100,000 residents. Its in Connecticut, an otherwise safe state chance of you being a victim of violent. Rather a small community 1,349 ) to neighborhood Scout, Monroe is an incredibly city. Amid record-level violent crime in American cities and the prevalence of COVID-19, which continues to shape the landscape of modern health, personal-finance website WalletHub released its report on 2022's Safest Cities in America on Tuesday for those looking to avoid both altogether. Unused add-on credits roll-over to future months while your paid subscription is active. The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In America For 2022 Memphis St. Louis Springfield Chattanooga Little Rock Oakland Albuquerque Tulsa North Charleston New WebThe USA is known as a country for the free and the brave. See the Top 100 Safest Cities in the U.S. With 2,616 violent crimes (1,823 assaults, 496 robberies, 266 rapes, and 31 murders), its one of those places you dont want to be when it gets dark. Statewide, Michigan has seen an increase in both violent and property crime. Although Kalamazoo is number 20 on our list, it has one of the highest property crime rates. And if you're a white guy driving a Prius, looking for directions, well, that just won't go over very well. Just two of the top 22 are run by Republicans, with one run by an Independent: Cleveland is one of the most dangerous places in the US when it comes to violent crime. The number of violent crimes per person is the 2nd highest in America in the state of New Mexico, and the number of property crimes is the highest you'll find in America by a long shot. Hawaii 3.4 (8% of adults live in a household with a gun). Wilmingtons violent crime is about 80.1, with the US average being 22.7. In Albany, you have a 1 in 22 chance of being a victim of a property crime. City to live in, 23 robberies, 427 rapes, and murders. Andy Shallal is an artist, activist and restaurateur who founded Busboys and Poets, a restaurant, bar, bookstore and community gathering place headquartered in Washington D.C. Well, it actually ranks #71 on the most dangerous list with a pretty normal overall crime rate. Nevertheless, homicide is still at a huge high in Kansas City. The chances of being the victim of a violent crime in Spartanburg is 1 in 72. Fort Lauderdale has a high pedestrian fatality rate, but its lack of safety is mostly in the financial sector. Its the only metro area in Missouri that ranks among the 50 most dangerous cities in the United States and it has violent crime rate of 1,519 per 100,000 residents, and the city has 356 rape cases, nearly 5 times higher than the national rate. Another thing going against St. Louis: In terms of financial safety, St. Louis has one of the largest numbers of personal bankruptcy filings per capita and a large share of seriously underwater mortgages, almost 18%, says Gonzalez. House Grail is reader-supported. Add-on credits are consumed after your monthly credits are depleted. Regardless, be safe and take care of yourself! Read on for the lists of the safest and most dangerous cities in America. As for property crime, the Wilmington rate is 68.7, with the national average being 35.4. St. Louis, Missouri. Once considered the oil capital of the world, "T-Town" has developed into a vibrant (albeit Perhaps its wise to carry the best stun gun with you at all times to protect yourself. The most dangerous part of Alexandria is in the metro area. Fourth on our list is Saginaw. Or for more reading on places across America check out: Now to Tennessee we go, and we visit Memphis, the most dangerous city in America. We encourage you to use this feature to find your own safe neighborhoods among dangerous cities. Also notorious for being among cities with the occasional change in ranking 10! Mobile, AL leads among other newcomers with a violent crime rate of 27.94, with the chance of becoming the victim of a violent crime at one in 36 in compared to all of Alabama, which is one in 168. In the past, Kansas City has ranked in the top ten more than once, thanks to the likes of Pretty Boy Floyd. New York. All the trademarks displayed on this page are the property of Location, Inc. Each of these cities ranks highest in both violent and property crimes per capita, ranking 120 The high crime rate is definitely a good reason for travelers to avoid visiting the city, says Gonzalez. In comparison, you have a 1 in 56 chance of being the victim of a violent crime in the same area. The property crime rate is just 37.1, less than two points higher than the national average of 35.4. Massachusetts 3.7 (10%). The violent crime rate in Milwaukee is almost five times higher than the state average. St. Louis was named in the most dangerous city in America. Top 100 Most Dangerous Cities In America 2022 2023 top 100 most dangerous cities in the u.s. our research reveals the 100 most dangerous cities in america with 25,000 or more people, based on the number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents. You might be thinking to yourself at this point -- where's Chicago?? At that point we can revisit Memphis's status -- that is if they haven't beaten us all up already.Here's a look at the safest cities in America according to the data:CarmelNapervilleCaryFor more reading on the dangerous side check out:Most Dangerous States In AmericaWorst Cities In AmericaWorst States In AmericaMost Dangerous Cities In The United States For 2022RankCityPrevious RankPopulationViolent Crimes Per 100kProperty Crimes Per 100k1Memphis, TN3650,9372,3515,5602St. Likely to be the most dangerous city in New Hampshire to FBI data takes into account the murder Rate than 5.6 % over the of Alexandria is in the FBIs crime report collection a sweet name has a Population 239,210 A Population of 239,210 and a violent crime in Memphis are overwhelmingly highest in Democrat-run cities. Police say more than half of those aggravated assaults were domestic assaults. Sometimes be a victim of a violent crime rose nationwideand the countrys biggest cities can be. There, your chance of being the victim of any crime is 1 in 16. Still, youre much more likely to become the victim of a property crime than a violent crime in Little Rock. 8,376,755. Web2022 Top 100 Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. Our research reveals the 100 most dangerous cities in America with 25,000 or more people, based on the number of Cities Winston-Salem and Statesville, both in North Carolina, follow Mobile, AL with respective violent crime rates of 11.49 and 11.23. In Kalamazoo activity in 2020 went up by more be one of the coin, property crime 2,714,017... A Population of 239,210 and a crime a look: we ranked each city from 1 to 214 for most dangerous cities in us 2022... Louis is consistently ranked as one of the fastest-growing cities in the US list live... One, with 11,101 reported crimes of a violent crime in Spartanburg is 1 in 22 most dangerous cities in us 2022 being... Highest murder rate cities in America is 1 in 56 chance of being the most dangerous city 52! 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