Nietzsche … Western philosophers tend to focus more on materialism and ethics (albeit not all of them); whereas, Eastern philosophers tend to focus more on virtue and spiritualism. An Eastern philosopher I believe made very compelling arguments for his ideas is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi. Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India . / LAO TZU, SUN TZU, AND CONFUCIUS! Answer. Innovation and breakthrough are always greatly required, which means only the theories based on logic and reasoning can be valued. A Western philosopher I believe made a compelling case for his ideas is Bertrand Russell. We all have a belief that he different philosophy will melt with each other rather than against in the future. During the period of hundred day’s reform, which happened in China in 1898, Kang YouWei, who is the leader of this reform, spread his ideas of reform by annotating Confucius classics (Karl and Zarrow, 2002). Let’s move back to the question at the beginning—“Is the world around us knowable?” The different answers toward it imply the real reasons behind the differences between Eastern and Western philosophy and that is the ways they look the world. Eastern philosophy consists mainly of Asian philosophies such as the Indian philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism, the Japanese philosophies of Zen Buddhism and the samurai tradition, and the Chinese philosophies of Confucianism, Taoism and Ch’an Buddhism (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p. 525). Western society strives to find and prove "the truth", while Eastern society accepts the truth as given and is more interested in finding the balance. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. Although Western Philosophy tends to focus on the parts in an idea, the Eastern Philosophers focus to look at an idea as a whole. Philosophy is often divided into two very broad categories, Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy. Although he believed that God did not exist, which I do not, he also had many ideas which I agree with and find very interesting. As Fung (1984) states that from a philosophical perspective, the highest achievement a man could realize is to be a sage and the daily task of dealing with social affairs in human relations is a part of the process of being a sage. While Easterners pay attention to the balance of the inner world, Westerners are trying to conquer the outside world. / BEGIN! Philosophy is often divided into two very broad categories, Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy. The Nobel Foundation. This is why Westerners will say “Yes” to this question because they have achieved a lot of accomplishments in discovering the secrets of the world already. In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing We are not placed in a static world of things with which we are not concerned, but we are placed in an atmosphere with which we are very much concerned. Eastern philosophy or Asian philosophy includes the various philosophies that originated in East and South Asia including Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy (including Buddhist philosophy, Jain philosophy, Sikh philosophy), Japanese philosophy, and Korean philosophy which are dominant in East and Southeast Asia. Eastern Philosophy has always had a very similar goal to Western philosophy: that of making us wiser, less agitated, more thoughtful and readier to appreciate our lives. The Peritoneal Cavity Part I: Abdominal Sonography…, Innovation and Creativity CLASS ASSIGNMENTS 1.…, Assignment “Western World Theory” • Write a paper…, Assessment 1: Individual essay (2000 words -/+ 10%)…, 430 Chapter 17 Death and Dying Case 17-1 When…, Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on…, Please read the case study Global Attribution. And yet, Western countries are very close to ocean. Russell’s grandfather was a two time Prime Minister of England and Gandhi’s father was the Prime Minister of British India. For another instance, both Eastern and Western world had experienced a lot of reforms, but the leader of the reform would take totally different approaches. org/apps/news/story. The objective view of what things realistically are right now. Though they are confronted with the same questions, the focal points are usually different from each other, which is caused by the disparity of their opinions toward the importance of philosophical problems. This is why Westerners will say “Yes” to this question because they have achieved a lot of accomplishments in discovering the secrets of the world already. As Hamilton and Webster (2009) states in their book about culture difference “Difference in approach can also be seen in negotiations.иWesterners expect to focus on contentious issues and try to achieve the most beneficial outcomes for themselves. The leaders of this reform set up their own theories of society and pointed their arrows toward feudal class directly (Dora, 1979), which is extremely different from Kang’s approach. The philosopher that says each quality is also significant. So in a sense, the Easterns win at philosophy because they did what was more practical, they achieved what was useful with it. In one way the author is right and in another they are wrong. A Comparison between Eastern and Western Philosophy. East Vs West. Different Philosophy, Different Medicine: The issue that many have with the modern medicine is that its science and philosophy purposely excludes anything that does not fit its paradigm of physical reductionism. Similarly, Plato, who is a representative figure of ancient Greek philosophy, also offered his political opinions, which is highly related to his theory of forms. UN declares 2 October, Gandhi’s birthday, as International Day of Non-Violence. The Divine Life Society . The workers represent the abdomen; the warriors represent the chest and the philosopher kings represent the head, which are corresponding to productive, protective and governing respectively (Gaarder, 1996). “There are two expressions in the Chinese language which can both be translated as the world. Additionally, it seems that they had differing views on the institution of marriage and the commitment involved. Indian philosophy. This is a fascinating idea which not only led to India’s independence during the Indian independence movement, but also inspired movements for freedom and civil rights around the world, including the American Civil Rights Movement, a non-violent resistance led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Gandhi’s ideas of non-violent resistance are so widely known and appreciated that the United Nations General Assembly dedicated October 2nd, his birthday, as annual International Day of Non-Violence (UN News Centre, 2007). Website: org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1950/press. One is ‘all beneath the sky’ and the other is ‘all within the four seas’.” (Fung, 1948). Have you thought about the question—“Is the world around us knowable?” For most Westerners, the answer is positive. By and large, cultures in the West tend to be more individualistic whereas people from the East are more collectivist. … These ways of living / VERSUS! Valluvar. Get Your Custom Essay on, Eastern and Western Philosophers Comparison, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the, Western and Eastern Culture: An Essential Comparison, Comparison between the Eastern and western approaches to design, Eastern Worldview and Philosophy in Eastern Pantheistic Monism, Difference Between Eastern and Western Architecture,, Get your custom Eastern culture has a circular view of the universe that is based upon the perception of eternal recurrence whereas Western culture has a linear view of the universe that is based on the Christian philosophy that everything has a beginning and an end. As agriculture activities are regular and predicable, Easterners prefer to believe past experience rather than abstract principles. Who won? The eastern way is to see things as they are. It cannot, by its very definition, consider that humans have both physical and non-physical essences. ” (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p. 226) and he defended these passions or beliefs even when it meant going to jail for what he believed. The wise are happy; the good endure” (Confucius and James, 2010). Of the two philosophies, eastern and western, eastern is superior because western philosophy is judgmental and dualistic. 2. Help, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. Meanwhile, Western philosophy focuses on ethics. Likewise, there is also a famous reform that happened in France in 1800s—the Age of enlightenment. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. (This line says the Western team is superior in every way, including philosophical thinking, giving speeches, sexual prowess, and more advanced as humans in general. Western and Eastern Educational Philosophies Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The fix for ignorance is, of course, education or learning. Nobel Lectures. That is truly a testament to his peace loving way of life and the influence it has had on the rest of the world. html UN News Centre. Living in our western culture, it’s hard not to be influenced by the things we see and hear. Western philosophy vs Eastern: There is no “vs” The central premise of an article I recently read is that western philosophy can only teach us so much. Cite this essay. Today we bring a guest writer, Lim Chuwei from Hong Kong, to share about this East/West debate. Curious about the Western world vs the Eastern world? Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers Lyrics: EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY! Although I understand that the defense of our freedoms is necessary, I think similarly to him because, “Russell was dismayed by the enthusiasm among ordinary people for the war. Another crucial area of comparison for eastern and western philosophy is innate morality. For westerners society seems to largely result from human action whilst for the easterners existence is "somehow" there to be contemplated. Apart from geographical locations, these two parts of the world have differences in their way of life and the approach to life in general. Essay, Ask Writer For While Easterners pay attention to the balance of the inner world, Westerners are trying to conquer the outside world. ). Western philosophy can be divided into Ancient Greek philosophy, medieval philosophy, modern philosophy and contemporary philosophy, while Eastern philosophy includes Chinese philosophy, Indian philosophy, Japanese philosophy etc. As Spirkin concluded that “Methodology is a system of principles and general ways of organizing and structuring theoretical and practical activity, and also the theory of this system.” Nonetheless, there is no concept like methodology that appears in most Eastern philosophy classics. Ethics is a branch of philosophy, also known as moral philosophy. In the ancient period, both Eastern and Western philosophers played the role of policy maker. un. Line-wise, this battle is the longest so far, with 64 lines. Wiki User Answered . Western philosophy is older and generally divided into groups based on a progression of years as opposed to specific regions, for example, Renaissance philosophy and Modern philosophy. / … The eastern and western philosophies are identical to a large extent and the critics only point out the small differences in the specific philosophy and wording. You can get your custom paper from Top Answer. The fact is the methodology of Eastern and Western philosophy is extremely different from each other and we cannot use the definition of Western philosophy to judge Eastern philosophy. However, the way it has gone about this has been intriguingly different. The view that A=A should also include P as potential. Though that seems like a really deep subject and perhaps to some an assault on western philosophy I really only have a couple of things to comment on. When it comes to philosophy, Eastern philosophers take an individual inner world as starting point and put the principles of social life at the first place while Westerners will speculate on it from a universal perspective and try to figure out the principles behind the world. Without a strong back catalogue, Netflix knows it must keep investing in original content to survive, an extremely costly endeavour. Retrieved August 29, 2009, from http://nobelprize. Although making a true distinction between Eastern and Western philosophy does not consider the large amount of modern interaction and cross-over between the two, I believe that I am more prone to agree with Eastern philosophies of thinking than with Western philosophies. The most often cited difference is that western philosophy is 'fragmentary' while eastern philosophy is 'holistic'. Great Eastern and Western philosophers in a special six man episode of Epic Rap Battles Of History. Generally speaking, the two main sources of Eastern philosophy—China and India—are agriculture countries. It helps humans deal with human morality and concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime. As Windelband (1956) notes, the history of the philosophy of the Greeks, like the history of their political development, requires a larger conception of its political relations would imply. These concepts are a running thread through many eastern and western cultural differences. ” (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p. 226). The difference between the methodology of Eastern and Western philosophy is also a big concern. Eastern view adds to that the observation that A has future potentials. asp? In the west, things are very important. In seriousness though, I studied eastern philo, focusing on Confucius era philosophy, and your standard western philosophy from Plato to Sartre. Nisbett points out that Western philosophers emphasised freedom and independence, whereas Eastern traditions like Taoism tended to focus on … This is a very inspirational philosophy for life and, as stated by Anders Osterling, “we must [sic] admire the unwavering valour of this rebellious teller of the truth and the sort of dry, fiery strength and gay buoyancy with which he presents his convictions. Eastern vs. Western Medicine. Although he died almost 40 years ago, prejudice is still a very important issue in our society and it is a widely held belief that prejudice is caused by ignorance. It is noticeable to point out that while the Confucians’ political view is based on human nature since they take individual citizen as the basic unit of society, Platonism tries to analyze the structure of a state from a general perspective, which is focus on a general perspective. For example, he was a pacifist who disagreed with war, in particular World War I. This is a very interesting, and in my opinion accurate, assessment. It is an ignorance of the … Success is based on how much one walks his path without hurting others. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EASTERN AND WESTERN PHILOSOPHY SWAMI KRISHNANANDA. Everything we do is colored by our perspective, which is formed by our daily experiences. We're better thinkers, better speakers, better lovers, better men! But if you ask a Chinese the same question, you would get the reply like: “I don’t know.” or “Does it matter?” The reason behind it is the difference between Eastern and Western philosophy. Eastern philosophy depends upon whole-food formulas to nourish the body’s ability to legislate needed actions." Eastern philosophy is also more about the spiritual while Western philosophy is more of a hands-on style. References Moore, B. N. , & Bruder, K. (2008). On the other hand, Russell, seems to have had less belief in the institution or at least the belief that the marriage commitment was meant to be permanent because he was divorced twice before marrying his third and final wife. Russell’s pacifism was so strong that he even served half a ear in prison for his beliefs. 2.1. There is no doubt that the similarities between them are obvious, yet the focus of Eastern philosophy is in society whereas Western’s is in universe. However, for Western philosophers, they are inclined to put the origin of all things in the universe at first place, and then analyze how the world works. Eastern Philosophy vs. Western Philosphy In: Philosophy and Psychology Submitted By ae1young Words 859 Pages 4. The idea of a distinct “Eastern” philosophy as opposed to a distinct “Western” philosophy is, disputably, a vast over simplification and inaccurate rendering of an extremely complex relationship between the two. This battle features a preview of Sh… Spoken on December 30. th, 1973. 3 4 5. I enjoyed studying both as, actually, they are all dealing with the same issues. Rather than breaking down ideas and concepts into categories, Eastern Philosophy prefered to generalize the ideas and show how they ll reflect the same truths. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Western Versus Eastern Medicine "Simply stated, Western philosophy isolates and forces therapeutic actions to take place in the body. Eastern philosophy uses whole-food formulas to nourish the body’s natural healing abilities while western philosophy isolates and forces therapeutic actions to ‘treat’ disease. Collectivism – individuals are part of a group and the needs of the group come before the individual. But for most Easterners they pay more attention to their daily life and relationships with others, which make them cannot respond to this question with a certain answer. Culture differences are a very hot topic in business as well as at holiday parties. Philosophy: The power of ideas (7th ed. Because the understanding from a single side is always partial, the purpose of this paper is to illustrate the major differences between the focus and methodology of Eastern and Western philosophy traditions and explain the possible causes behind it. As individuals, one must do what is supposed to be done without causing ill to others. / NIETZSCHE, SOCRATES, AND VOLTAIRE! 1. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. Eastern and Western philosophy need to learn from each other, as it is the only way to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of themselves. On the music streaming platforms, the battle is titled "Philosophers East vs West". So that while Eastern philosophy has some measure of esteem, even in The West, but moreso in The East, Western philosophy has very little. Gandhi seems to have held a much higher view of the institution because he was only married once and maintained committed to that relationship his entire life. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. My opinions, primarily those in support of the acts of volunteerism and selfless giving, often seem to align more easily with Eastern philosophies such as the philosophies of Gandhi and Buddha. (2007, June 15). As Confucius once said, “The wise move; the good stay still. (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p. 226) Additionally, Russell strongly believed in education and, “thought that without a proper education a person is caught in the prison of prejudices” (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p. 226). All of these principles are highly related to social life since Dong believes the core of philosophy is humanity and the society needs to be ordered by regulating people’s social life. UN News Service. NewsID=22926&Cr=non&Cr1=violence, Eastern and Western Philosophers Comparison. Dong Zhongshu, who is one of the most successful Confucian in political area in Chinese history (as his theories had been taken as the general embodiment of the policy of running the country), put forward the “Three cardinal guides (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife)” and “Five constant virtues (benevolence righteousness, propriety, wisdom and fidelity)” to help emperor Wu to strengthen his domination (Queen, 1996). To a great extent, geographical factors contributed enormously to this process and sometimes make the gap grow. ” (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p. 529) One of Gandhi’s main ideas was satyagraha, or the use of non-violent, civil disobedience as opposed to violence to resist tyranny and domination. Another prominent difference between the two is the way they died, with Gandhi being assassinated and Russell dying of influenza. Eastern culture bel… EASTERN AND WESTERN PHILOSOPHY The subject of philosophy has always been divided along two lines of thinking – the eastern and the western. This difference also appears in Eastern and Western philosophy’s attitudes toward politics. We all have a belief that he different philosophy will melt with each other rather than against in the future. The distinction between Western and Eastern is of course somewhat arbitrary and artificial, and in some respects even misleading.For example, Indian and Chinese philosophies are at least as distinct from each other as they are from Western Philosophy. 2009-03-18 03:18:12 2009-03-18 03:18:12. One of the greatest reasons for the difference between Eastern and Western philosophy is geography. Primarily this is because of my personal view of the distinction between the philosophies of Eastern philosophers and Western philosophers. (The Western team states that it is obvious the Eastern team isn't on the same level of intelligence as them.) As Windelband (1956) cites homer “The natural link of the three great continents was this sea, with its islands and coasts occupied by the most gifted of people, which from the earliest historical times had settled all its coasts.” As a result, most Western countries are highly commercialized and industrialized. Eastern philosophy consists mainly of Asian philosophies such as the Indian philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism, the Japanese philosophies of Zen Buddhism and the samurai tradition, and the Chinese philosophies of Confucianism, Taoism and Ch’an Buddhism (Moore & Bruder, 2008, p. 525). By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, The input space is limited by 250 symbols. Retrieved from, This is just a sample. In contrast, the Japanese prefer to discuss areas of agreement, with the expectation that harmony will lead to the resolution of details.” In other words, as a result of putting high value on social relationship, the methodology of Eastern philosophy comes from predecessors’ experiences and people chronically take other’s feeling into consideration, whereas Westerners usually take themselves as starting points, advocate independent and rational thoughts as well. You Decide! Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. The popular writer Sankara Saranam, author of the book God Without Religion , is one example of this when he claims that eastern philosophy is concerned with general knowledge while western philosophy aims at specific knowledge. One of the main differences between the two is that Gandhi believed in God or a greater power and Russell did not. Eastern and Western philosophy need to learn from each other, as it is the only way to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of themselves. Let’s dive in! As for Plato, the structure of a state is similar to a human body. 3. The western way is to make things much bigger than they are, stretching the truth to get attention. That’s why the sayings and behaviors of a sage can be the best philosophy lesson for Easterners—because they are specific and comprehendible. Eastern philosophy vs Western philosophy? As Windelband (1956) illustrates, the history of Western philosophy is “an insight into the origin of European science in general”, which shows the reason behind Western philosophers’ preference. Eastern philosophy is a great deal more popular than its Western counterpart. Additionally, both men were born into distinguished families. Eastern culture uses the spiritual and missionary approach of searching inside oneself for answers through meditation whereas western culture takes on a pragmatic and emotional approach in searching outside oneself through research and analysis. Perhaps it's a bit simplistic, but this example clarifies one of the further differences in how Western and Eastern philosophy deal with the "tools" of sensing and perceiving that the latter sometimes employs. Retrieved from http://www. There are famous Chinese philosophical classics like the Analects of Confucius and Tao Te Ching, which are not monumental masterpieces but express their ideas through a philosopher’s sayings and behaviors. Both the differences of emphasis and methodology can be explained from this perspective. This shows that geography plays a significantly important role in the development of philosophy. The rigid definition of A=A is a static and inflexible. your own paper. Western philosophy is focused on the current actual state of object A. It isn't the case that Eastern thought focuses itself wholly on what those of us in Western philosophy might deem mysticism. In contras, Western philosophy has a set of theories of reasoning (like syllogism and deductive reasoning), which can form people’s decisive mind habit. Though it is not his original meaning, this saying shows the difference between the personality of the ancient Chinese and Greeks from a geographical perspective. A variety of philosophy schools around the world have pondered these kinds of philosophical problems for thousands years and some of them are highly representative (like Confucianism for Eastern and Platonism for Western). Does that mean there is no methodology in Eastern philosophy? Good news or bad news, as long as there is news. As it is. (2016, May 20). The following information represents the differing approaches to historical philosophies of Eastern and Western health practices. But for most Easterners … APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. “Gandhi, of course, is known everywhere for his use of nonviolence to help attain political freedom for India and for striving to instill a sense of self-respect in all human beings. (The Nobel Foundation, 1950). As Easterners do not have a system of principles and methods to solve problems, they take the principles of social life as methodology, which can be summarized as doctrine of the mean. The different answers toward it imply the real reasons behind the differences between Eastern and Western philosophy and that is the ways they look the world. Want to help ERB? It’s weird to think that we each have embraced a philosophy, but it’s true; whether it’s subconscious or conscious, we absorb and parrot everything we see and hear. Westerners put more stock in individual rights; Easterners in social responsibly. (1950). The main difference between eastern and western ethics is the fact that Western Ethics is about finding truth, whereas Eastern Ethics are very much about the protocol, and showing of (2018, Feb 11). The difference is the “I” of the West, and the “We” of the East, as one focuses on finding truth and … … Many, if not most, people would surely see differences between how western and how eastern philosophy approach the actualities of human existence. Our text states that, “In his autobiography he said that three passions had governed his life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of humankind. Asked by Wiki User. our expert writers, Copying content is not allowed on this website, Ask a professional writer to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, Please indicate where to send you the sample, Hi, my name is Jenn WESTERN vs. EASTERN PHILOSOPHY Have you ever wondered about the differences between Eastern and Western philosophies? These philosophers are similar in that they both believed in peace as opposed to war and violence, and were willing to suffer whatever consequence necessary to get their messages of peace out to the world. At a total time of 4:20, this is the third-longest video to date, and the third-longest rap battle, with an overall rapping time of 3:26. 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