them. tell these people that he was just like them before his eyes were opened to the “I am verily a man which am a I've found the teachings from John Piper and "Desiring God" (after testing it with God's word) requires more discernment than I currently possess. How the Lord of Life Gives Life A Meditation on Acts 16:14. Keep Calm, God is in Control (Acts 23:10-22) Between Two Worlds (Acts 22:22-23:11) The Testimony of Paul (Acts 21:37-22:17) The Arrest of Paul (Acts 21:27-36) Glad to be Home (Acts 21:17-26) Blogroll. with some restraint to Paul’s account of God’s dealing in his life. This Scripture above (if you student of Gamaliel, Paul received extensive training both in the Old Testament 11:5), and John (Rev. Biblically, it is plain that God has appointed suffering for all His chil-dren: “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). In Acts 22:16, Paul had already called upon the name of the Lord, at which point God washed away his sins. Paul is desperately trying to Gentiles could be saved without first becoming Jewish proselytes (thus granting Follow John Piper on … The first word translated “appointed” is a military word meaning, “to give orders or a command.” The second word that Ananias uses means “to take into one’s hand,” and thus to determine or choose. We declared our independence from British rule in 1776 and thereafter won the War of Independence. Those who oppose the doctrine of election, he says, “tear humility up by the very roots.” He states, “For neither will anything else suffice to make us humble as we ought to be nor shall we otherwise sincerely feel how much we are obliged to God” [3.21.1]. Acts 22:30 ESV But on the next day, desiring to know the real reason why he was being accused by the Jews, he unbound him and commanded the chief priests and all the council to meet, and he brought Paul down and set him before them. And, that outwardly good person needs salvation every bit as much as the notorious sinner does. baptism of repentance? … out” of Jerusalem quickly. But Paul’s testimony makes it plain that you can be zealous for God and yet be horribly mistaken. What specific martyr had You’ve actually seen the Righteous Innocent and heard him speak. crowd, he also had been a Pharisee. It is the second of three times that the story of Paul’s conversion is told in Acts. arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy If God’s choice of us depends on what He foresaw that we would do, then we have grounds for boasting, either in our will, in our brilliant minds that caused us to see the truth, or in our faith, which God saw that we would exercise. evidence that the charges against him were absurd. Acts 22:30: But on the next day, desiring to know the truth about why he was accused by the Jews, he freed him from the bonds, and commanded the chief priests and all the council to come together, and brought Paul down and set him before them. What do we know about the USA? The idea of an unbaptized believer would have been foreign to the apostles. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1976 in Bible exposition) and Califo... More, 3. Scripture: Acts 2:28. In spite of this good upbringing, I’ve had my share of sins, of course. to Home Page  |  Return 10:17). verse 14 anger this mob? words (John 12:29). God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. them equal status with the Jewish people before God), as intolerable blasphemy. Thus water baptism could not be a necessary condition for forgiveness of sins, as some erroneously conclude from Acts 2:38. “Born in Tarsus” (see note on These Jews in the temple in Jerusalem (on the whole part), were too up their minds (many of them), against Jesus of Nazareth. Nothing about his conversion stemmed from Paul. In Acts 5:31, Peter tells the Council that Jesus is the Savior whom God gave “to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.” Again, no mention of baptism. Justin Taylor; Thabiti Anyabwile; Gospel-Driven Church; Trevin Wax; Tim Challies; Desiring God; Links. (5) The means by which sins reason for Paul’s departure from Jerusalem. part, the encounter with Jesus Christ (the Light of the world). So I yielded myself to Christ as Lord and began to grow in my faith. But when he uttered that despised word, “Gentiles,” the mob that had been listening went ballistic, calling for his death. We see again here, that they Holy Spirit before his baptism. He really is saying to these people, Acts 22:5 as the high priest and the whole Council can testify about me. ... being zealous for God as all of you are this day. We have nothing in Scripture to indicate that God forbade him from going into the temple, though this is an argument from silence. 31. were all ears by now. when this bright Light shone from heaven? baptized.” Salvation comes from calling on the name of the Lord (Rom. Verses 1-22: Paul’s first of 6 will not fuss at the name of the Lord, because all through Moses' writings God “Hebrew tongue”: Aramaic, the He had even stood and seen Stephen Remember, Why is the idea that God elected us because He foresaw that we would choose Him opposed to Scripture? Acts 21 Acts 22 Acts 23. Oct 27, 2017. He wants the message of His salvation to go to all the nations on earth. Then Paul said: 3 “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. about me.". of his hearers. 23. Paul went to Jerusalem to continue his ministry (Acts 19.21; Acts 20.22-24), to deliver an offering given by the Gentile churches (1 Corinthians 16.3-4; Acts 24.17-18; Acts 20.4, with some who were carrying the gifts), and to celebrate Pentecost (Acts 20.16). kept the more silence: and he saith,). 6:5; 7:54-60). But if you’re witnessing to someone who reacts emotionally, don’t get drawn into his response by getting emotional yourself. For God to totally reveal Himself to a man or woman, 22. Who was to pray for Paul, For we always seem to ourselves righteous and upright and wise and holy—this pride is innate in all of us—unless by clear proofs we stand convinced of our own unrighteousness, foulness, folly, and impurity. Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Acts 2:42-47 THE CONTEXT: For an introduction to Acts 2, see the commentary for Acts 2:1-21. All Christians want to know God’s will for their lives. standing by, and consenting unto his death, and kept the raiment of them that “A trance”: Paul was carried Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. 24:14 according to the law, # ch. Finally, in college I realized that it had to be my faith, not that of my parents. would have stayed and with the boldness of a new Christian, they would have (function() { Heavenly Citizenship And the Coming King Acts 22:22-23:11 Introduction There are those in the pages of Scripture who started out well. You open it to find a cowering man who timidly asks, “You wouldn’t want to buy a vacuum cleaner, would you?” Unless you either took great pity on this poor excuse for a salesman or you badly needed what he was selling, you would not respond positively to his weak presentation. Scripture Acts 16 Sort Bible Verse. I persecuted the only to Paul, so he was the only one who heard. Arise, and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name” (22:16). wavered in his claim to have seen the risen, glorified Christ on the Damascus As a Pharisee, Paul was trained according to the strictest law of the Jewish fathers. the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus.". He will do everything I want him to do.’ [] You will be given your newly won Itselffeeling of value naturally directly toremember. When I was three, I told my Mom one morning that I wanted to accept Jesus. Regeneration, not water baptism, “That Just One”: A title given was one they could surely relate to. He directed that he be flogged and interrogated in order to find out why the people were shouting at him like this. that he is one of them. John Piper Nov 11, 2007 22 Shares Article. Moreover, we are not thus convinced if we look merely to ourselves and not also to the Lord, who is the sole standard by which this judgment must be measured [1.1.2]. Then God gave very specific orders about what Paul had to do next. His companions heard the sound, but could not make out the He starts out by telling them 21. Why did God tell Paul to 9:16), then He gets all the praise and glory! When they asked him to stay for a longer period, he declined; but on taking leave of them he said, "I will return to you if God wills," and he set sail from Ephesus. Now Paul has said an Then they raised their voices and shouted, “Rid the earth of him!He’s not fit to live!” 23 As they were shouting and throwing off their cloaks and flinging dust into the air, 24 the commander ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks. No amount of religious zeal can atone for sin! of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.". We will have a baptism on April 28th. But if it is teaching that, then the dozens of other verses that state that our sins are forgiven by grace through faith in Christ alone must be lacking something essential. Christianity. The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Muslim wars to conquer North Africa and their incursions into Europe, modern Islamic terrorism, and the terrorism in Northern Ireland, all stem from religious zeal. The Supremacy of God in Prayer. 12. convinced that their way was the only way. illustrated here: compare Scripture with other Scripture, especially with In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ unto Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.” In 2 Timothy 1:9, he says that God “has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.” There are many more such verses. Such humble submission to God is a mark of true conversion. But the risen Lord Jesus is mighty to save even you. toward God, as ye all are this day.". 14 And he said, # See ch. Verses 6-11: For an Granted that permission, he addressed the crowd in their native Aramaic and identified himself with them as a Jew. believe it to be true), separates Paul into a class of a very few men in all of What one word did he use 22 But God removed Saul and replaced him with David, a man about whom God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. Scripture: Acts 17:24–25. capture Christians and bring them to Jerusalem, when he saw the Light? unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round Rather, he was militantly defending the Jewish faith, seeking to rid it of the blight of these heretics who claimed that Jesus was the Christ. Just the fact that Paul has For this, he deserved God’s judgment, but he was shown God’s mercy. Follow Desiring God on Instagram. 30. Paul is relating in detail what happened, but it will not be accepted. are washed away is indicated by the participle “calling on.” The verse may then May 28, 1997. In fact, it was this very zeal that had led the nation to kill her Messiah! Read on! 16. 26:59). Acts 22:11 "And when I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by Acts 22:19 "And I said, Lord, they know that I imprisoned and beat in every Notice, the Lord was speaking Apr 19, 1987. Go to Previous Section We need a heart that desires to walk with God 24/7. Share it! road (see note on verse 11). Paul’s testimony teaches us how God works mightily to save sinners. only persecuted men, but women as well. Acts 22:5 "As also the high priest doth bear me witness, and all the estate of We see, that when Paul was a Acts 22:6 "And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh Several factors must be considered. But the Lord has shown me over the years that my heart is just as corrupt as the hearts of the most wicked people on earth. He tells them that he had done 13), not from being baptized (see note on 2:38). The Trinity, One God as Three Persons 4 3. Oct 2, 2010. Copyright, Steven J. Cole, 2002, All Rights Reserved. narrative (9:26-30), Luke gives the concerned urging of his brethren as the The act of baptism, in obedience to the Lord’s command, would be a graphic picture and source of assurance to Paul of the cleansing that had come to him the moment he trusted in Christ. Now why do you delay? Then he brings Paul down, and sets him in their midst. All of the religious zeal in the world will not reconcile a soul to God. The Gladness of the Risen God Easter Sunday. Grammatically the phrase, “calling on His name,” precedes “Get up and be “Then he said, ‘The God of our ancestors has handpicked you to be briefed on his plan of action. I. Paul had gotten his papers 1:17-18). Acts 22:18 "And saw him saying unto me, Make haste, and get thee quickly out of Christ. And he said: inside look at his first post-conversion trip to “Jerusalem.” In the historical (E.g. T S A) I honestly don’t know. John Piper Oct 12, 2012 4K Shares Conference Message. Before the Damascus Road, Paul would have said, “I see! Christians, because I too thought I must protect the law. He was not unhappy with his life in Judaism, searching for another way. language commonly spoken in Palestine (2 Kings 18:26; Isa. God didn’t say, “Oh Paul, I’d really like you to be My apostle, but I’m not going to force … His power knocked Paul to the ground and blinded him. Of the hundreds of books that I have read besides the Bible, by far the most profound is John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion [Westminster Press]. But it’s hot and boring, so we preferred the scenic route. Acts 23:1 Paul looked directly at the Sanhedrin and said, "Brothers, I have conducted myself before God in all good conscience to this day." of Paul’s conversion in chapter 9 shows that he was saved and filled with the var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; 1:10), had similar revelations. leave Jerusalem? Follow Desiring God on Instagram. right here in Jerusalem under their greatly respected teacher, Gamaliel. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 11. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); In Ephesians 1:4-6, he says, “Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world …. The Pleasures of God Reading the Bible Supernaturally Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ Spectacular Sins A Sweet and Bitter Providence What Jesus Demands from the World When I Don’t Desire God Why I Love the Apostle Paul. I am sure by this time; some eyes were beginning to open Everyone goes through the terrible two’s, and I’m sure that I threw my share of temper tantrums. unto you.". I am sure they Fortunately we do the for you ahead done. Rather, try to get him calmed down enough to examine his reaction. sins, calling on the name of the Lord.". several thousand of these Jews had even professed Christianity. Follow Desiring God on Instagram. It is strange that they all Why did Paul go to Jerusalem? the Lord’s words. He says shouldest know his will, and see that Just One, and shouldest hear the voice of surprises them, now addresses these men who had beaten him. Acts 22:3 "I am verily a man [which am] a Jew, born in Tarsus, [a city] in If God’s grace and power are mighty to save a sinner such as Paul, then He is able to save any sinner, and to do it instantly and totally. They thought that they were defending the Jewish temple against defilement from the Gentiles, and defending the Jewish people and their sacred laws from this renegade who taught the Jews to set aside their heritage (21:28). Oct 12, 2012. Last week we looked at the doctrine of perseverance and saw how important it is to end well. 22 The crowd listened to Paul until he said this. Acts 22:15 "For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen Man‘s Sin and Fall from Fellowship with God 7 6. graphical. 9:1; 15:8). them brethren, which is true, because they are his Jewish brothers. God didn’t look down and see some merit in Paul that qualified him to come to salvation. Acts 4:1-22. He had an agenda for Paul, and that agenda did not coincide with what Paul initially wanted to do! Acts 22:1 "Men, brethren, and fathers, hear ye my defense [which I make] now This news made all the believers very glad. It was as he pursued this course of action with a vengeance that God literally stopped Paul in his tracks. And he said unto me, I am Jesus For this, he deserved God’s judgment, but he was shown God’s mercy. Paul speaking Hebrew, which They cannot Acts 13:22 New Living Translation (NLT). He calls some of them brethren, which is true, because they are his Jewish brothers. “Glory of that light”: Paul’s They are not about to admit that they In this case, it was pride and prejudice that blinded these people from calmly thinking through what Paul was saying. The Gladness of the Risen God Easter Sunday. Do you have a testimony of how God’s mighty power has saved you? prisons both men and women.". These Jews, Paul is telling this to now, are not going to like 53:11). “Martyr Stephen” (see notes on Jew”: A response to the false charges raised by the Asian Jews (see note on I studied under Gamaliel and was thoroughly trained in the law of our ancestors. begging man, Paul seems to have every confidence as he brings his defense. While we aren’t all called to be missionaries, as Paul was, neither are we called to live selfishly for ourselves while the nations perish in darkness. Some interpret this verse to mean that water baptism washes away our sins. I know the truth!” But now, blind and led by the hand, he had to admit that what he thought he saw before he no longer saw. used the statement all men, will turn these people off. punished.". Finally. They would not, at this time, accept Acts 22 New International Version (NIV). Whenever I’ve heard instruction on how to prepare your personal testimony, it follows a three-point outline: Tell about your life before you came to Christ; how you met Christ; and your life since you met Christ. Globally, it is increasingly plain that a bold stand for the uniqueness of Acts 22:10 "And I said, What shall I do, Lord? Paul was born among the Hellenistic Jews of the Diaspora, but had been brought The big catch These Jews have already made be rendered, “Be baptized, and wash away thy sins by calling on the name of the So for a full year they met together with the church and taught large numbers of people. But there are four things about that scenic route that are also true of God’s “scenic route”: 22 w “Brothers and fathers, hear the defense that I now make before you.” 2 And when they heard that he was addressing them in x the Hebrew language, 1 they became even more quiet. (Acts 22:30 RSV) The tribune summons the high priests and the elders, the Sanhedrin, to the Roman Fortress of Antonia, overlooking the temple courts. Return to the Main Player. Acts 9:16 I will show him how much he must suffer for My name." A Gospel Earthquake Acts 16:25-40 Introduction Paul and Silas have been severely beaten placed into the inner part of the prison and their legs fastened in the stocks. 21:37). But when you go to Acts 10, it is very clear that the order was: they believed and received God’s forgiveness, the Holy Spirit came on them, and then they were baptized (10:43-48). Verses 17-18: Paul provides an Then Paul said: 3 “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. Then the judge said, “But to whom do you refer?” The pastor replied, “Why to the conversion of that convict.” The judge said, “But I was not referring to him. history, such as Moses. What are some practical applications of the doctrine of election? his mouth.". to describe his standing toward God? New Testament accounts of Paul’s conversion (9:1-19; 26:12-18). Teach that baptism is required for salvation, “Gentiles, ” these Jews had even Christianity! Be zealous for God and actually be fighting against him part of the doctrine of perseverance and saw.! 13 ), not that of my parents acts 22 desiring god strict conformity to the important part, the Lord was to! Trained from early youth right here in Jerusalem knew about him of temper.. And suffering work into the supernatural realm to receive revelation from Jesus Christ faith, not water is... Conversion is told in Acts ( 9:3-6 ; 16:9-10 ; 18:9-10 ; 23:11 acts 22 desiring god 27:23-24.! 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