Without a mock object, we need to create object of IGetDataRepository which is real. There's only one action here, Index(), so we only need to consider the test cases for that action. From these actions, I see four test scenarios: You may be wondering why scenarios 4 and 5 are listed separately, given that they are expected to return the same type under similar conditions. Using Moq Library to Create Mock Objects While Testing MVC Controllers. The purpose of this blog post is to get you up and running writing your first unit tests with NUnit and Moq quickly. First, let's look at our LeagueController class. var encservice = new EncryptionService (); var acctservice = FakeServices . ©2020 C# Corner. This approach will minimize the number of dependencies. ... Now to test this controller we have to mock our service using Moq. C#, the web, ASP.NET Core, tutorials, stories, and more! Testing controllers. It begins by defining what a „unit“ is and although this is not strictly defined, unit represents a unit of work – usually a single method in our code.We test these units individually, making sure that each of them is doing exactly that what it is written for.Nothing more, nothing less.What is important to understand is that we are not testing the behavior of the dependencies of that method. This is good way to test the application code before it goes for quality assurance (QA). In this article, we shall see the Unit Test and Mock the HttpRequest in ASP.NET Core Controller.. As we understood in the Best practices of API Controller Unit Testing “Controller” unit testing is important to make API or MVC Controller it robust.. The Unit test is code where we test all the code paths of the methods and ensure that the results are as expected. Be sure to select ".NET Core" and "ASP.NET Core 2.0": To keep this post simple, I didn't select an authentication type. It means that the above test will work with. Testing is the most important process for any software application. Moq can create a mock version of IGetDataRepository. Let me introduce the EFMVC app, If you haven't heard about EFMVC. EFMVC is a simple app, developed as a reference implementation for demonstrating ASP.NET MVC, EF Code First, ASP.NET Web API, Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Test-Driven Development (DDD). We've already seen why and where we want to write unit tests, how to use Moq to create fluent mocked classes to make our tests more readable, and even how to unit test the business layer of our sample app. The MyLogger.cs code is shown below. This controller receives an IPersonService type, through constructor injection. Writing unit tests for ASP.NET Core MVC Controller is not too different from unit testing other classes, with the main exceptions of setting up the controller class and using Assert.IsAssignableFrom<>() to check the results of actions. It is very useful in generating the objects which are used in test method. So when we write unit tests, we do not execute them on the actual class instances, but instead perform in-memory unit testing by making a proxy of class objects. In the following example, controller class required constructor dependency to create the instance. Using XUnit [Theory] and [InlineData] to Test C# Extension Methods. In this project is nothing special, except the new PersonsController, which is using a PersonService: The Personclass is created in a new folder "Models" and is a simple POCO: The PersonServiceuses GenFu to auto generate a list of Persons: This Service needs to be regist… Let’s see PersonController unit tests. The Moq library is rge same for all the unit test framework. Note the use of the Assert.IsAssignableFrom<>() method. This is the preferred way to check for the type of IActionResult that is normally returned from ASP.NET Core MVC Controller classes. The Unit test is a block of code that helps us in verifying the expected behavior of the other code in isolation; i.e., there is no dependency between the tests. The action calls the correct method on the repository or service layer. In People.SelfHostedApi.Tests project, under the Controllers directory you can find tests for Web API controllers. Invalid parameters return the correct error response. We can mock data, repositories, classes, and instances with the help of mock library. Don't forget to check out the sample project over on GitHub! Let's continue our unit test extravaganza by writing a set of unit tests for our ASP.NET Core MVC Controllers! When you unit test controller logic, only the content of a single action or method is tested, not the behavior of its dependencies or of the framework itself. To show you how this works, I created a new "ASP.NET Core Web Application" : Now I needed to select the Web API project. As you unit test your controller actions, make sure you focus only on their behavior. Here's the code for the TeamController class: Now we have two actions, and one of those actions relies on ModelState to make logical decisions. GetAccountService (); var controller = new AccountController ( acctservice , encservice ); controller . In this article, we will investigate testing your ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API solutions. In next post I will be covering integration testing of the ASP.Ner Core Web API Controllers using XUnit. It is possible to check if the redirected action is the action that we expect, and this is how to do it. In a previous article, we discussed how to do ASP.NET MVC Model Testing using NUnit and MOQ.Today we will learn how to test another major component of MVC, and that is the Controller. Mocking HttpClient in unit tests with Moq and Xunit when using IHttpClientFactory .NET Core has done a great job by introducing interface for most of classes which makes them easy to write unit tests around them. Unit testing ASP.Net Core Web API using XUnit for testing framework and Moq for mocking objects. Unit Test is a block of code that helps us in verifying the expected behavior of the other code in isolation; i.e., there is no dependency between the tests. We can create a base class with a default mock of the service, which nearby all unit tests are using and modify where needed. RESTful Day #8: Unit Testing and Integration Testing in WebAPI using NUnit and Moq framework (Part 2). You may want to do this when a single action can redirect to multiple different places, depending on the inputs and logic of the method. If you want to learn unit testing in depth using mocking frameworks such as Moq, FakeItEasy and Typemock Isolator, I highly recommend checking out The Art of Unit Testing: with examples in C# by Roy Osherove. ... Browse other questions tagged c# unit-testing moq nunit or ask your own question. There are three different test frameworks for Unit Testing supported by ASP.NET Core: MSTest, XUnit, and NUnit. c# - mvc - unit testing web api controllers using moq . There was an error sending the email, please try again, Check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription. What is Integration Test. I’ll purposely use Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 because there are few implementations that are very hard to find in .NET Framework 4.0, but I’ll make it easy by showing how to do it. Skip navigation Sign in. Mock object is the object that can act as a real object but can be controlled in test code. #Add unit tests. c# - mvc - unit testing web api controllers using moq . How to mock Controller.User ... You need to Mock the ControllerContext, HttpContextBase and finally IPrincipal to mock the user property on Controller. If the response includes a domain model, verify the model type. Now, let's continue our test-writing spree and work up a bunch of unit tests for the MVC Controller classes in our sample app! Here are some things that you should unit test in your Web API controllers: The action returns the correct type of response. This is same as I did for the unit testing in my previous post ASP.Net Core Web API – Unit Testing With XUnit. xUnit is an important framework for testing ASP.NET Core applications - for testing Action methods, MVC controllers and API Controllers. Web API 2 introduces a new interface IHttpActionResult (equivalent to ActionResult in ASP.NET MVC) that greatly simplifies the unit testing story for controllers. Moq library allows us to manipulate the mock object in many ways, such as setting mock methods to return specific values, setting up required properties, and matching the specific arguments when test method is called mock object. RESTful Day #7: Unit Testing and Integration Testing in WebAPI using NUnit and Moq framework (Part1). Following is a very common pattern in Unit Testing. The wiki gives some ideas about leveraging DI to make testing controllers less of a pain. Using Moq (v2) something along the following lines should work. Unit testing involves testing a part of an application in isolation from its infrastructure and dependencies. About Moq; why and where we want to write unit tests, how to unit test the business layer of our sample app. Because unit testing is also regression testing, we want to know when the action changes its dependencies, and unit testing those scenarios separately is a good way to do that. RESTful Day #9: Extending OData support in ASP.NET Web APIs. In an integration test, real collaborators are used to confirm the whole subsystem works together correctly. The Moq framework provides an easy mechanism to mock the dependencies which makes it easier to test classes having constructor injection. Unit Test and Mock HTTPContext in ASP.NET Core Controller. There are three different test frameworks for Unit Testing supported by ASP.NET Core: MSTest, XUnit, and NUnit. RESTful Day #9: Extending OData support in ASP.NET Web APIs. ... Unit test Web API controller that uses a static helper class which uses app config setting. You can view or download source code from. Moq is a simple and straightforward library to mock the objects in C#. A mock object is an object that can act as a real object but can be controlled in test code. Integration test is the phase of software testing, which is usually done after the unit testing … A controller method can now return an implementation of IHttpActionResult , which internally uses the Request or the UrlHelper for link generation, so the unit test cares only about the returned IHttpActionResult instance. There are three different test frameworks for Unit Testing supported by ASP.NET Core: In my previous articles, I have explained how to write unit tests with different frameworks (i.e. I want to call special attention to the last two lines in this unit test. Unit tests do not detect issues in the interaction between components—that is the purpose of integration testing. The Controller is responsible for updating model state and also returning a result e.g. See a way I can improve the above unit tests? What is unit testing in the first place? The Moq library can be added to test projects either by package manager or .NET CLI tool. A controller unit test avoids things like filters, routing, or mo… MOQ can be downloaded using a NuGet Package. The Unit test is a block of code that helps us in verifying the expected behavior of the other code in isolation; i.e., there is no dependency between the tests. RESTful Day #8: Unit Testing and Integration Testing in WebAPI using NUnit and Moq framework (Part 2). Using this fake object, we can isolate the code which is making an external call. So far, our tests have not been noticeably different in practice from when we unit tested the business layer of this app. See a way I can improve the above unit tests? Note that in this scenario we want to confirm that _playerService.GetForLeague() was never called. All contents are copyright of their authors. Finally, let's consider the PlayerController class: There are two actions in this controller, each with two outcomes that can be tested, for a total of four scenarios. The following figure shows the arrangement of using Mocking framework for unit testing. In this article, we will learn how to write unit test case for Web API controller. I'm using AspNet Web Api Client 5.0 and i am trying to unit test a web api controller. In this blog post, I will write unit tests for a ASP.NET Web API controller in the EFMVC reference application. In this video, I will be doing unit testing for the business layer for an ASP.Net Core Web API application. Given that there's no inputs, I only see two test scenarios: Therefore our tests should match these scenarios. The primary reason is that in Scenario 5, the method _teamService.Search() is expected to be called, whereas in Scenario 4, it will not be. views, json, http status code, etc. Here, to create controller class instance, we require the object of IGetDataRepository. Logging using ILogger is the way to go, however, unit testing using ILogger is a bit problematic, because you have to use Adapter pattern to create your own logger that uses ILogger. Recently I got asked to explain how to unit test a controller that retrieves data using an entity Framework Core DbContext. The Setup method is used to tell the mock object how to behave when it calls for test method and return methods returns a specific value. 3. To demonstrate the code, I am using MSTest framework. And I will introduce a couple of other Nuget packages along the way. Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; mock.Setup(p => p.GetNameById(1)).Returns(, Clean Architecture End To End In .NET 5, Getting Started With Azure Service Bus Queues And ASP.NET Core - Part 1, How To Add A Document Viewer In Angular 10, Flutter Vs React Native - Best Choice To Build Mobile App In 2021, Deploying ASP.NET and DotVVM web applications on Azure, Integrate CosmosDB Server Objects with ASP.NET Core MVC App, Authentication And Authorization In ASP.NET 5 With JWT And Swagger. Unit testing in ASP.NET Core with Moq and XUnit. Let's rename the default test file we got to CartControllerTest.cs.Next, let's discuss our approach. May 7, 2019 • Raimund Rittnauer. Did you do something similar, and want to let us know about it? To implement it, we can make use of MOQ. Share in the comments! All Unit test frameworks, offer a similar end goal and help us to write unit tests that are simpler, easier and faster. This is good way to test the application code before it goes for quality assurance (QA). Before we start, let’s take a look at the EmployeesController’s constructor code: As you can see, we are using Dependency Injection to inject the interface in our controller. In the next and final post in this series, we will test a C# extension method using XUnit's [Theory] and [InlineData] attributes, showing how you can run many tests with the same expected outcome in just a few lines of code. The fake object now represents a ‘kind of external dependency’. Did you do something similar, and want to let us know about it? In the first step, we will have to create test data for testing, using a mock or stub object. ASP.NET MVC Controller Unit Testing-Problem with UrlHelper Extension (2) Trying to do some controller unit-testing in my ASP.NET MVC 3 web application. TDD is also supported by both MVC and Web API. Contribute to exceptionnotfound/XUnitMockTestsDemo development by creating an account on GitHub. In this example, I am using Setup and Returns methods to create a mock object. So lets get started. The answer is "no". This is a good way to test the application code before it goes for quality assurance (QA). We want to: Test all the execution paths, there are currently two different paths through our CartController depending on whether _paymentService.Charge() answers with true or false; Write two tests, we need at least two different tests, one for each execution path The primary differences you see when setting up unit tests for ASP.NET MVC Controller are: Writing unit tests for ASP.NET Core MVC Controller is not too different from unit testing other classes, with the main exceptions of setting up the controller class and using Assert.IsAssignableFrom<>() to check the results of actions. c# - with - unit testing web api controllers using moq . For this part, I created a simple Logger called MyLogger with just a Log method to demonstrate unit testing. Here's the sample application for this post. Let’s unit test a C# extension method using XUnit’s [Theory] and [InlineData] attributes, so we can write lots of tests in little time! In this post I will focus on unit testing business logic for ASP.Net Core Web API application. In this post I'm going to show you how to use GenFu, Moq and XUnit to create small and isolated unit tests for your ASP.NET Core application. That changes (slightly) when we try to write tests for the TeamController class. I am unit testing that the URL that I give to my IRestClient is valid. In unit testing, mock objects are an effective way to control how collaborators outside of the unit being tested should behave for the purposes of the test. With these scenarios, let's write the tests! Unit testing with Nunit and MoQ in MVC. Let's list them: Now, we can write the unit tests for these scenarios. 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