Let’s go back and review what Paul actually said here. Consistency by definition means ‘all the time.’ When we determine to live by the manner of the gospel, we will be challenged. Instead of being content with what God has given to us (1 Tim. Jesus even tells us in Matthew 5:23,24 regarding our worship of God that we need to reconcile with our brothers before we can properly worship. Perhaps our personal and corporate worship will improve if we will all keep in mind that God looks at our hearts and knows whether we are focusing on worshiping Him or are disgruntled because our personal preferences are not being met. 5:18-19), the Holy Spirit is quenched as people demand that the melody satisfies the emotional desires of their own heart. Could the source of conflict between Euodia and Syntyche have been differences of opinion in how the table was to be decorated or what meal would be served at the fellowship dinner? We need to make sure that we are part of the solution instead of the problem, and in that way bring glory to our Savior’s name. populated by both Greeks and Romans. One was abrasive and the other overly sensitive. 4:2) and Roman (Clement, Phil. Turn to Philippians 4 where we will learn how to deal with interpersonal conflict with fellow believers from Paul’s correction of two women in that church that were hostile to each other. It is important to emphasize again that this is standing firm “in the Lord” and not in your own strength and abilities. Why does this happen? Paul recognized Euodia and Syntyche as fellow athletes on his gospel team. It is the claim that is found often in New Testament literature, even among some Philippians’ specialists that the church in Philippi was the first European church (e.g. What kinds of issues are the greatest cause of conflicts in the church? Think of many drops of water forming a river. You will not be able to live in harmony with other Christians if you are not wearing the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-19). This does not mean in anyway that we compromise on holiness, but rather that we extend grace and mercy. The Philippian Church could be described as being rooted,fixed, and established. That only aggravates and increases conflict, whereas love calms. They have a lot of relationships in the church as part of this Paul’s team of fellow workers, so they are also influential. In 1 Corinthians he addresses differences within the congregation much more thoroughly. Pride, whether it is in the leader or the people can quickly disrupt the unity and fellowship of a church. What character quality must be present? We are to keep their minds focused on what is godly (8,9), and we are to learn to be content in their circumstances by trusting in the Lord (10-19). He redirects the various factions to unite to a deeper purpose underneath the superficial issues that divide them. Included in this team are “Clement also and the rest of his fellow workers whose names are in the book of life.” These women are workers within the church, not troublemakers from without. Paul is speaking ever so gently with the Philippian church. Here, with Silas, Timothy, and Luke, he met Lydia, who believed the gospel, and was converted, along with her whole family. Now, some few years later, the church was well established, as may be inferred from its address which includes “bishops (elders) and deacons” (Philippians 1:1). The Philippian church was sound in doctrine (Paul does not make any doctrinal corrections in the book), but that would do them little good if disunity disrupted them from serving Christ, or even worse, cause them to faction as had occurred in the Corinthian church. The commonality of faith in the gospel is the backbone to all their lives, and so Paul properly requests a common drive and focus. Because it is too easy to succumb to the pressures of the world to conform us to its image instead of the image of Christ. Looking for Revival? 4:1 Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I long [to see], my joy and crown, so stand firm in the Lord, my beloved. Lack of love is often a source of conflict. Every team member must work together in order to accomplish the goals and win. Once they focus on what keeps them together, they can therefore work out what His will is. Regaining the Hearts of Your Teens (New) Is it too late? Type “A” people need to learn to relax, and type “Z” people need to get up and move. Throughout the book Paul alludes to division among God’s people (1:17, 2:2-4, 4:2) and with others (3:2, 3:17-19). In this case, Paul perhaps sensed the emphasis on authority as one of the key roots to this problem. This article is one of many waiting for you to read from the. So why were these women in conflict? Check out the BFF Biblical Training Library has an incredible amount of training materials in pdf and powerpoint format ready to print out and use. It is like the immune system fighting itself, but going overboard. Opposition (1:28) | Challenge of Suffering (1:29-30) His name is suzugoV / suzugos and he is a true yoke-fellow. Even a small irritation can become a major sore if not treated properly. Many of us have been involved in these types of clashes because the people around us have different personalities that we do. The church was not a “men’s club.” This is likely in contrast to a synagogue where men and women were separated, but also in contrast to a Roman social club were only men met together. At the same time, we can also conclude that this is a significant conflict since Paul heard about it though he was in Rome and addresses them specifically. How do you deal with conflict? The city of Philippi, as one can see from the map, is located in north eastern Greece (Macedonia). 2:15, you need to be a workman approved unto God can who handle accurately the word of truth and need not be ashamed. In our society, musical preferences are a huge source of conflict in churches, and I am talking about what music is played in the church, not just what music is listened to by church people. The actual Greek word here means that they were “fellow athletes” with Paul. Having someone else there that is godly can help those in conflict sort through the issues and see them again in a proper Biblical perspective. After the apostolic age, the early church father Ignatius traveled through Philippi, and Polycarp wrote a famous letter to the church there. We need to learn to appreciate our differences and make our personalities mesh like two gears working together rather than clash like two cars colliding. True worship must be done in spirit and truth (John 4:24) which means it is about willfully giving God the honor and praise due Him. 2) Count how many times “conflict” is said. church had Greek (Lydia, Acts 16:14-15; Euodia and Syntyche, Phil. From the time it was established, the church at Philippi was healthy, strong, and generous, becoming a model church that only experienced minor problems of disunity (Philippians 4:2–7). The phrase ‘one spirit’ emphasizes the need to focus on their common source of life, that is, through the divine Sprit working in the church. How does God want us to express our love to fellow believers? There are many issues in which we must enter into conflict with those that compromise God’s word or bring shame upon His name. He placed our interests above His own. Philippi was a city in eastern Macedonia established by Philip II, king of Macedon (and father of Alexander the Great), in 356 B.C.The purpose of founding the city was to establish a base through which to take control of nearby gold mines.. Philippi was also started so that a military garrison could be placed at such a strategic passage. Why does Paul specifically address them in this letter? Let’s go back and review what Paul actually said here. Instead of being filled with the Spirit resulting in speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord (Eph. However, the real source of music conflict and war in the church is not the music, but the heart attitude behind the demands. While we do not know the exact reason for the conflict between Euodia and Syntyche, we do know Paul’s instructions for how they were to resolve it. Then “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. How do you deal with conflict? Certainly there can be a lot of risk in doing this because one or both parties could turn on you. Please visit and join us in releasing God's powerful Word to our generation! The church at Philippi began with Paul hearing the Macedonian call (Acts 16:9). • Epaphroditus also brought news of troubles within the church. Why specifically bring up the conflict between these two women? Are you wearing the belt of truth. Indeed, I ask you, my true companion [or, yokefellow], to help them—these women who have contended together with me in [the cause of] the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my co-workers, … Here the Philippian church was warned of three particular dangers. Pride is hurt when someone else has something it does not, so it is envious of others. The reason is simply that the manner in which those in the church get along with one another is a reflection of Christ to the world. The apostle, in confirmation to this interpretation, even gets specific at some points. Pride regards other people as less important than self and so seeks to fulfill personal interests even at the cost of the sacrifice of others. 18:15f). The Philippians heard Epaphroditus was very sick. They have a common heart. So how do different groups within the church unite. Division and contention is a common problem in the church. They are type “A,” and you are type “Z” – as in so laid back that your nearly asleep. Such division can destroy the church. That many do not hear of Christ and salvation is a fact and the Bible acknowledges it as a fact. We can stand firm even when the circumstances of our lives seem to be crumbling around us. Sometimes that resistance will be in open rebellion, other times it will be in the murmuring, grumbling and gossip against what the leadership does or the leaders themselves. 158 Myers Corners Road While that introduction could be a good introduction to a political speech since the major political parties and candidates differ so much on the issues related to dealing with those that hate America and seek our harm, our interest this morning is dealing with conflict in the church. We are to work through problems and live in harmony (2,3). With the Bible we both defend ourselves from attacks and go on the offense to win others to the Lord. When soldiers face the uncertainties of war, their minds often turn toward thoughts of death. Division and contention is a common problem in the church. None of Paul’s letters show any hesitation to correct even a doctrinal aberration. Some of these take a lot of work and may not be very emotionally pleasing. Christian unity can only occur when there is one mind, and that mind is that of Jesus Christ controlling His followers. Again he serves as an example. BFF is now on Facebook! In other words, they need to make improvements to reach this standard. That is why Hebrews 13:17 states, “Obey your leaders, and submit [to them]; for they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account. (Greek words can be viewed using the Symbol font). God's peace can help us live above anxieties as we learn to trust in Him! Major conflicts usually rise up and grow from very minor disagreements. In addition you need to humbly and carefully listen to their answers to your questions or concerns and compare them to Scripture, not your own opinions or those of others. How can you “stand firm.” Explain the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-19 and how you daily put on each piece. What is the importance of standing firm in the Lord (Phil. If we actively did that all the time we would avoid conflict. How can differences in personality cause conflict? Scripture specifically mentions in connection with the Philippian. You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Give examples. Ephesians 4:1-3 ~ "Preserving the Unity of the Spirit" is The Bible Teacher's Commentary divided into five sections including Bible Study Questions. Other people have things we do not have. You don't need to ask! After meeting with and comforting the brethren at Lydia's house, Paul and his company departed. 1:8). What about your feet? Deacons in the Philippian Church and Phoebe A couple of years before writing to the Romans and introducing Phoebe to them (56–57 AD), Paul wrote a letter to the Philippians (c. 54–55 AD). Do you love Jesus Christ? Acknowledges it as soon as a quick side note here about personality profiling could be described as being,. Became a man and then died in our place modify and distribute material for teaching or personal edification / and. 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