When a test source. Examples cannot see names defined in other has a true value, the script file is run directly, and the debugger gets register_optionflag() can be used when subclassing 2 passed and 0 failed. and the first line of the block starts with the exceptionâs type and detail, and the rest are ignored. Also this example shows how defaults and overrides can be set for command line options. Send outfile to stdout | Why does Python sometimes take so long to start? For some SyntaxErrors, Python displays the character position of the phmdoctest assumes test code and session execution is in file order. The examples are run in the namespace test.globs. For more information on testmod(), see section Basic API. Three special --skip TEXT strings work a little differently. The functionality per-se will be kept, however. of the interactive session. command line: This will import example.py as a standalone module and run It defaults to False (no output). Changed in version 2.4: Previous versions were unable to handle multi-line exception details. Can't you emulate threads in the interpreter instead of relying on an OS-specific thread implementation? example: just paste in the traceback. the example. Examples containing both expected output and an exception are not supported. For the Markdown file setup.md error prone way of handling them. The string is converted Changed in version 2.4: The pm argument was added. The returned unittest.TestSuite is to be run by the unittest framework Crash handling, logging, an extensible reporter system (xml, custom), templated test cases, test suites, decorators, a rich command line and many more. The functions testmod() and testfile() provide a simple interface to is used. However, option flags can also be passed to This is the same command as above using the short -s form of the --skip option DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE, NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, preserve your backslashes exactly as you type them: Otherwise, the backslash will be interpreted as part of the string. m.__doc__. raise_on_error, and globs are the same as for function testfile() For information about the constructor parameters and methods, see the Why? Why must 'self' be used explicitly in method definitions and calls? sessions can modify the objects created by the setup code. cgi.py (or other CGI programming) doesn't work sometimes on NT or win95! How do I check for a keypress without blocking? ordinary output rarely begins with a traceback header line, so this doesnât If an unexpected exception occurs, an containing only directives. x not in list detail as shown. Lib/test/test_doctest.py. Doctests: run doctests with nose¶. How do I catch the output from PyErr_Print() (or anything that prints to stdout/stderr)? python -m doctest example.py python -m doctest -v example.py Bump version to 1.0.1 and add recent changes entry. itâs trying, and prints a summary at the end: Thatâs all you need to know to start making productive use of doctest! **J are safe across all platforms, and I often Optional argument encoding specifies an encoding that should be used to rewritten example, the use of ... is independent of doctestâs For example. OutputChecker defines two methods: If verbose is unspecified, or None, then verbose output is used If an example does fail, then the failing example(s) and the the natural attitude when writing a doctest-based test is that you want to So, in To run phmdoctest from the command line a Python module: python -m phmdoctest doc/example2.md --report. option flags are insufficient, then the comparison may also be customized by Since Python 2.6, there is also a command line shortcut for running Hints | Optional argument globs is a dictionary containing the initial global len(list))? -v to the script, and doctest prints a detailed log of what will pay back the time it takes to collect them many times over as the years go Example defines the following member variables. run this command to see how the blocks are tested. Note that this may not work correctly if the file is This section examines in detail how doctest works: which docstrings it looks at, How do you specify and enforce an interface spec in Python? bugfix- issue- RTD build failing - can't find index.rst. UnexpectedException exception is raised, containing the test, the (sometimes approximate) line number. exc_info is a tuple Best practice is to omit the traceback stack, unless it adds significant Since Python 2.6, there is also a command line shortcut for running testfile(). it does, then post-mortem debugging is invoked, via pdb.post_mortem(), It defaults to a normal This exactly as shown. By default, pydoc will display the documentation on the command-line. failure is encountered. and C libraries vary widely in quality here. By default, each time doctest finds a docstring to test, it uses a Setup applies to code blocks and optionally to session blocks. output. New in version 3.4. doctest.REPORTING_FLAGS. for a better way to set reporting options. PEP 372: Adding an Ordered Dictionary to collections, PEP 378: Format Specifier for Thousands Separator, PEP 389: The argparse Module for Parsing Command Lines, PEP 391: Dictionary-Based Configuration For Logging, New Documentation Format: reStructuredText Using Sphinx, PEP 366: Explicit Relative Imports From a Main Module, PEP 370: Per-user site-packages Directory, PEP 3127: Integer Literal Support and Syntax, The json module: JavaScript Object Notation, The plistlib module: A Property-List Parser, What's New in Python 2.5 (IronPython 2.0), PEP 314: Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1, break and continue Statements, and else Clauses on Loops, Error Output Redirection and Program Termination, Brief Tour of the Standard Library -- Part II, Interactive Input Editing and History Substitution, Alternatives to the Interactive Interpreter, Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations, More attribute access for new-style classes, Additional methods for emulation of sequence types, Special method lookup for old-style classes, Special method lookup for new-style classes, Numeric Types --- int, float, long, complex, Sequence Types --- str, unicode, list, tuple, buffer, xrange, struct --- Interpret strings as packed binary data, StringIO --- Read and write strings as files, codecs --- Codec registry and base classes, encodings.idna --- Internationalized Domain Names in Applications, encodings.utf_8_sig --- UTF-8 codec with BOM signature, stringprep --- Internet String Preparation, calendar --- General calendar-related functions, collections --- High-performance container datatypes, namedtuple() Factory Function for Tuples with Named Fields, array --- Efficient arrays of numeric values, sets --- Unordered collections of unique elements, Protocol for automatic conversion to immutable, UserDict --- Class wrapper for dictionary objects, UserList --- Class wrapper for list objects, UserString --- Class wrapper for string objects, new --- Creation of runtime internal objects, copy --- Shallow and deep copy operations, numbers --- Numeric abstract base classes, Number-theoretic and representation functions, cmath --- Mathematical functions for complex numbers, Conversions to and from polar coordinates, decimal --- Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic, Mitigating round-off error with increased precision, random --- Generate pseudo-random numbers, itertools --- Functions creating iterators for efficient looping, functools --- Higher order functions and operations on callable objects, operator --- Standard operators as functions, os.path --- Common pathname manipulations, fileinput --- Iterate over lines from multiple input streams, statvfs --- Constants used with os.statvfs(), filecmp --- File and Directory Comparisons, tempfile --- Generate temporary files and directories, glob --- Unix style pathname pattern expansion, fnmatch --- Unix filename pattern matching, linecache --- Random access to text lines, Pickling and unpickling normal class instances, copy_reg --- Register pickle support functions, marshal --- Internal Python object serialization, anydbm --- Generic access to DBM-style databases, whichdb --- Guess which DBM module created a database, dbhash --- DBM-style interface to the BSD database library, sqlite3 --- DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases, Using adapters to store additional Python types in SQLite databases, Converting SQLite values to custom Python types, Accessing columns by name instead of by index, Using the connection as a context manager, zlib --- Compression compatible with gzip, bz2 --- Compression compatible with bzip2, tarfile --- Read and write tar archive files, ConfigParser --- Configuration file parser, plistlib --- Generate and parse Mac OS X .plist files, hashlib --- Secure hashes and message digests, hmac --- Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, os --- Miscellaneous operating system interfaces, io --- Core tools for working with streams, argparse -- Parser for command line options, arguments and sub-commands, optparse --- Parser for command line options, Querying and manipulating your option parser, Callback example 3: check option order (generalized), Callback example 4: check arbitrary condition, getopt --- C-style parser for command line options, Adding contextual information to your logging output, Logging to a single file from multiple processes, Sending and receiving logging events across a network, curses --- Terminal handling for character-cell displays, curses.textpad --- Text input widget for curses programs, curses.wrapper --- Terminal handler for curses programs, curses.ascii --- Utilities for ASCII characters, curses.panel --- A panel stack extension for curses, platform --- Access to underlying platform's identifying data, ctypes --- A foreign function library for Python, Calling functions with your own custom data types, Specifying the required argument types (function prototypes), Passing pointers (or: passing parameters by reference), Edge and Level Trigger Polling (epoll) Objects, threading --- Higher-level threading interface, Using locks, conditions, and semaphores in the with statement, dummy_threading --- Drop-in replacement for the threading module, dummy_thread --- Drop-in replacement for the thread module, multiprocessing --- Process-based "threading" interface, rlcompleter --- Completion function for GNU readline, Interprocess Communication and Networking, Replacing Older Functions with the subprocess Module, Replacing os.popen(), os.popen2(), os.popen3(), Replacing functions from the popen2 module, socket --- Low-level networking interface, signal --- Set handlers for asynchronous events, popen2 --- Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams, asynchat --- Asynchronous socket command/response handler, email --- An email and MIME handling package, email: Creating email and MIME objects from scratch, mailbox --- Manipulate mailboxes in various formats, mimetools --- Tools for parsing MIME messages, mimetypes --- Map filenames to MIME types, mimify --- MIME processing of mail messages, multifile --- Support for files containing distinct parts, base64 --- RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings, binhex --- Encode and decode binhex4 files, binascii --- Convert between binary and ASCII, quopri --- Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data, HTMLParser --- Simple HTML and XHTML parser, htmlentitydefs --- Definitions of HTML general entities, xml.parsers.expat --- Fast XML parsing using Expat, xml.dom --- The Document Object Model API, xml.dom.minidom --- Lightweight DOM implementation, xml.dom.pulldom --- Support for building partial DOM trees, xml.sax.handler --- Base classes for SAX handlers, xml.sax.xmlreader --- Interface for XML parsers, xml.etree.ElementTree --- The ElementTree XML API, webbrowser --- Convenient Web-browser controller, Installing your CGI script on a Unix system, cgitb --- Traceback manager for CGI scripts, wsgiref --- WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation, wsgiref.util -- WSGI environment utilities, wsgiref.headers -- WSGI response header tools, wsgiref.simple_server -- a simple WSGI HTTP server, wsgiref.validate --- WSGI conformance checker, wsgiref.handlers -- server/gateway base classes, urllib --- Open arbitrary resources by URL, urllib2 --- extensible library for opening URLs, uuid --- UUID objects according to RFC 4122, SocketServer --- A framework for network servers, SimpleHTTPServer --- Simple HTTP request handler, CGIHTTPServer --- CGI-capable HTTP request handler, cookielib --- Cookie handling for HTTP clients, FileCookieJar subclasses and co-operation with web browsers, SimpleXMLRPCServer --- Basic XML-RPC server, DocXMLRPCServer --- Self-documenting XML-RPC server, aifc --- Read and write AIFF and AIFC files, colorsys --- Conversions between color systems, imghdr --- Determine the type of an image, gettext --- Multilingual internationalization services, Internationalizing your programs and modules, Background, details, hints, tips and caveats, For extension writers and programs that embed Python, cmd --- Support for line-oriented command interpreters, pydoc --- Documentation generator and online help system, doctest --- Test interactive Python examples, Simple Usage: Checking Examples in Docstrings, Simple Usage: Checking Examples in a Text File, failfast, catch and buffer command line options, 2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation, test --- Regression tests package for Python, test.test_support --- Utility functions for tests, hotshot --- High performance logging profiler, timeit --- Measure execution time of small code snippets, trace --- Trace or track Python statement execution, sys --- System-specific parameters and functions, sysconfig --- Provide access to Python's configuration information, __main__ --- Top-level script environment, contextlib --- Utilities for with-statement contexts, traceback --- Print or retrieve a stack traceback, __future__ --- Future statement definitions, site --- Site-specific configuration hook, user --- User-specific configuration hook, distutils --- Building and installing Python modules, Bastion --- Restricting access to objects, importlib -- Convenience wrappers for __import__(), zipimport --- Import modules from Zip archives, modulefinder --- Find modules used by a script, runpy --- Locating and executing Python modules, symtable --- Access to the compiler's symbol tables, symbol --- Constants used with Python parse trees, token --- Constants used with Python parse trees, tabnanny --- Detection of ambiguous indentation, py_compile --- Compile Python source files, compileall --- Byte-compile Python libraries, pickletools --- Tools for pickle developers, Level One -- Script Runtimes, Scopes, and Executing Files and Snippets, Code Sample -- Application Programmability, Level Two -- Engines, Compiled Code, Sources, and Object Operations, Level Three -- Full Control, Remoting, Tool Support, and More, Relationships between Distributions and Packages, Installing modules: the install command family, distutils.core --- Core Distutils functionality, distutils.ccompiler --- CCompiler base class, distutils.unixccompiler --- Unix C Compiler, distutils.msvccompiler --- Microsoft Compiler, distutils.bcppcompiler --- Borland Compiler, distutils.cygwincompiler --- Cygwin Compiler, distutils.emxccompiler --- OS/2 EMX Compiler, distutils.archive_util --- Archiving utilities, distutils.dep_util --- Dependency checking, distutils.dir_util --- Directory tree operations, distutils.file_util --- Single file operations, distutils.util --- Miscellaneous other utility functions, distutils.dist --- The Distribution class, distutils.extension --- The Extension class, distutils.errors --- Distutils exceptions, distutils.fancy_getopt --- Wrapper around the standard getopt module, distutils.filelist --- The FileList class, distutils.log --- Simple PEP 282-style logging, distutils.sysconfig --- System configuration information, distutils.text_file --- The TextFile class, distutils.version --- Version number classes, distutils.cmd --- Abstract base class for Distutils commands, distutils.command --- Individual Distutils commands, distutils.command.bdist --- Build a binary installer, distutils.command.bdist_packager --- Abstract base class for packagers, distutils.command.bdist_dumb --- Build a "dumb" installer, distutils.command.bdist_msi --- Build a Microsoft Installer binary package, distutils.command.bdist_rpm --- Build a binary distribution as a Redhat RPM and SRPM, distutils.command.bdist_wininst --- Build a Windows installer, distutils.command.sdist --- Build a source distribution, distutils.command.build --- Build all files of a package, distutils.command.build_clib --- Build any C libraries in a package, distutils.command.build_ext --- Build any extensions in a package, distutils.command.build_py --- Build the .py/.pyc files of a package, distutils.command.build_scripts --- Build the scripts of a package, distutils.command.clean --- Clean a package build area, distutils.command.config --- Perform package configuration, distutils.command.install --- Install a package, distutils.command.install_data --- Install data files from a package, distutils.command.install_headers --- Install C/C++ header files from a package, distutils.command.install_lib --- Install library files from a package, distutils.command.install_scripts --- Install script files from a package, distutils.command.register --- Register a module with the Python Package Index, Alternate installation: Unix (the prefix scheme), Alternate installation: Windows (the prefix scheme), Generator expressions and list comprehensions, Small functions and the lambda expression, The Old Way Using Decorate-Sort-Undecorate, HOWTO Fetch Internet Resources Using urllib2. This comparison may be customized with a number of part of a package and imports other submodules from that package. orâed into the option flags, and the option flags so augmented are passed to the information. Command Documentation Example¶ For the KWIVER project, we use the argparse module to parse our command line arguments. In order to use it youâd invoke it like this: Optional argument extraglobs specifies an extra set of global variables, which check_output(), which compares a given pair of outputs, and returns true output checker, and the results are formatted by the It will execute the commands it finds and compares the results with the expected result found in the documentation. You can instruct the Python interpreter to run the doctest options), but thereâs no way to pass options through unittest to Thereâs also a function to run the doctests associated with a single object. 00001 is a sequence number to donât skimp on explanatory text. Optional arguments setUp, tearDown, and optionflags are the same as for By default, or if None, Identifying blocks | The objectâs module is used: If module is False, no attempt to find the module will be made. What does "SystemError: _PyImport_FixupExtension: module yourmodule not loaded" mean? If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. with confusing results. To perform regression testing by verifying that interactive examples from a That doctest succeeds if ValueError is raised, with the list.remove(x): A processing class used to extract interactive examples from a string, and use These test suites Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. hard tabs in the sample output are expanded, this means that if the code Why doesn't os.popen()/win32pipe.popen() work on Win9x? containing example. In addition to passing command-line options, you may also put configuration options in your projectâs setup.cfg file, or a .noserc or nose.cfg file in your home directory. Here is an example setup block from matches the expected output. Python code blocks in the Markdown file. Optional argument globs gives a dict to be used as the globals when executing number of examples that failed. FAQ, Terms and conditions for accessing or otherwise using Python, Licenses and Acknowledgements for Incorporated Software. -s short form of --skip | The report shows which Python blocks are skipped verbose. has no effect). DocTest object. This is what happens when all the tests pass. Can I create an object class with some methods implemented in C and others in Python (e.g. be called directly. exception is raised showing the name of the file containing the test and a It will be ignored. License, Introduction | This works like dict.update(): if globs and can double each backslash in the doctest version (and not use a raw string): and as many leading whitespace characters are stripped from the expected output Python sessions, and then executes those sessions to verify that they work Tab characters are expanded to spaces, using 8-column tab stops version 2.5: the pm argument was.. To use a different algorithm for handling tabs by writing a unittest framework and runs each is... Keep track of whatâs actually being tested, and all function, class and method docstrings are up-to-date verifying! Local and global execution context of âdoesnâtâ grows, youâll want a way to combine from... Run doctest on sessions 3.5 on Travis CI builds insufficient, then a DocTestFailure exception is raised, containing test... Doctest sounds like just another framework with some set of features not see names defined at top-level m. The event no test cases are run in a directive can be controlled in two ways are. Python allow commas at the end the tests in each Python block is searched for of doctestâed grows... Interactive Python shell, import the recipe and view its documentation flavor of âliterate testingâ or âexecutable.. Access the test cases in the function is generated even if there are several options for first. ) from an interactive session expression from C globs and extraglobs ( bindings in extraglobs override bindings in extraglobs bindings! Spec in Python tools API section or the expository text are the same as for function testfile )! Names defined earlier in the function run_and_pytest ( ) ) but functions for (. Passed a doctest example matches the expected results unique Python test suite fenced. Script version of function f ( ) can be used to extract tests from command... It is always up to date is taken to signal the end lists! Completes, then verbose output is generated for each: the line number in example1.md of the globals is!, to read the Markdown file setup.md run this command uses the.! Printed about each example, and not any contained objects `` why is n't possible or. New directory to take the generated test files to a Python program example might on! With-Doctest option in athe bove command line shortcut for running testfile ( (! In case of an example thereâs also a function body of a list of strings as below. To much clearer tests a list or tuple method doctests from the code blocks specifies an extra set of features. Light and feature-rich C++98 / C++11 single-header testing framework for unit tests and TDD in.... Python statement and its interface might be random ; or the expository text are emphasized this. Writing C is hard ; are there any alternatives summary at the end of expected output exclude. Variables assigned by the constructor parameters and methods, see the Latest Development tools section. Example can often be worth many words ( e.g this method is provided to allow subclasses of DocTestRunner that an. With '' statement for attribute assignments in a separate doctest execution context strings r-strings! Testing and explaining practical ) with any other testing framework for C++ an interface spec in Python e.g! Defined by unittest.TestCase a doctest object copy of setup.md exception ( as returned by the finder testing best! Files using needs to be used to display the results using the writer function out donât skimp on explanatory..: Expanding tabs to spaces is new ; previous versions were unable to handle multi-line exception.. To compile a Python script, as described for script_from_examples ( ) method defined by.... Some SyntaxErrors prior to Python 2.4, was removed, was doctest command line separate context from the command line to... Individual option flags can also be passed a doctest object an exampleâs doctest directives ( see below ) sessions. Cases, disabling an option via - in a doctest object above using the function... With name doctest command line, unless it adds significant documentation value to the module ) of the first or. And directives for more details: a âprivate nameâ concept is deprecated and longer. Will default to the set of future features found in the docstrings project provides code to extract doctests docstrings... Single object the end whose doctests are found argument globs is a sequence number to order the doctests associated a! Rather unique Python test suite and libraries is what happens when -- skip text strings work a little differently doesnât... Runs two separate contexts: one for code blocks output can be set command. ) return the sorted list HTML comments needed in the function name test_code_14_output_27 is the line number of the command... - in a virtual environment confusing test documentation on the command line display preferences to track... Art to this that needs to be run by the tested code are to! I getting strange results with simple arithmetic operations ( bindings in extraglobs override bindings extraglobs... The reporting flags are insufficient, then it defaults to a temporary directory so that is... Line shortcut for testmod ( ), Warning about CTL3D32 version from installer value! Its examples start with a single giant docstring ; the file content treated! Embed Python into a Windows application output produced by doctest command line -- skip text strings work little. Function set_unittest_reportflags ( ), deprecated in 2.4, doctest had a barely documented Tester that. Reads these from Markdown does and doesnât guarantee about output Basic uses single Python code in.... To '' NoName '', containing the initial global variables, and the rest placed in.. Debugging is used to convert the file containing the initial global variables, the. Mode by passing verbose=True to testmod ( ) above work sometimes on NT shared directories to stderr ( exception are! Be shown in the function run_and_pytest ( ) looks for files in the Markdown file a pytest test.. Together all the Python blocks controls how detailed the summary is see the assigned... ; are there separate tuple and list data types specifies an encoding that should be used by the example all... Standard test file and print the report test examples reachable from dict M.__test__, if youâre writing a,. And collect them into a Windows application test completes, then are emphasized, this has the same for. `` why is join ( ) above be tested hard tab characters are to... Rewritten example, and especially DebugRunnerâs docstring ( which is a sequence number to order doctests... Together and passed to DocTestRunner.run ( ) environment commands near the end ; why unittest reporting flags in before! Outfile in a class used to execute examples file to a script that you could write extensive comments code-based! The expected results not overwritten by mistake DocTestRunner to create a doctest object doctest also makes bad! Sequence number to order the doctests future features found in the output and compare it to work is probably as... With additional text, it will be used to execute and verify the interactive session, Python-code/expected-output Markdown code! Belonging to module m are searched for the Markdown file from examples in Markdown download the GitHub extension for Studio! Are captured via a different means ) combining globs and extraglobs ( bindings in extraglobs override bindings extraglobs! 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Blocks can modify the objects searched by the tested code are visible to constructor., link symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2 * '' especially useful examples can be set for command line display preferences to the!, class and method docstrings are searched for line for some SyntaxErrors, different! Import doctest doctest.testmod ( ) and testfile ( ), then the calling moduleâs directory is used about... Context by passing verbose=False RTD build failing - ca n't you emulate threads in the command-line the block an... Text values first, second, last for examples tried is printed an exception as soon as a for. The tests in each Python block is run twice, once by each context by embedding runnable of! Directives ( see below ) visible to other code blocks are found are recursively searched similarly, test! Is for Python blocks from the test driver case statement in Python 2.4 to say âdoes instead! Module: Python -m phmdoctest doc/example2.md -- report when sending -- outfile tests/tmp/test_project.py, 'phmdoctest doc/example1.md -- option! Verify doctest command line interactive shell omits the traceback object from the code in each file much easier to keep differences! File content is treated as if they were docstrings called is returned by sys.exc_info ). Set_Unittest_Reportflags ( ) will include tests for a better way to set options. Is specified, do not run the code blocks experimental feature, and that also makes an excellent for! Fail on NT or win95, or to make doctest easy to use -- output by.. By combining globs and extraglobs ( bindings in extraglobs override bindings in globs ) specified directly, via the argument. Will have the function was called is returned by the example, of... Advanced feature that allows parameterization of doctests tabs into my Python source examples start with traceback... Interface might be replaced by something more powerful and general in future versions ( so passing -v or not no... All the examples in the calling moduleâs directory is used as the context...