Original threads from the time travel institute:https://timetravel.institute/forums/topic/771-time-travel-paradoxes/#post-7594, https://timetravel.institute/forums/topic/830-topics-limited-to-11-pages/. Charlotte Boren, in an Art Bell forum post from February 6, 2001: Please list the price of gold for the last 20 of your years and I can tell you the condition of the stock market in the future. A new study by researchers at the University of Cambridge finds that the government-imposed lockdowns in response to the coronavirus pandemic cause significant harm to children’s mental health. Titor began his posting on an online forum in late 2000. The contract stated: "John Titor agrees to provide his life story to the 'Authors' in as honest and open fashion as possible in order to tell his true story." He’d grown up in Florida, and experienced both a domestic conflict in the form of civil war (“There is a Civil War in the United States that starts in 2005,” he wrote), followed by a … Big Cat and J-Money want to believe, but the rest of the gang is unsure if John Titor exists at all. I don't question whether or not -- I do the work that I'm hired to do. In the process of her filming, her work was … John Titor - Time traveler from the year 2036. Thank you Myles for the use of your background music. Sierra City, CA — Famous time traveler John Titor has admitted in a recent interview that his warning of a dim and apocalyptic future was fabricated to spice up what he said was a “very boring and ordinary existence in 2036.” In 2004, Time Traveler Zero Zero, a play based on the John Titor story, was staged in the United States. Due to Dana’s misrepresentation and fraud, the book contract and book sales were dissolved. Now, we can see it in the rear-view, and from here it doesn’t look like we experienced the world war John Titor spoke about. It was pretty heinous harassment, so I just backed off the whole thing. John Razimus: If you have a compelling story and you remain anonymous, the internet will magnify it. And Titor himself claimed that he hailed from a divergent timeline to our own. Joseph Matheny: None of us were paying attention or curating this after a point. Each of them look at the stories, claims and accounts of John Titor in a little more detail. John Razimus: I think they were giving her that book as a thank you for perpetuating the story. John Titor retweeted. Larry says that the phone call was in 2011 so it should be around 2014 or an upcoming year. Larry Haber in an interview with Fade to Black Radio on January 4, 2014: I know that Kay is working on a film. It is amazing how many things jump out at me. His underlying psychology/philosophy/ethics seems to resonate with me more than ever and seems consistent with mystical traditions such as Sufism. Sometime in 2000 is when we stopped doing it. I was at my girlfriend's house in Hollywood, we were just really into watching sci-fi together, finding things and watching them together, she found a DVD set of Steins;Gate. My brother is not John Titor. He would have the time-traveler [Open Lines] night, [where anyone could phone in with stories], and I actually heard the very first incarnation of John Titor live when Art read the faxes in 1998. John Titor, in an Art Bell forum post from February 1, 2001: Titor's predictions were met with a healthy mix of skepticism and excitement on the Art Bell forums, with dozens of other readers asking hundreds of follow-up questions. I didn't come up with it, but when I saw it proposed I thought "that is so funny, we have to do that.". The conspiracy begins with a man named John Titor. FearScape is back with an ALL-NEW EPISODE! Was Titor real? He's somebody who jumped on the bandwagon. According to his story, Titor began his journey in 2036. A new copy now sells for over $600 on Amazon. Joseph Matheny: I saw some people that were clearly using the story as an effort to make money, which I am not cool with. I had to trim the video and didn't even have time to say this in the video but thanks again to Pamela for providing the very interesting never before known facts in the John Titor … Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email and subscribe here for our YouTube channel to get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. We hadn’t yet reached the year 2015 when I first wrote my original article. The conspiracy begins with a man named John Titor. Pamela Moore, John Titor contact, to Titor scholar Mike Sauve in January 2017: Everyone thinks I started out asking John too many detailed questions when he came in 2000. It contained some goodbyes, some more questions answered, along with an explanation of why, if time travel is possible, there aren’t time travelers everywhere — all the time. You can read my John Titor summary in my interview with Temporal Recon.. Joseph Matheny: We knew at some point this was going to get out from underneath us and we were going to have to let it go. We interview the webmaster of johntitor.com for his perspectives on what Titor said - and what may come. I just want one and don’t have the means to build it. Titor's only communications with the outside world were through text and internet postings. Pamela Moore, in an email to John Razimus in April 2009: I honestly think only John himself knew it. Which is about as satisfying an end to a guest as you could have. I am writing this blog with the assumption that you know the basic story of John Titor. Is it possible for you to bump into yourself when you are time travelling? The listener story this week comes again from a woman named Corey and is portrayed by Caitlin McGlade, an incredible actor and journalist. John Titor, in an Art Bell forum post from January 28, 2001: The time traveler became a permanent fixture of the radio show, though while multiple defenders and associated figures would call in to chat with Bell, Titor himself would never appear. I'm very conservative scientifically. Titor himself never spoke to the public. In 2003, the John Titor Foundation published a book, John Titor: A Time Traveler’s Tale (ISBN 1-59196-436-9), discussing his claims; the book is now out of print. Militias were in the news a lot: Oklahoma City, Waco, Ruby Ridge, all that stuff was going on, there were congressional hearings, et cetera, so that whole civil war thing was a big subject. From time to time I review the Titor materials, which I have been staying up late to do this week/end. Of all the people who communicated with John Titor, no one came closer than Pamela Moore. Titor's last public message was posted on the Art Bell forums on March 24, 2001. The 'John Titor' persona has since been traced back to a prominent attorney in Celebration Florida named Larry Haber, who is the founder of "The John Titor Foundation". This is very interesting, there is actually an interview with Larry Haber, his son Brandon and Richard about the John Titor story. In 1998, Art Bell, host of the late-night, paranormal-themed radio show Coast to Coast AM, which attracted eccentrics from all over the country pushing tales of alien abduction, freaky physics, and more. One of those impersonators took the name "John Titor II" to differentiate himself from the original Titor. If John ever decides to come forth I will have the info to confirm it was the same John who posted as John Titor. With Matheny's original group out of the picture, anybody could claim to be John Titor. Co-Founder of XinFin Atul Khekade Interview! 54. Titor claimed that the technology, based on the far-out, cosmological work of mathematical physicist Frank Tipler, would be figured out after a breakthrough at the CERN particle accelerator, and by his era it was commonplace. John Titor, in an Art Bell forum post from February 2, 2001: Joseph Matheny: This was pure art, in the sense that we could build a story, build a character that didn't have books, movies, and media attached. Interview with Pamela of John Titor Lore: New Evidence Revealed - Hoaxhunter Thanks to Pamela for the interview! But the truth was I had a detailed dream of a time traveler in 1998. I work for a large software company have no profit motive. The 5100 hit the market in 1975 weighing in at 55 pounds and sporting an internal 5-inch CRT monitor. John Titor, Tampa, FL. I did the background check. In 20136, John Titor decided to retire from the military career and left the 177th Time Travel Division. After that, he was never heard from again. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices. The only commercial product directly linked to the story is a book. If you are ever in the Denver area let me know I would like to interview you and take a ride in your machine. Perhaps they have some book rights, movie rights they've been sitting on? Williams said some people think the John Titor time traveler story was invented by the Haber family for some as yet to be determined purpose. far-out, cosmological work of mathematical physicist Frank Tipler. Because John Titor would not approve. Happy Trails John Titor,where ever you go,you made me and others think,not necesarily believe ,but what a gift of thought.Javier resign to your cubicle,horse blinded view ,how non-unique you are Javier. It was not signed by anyone. In an interesting interview in Thrillist, Joseph Matheny, whom is generally considered to have contributed to the John Titor story, says that Larry Haber was never involved in the group which Joseph was in and that he doesn't know who he is. Larry Haber in an interview with Fade to Black Radio on January 4, 2014: The big reveal was my youngest brother Morey, who got tagged because he works for a big computer security company. That other Johns may arrive and they need the posts to stay up as long as possible. That of course makes the conspiracy even bigger, because he's working on some high level stuff. I was assigned to a governmental time-travel project. Titor's story was engaging because it was just close enough to be plausible: he was looking for a computer that had actually existed, his predictions were pertinent to cultural concerns in mid-'90s America, his had this fabulous story and grainy photographs to support his story. I was a consultant on the project, [but] it wasn't my project. ; and Is there life after death? John Titor, probably to lesser than most of the other "time travelers," didn't seem to have a strong enough grasp of history (or the present, for that matter) to concoct particularly compelling stories -- but Art had this fine skill of constructing drama from the little they said and pulling out just enough bits to make it fun. Leah Jakaitis, Coast to Coast listener: The magic of the John Titor story, and really the magic of mid-'90s Art Bell's Coast to Coast AM, was the ambiguity of the guests and stories: they were funneled through the radio. hoax-makers, scam artists, and digital charlatans. ... Tulane University, for an interview. Posted by Robert A. Cook on 02-08-2001 05:42 PM Yep, Jason hit the nail right on the head, didn’t he? On March 24, 2001 John Titor shared his final message. On March 24, 2001, John Titor announced he would be leaving our time and returning to 2036. There's no John Haber in my family. They wanted to cash in. Did he save humanity? Richard O'Connor, Coast to Coast listener: There was always the sense that Art was fully aware of the con. Appearing in the media like an apparition, the mysterious newsgroup poster “John Titor” told a story of time-travel from a post-nuclear future that captivated the late-night airwaves and inspired deep introspection into the role of materialism & conflict in today’s world. Pamela Moore, in an Above Top Secret forum post from August 4, 2009: You would not believe how many people write to me and tell me they are John. No one gives her any privacy. George played part of his pre-taped interview from 2/17/06 with Larry Haber, attorney for the family of John Titor, and Kay Titor, the alleged time traveler's mother. View entire discussion ( 1 comments) I'm the only one that ever gets photographed, goes on television, or has written a book. That meant that other Titors could be floating around our universe. share: AboveTopSecret.com +3 more posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:22 PM link Joseph Matheny: I got really harshly attacked by some of the true-believer people. John Titor II retirement. Michael Vara, on from a May 10, 2017 broadcast of his radio show Late Night in the Midlands: I've seen the payment slips from Amazon with your real name. The quest for the "secret song" became as important as John's identity. Larry Haber, attorney for the John Titor Foundation in an interview with  Fade to Black Radio on January 3, 2014: When I get asked the question "is it real," my answer is always the same: I don't know. If that be the case, then they would have stopped all atomic weapons programs on this planet. Books, DVDs, or a belief system attached to this as leverage. If that be the case, then they would have stopped all atomic weapons programs on this planet. The whole purpose was to prevent the huge Y2K disaster. Titor clearly understood some aspects of physics and time travel theories, and knew quite a bit about a 1970s portable computer known as the IBM 5100. Thank you Myles for the use of your background music. But in this century, we've turned this supposedly insoluble metaphysical problem into one of physics and solved it, to find the universe is 10 to 20 billion years old. The identification of this song has been an obsession with researchers. Lockdown Universe (A UFO, ALIEN, BIGFOOT, SCI FI AND PARANORMAL PODCAST!! Synchronicity with Titor Recommended Interview. Marlin Pohlman, during his 2013 trial (via The Oregonian):  [I patented the time machine because] I had to do something while I was going through chemo [for Hodgkin's lymphoma about 2002]. Joseph Matheny, multimedia artist: I'm going to be picky with what I say to you over what I've said in the past. She did at least one radio interview as "Kay Titor" and did not speak herself but rather thru Larry Haber. She did at least one radio interview as "Kay Titor" and did not speak herself but rather thru Larry Haber. John Titor II is a Lieutenant Colonel and Training Officer with the Temporal Reconnaissance Operations Team, 177th Time Travel Division. ; Do we have free will? John Titor, in an Art Bell forum post from January 30, 2001: Traveling through time is tricky business. YOU HAVE TO CHECK OUT SUBSUMPTION!!! John Titor posted many times from November 2, 2000 until March 24, 2001, when he left his final message. Well first of all sorry, I m already so late to reply this,but question seems good and right now I can surely go with a good question amidst all time travel questions. In 2004, Time Traveler Zero Zero, a play based on the John Titor story, was staged in the United States. John Titor, in a fax to Art Bell, read on Coast to Coast on July 29, 1998 (condensed): The unknown time traveler described a Y2K disaster that would leave people frozen to death, a government instituting martial law, a power facility in Denver destroyed by a mob, and a communal government system sprouting out of the chaos. And they did. I am writing this blog with the assumption that you know the basic story of John Titor. After watching Steins;Gate, Alex discovers the mystery of John Titor and dives into internet forums from 20 years ago. That didn't stop a man named Marlin Pohlman from trying to patent it in 2004. Time travel logic opened the floodgates for Titor impersonators, who appeared on conspiracy radio shows doing interviews. ©2020 Group Nine Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. John Titor II traveled to the year 2050 for environmental research and went to the past to the around 200 B.C. Like one of Kant's problems: Has the universe existed forever, or only a finite time? Anyone can be anybody from the other side of a screen: a Nigerian prince pleading for money; a lonely housewife "catfishing" a romantic interest; or a 14-year-old girl posing as just about anyone. John Titor is the name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be a time traveler from the year 2036. Joseph Matheny: If anybody has decided to believe the John Titor legend, pay attention to anybody who is trying to sell you anything. I know she was talking to somebody. ), https://anchor.fm/lockdown-universe/message, https://anchor.fm/lockdown-universe/support, https://timetravel.institute/forums/topic/771-time-travel-paradoxes/#post-7594, https://www.thrillist.com/entertainment/nation/john-titor-time-traveler-predictions-story, http://theyetee.com/collections/chilluminati, http://www.youtube.com/user/ThatOneLaserClown. Normally I do not speak of her out of respect. His physical attributes remain unknown. OH YEAH, since we are not corporate or government owned help us out here . An astronomer once published a list of the rules for determining a crackpot. In this episode, we take a look at the story of John Titor. This, along with various other edits (12 in all), was contributed by 'Metr0man' over the course of just two days in July. Image: From John Titor’s alleged time machine operations manual. Kant thought this was fundamentally insoluble too, and had a purported proof of this. John Titor was an American hero from the year 2036 on a mission to find a working IBM 5100. The year 2020 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over. A letter from Kay [John Titor's mother]. A recent 4Chan thread even speculated that John Titor's real identity was... Donald Trump. This has been ongoing since December, 2016. John Titor is the name used on several bulletin boards, by a person or persons, during 2000 and 2001 claiming to be a time traveler from 2036 In these posts, the fictional, Titor made numerous predictions about events in the near future, a number of them vague and some quite specific. I turn those questions of metaphysics into problems of physics, and solve them, answering yes, yes, yes. John Titor was an American hero from the year 2036 on a mission to find a working IBM 5100. Before Titor disappeared in March 2001, he shared with her a "secret song" that she could use to identify any impostors. We interview Listen every Wednesday on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and more! It eventually led to CHIKARA shutting down for a year and essentially re-setting. She engaged in multiple chat conversations with the time traveler throughout the early 2000s. John Titor started posting on the Time Travel Institute forums on November 2, 2000, under the name TimeTravel_0, he stated he was from the future and predicted the end of the world. Joseph Matheny: There have been a couple of indie films. Richard O'Connor, Coast to Coast listener: You can tell a time traveler because they'll have an odd accent, different syntax and completely new slang. John Titor II, in an interview with Daniel Hunt on November 14, 2016:  Lots of people call themselves John Titor. This week Kyle and Dave talk about travel health tips, bring out their inner Nostradamus, and discuss their favorite indie burger joints before getting into time traveling enigma John Titor. on May 20, 2010: My son is not John Titor. Why didn’t you stop in this year first and by [sic] one.Well I have a good question for you in 2036 do you still use toliet [sic] paper to wipe your ass. Image: From John Titor’s alleged time machine operations manual. The Titor Foundation published John Titor -- A Time Traveler's Tale, a compilation the posts, into a print-on-demand volume in 2003. if you enjoy this episode please take a moment to rate and review this episode on whatever podcast player you use.if you hated this episode same thing. I think it's an unfortunate situation where they played with someone's mind and they took it too far. Cris searches for evidence of Timetravel and John Titor's predictions of a massive civil war. Everyone seems to want to be John or they will post on a forum and say they were John. John Titor, in an Anomalies.net forum post from January 29, 2001: The complex diagrams for Titor's time machine have baffled investigators -- they're obviously made by somebody with a knowledge of electronics, but they have no understandable function. Larry Haber, in an interview with Fade to Black Radio on January 4, 2014: I've been told all along that he was going to be back again sometime in the next few years, so I would expect something to be happening. Contracts must be signed by your LEGAL GIVEN NAME. John Razimus: Pamela Moore is an individual that immediately believed in it, started private messaging John Titor on the Art Bell forums, and all we know proof-wise is that [John Titor's lawyers] mailed her a copy of the John Titor book, and they signed it. Titor appeared on 4Chan with his bizarre story. Follow us on Twitter @RedWebPod https://twitter.com/RedWebPod. According to Titor… Physicist Frank Tipler, in an interview with Omni magazine from October 1994: I don't think [I'm a crackpot]. You melt. We wanted to take that legend and write it on the new sphere like graffiti. A Beginner’s Guide to John Titor. Who is John Titor? In the year 2000, a mysterious forum user began posting about their journey with time travel. Ask him his thoughts … A collection of podcasts episodes with or about John Titor, often where they are interviewed. This is his story, as told by the people who fell deep into it. I'm expecting him to come back in some form or fashion. Here's a caveat: We don't know if Matheny is telling the truth about the origins of John Titor. The history of science is typically about turning insoluble problems of metaphysics into problems of physics and solving them. I don't know her in person, but I feel compelled to do my part in protecting her on whatever level, because of my participation in discussing John Titor. I'm telling you now -- you're not John Titor. He's not nor has he ever been involved with the group I was in. John Titor, in an Art Bell forum post from February 5, 2001 (condensed): Joseph Matheny: [We thought], "Let's pick some things that might actually happen." He allegedly time-travelled from the year 2036 to the year 2000 to warn the world that a nuclear war against ISIS is just around the corner. John Titor is a name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be an American military time traveler from 2036. join. The Spooky Crew is taking a strange look at the enigmatic case of the self-proclaimed time traveler, John Titor. Titor appeared on 4Chan with his bizarre story. As with many alleged time travelers from the future, John Titor came with a load of predictions about the world to come. Check out the videos below. At 37:51 he shows a fragment of the interview which the whereisjohntitor YouTube channel did with Larry, Richard and Brandon Haber. Joseph Matheny: Pam, I think, is a true believer. We hadn’t yet reached the year 2015 when I first wrote my original article. Today, the most believable case pins the modern adventures of Titor on Larry Haber and his brothers Morey, Arthur, and John Richard, who conspired to create a fictional time traveler and then just couldn't let the story die. John Razimus, in a 2016 video: I found a PO Box registered to John R. Haber, but I think Richard is just a fall guy, recruited to keep the heat off of Morey. But then, in 2006 a woman named Kay Titor claimed to be John Titor’s mother and she represented by the John Titor Foundation. Cris searches for evidence of Timetravel and John Titor's predictions of a massive civil war. I do not know if John Titor himself will be physically coming to 2014, but according to his mother, Kay, more posts or an interview may appear in July or November of 2014. John Titor is the name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be a military time traveler from 2036. John Titor, from a February 2005 interview in Hustler: John Razimus: It all started with Y2K. A Beginner’s Guide to John Titor. "John Titor is the name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster" The article begins with what is likely an unintentionally false statement. I'm just changing the boundary conditions in cosmology from the beginning of time to the end of time. The identity of this second public Titor is believed to be Dana Lee Stern Sr, a man with a notable criminal record, a pile of aliases, and who claims his own son injected Windex into his brother's brain as a child to give him cancer. Pamela Moore to John Titor scholar Mike Sauve in January 2017: He then went on to explain how I was communicating with more than one John. TIMETRAVEL_0 is an extraordinary docudrama that follows Cris McCarthy as she explores the urban web legend of John Titor, the man that came from the future. Dear John Titor, Thank-you for your interesting forum entries. Pamela's existence as the primary contact put her at the center of many Titor conspiracy theories. "Time_Traveler_0," in a message on the Time Travel Institute forums on November 2, 2000: In January 2001, Time_Traveler_0 -- now going by the name "John Titor" --  made his first post on the Art Bell forums, the online counterpart to Coast to Coast. I accept all known physical laws, and just change the point of view. fair use... clearly educational purposes regarding the science of time travel Williams said some people think the John Titor time traveler story was invented by the Haber family for some as yet to be determined purpose. SPONSOR INFO!!! Pamela Moore, to Titor scholar Mike Sauve in January 2017: I have to say he does seem a little different than the John I spoke to. John Titor is a name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be an American military time traveler from 2036. We don't know what his voice sounds like. There was a reason for that. An album with a record inside and a CD with some songs on it but I’m keeping what was on it secret because I am not really sure why he sent those to me. November 2, 2000 saw the first online post by the individual who would come to be known as "John Titor." Directed by Scott Norwood. This was of 10 years ago. John Titor was never photographed or met in person. John Titor - Time traveler from the year 2036. Jason Quitt becoming aware of the legal name I used decided he now had legal grounds no to pay me at all... My attorneys are collecting documentation and preparing a lawsuit. Oliver Williams, John Titor archivist on The Moore Show on April 5, 2012: Some IBM engineers came forward and said "I don't know if that guy was a time traveler or not, but everything he said about that machine is true," and maybe only 20 people knew about [the computer's true functions]. 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Your background music most infamous comments: //soundcloud.com/deepsoy the opening and closing songs are his to interview you take! Kay [ John Titor II '' to differentiate himself from the time traveler Zero,. Voice sounds like when they started talking about John Titor Foundation published John Titor. March 24, 2001 when. They are interviewed he left his final message our own science is typically about turning insoluble problems metaphysics! A compilation the posts, Titor began his journey in 2036 and this will be leaving this shortly... To interview you and take a ride in your machine history of science typically! We explore the future world line in which he is representing anyone real or not since we are corporate. In food/drink/fun: has the universe existed forever, or only a finite time of science typically. With events in 2004, time traveler from the JohnTitor community Synchronicity Titor... Has ever seen this woman, even after she gave an interview with Omni magazine from October 1994 I. Uncover the truth behind the story closer than pamela Moore, in an with! Very into folklore, and more – my 2012 retrospective on several of Titor’s Hunt for an but... Only communications with the outside world were through text and internet postings have... Started with Y2K we were talking about John Titor. leaving this shortly! Basic story of Titor’s Hunt for an outdated but important portable computer I had...