+10% Attack for all units. Suomenusko, religion of the Finno-Ugric people stretches from the Baltic Sea to Siberia. It also supports early-game dominance - you are next-to-none as a Germanic ruler in 867. Pagans follow the old polytheistic traditions, spurning the Abrahamic and Indian religions' talk of a segregation between physical and spiritual realms in favor of polytheistic physical gods. Certain pagans have access to additional succession laws. Hard to Convert. Hellenic Paganism, also known as Hellenism, is any of the various systems of beliefs and practices of the people who lived under the influence of ancient Greek culture during the Hellenistic period (323 BC to 27 BC, when Rome became an empire) and the Roman Empire (c. 750 BC to 323, when Christianism became the official Roman religion). Also, nomads are often an exception due to their unique mechanics. The other side of the coin is that peace is seen as unbecoming. You trade some of your offensive/defensive capability for stability, faster conversion, and Great Holy Wars to combat Crusades and Jihads. Defensive pagan holdings also have larger garrisons (bonus varies per religion), making them harder to siege. Location Games: Crusader Kings II: Mods: Roman Invasion- a Hellenic horde mod: Files. 'Greek' Wicca, Greco-Wicca or 'Hellenistic' Wicca. ck2 hellenic society, Welcome For almost a century and a half the Hellenic Society has been the leading organization for the study of Greece with an international membership across all ages and walks of life. What is Hellenismos? There was much continuity in Hellenistic religion: the Greek gods continued to be worshiped, and the same rites were practiced as before. +2 Learning to any Temple holder of the religion. Access to Hermetic society (but Hermetics still suffer -10 temple opinion). Generic Paganism is any polytheistic relgious tradition (Paganism) which is not Norse Paganism, Tengrism, Romuva, Suomenusko, Aztec Paganism, Slavic Paganism, West African Paganism and Hellenic Paganism. Crusader Kings. If gender flexibility is desired, Ancestor Veneration can be chosen for Eldership succession. Ancient Religions mod for CK2. Levy size bonus from unreformed Aztec faith will be lost. (Such as reconquering Slavic lands as a Slav from Christians.) Hellenismos originated with Emperor Julian, when he attempted to bring back the religion of his ancestors following the arrival of Christianity. Combined with not paying any penalty for raising their vassals' levies, this means offensive pagans can muster forces far beyond what their technological levels would suggest. Rulers who are neither at war, nor raiding, nor bound by an active truce lose a significant amount of prestige per month. This is because that, while Wicca draws on older beliefs and principles, it’s a fairly young and modern religion. The reformer's courtiers at home, dynasty members, and vassals will always follow in the reformation if they are below playable tier. Our education program – Education Our clergy training program – Clergy Videos posted on YouTube – Videos Ritual scripts written by members – Rituals The religious head can decide upon death to. Enatic Clans doctrine is extra powerful because one can easily 'breed in' several bloodlines by simply doing matrilineal marriages over a few generations. Raiding unavailable if culture doesn't allow raiding.Hunting focus is unavailable.Holy wars and great holy wars are unavailable, but county conquest CB is available.Dueling comes with a Piety cost.Cannot create warrior lodge if it does not already exist.AI rulers will not convert provinces. There are provinces with Bön faith in Tibet throughout the game but last playable rulers vanish in 1251, leaving Buddhists ruling Tibet. Keeping moral authority high is also a problem due to weak realms who often lose religious wars. Reformed religions lose access to subjugation wars, one of the fastest ways for pagans to expand. Reforming a faith costs 750 piety. Incompatible with Agnatic Clans, Harmonious, Equality, Polygamy and Meritocracy doctrines. Can proselytize in pagan capital even when tribal or nomad. Despite similarities between autonomous reformed paganism and Dharmic religions (followers of both has religious branch trait), the former still needs to deal with heresy (old pagan religion), while the latter has no heresies. Foreign rulers will sometimes send missionaries. Holy sites: Djimi, Draa, Gao, Kano and Wagadu. With Christianity under siege we push forth in all haste towards the restoration of the empire and the revival of Hellenism! In early start dates Kiev is vulnerable to Tengri nomads (it borders the Magyars), so you may find that fabricating a claim to conquer Rugen is an easier way to get your third holy site. Pagan territories are usually significantly technologically behind all other cultures' territories, with the exception of Germanics having a tremendous lead in shipbuilding at the start of 867, as well as receiving said bonus after some time at the 769 start. Ironically, the low technology is a greater issue after the adoption of feudalism, as feudal realms require higher tech for the construction of buildings. Bön (Bon) is an indigenous religion of the Tibetan plateau, added in patch 2.8. Pagan vassals are more likely to seek independence, and gain warscore more rapidly than others in independence wars. (There is one exception. With , reformers can decide doctrines for the reformed faith. +5% Morale of armies. However, all the random events based on traits (which drop relations by 15 for those without and raise by 15 for those with the trait) are the same, along with the end bonus of 100 piety and prestige and +15 to vassal relations for one year. The homeland attrition penalty does apply to reformed pagans of another faith, but the "old faith" heresies have no such protection against the reformed churches of their specific branch of paganism. The lack of a formal religious tradition means that pagans have a harder time spreading their faith outside pagan lands. Certainly Greek society and, to a lesser extent, Roman society were very patriarchal, but the mythology and the religion seems to embody a more balanced understanding of gender. Germanic pagans do especially well since they get free ships, can navigate rivers, and are close to prime raiding targets. Reformer becomes the first religious head, Foreign missionaries become more effective, venerate a given ancestor, in a process similar to sainthood, https://ck2.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Pagans&oldid=42362, Monthly prestige +0.05, diplomacy +1, fertility +10%, Build cost -5%, build time -5%, intrigue +2, Local build time modifier -10%, local build cost modifier -10%, National tax modifier +2%, stewardship +1, Fort level +0.40, technology spread rate +15%, National revolt risk -5%, disease resistance +5%, Monthly prestige +0.03, learning +1, personal combat skill +5. Patron Deities, Ancestor Worship. Holy sites: Perm, Ryazan, Novgorod (shared with Slavic), Saaremaa, and Kexholm. If you have tribal government, it is recommended to choose either Agnatic Clans or Enatic Clans doctrine to avoid Gavelkind succession law. Reforming also provides access to the full set of feudal succession laws. If you're interested in following a Hellenic, or Greek, Pagan path, there are a number of books that are useful for your reading list.Some, like the works of Homer and Hesiod, are accounts of Greek life written by people who lived during the classical period. It combines mechanics from Dharmic religions and defensive paganism and offers quite a unique gaming experience. This mod aims at recreating dead or pseudo-dead religions in vanilla Crusader Kings 2. Its holy sites are scattered around the map but are mostly controlled by right religion, even in 1066 starting date. Lose piety when at war against faithful.Penalty to Spymaster steal technology. Pagans tend to be powerful in early years but weaken as time passes for several reasons: 1. You can use artifact IDs in … The strongest position for the faith is at the 867 bookmark, where the Tibetan Empire has fractured and Bön kings of Guge & Ü-Tsang hold large areas of the Tibetan plateau under their control. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 3.0. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, it is lost. It is not normally playable (even with Ruler Designer), but can be played using mods or by exploiting loopholes. In the north, start in Novgorod, Poland, or Kiev and form your corresponding de jure kingdom first, then work your way to the other two holy sites. Check back as new material is added! They also have access to two special casus belli: Most pagans have defensive attrition, massively reducing the supply limit for non-pagans invading their homeland. This page is currently under construction. Duke-tier religious head common for all realms. Patron Deities. These doctrines are tied to the reformer's religion. Such penalties usually function to prevent any rival faith from taking their lands in spite of being relatively weak and of a rival faith that normally could be easily holy warred. This applies even when one is the attacker, and on territory held by another lord; Only the dominant religion of the province you are standing upon matters. While its holy sites are in locations which are easily taken, most of them lack a temple holding which means holy sites only give half of the usual Moral Authority, forcing Tengri rulers to either build temples or take control of all holy sites. Ilmen in 769 already holds Novgorod as its capital, is a decently strong start, and has the advantage of being able to flip to Russian culture once the faith is reformed, allowing the acquisition of the "Russkaya Pravda" achievement. Playing as a Pagan non-nomad offers a highly offensive, rapidly changing play-style. Many of these are heresies in CK2; if a heresy becomes more widespread than the parent religion, the parent will become a heresy and vice-versa, and the former heresy will replace it in a game exported to EU4. Partially redundant with Children of Perun doctrine. Note that Germanic pagans have as a holy site the county of Braunschweig, and taking that county will trigger the Catholic crusades (as well as the formation of every Catholic Holy Order but the Knights Templar) at the time that you take Braunschweig, so long as the year is 900 and the province is Christian. Feudal unreformed pagans typically use gavelkind succession. However, since Patch 3.0 made it playable, there are a few ways to revive it: Head - None (Dead Religion, no rulers have it as a religion in game), Holy sites - Syrakusa, Thessalonica, Athens, Rome, Alexandria, Catholicism • Catharism • Fraticellism • Waldensianism • Lollardy • Orthodoxy • Bogomilism • Monothelitism • Iconoclasm • Paulicianism • Miaphysitism • Monophysitism • Nestorianism • Messalianism, Sunni Islam • Zikri Islam • Yazidism • Ibadism • Shia Islam • Druzism • Hurufism, Generic Paganism • Norse Paganism • Tengrism • Romuva • Suomenusko • Aztec Paganism • Slavic Paganism • West African Paganism • Hellenic Paganism. For tribal pagans, reforming makes it easier to raise tribal organization. Agnatic, agnatic-cognatic, cognatic laws are restricted. Version 1.9.0 of Britannia - The Winter King. In game terms, reformed pagans no longer face the restrictions on crown authority, succession, independence wars and conversion that other pagans do. They also cannot reform to Feudalism or a Merchant Republic unless they Reform or convert to a non-pagan religion. Certain reformation doctrines allow Open succession or Eldership as well. Reformer gets a powerful artifact. Now that you have no fast way to expand through pagan lands, you may wish to convert to a culture that allows use of the Tribal Invasion CB, so you can quickly expand through infidel lands instead. Another approach is to try new mechanics (to pick Haruspicy, Animism, Veneration) or to add useful abilities to existing faiths (e.g. Concubines not allowed. Bön rulers are playable with either Jade Dragon, The Old Gods, or Holy Fury. However, the Tengri faith does not die out during the entire period of the game and there are always relatively strong rulers for it in the game. The African faith is followed by the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa. Ancient Religions is a mod that aims at recreating dead religions in the time-frame of vanilla Crusader Kings II.. "Defensive" pagans gain a defensive bonus to their garrisons, forcing larger invasion forces to take their home territories. Reformer picks two doctrines. With Holy Fury, the Hellenic and Bön faiths can be reformed. Generic Pagan rulers cannot be created with Ruler Designer but there are few events in game which spawn Pagan courtiers to game, which permit granting of titles or education of children. However, the longer the faith goes unreformed, the weaker it becomes. The selection of Leadership style determines the type of religious head. Characters get a Rite of Passage when reaching adulthood. As such, it is best used when the player is ready for their nation to "mature" from aggressive expansion against small targets to needing to maintain an empire. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion or morale bonus from Animistic doctrine in first doctrine slot, it is lost. They must switch to elective gavelkind if they wish to declare Subjugation or Tribal Invasion wars. It is also called Hellenic Polytheism, Hellenic Reconstructionist Paganism, or simply Hellenism. AI rulers are less likely to start wars, plots and factions. My last game, less than 100 years in I had the AI Carolingian Emperor decide he had had enough of this Jesus business and became a celtic pagan. People who follow this path are known as Hellenes, Hellenic Reconstructionists, Hellenic Pagans, or by one of many other terms. (AI rulers are likely to accept the reformed religion if cynical, same dynasty as the reformer, or under control of a reformed ruler.) The Slavic faith is followed, as the name suggests, by the Slavic peoples of Europe. Alternatively, you could change it to OR = { AND = { religion_group = christian [newline] religion = hellenic_pagan } (or something along those lines) to enable the Hellenic religion to reform the empire as well. However, the longer the faith goes unreformed, the weaker it becomes. Animistic effects. Penalty to moral authority and to mission. Hellenic Paganism, as of Holy Fury (Patch 3.0), can now be revived as a religion. Holy sites: Nishapur, Bost, Cairo, Kabul, and Multan. choosing Polygamy for Hellenism, which has no access to concubinage or choosing the Children of Perun doctrine to make use of major Russian rivers to transport armies). If fighting unreformed pagans is a priority after reformation, the Unrelenting doctrine or the Tengri equivalent (Eternal Riders) is recommended. Germanic faith is the faith of Scandinavian & Saxon people, worshiping deities like Odin/Wotan. Lastly, pagans may, by decision, convert to the religion of a spouse or concubine of a different faith. Aztec religion only appears in-game if Sunset Invasion DLC is in use. You can use the Germanic faith's powerful CBs and shipbuilding buffs for expansion and raiding, then be succeeded by a Slavic ruler and reform. Possibility for a woman to take consorts is disallowed even if other traits should unlock it. If allowed to spread their religion, they will in time ask the ruler to convert. Each one can only occur at a certain, and different, time each year. Due to the Germanic faith's long and combative relationship with Catholic western Europe, there are a number of unique events between them. https://crusaderkings-two.fandom.com/wiki/Hellenic_Paganism?oldid=14303. AI rulers are less likely to start wars, plots and factions. Incompatible with Sons Of Ragnarok and Invaders doctrines. They start as feudal, are unable to raid, have lesser chance to convert county religion, do not suffer from increased short reign penalties and may use ultimogeniture succession law instead of gavelkind. – Miles Rout Jul 22 '13 at 6:48 Acquiring the faith to begin with requires you to convert religions or use Ruler Designer, and its holy sites are split up between the Italia, Britannia, Spain, Francia, and Maghreb. The other pagan faiths have a duke-level religious leader who becomes a vassal of the reforming ruler, similar to the Orthodox religion's patriarch. The Short Reign relations modifier is three times more severe for pagans. Rulers lose prestige when at peace for too long. They also seem to lack the ability to holy war or to call "crusades". There are no Hellenic rulers at any start date, but Hellenism can be revived in several ways: There is one special pagan faith that normally only appears in-game as the listed religion of long-dead historical figures. No female temple holders. Eldership succession law is allowed. The easiest route to reform the faith is with a Finnish ruler as de-jure Finland has one holy site and two others near it. In later starts, expanding north becomes increasingly difficult and by 1066, many rulers of the area have converted to Islam. Showing 1 - 8 of 8 comments. Full status of woman law is enforced. No females in the council. The last playable Slavic ruler is Chief Testislaw of Dyrmin. If there is levy size & attack bonus from unreformed religion, it is lost. If you are a Christian, of either Greek or Italian culture, your capital is located in Southern Europe, you completely control one of the Hellenic Holy Sites (Thessalonika, Athens, Rome, Alexandria or Abydos), and you are interested in scholarly matters, or are insane, you will have access to a new decision: Delve into Classics. In particular, if Paderborn is held by a Germanic ruler and a Christian ruler occupies its temple of Irminsul (which normally occurs in the Charlemagne DLC's scripted invasion of Saxony by Karl of West Francia), all Catholic and Germanic rulers will receive a pop-up that the Catholics have burned the holy site of Irminsul, causing the Germanic faith to lose 10% moral authority for 10 years. Priests cannot marry and cannot inherit. Women can take up to 3 consorts. Hellenic Faith is a website dedicated to Julian Hellenism, a reformed denomination of Hellenism, the polytheistic religion of the Graeco-Roman world, influenced by the teachings and writings of Julian the Philosopher (r. 361-363 ACE) and the divine Iamblichus (c. 245-325 ACE). Either find one of the few characters that have it as their religion, either a few generated courtiers from Monemvasia in start date 769, or from Incitatus, the immortal horse rival. However, the Sons of Abraham demon child event chain will create Zunist "witches", who can be married matrilineally or assigned as guardians to children with the Faith or Heritage focus. Those who stick with the old ways are considered heretics by the reformed faith, and may be targeted by holy wars. Playing from this start is more difficult, as Kiev is bordered to the south by the Tengri Khaganate of Magyars. Zunists and Mongols may use Ultimogeniture; Bön may use both regular and elective gavelkind when tribal, and may also use primogeniture and ultimogeniture when feudal (or monastic feudal); Romuva/African may use Eldership when tribal; and rulers of the Celtic culture group always have the option for Tanistry. Traits inherited from unreformed religion. Wicca is a unique Pagan religion in that we really don’t have our own pantheon of Gods. Hellenic Rulers can use the County Conquest Casus Belli, but they cannot declare Holy Wars nor subjugate other Pagans. In addition, all pagan faiths can be reformed. Crusader Kings II denominations Additional religions and denominations are available in converted savegames from Crusader Kings II. Depending on the spread of the faith before reformation, heresy may or may not become a major issue. Pagan religions retain some features when reformed, regardless of the features chosen during reformation. Aztec religion has no special mechanics, having the usual set of Offensive Pagan mechanics. The resulting empty holding slots further strengthens the horde. Disallow avuncular marriage and cousin marriage. Defensive attrition is a powerful deterrent in the early game. Most pagans may raid neighboring provinces (and coastal provinces, if ships are available) for loot and prestige, even without a tribal government (which majority of the pagans are). Each pagan faith has one unique doctrine, which has features of two or more generic traits. However, there are always playable rulers and provinces for this particular religion in Africa. He is a culturally Norse Germanic pagan but has a Slavic son. Penalty to moral authority and to mission. Partially redundant with Sea-Bound doctrine. These doctrines can be picked no matter the reformer's religion. The concept of Hellenistic religion as the late form of Ancient Greek religion covers any of the various systems of beliefs and practices of the people who lived under the influence of ancient Greek culture during the Hellenistic period and the Roman Empire (c. 300 BCE to 300 CE). Zun can also be reformed like other pagan faiths. Hellenic Paganism, also known as Hellenism, is any of the various systems of beliefs and practices of the people who lived under the influence of ancient Greek culture during the Hellenistic period (323 BC to 27 BC, when Rome became an empire) and the Roman Empire (c. 750 BC to 323, when Christianism became the official Roman religion). Holy sites: Novgorod (shared with Suomenusko), Kiev, Plock, Birlad, and Rugen (shared with Romuva). AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous. Faith is widespread in earlier starting dates, among the multitude of petty rulers, but is in decline from 1066 onwards. Independent lieges of this religion can construct, Religion is resistant to proselytizing + Stability, Fleet can navigate through major rivers, but maintenance cost remains full + Stability, Religion is resistant to proselytizing. Bear in mind that in 1066, Novgorod is Christian, and the Rurikid dynasty which holds it has multiple potential allies from other dynasty members. The faith is in a strong position in the 769 start as north Africa is mainly ruled by tiny Muslim realms which can easily be conquered after consolidating your position in the south. Expect frequent raids and wars between realms that accept the new faith and those that reject it. Suomenusko retains a sizable number of provinces throughout the game and it is very easy to put the fear of Ukko to other religions, whether you start in 769, 867 or 1066. Pagans may fight back in the name of the old gods, and even seek to eliminate the monotheists from Europe. However, they cannot demand religious conversions without Reforming. Access to Hermetic society. AI rulers only try to convert provinces if zealous Gurus. Heir Designation is allowed (if at least one of. Tribal vassals who follow in reformation will no longer have opinion penalties for higher levels of tribal organization, no longer faction to lower tribal organization, and will usually vote in favor of increasing tribal organization. Note that reformed pagans may not send missionaries, the only organized religion group with this distinction. The Germanic reformer becomes the Fylkir, a ducal-level secular leader similar to an Islamic Caliph. It can be played by either: Starting with an historical character (with a reasonable culture, see revival sections), and wait for the event chain to … With Monks and Mystics, Zunists characters may join the Hermetic Society. For an insightful analysis of gender issues in Greek mythology, I recommend Ginette Paris' books Pagan Grace and Pagan Meditations (Spring Publications). Autonomous leadership bonus for an attribute depends on original pagan religion. If you need Braunschweig to reform the Germanic faith it is best to conquer it in 769, while the Saxons still control it. Agnatic law is enforced, open succession law is unlocked. CK2 Artifact IDs Below is a searchable list of all 399 artifacts from Crusader Kings 2 , along with their artifact IDs in the "Artifact ID" column. This version features the ancient cults of the celts, the Druidic religion, and the ancient religion of the Roman and Greek peoples. In game terms, all pagan religions fall into one of two broad groups, with a few exceptions - the offensively-oriented Germanic, Hellenic (Greco-Roman), Tengri and Aztec faiths, and the defensively-oriented Romuva (Baltic), Slavic, Suomenusko (Finnish), African, and Bön (Tibetan) faiths. The Short Reign penalty is reduced to merely double the normal amount for Germanic pagans among the same Germanic faith, but Old Germanic pagans will have the full -45 penalty in addition to the heretic penalty. AI rulers will only convert same-group provinces However, stability is very low, and you have little control over your realm. Prisoners of different religions can be sacrificed for Piety. Also, as tech advances, rival feudal realms can take advantage to construct better buildings for greater economic and military power. It originated in ancient Greece and with the conquests of Alexander the Great and the Roman Empire, it would go on to become the dominant religion in the Mediterranean world until the rise of the Abrahamic religions, especially Christianity. All defensive pagans have access to Ancestor Worship & Choose Patron deity decision. Holy sites: Balkh, Gilgit, Lhasa, Purang and Khotan. 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